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Show BUY rno.M SAUNA DONT SEND AWAY SUN ADVERTISERS SUPPORT HOME IT WILL PAY! INDUSTRY! THIRTEENTH YEAR SAUNA, UTAH, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1931 Wedding Reception Is Big Social Event COMPLIMENT UY DINNER, Mr. I.'ula Martin, MU Grace Gardner and MU Flgia Bingham were NO. 21 nit i he fatal to Wolves Get Setback Injuries ei.ixt ram. DlVlSlOfl Plflll who before li.rjTflX wa Ruth Mi, marriage Tueday Scorup, wa the motif for many o- j ial event during la,-- week. Thur Mr. Jorph Clegg, By Richfield Quint; .Que Jorgensen, 19 Is Threshed Ou!. -. charming hotrn-- , at a dinner party Thursday evening of last nk, comday evening memlsr of the Sunday to M , Fffie Kobiiinon j backet-hal- l Amid a galaxy of beautiful fiord plimentary 19 of Going ngaint Richfield j;, preaenlative from tnoie ii,.n Que Jorgenen, year agejhwl rlai entertained at a delight, Minn Beauregard, who and "'1 engager team of .t,,p and who out of about 127 rural eommtod- suffered ekull la! fractured decoration-.120, Thursday evening gleaming fjelric light ment had been announced for laM a week with a great handicap, the Sal while at work In bay at Itedmond r" Game, I the state, vojeed their appruv of j and mr than 2w hnry and joyful Saturday. The dinner party wa giv- ina Wolverine took a barp defeat Monday, died at the Salina hospital time and a dainty Iunchm wire theLj t,f u, introduced in t feature. Friday evening (.Kihbltuw j,y j, K. Itenth, to guet, thi' wedding reception Under en at the Martin home, covera being f Mm the county neater, the score for shortly fier ten oclock Thursday d by Mr. and Mr. Jocph Clrg,' laid for sixteen guet. Following the! lh fi(laU , of the primary ari:itiin, tt,n f the ga tax tl(, vjf. morning. Immeliatrly after the ac elaborate dinner , of Mr. Clegg, were cardl,,, .int progressive ciib-nt wllh jx Bojnt. MVrr t0 thc inrorHirated ritii an I the (toy wa taken to the hoTuesday evening at the Second ward rrjl(t at an evening affair at tleijrtWU( proved the enjoyable patime. k.,L u,. lht fart lhat T;id Sir. unfwnaC,olw ronjttio(1 jn recreational hall proved one .f the game ,u,j hearing held at In the card contest favor were wn t!l(l ,,wiflr,.t "tiny left 'Bmj f,th,.r than n few minute he re home of Mr. Mile Curfew. A clever th, nllt, f tAh Tu. inlay evening ef moat and successful ocial by Mi .. Mina forward, in the Iveimra ThompM.n, state, i confined to ntaiticd in a state of ccma until be Valentine idea wa carried out in thi wck. The tneaute, if it evtnta htl.l thi winter. Mr. and Mr. Beauregard and Ralph Brown. Cut hi homo decoration and apimintment. recovering from a had a law, will afford rural town uni Clegg were united in marriage at ide guest attending the dinner party wound on hi hip !at week, the bgame were feature for the citie tu share in the tax, the mmi), URrle, llyrurn Jorgensen ocial hour. At the luncheon, nerved.. the Manti temple Tuesday morning were Mr. and Mr. Don Kenny and cn were handicap, wd and were un on local irIn(t derived to he rt,Uhin of lh ,t at a late hour, cover were laid for Ltr,Ht)t Mi Lenora Thompson of Richfield able to hold their antagonist down. and noon returned to Sulina. Tin main lr,.UK,,t ou, ,t thl, from a Mark ont9 Bt,rk hay the guet of honor, her aUer. Mi- Son nson. it U reported, will likol (h t!l ut. m,.,.llnjr thll Ulo room of the chapel were throw ii WB(rnBf UMinf a ,,.rrit k. unr, Mr. and Mr. D. C, Gibson of Help- be out of the e Ellen and Edith Neorup, Mr. Carl citioB game for the re,1 of the of h mu(, H, ,K(). lth,r hjJ to the guest and throughout there er, were among the guest from out ,ea,on. Mr. Lida Black, Mr. hal thc of the derrick arm, and a Chritenrn, h,.!j( ir jwtakne L. G Lron Mr. Nonal Crane, Mr. were jardenit-with beautiful flow side point attending the wedding reThe Wolves, however, with the b n ,naki)ljr it moorings, they from u.,tr Bave way em Ivu Mix Claud OiritrKtMn9 ception held Tuesday evening by Mr. of their "ace" er drooping enchantingly. .1. M.me o,.,H.Mtion wa of- player, put up a stiff )ol!ed nt Que to get away. Que, be. Mi and Mr. Jooseph Clegg, bride and Mi Thelma Fjy ami had the Richfield Mr. and Mr. Clegg were station game, ran confused, ,l immediately MickeUn and Mr. Curfew. groom of the week. with might and main. R. d. r the falling timlwr ami the hug ed at the front of the stage, and in road men of the capital city who evfront were three large vase holding Jenen, substituting for Sorenson, an I nm struck the boy on the back