Show effective at roond trip ticket vs tl IL Q G W will be old from price westbound boand only dimitra forten forteney for days at t rate or of one fare n and a halt for the f round t trip B it R mcdonald Mr Donald agent T tw cr CST forever To rever tk T li I 1 badt it CL it ca tu to cue atut woi 1 1 N tons with Casear ets cthel of tift laa fortt W iss U rg CL faz money I 1 1 Ni egrie kitten electric bitten bitters is a medicine suited for any season bat let perhaps more genet goner ill ally ly needed when the languid exhausted feeling pre Tail when the liver ie Is torpid and sluggish alagi fb and the need ot of a tonic and is i felt A I 1 me cas of this medicine bae has often long ion and per hope hi fatal bilious ferer no median will act more purely in an I 1 frebine the from the malarial croul headache conati u pation dizzie Diz xima as yield to electric bit tera term and 11 1 W ij per bottle at emery county mercantile company com puny aft j A N as pa I 1 1 1 SUCH 1 we have mad made special arrangements arrange menta with the th perfect baking pow powder der company to beadle bandle their gool goods g ool la in thil this section of the state we ell sell tho the J pound co callis at 20 cents I 1 pound caw at W cente cents sa s1 pound can cans at t 73 cent cents 9 5 pound cau at t it 1 to to prove oar our assertion that the per act fact baking powder to 1 what hat it claims to be we trill will return the price ot of any can that doe tit not t 1 ire is also luto satisfaction luiere county mercantile co effective feb 22 west bound and fb feb try ry east bound A new now car will be run between st SL loni and port land td vis missouri pacific D b jl IL G R U W S L and 0 IL N ablis car wll leave bt st loni louis every tuesday night mines arriving at sell salt lake cit city Y on train no I 1 every friday ani leare leave salt lake city on train no U every irr feldy iday arriving at portland every sanday 1 inora morn anit which will give 1 passengers pa wenger a lay over in bait salt lake city of boot twelve bo bonn eat east bound thin weekly tourist car will leare learl portland portion 4 every monday night arriving at bait salt lake city on train no 4 every wednesday arriving at bt st lonia louts every saturday morning D R mcdonald Ut Donald agent thi the utah church ana od farm of salt lake city la is now published by iq the church and farm company as a an independent I 1 joara journal 0 id to pages tw I 1 CA a month mouth and cont alna 1103 besides the cream of farm 11 Ilter tera ator tare the sermons erco ool and d dl Is coord of the presidency and apostles and interesting missionary new news of ibe mormon church under it its new man argement it la is published wt at SU centa cents a year we can club church and farm w with ith thia this paper at 1 I 1 53 23 a year cash in to adva advance noo feyd lask rrth tk the food yr pen iral ir bl aa I 1 REA t 4 N wo I 1 0 r W p 4 AW age II 11 V |