Show if '4 I ’ v A V — fa t- s "OW ' IkC r f u V 4 A - She calls herself a rainbow maker Anyone who wants to see her display of color and water need only walk out into the crisp morning air of Logan and onto the Utah State University quadrangle She’ll gladly set the gushers shooting into the slanting rays of the 6 am sun The rainbow maker is Sand Duncan a member of the groundskeeping crew She is the only female on the USU grounds staff which is responsible for 331 acres of lawn trees shrubs and thousands of fresh flowers Sandy is the first female ever hired by the university for groundskeeping duties and as far back as the supervisory staff can remember she is the only girl ever to apply for the crew Her specific duties involve setting the sprinkler system each day on various stretches of lawn and keeping the sprinkler heads in operating condition Other names she has chosen for herself are at f i Female groundslieeper talies pride in malting rainbows on the Quad “Flower Girl” “Water Boy” “Irrigation Engineer” and an eight hour shift from am until 12 noon she plans her routine so the powerful sprinklers that cover the Quad go on as the morning sun breaks over the Wasatch Mountains and tumbles onto the arched plumes of water From special angles the dozen gushers break into an array of color Sandy fell into her job as rainbow maker quite by chance A graduate of Northern Colorado University at Greeley with a bachelor’s degre in French Miss Duncan taught for two years in the Cheyenne Wyoming school system She also attended the University 4 Working of Wyoming for two years “Public schools are too structured ” the USU employee explained “I like kids and what they can give me but the structured school setup does not allow children to really communicate and give I left Cheyenne with the intention of teaching again” She moved to Logan because “it’s she said The last beautiful here” four years in the mountain valley com -m unity have helped Sandy learn a lot about herself her goals and her relations with other people She worked for a time in the vegetable canneries near Logan She also tried working as a clerk in a grocery store just off campus The market was torn down for campus expansion and Sandy was looking for another job She describes her first meeting with the now retired director of the Physical Plant Harold Wadsworth as rather startling -- - for him After a pause to consider the request Mr Wadsworth’s answer was “Why not give it a whirl?” “He was much more accepting than I thought he would be” Sandy said So in the Spring of 1970 Sandy joined an all -- male work force The directorship of the Physical Plant has changed but the attitude toward this young woman has not The new director Val Peterson who recently offered Miss Duncan a full -- time contract said “I don’t recall girls ever being in the positions predominantly done by men but I would not hesitate to hire any girl if she is as qualified as Sandy and can do her work as well” Letter to the Editor: Computer major co-auth- receives grant t i Friends I am writing in regard to a previously overlooked but serious problem The concern lies with our Box Elder trees It seems that these pillars of strength and beauty in our campus plant community are suffering from leaf deformation One can observe at various times of the year different symptoms which become more apparent each year One may see irregularly shaped margins and extensive browning of the Box Elder leaves 24-- D affects only broad leafed plants and is usually used in controlling broad -- leafed annual and perennial weeds such as dandelions This particular compound has no effect on grass which makes it highly valuable in controlling broad -leafed weeds in lawns This then is why the university lawn crews have been using the herbicide so extensively on the Quad and Old Main Hill areas My purpose is not to question so much the use of the herbicide but rather the way in which it is used Do the lawn crews really have to be so careless in lawn applications as to spray the Box Elder trees too? I do not think so Perhaps a better plan of approach to the can found be problem 24-- -- D Perhaps some clue to a solution to the problem lies in It is quite possible that the grounds the mode of spraying keepers are spraying with high pressures in their hoses causing a fine mist to form instead of the larger droplets This mist can be swept by an aimless wind carried further than the larger droplets which are created by lower pressures course this is only one explanation but there may be others Nevertheless I believe something must be done about this problem and done quickly before the fall spraying insues Lawn crews should get together and figure out what needs to be done This problem was quite evident last year no and needs debate Above all care and for sight should be exercised in the future I would also assume that many of my fellow students are interested in these “close to home” problems even though the administration may not have noticed it or feel that it is part of a yearly cycle of foliage Of damage Think about it neighbor "Ts Jack Staub V y $ 7 4 ' 1 A' “Tennis ” Wayne Pearce tennis coach at Brigham Young University and a brother of the USU of the staff member is publication Miss Pearce received her bachelors degree from the University of Utah before completing a masters program at Washington State University She joined the faculty at USU in 1957 “Tennis” applies selected principles of programmed learning to the development of tennis Bruce Collet the son of Mr and Mrs Celdar L Collet of Lethbridge Alberta Canada has been awarded a $3500 fellowship grant by the University of Illinois He will complete requirements for a bachelors degree at Utah State University this summer His major is computer science The grant is provided by one of the large national public ac- group 8 pm to a meditation Wednesday at at 730 Southwest Street HELP - LINE — 7 52 -- 3964 every day from 7 pm to 1 am CLASSES END - The last of classes will be August 1 to 2 Imiim )?M a word por issus 3 issues $05 a word por issus 4 or moro iwuw $04 a word por issue Cash in advance or chock mailed with od No ads placed by phone Deadline: Tuesday 3 before date desired Lest Found Free to Students I pm custom built take particular speakers pride in our speakers All types of stereo’s repaired Call Dave STEREO Repairs post We Dr Dean F Peterson dean of the College of Engineering at Utah State University has accepted an invitation to serve on the US Agency for International Allen 752-03- 84 WANT TO SELL - Kodak 134 camera Call Insta-mat- 752-55- ic 91 or Ext 7435 Development’s Research Advisory Committee The committee’s role in international affairs is to review research proposals evaluate ongoing activities and provide guidance on the formulation of research policy The committee is responsible for aiding USAID in assuring the fullest possible utilization of research results Over the life of the program AID has invested about $100 million in about 150 research projects “We expect research to play an expanding role in our total foreign assistance effort” the AID administrator said CACTUS CLUD Monday nite is Amateur Nite for ajj GoGo Girls Girls: Come and do your own thing ar Summer Staff Pam Taylor Ted G Hansen Rennie Bott Faculty member book co-autho- practices Transcendental itation is welcome to come Ratos: Engineering Dean 10-ye- who Med- skills counting firms and no services of the recipient In addition to the grant tuition and fees for the year have been waived RAC MEDITATORS - Anyone or are required takes On Campus rs Janice Pearce assistant professor of physical education at Preston Peterson - i W " 7s M Editor Photographor DusinooSf Circulation Roportor day 20 |