of idently do n't rare for the develoo-- , , Ere Christemwn, were the stellar the head, cutting a deep gah and Scotch ment of the state road, and who d. pink pussy willow, heather and plumoHa. The barkground player for the local. Jensen rcoring' n :tri uring the kull. His condition not care a mite about any place oth . was a charming effect, potted ferns, eight while Christensen plugged 7 wa such that little could I done than Fait latke City. W. D. RI h I, Okerluml, left guard, was also show-'fo- r rosebud and Valentine hearts, bring him and he lingered until death Utah Slate A'Jtfl- !nw,naRrr for Ing good, landing five pointa for hi, relieved his sufferings. mobile aoriutinn, wa a strong op- ing an attractive picture. In the re tnn1- to the divii n of the gM reiving line with the bride and groom Que Jorgensen was horn at Red were Mr. I. C. Cibson, an aunt to nnl that tl- Tonight the local quint will enter- - mml 19 year ago. He was the son When the national forest were Complextitie of money mutter.,' ' the bride, Mr. Ellen Humphrey, first the Memln-tain at Sevier North riotou. .f gymnasium, j of ( hr . Jorgensen, the stockman desertion of husband gentleman got placed under administration, . by two flighty 'the state road Bona w grandmother to the bride, Mi commission, consideration was centered The Wayne county farmer hnve lawn ami banker. Some few years ago the greatest Clegg, sister to the groom, and Mar-de- around the natural resources, forage putting up some clay playing and! family removed to Ephraim, where wive, postponement of a wedding numltered among the opponent a of the bill, II. II. Blood, chairman of Scorup, Mis Ellen Scorup. bro- and jmber crops, upon the utiliza- the bout tonight should be interesting. they have resided. The remains were and a galaxy of other stirring ew-n-t ther and sister to the bride. Follow, tion of which busy that organization, voicing a strong hundreds of pioneer It Friday, the 15th," said a play- - taken to Kphraim where interment will keep thc theatre-goer- s t1 hoodoo may be luckta will lie held. ing the extending cf felicitations by communities were wholly dependent or guessing the outcome of the play, wntimenl against the rural eommunithe two hundred guest to Mr. anl for their economic existence. us at least we will try our best.' tieH hharin,f in th "Chicken Feed" to be presented hi Mrs. Clegg, a brief program was givIn addition to the two games to he Mayor Jo,m p k,wmnn pf ,qait Faced with new financial J. T. Crane left Friday for the Second ward recreational Mr. hall'uk n,y Mnyor in,y of 0p,,pnt en, and included the following numwrites Chief Forester It Y. played, a Valentine dancing party will Salt Iaikc. She will viit for several IS. Too ' representatives from lrioe, Inysnn, bers: Solo, Jas. C. Jensen; violui Stuart in a memorandum to forest of- lie held following the basketball play, days with her daughter, Miss Ada Wednesday evening, February short tall:, solo, A. C. Willard.son; practically every community in ficers, Congress stressed the neces- Klalmrate plan hnve been outlined for) Crane. Mr. Crane motored to the city curtain will raise on one of thc Bishop G. M. Burr; vocal solo, Miss sity for making the forest substan- the dance and a big crowd is expected Monday and lie i looking after bui-t- tiest settings seen here for some tale, got squarely bark of the Fae Herbert; artistic dancing, Miss be communities," said I. H. thweek thi the until matters and from runtry start present. time, tially Naturally, thcc Mad-ea Echo Mae Anderson and Miss Blanche circumstances influenced who represented Salma t WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaa 111 ireVC"iVVVVVVVruiJi finish there will be laugh, and plon-- , both the f Mattsson; solo, Miss Beth Nielson. hearing. Franklin T. Nelson thought and management policies of ty of them. A domestic entanglement attendant was also who an Dancing was enjoyed during the the service. Redmond, when arises a parental quarrel remainder of the evening and at Now conditions have now develop started over the marriage of a daugii- - t the hearing, cxpresed himself ns the guests enjoyed a light ed, new concepts of the service of forter, and when the nuitcr has been highly pleased with the sympathy luncheon of cake and ice cream. discovered withholding money on an shown fur the movement by the ests have gained wide acceptance. Mrs. Clegg is the daughter of the The xdiry. The quarrel also gressive element of the state. growth of leisure time, good late Mr. and Mrs. James