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Show THE THUNDERBIRD MONDAY NOVEMBER 16, 1987 PAGE s Xv f 'M$r f ' t2 V r . & ; s t rtf' f ' j: fc MONDAY NIGHT: ALL FOOD ITEMS HALF PRICE! GET EVERYONE Booster Clubs IN THE SPIRIT! Organizations HATS Teams SWEATS JACKETS GREAT FUND RAISERS! ( & RQLLGCilAPITICS. INC. ru COME SEE US IN OUR NEW LOCATION: 95 WEST HARDING AVE. CEDAR CITY 586-942- 6 ! v ttllfeiiitMrtllil To InijTfiite y rom 1 tnj Tim e PLEIADES TRAVEL IHiERUATIOrJAL LET US HELP YOU GET A GREAT DEAL ON A HOLIDAY PLAN 432 NORTH MAIN STREET, CEDAR Ann Bruce, (top), the former Miss SUSC, performs the talent she used earlier at the Miss Utah pageant for Friday's festivities. Julie Cook, (bottom) begins her reign as the new Miss SUSC. From the left are attendants Staci Roberts, Arlene Snow, Cook, Katherine Olsen, and Mary Lee Pearson. Cook chosen Miss SUSC Olsen (continued from page 1) earlier on Friday and awarded at the pageant before the announcement of the new royalty. Audra Kasparian was awarded Miss Photogenic by pageant photographer Max Bonzo. Mamie Madsen earned dual awards for Thunderbird spirit and best interview. Katherine received first place for swimsuit, and Pearson was named Miss Congeniality by the other women in the pageant. Runners-u- p to Cook were, Olsen first, Arlene Snow second, Pearson third and Staci Roberts, fourth place. Other participants were Patti Esplin and Susan Topham. DR. fl.F. RICH. OPTOMETRIST 60 NORTH MAIN 25 586-888- 1 DISCOUNT ON ALL SERVICES AND MATERIALS TO STUDENTS, FACULTY AND STAFF AND THEIR FAMILIES, YEAR ROUND. FRIENDLY, CARING, EXPERIENCED, WITH COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CITY 506-330- 0 5 |