Show maglo pilo 11 lotion core meic ille pile botlon a positive cure for tins banu burns c tuf pinal painful swell ing In iu in for sale le at emery county mercantile mercal tile company 3 stores liable Mallel ilia lits lotion curea riles either external cr gr internal la in from 4 atos to 3 day days A N cocory coi ory bt 1141 scared of tile lodia it lease le on all grouch the get 1 34 11 ant grom gross ri ry yAlly lly mif mits Cr cronl antall if for far ber her colue in caville this aalt quoon I 1 I 1 I 1 r aia NO blell OF off kit ell I 1 we bar have inside crl arrangements with lib the perfect baking powder company to handle their goods la in thid section of the atlle etite we tell sell tin Is pound cane cans at 20 cent cents I 1 poun I 1 can cans at ri cent cents pound can cans at 71 centa cents I 1 pound can cans at 1 I 1 40 to prove out assertion that the perfect linking baking pow ter la Is what it claim claims to be we will return the pi ile ice of 0 any can that duct not give satisfaction emery county co effective feb fell 22 wt bound and feb reb ary eat east bounel A new tar will be ran between SL an 1 potti duj via missouri pacific fic D it 10 1 0 Us it 0 NV 0 H K L and 0 R N this car will leare leave st louis every tuesday Tae elay night light onirine at sill silt lake like city on train no I 1 every fridly Fri lity an I 1 leare leave salt bait lake city oa train nu nua 4 fr friday aday Af rivine at portland every sunday sanday inoru moru tug which will gire give passengers a ly lay over la in salt lake oty city of about tac ro lour eat east bonn bonus thu this weekly tea lt hl leare leave avary monday night arriving at ailt it like cayon cis y train no 4 every WL V daml ty arriving arri ying at st loui every SAt erday moraine morales B D R mcd agent new line of job printing locc we vvo delver work when premised the lift 13 19 sodir for flax riest mr wr jolin john 1 a well known stock dealer ot of pulaski ky icy says after offering suffering for over a week with flax flux and my 1 thyi lan cLin havi bevies a failed to r relieve I 1 11 ove me I 1 we was to try illa colic cholera and rem dy and nd bare hive lb ili ileaure rie of stating t that the half halt of 0 one attl cured me for lalo sale by ell all med loe acino dealer dealers abe e o hive hays h ays been no marr abit licenses issued in carbon county BO so far this month ahre 0 fredom doe the fault lie thin is s not leap year L ladle na I 1 thi carefully Car fully it bas has kin b til our desire dwire for a long aa time to 0 obtain a strictly high grad grade baking powder bat that we could a ell 11 reasonably and bare have at last i ibo the genuine brand named perfect we guarantee every ounce and trill will refund purchase money mo ate y it riot not entirely satisfactory emer emery C nuby herc malle C co I 1 slips 8 nielson who haa has b on employed at the bathlo II 11 aitel itel left yesterday for or huntington to vilt visit with ber her relative relatives for a few weeks noa A THIS tills we offer u 11 andred dollar dollars re rd for any cariot cass of catarrh that ran can a not ot be cured by hall a catarrh care cure F J imy thuly co props toledo 0 wr we tile hare have known F J chazey for the lait lut lj la bearis and be lieve hove lim him perfectly honorable hono raUe in all ba babaa laa aad financially able to carry out any gallon made by their fina firm west truax druggists toledo 0 walding Waldin fr hinian mintlo larv itil wholesale toledo 0 hall a catarrh cure is taken internally acting directly upon the ali blood and too ca as nt the steni ni price per botti sold by all tw tinion timon faU fals free 11 family pills are the beat new lock stock of brutin piper pipers let ter heads card cards ments nut to forth at salt bait llo LI LO prices write or call the s t royal ates ta fd per aad k 0 9 V alm W fr I 1 aa I 1 O 0 4 14 |