H. Scorup. road discloses and means of independent that other were withhold- several iThe parents passed away IRuMorLD K DELTA, have new a created aping payments and that fhd.Ooo had transportation Under the caption, Political Sports- with the most bitter Republican foe been invested in apparent worthless years ago, and since that time she preciation of the value of outdoor c. A. Brigham, the efficient has made her home with her grand- recreation; have given a new social men Busy," the Daily Herald, Logan, of Mecham. Thc melee keeps up through ager for the Salina branch of the The commissioner was not present out the mother, Mrs. Ellen Humphrey. Mrs. and economic significance to the gives a lengthy article, and incidenplay and there are many fea-- ! Bonneville Lumber company, has been he had not been invited. His sportsma- turcs that will Clegg graduated from North Sevier scenic, inspirational and recreational tally scores the bunch of sports" who surely bring out the advised that he had been named to high school with the class of 1925. qualities of the national forests. To are seeking the scalp of J. Arthur nship-loving antagonists in his ab- aughs. assume charge of the Delta yards un I Eater she entered the B. Y. U. at hundreds of communities in or near Mfham, fish and game commissioner sence placed all the sins of the deThe cast, as announced, will include offices. Mr. Brigham exacts to Provo, majoring iru arts for two the national forests, service to visit- of Utah. The Herald does not mince partment on his shoulders, the following: Jim Bailey will be for ,is new place about the first f the fact he had only held of- represented by Reed Thorpe; Annie,' years. She spent a period as mission- ors now ranks equally in economic Its words one iota, and declares the the corning week. Who Mr. Brigham's ary in the Canadian fields for th: importance with the industrial use or method being used to oust Mecham fice for a very brief period. Bailey, by Mrs. E. C. Wright; Luella successor will be has not as yet been L. D. S. church, returning last spring. manufacture 0f natural Many of the delegates had never Isigan, Mrs. F. O. Bullock; Hugli resources. a political bunk," or words near that ,js(.,,s,,i Manager Brigham came to lie seems to an annual It effect. event, Mecham. Their first impression met Mrs. Clegg, while a resident of SalH. B. Crandall; Danny Fester, Salina some five me nths ago. and d Logan, Many millions of citizens now reina, has been most active in church gard the inspirational and recreation- the same as the outings staged by of him was given them by those who Nell Bailey, Mrs. D. ing his short business career he h Ieterson; asked for his political and social work and her popularity al service of the forests as coordinate the combined clubs in Salt Lake coun- Herodias-lik- e Burgess; Chester Logan, Golden made a splendid record and assoc-atMecham is being at- head in a charger. Moved by the oily usual as and ty, won for her hosts of warm friends in Mr. Tevis, A. C. Prows; business men will regret to learn of with their material proChristiansen; imjiortance who will join in wishing her happi- ducts and industrial uses. And now tacked without any apparent motive oratory of his accusers they voted to Judge McLean, Dr. Swindle; Osea, his transfer. for political purposes. Outside ask the state executive to oust ness and prosperity. Loren Cushing; Miss Johnson, PhyllisCongress, while not unmindful of the only Lake count y and close-bof Salt nais a immediately. Joseph Clegg, the groom, cash returns, gives increasing considMiss Stena Scorup, prin-- ! Jorgensen. Since then there have been incestive of Utah, and was born in Utah eration to the broad social and eco- sections, Mecham is being boosted and of Sevier high school, is North cipal county. He graduated from the Brig- nomic returns from the national for- from many communities fish and sant rumblings of unrest. It broke out directing the play. game clubs have sent in strong reso- publicly again about a year ago when ham Young university with honors ests. Members of the LProgrcsso club of last week, presid'd over a lutions deploring the Mecham attacks political game wardens who owe their and the Salina Lions club are spontea at the Ellen Humphrey and is now regarded as one of the and insisting that he again be named jobs to the former game commissionhome Saturday afternoon of list progressive farmers in his communChicken MARRIED AT PROVO. of the presentation the governor, and that the affa'r er assisted in electing David Madsen soring week. Flowers in pastel shades and ity, Vineyard. The marriage of Miss Dorothy by Feed." clear the be of asthe of state stigma. political were used for decorations in th-kept ferns Mr. and Mrs. Clegg left Thursday Crane, president sportsmens popular member of the junior The Heralds article follow-?- : sociation. ing living rooms, the color scheme morning for Vineyard, where they class of North Sevier, and youngest camone the Another of Now come Mechams periodical opponents make their home. Friday night daughter of Mrs. Rose Crane, to will pink and white. The serving table to put the skids under J. Ar- charging, for lack of something else, Godfrey Lorentzen, father of Miss wag coven.,i wjth a white damask they will hold a reception at their Robert Dennison of Mayfield, took paigns comVera and fish been Lorentzen, received the an- - (.Ioth an, centered with a low bo. I he a thur Mecham, has never that game sportsman, Jiome and it is expected that 200 or place Wednesday, February fourth, at missioner of Utah, has broken out that he has been a nouncement of the marriage of his manfinancial poor more will attend that function. Mrs. Provo. The announcement came as a butterfly sweet peas in a pink cam- ager, that he is employing several daughter to John 11. Darling of Idaho cold these Like a bad fern. again. the surprise to the many friends of Mr. shade, freesia and maiden-hai- r Ellen Humphrey accompanied and ir- members of his family in the depart- Falls, Idaho. The ceremony was per-- 1 jijnk tapiers in crystal holders were at flare up regular paigns north. newlyweds and Mrs. Dennison. The ceremony intervals. Always the same ment, and that he has been unable formed at Logan, February 4th, and pj.lced nt either end of the table, and was witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. Shar-li- regular click of little politicians to get loyal cooperation from his em- the Darlings will make their home at;tiny cryHtal holders with red candle: The primary of the Second ward Harward of Provo, close friends in ployees. Idaho Falls. Mrs. Darling was born wpre used as favors. Assistin'? the be to found the are held a ward conference at the chapel of the bride and groom. During the inmore and the movement, feeding the J. Arthur Mecham has always grew to young womanhood in Sal- - hostess in entertaining the guests Sunday evening. The several classes remainder of the school year Mrs. nocent ina." She attended the schools of this wcre Mrs. Leon Humphrey, Mis tales with fanciful not been a but a sportsmen sport sportsman, participated in an interesting pro- Dennison will remain in Salina, comAnd and of He or never law violator. a leaving North Sevier the last (n scoruPf Miss Fac Herbert, carriis extravagance. inefficiency gram. Stake officers of the primary pleting her junior year. few of her senior year. She Fawn Mickelson and Miss i lith months David shadow' of the Madsen, his in bait a bottle. always attended from Redmond, Aurora and school activities and in Scorup. in was is seen former commissioner, While the expenses of the departpopular Salina. FOR MATRONS CLUB. ment may be slightly higher, it should church circles, and her many friends; Mrs. Frederick Peterson entertainWould that the legislature could not be forgotten that the present extend congratulations and host wish- - OFFICERS FOR LPROGRErSO POPULAR SCHOOL TEACHER ed Saturday evening for the members eliminate politics from fish and game practice of rearing fish to large size e, for long h.,w w,l,M ,N SATURDAY MKT MARRIED AT PARAGONAH of the Young Matrons bridge club. affairs of the state just as it is trying before planting naturally has increas- Dinner was served by the hostess at to do with thc courts and the schools! ed the cost of fish production. Under Miss Pearl Jensen, who is attend-- ; Mrs. E. C. Wright was chosen In the meantime, it is hoped that; the old plan of planting fry. ninety ling a school of beauty culture in Salt1 Miss Effie Robinson, popular teach- eight oclock, and later tables were in course the r the Dem and other state jdent of the LTrogres?o club for tbcent or more were lost. Since the 'Lake, has completed game. evenings er in the Salina junior high school, arranged for with into! an won and Honors Mrs. were Fletcher hair concerned be not passed cials been by dressing ensuing year, at the regular yearlv stampeded and Mina Beauregard, were married adopted, ninety present plan has Miss fish-o- f Dortest. Jensen consolation recent and in Miss to Peterson a business mooting, held Saturday at the saved the of been for the cent have of home grade the opponents per doing brides parents biddings at the will take the state test to be given the home of Mrs. A. C. Willardson. the present commissioner, but al- erman. at Paragonah Saturday afternoon. is Erdman. Mrs. Jesse Thornell was named vice- low him to remain to build a real One daughter of Mr. Mecham in the early spring. Bishop T. W. Jones of the Paragonah D. Mrs. came Elizabeth not the for should cereand in office. fish This works his Humphrey president and Mrs. Charles Nelson, game department ward, officiated at the wedding M. for D. left down Lake Salt from the! Mecham can Wednesday this This of under Commissioner state. in to be Ajidcrsnn a few offensive secretary, to serve as officers ef the Monday of the and anyone mony, presence intimate friends and relatives. Fol- week to attend the marriage of Miss do if he will immediately start a present conditions in the state capitol Salt Lake and on his return from the erganization with Mr?. Wright. Other g and surround or city and county offices throughout north today he will be accompanied committees selected were musk lowing the marriage ceremony a wed- Ruth Scorup to Joseph Clegg. She is thorough week-en- d Mrs. Frank Thurston, and Mrs. until the is whose sole and with and wardens Mr. state. It seems to be a general by his daughter, Miss Thelma Ander-!tohimself was tendered remaining loyal ding reception s Mrs. Beauregard and during the eve- the guest at the home of Mrs. Ellen interest shall be to improve fish and practice to employ all the relatives son, who is convalescing from injur- - Don C. Merrill chairman of the Mrs. automo-with recent a in for received committee 1932, she gram game management in Utah, rather possible. ning many friends gathered to ex- Humphrey. than to play politics. "The most serious mistake made by bile accident in Salt Lake City. Argus McDonald and Mrs. Thur?toa tend felicitations to the newlyweds as memliers. During the session a r- -Miss Arah Lee Wilson and her broMost Utahns vividly remember the Mecham has been his accepting and for a long and happy married life. C. A. Brigham, local manager for port of the years activities and Mr., and Mrs. Beauregard returned ther, Joseph Wilson, of Loa, left Mon- poor display of sportsmanship of Me- retaining in office the organization Bonneville Lumber company, re-- cmnplishments was made by the Me he when two turned over to him two, years ago to Salina years ago nday afternoon and they day for California. They traveled by chams foes will tii close two motor of commissioner. and assumed had reside the Monday after a brief visit ident, Mrs. Franklin 0. Bullock. Mrs. here the former to until Any spend charge by they hardly plan accompanied James I. Rex was named of the school year, after which they visitirg at the home of Jesse Wilson department. At that time a meeting honest and department to Salt. Lake. He and associa-- head will be Unsuccessful trying to byson, who re-- ! chairman of arrangements for the will likely go to Gunnison where Mr. at Highland, Calif., and with near of the state fish annual club party to be given this over this tv-morning. until mained will all called. with of tion Los a from in business. relatives at appointees get along group Angeles. Delegates Beauregard engage was month. An elaborate luncheon different local associations were ask-- trained in a political school. They will Ben Williams of Salt Lake, was a served at five oclock by Mrs. ed to be in attendance, although no be loyal to the man responsible for E. C. Wright and Orval Clawson, hint was given as to the subjects to their appointment and to him only, of the Telluride office force, were guest Sunday at the honfe ofilardson, assisted by her daughters, Jewel and Mrs. August Peterson. Mr. and on last be discussed. The house business visitors at Scipio Wednesday. (Continued packed page) I1? , ! 1 I , aiqe-r-office- r ! h h-- tce m ltec-m-- c - - j u-- d on r Ay , Ni.-lon- forest Recreation row-bud- fully Recognized rnr InifllPn FppH CU : ! J n.-nt j r t, n J 'u , j d pret-'an- tp o m-- g. ten-thir- 00 n, Q a Logan Newspaper Takes Rap At Mechams Political Enemies ty i s. r.mn-bond- ; notwith-stand'n- g dur-Bu- Me-cha- m y ! tret;-ssea- u j 1 n string-pullin- g ring-leade- rs EI-cit- . back-stag- I e. . NAjD pres-Govern- or offi-.pe- j I i diro.---th- I house-clean'n- r, pro-ie- 1 ; ac-th- 1 fair-minde- and-.gam- e j s d - 1 pres-turne- Mrs-fllrighti- -- s j 1 Wil-dinn- j j s j Ix-ui- e |