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Show 8, 10, ?f, TI3N. Sec. 34. Tf4N, RllW. ami Incidental domestic and purporae. 24831 George Lester Carson, Grouee sec.-ft- . Creek. Ut.; 2 for irrigation well bet. 43 and ISO use from a 16-Ift, deep at a point N. 139 ft. and E 0. TUN, 506 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. RI8W. The water will be ueed from Apr. 15 to Oct. I to irrigate 90 acres f hand embraced in S'4dWl4 Sec. 2; 3 Sec, 3; NV4 See. 10 and Ntf S', Sec. (I, TIIN. RlcW, and for year-roun- d incidental domestic sad purposes. 24976 Bryce CL Kirabert Grouee for irrigation use Creek, Ut.; 3 eec,-f- t; from a 16 in. well bet. 50 and 150 ft. 2112 9. s at ft and W. 66 deep point H. from NE Cor. Sec. 33. TION, RI8W. The water will be conveyed by earthen dltchee a distance of 5,280 ft. where it will be ueed from Apr. I to Nov. I to Irrigate 60 aerra of land embraced in raid Sec. S3, and for year-roun- d Ej SE4 g incidental purposes. 24977 Bryce C. Klmber, Grouee 5 sec .ft. for irrigation use Creek, Ut.; well bet. 30 and 150 ft. from a deep at a point S. 16 ft. and W. 66 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 33. TION, Ri8W. The water will be conveyed by earthen ditches a distance of 5.260 it. where it will be used from Apr. I to Nov. I to irrigate 80 acres of land egibraced in ENE4 said Sec. 33, and for year round incidental domestic and a stqck watering purposes. 24978 Merrill G. Kimber, Crouse for irrigation Use Creek, Ut.; 6 sec.-f- t. wells bet. 50 and 150 from two 16-Ift. deep at points and in amounts as follows: l S. 16 ft. and W. 1330 ft. from NE Cor. See. 333 sec.-ft- .; (2) S. 2640 ft and W. 1330 ft. from NE Cor Sec 333 eec.-ft- ., both in TION, RI8W. The water will be conveyed by earthen ditches s distance of 3,280 ft. where H will be commingled in aes and used from April I to Nov. I to irrigate 160 acres of land embraced in WjEH said Sec. 33. and for year round incidental domestic and etock watering purposes. 25104 Hughie L. Thompson, Crouse Creek. Ut.; 4 sec.-ft- . for irrigation Vse wells bet. 30 and 100 from two 16-ift deep at points and in amounts follows (1) S. 25 ft. and W. 2100 ft. from NE Cor Sec. 9 2 sec.ft.; (2) S. 25 ft. and W 1900 ft. from NE Cor. sec.-ft- ., Sec. both in TION, R18W. The water will be diverted from the wells into open ditches where it Will be commingled at a point S. 7) ft. And W. 2100 ft. from NE Cor. said Sec. 9. and used from Apri. 1 to Oct. I to irrigate 200 acres of land embraced In EV said Sec. 9. and for year-rounincidental domestic and purposes. 25105 1454 Mrs. Enmsn. Veryl West 6th South, Salt Lake City, Ut.; 5 sec.-f- t. for irrigation use from a well bet. 35 and 100 ft. deep at a point S. 1490 ft. and E. 200 ft. from NW Cor Sec. 22, TIIN. RI8W. The water will be used from Apr. 13 to Oct. I to irrigate 200 acres of land emSec. braced In W!,WK,. NENWU 22, TIIN, RI8W, and for year-roun- d incidental domestic and purposes. Protests resisting the of granting any of the foregoing applications, with reasons therefor, must be In affidavit form, with extra copy and filed with the State Engineer. 403 Stats Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before December II, 1953. 4 Joseph M. Tracy, STATE ENGINEER. Published in the Box Elder News, Brigham Cky, Ut. from Oct. 14 to Nov. embraced In RllW. for 7 Box Elder NEWS Brigham City. Utah Wednesday, November 11, For Rent or Lease 19S3 FOR RENT Heated, apartment. Call unfurnished. 905. O For Sale FOR SALE Dry, line barnyard fertilizer. Ideal for lawns and flowers. Also rich mountain & hold soil. Phone 1189. Nll-ch FOR RENT Strictly modern fur nished apartment Automatic heat and hot water. TV antenna. Adults only. 112 East Forest FREE DELIVERY on $10 order FOR RENT Furnished aparta p p 1 es. ments. One ground floor and Potatoes, onions one upstairs. Electric stoves. squash, etc. FRUIT ZONE, Ph. 0381 R5. Reasonable 95 north Second west. Phone 375-J- . FOR SALE CE electric range, full size, perfect condition. E. FOR RENT 5 room house, modH. Hancey, S40 south First ern. 545 south Fifth east. Inh east, phone 114-R- . quire same address on Wednesday, Nov. 11. FOR RENT 3 room furnished apartment Ground floor. Ph. 1953 WILLYS 328-M- SEDAN $500 . Furnished apt in new home. 476 south First east. Phone 270-Adults FOR RENT DEMONSTRATOR discount BUNDY MOTOR only. PULP RIGHTS Highest prices paid for pulp rights. Draw money any time. Dee Selman, Tremonton, Ph. FOR SALE Used wringer wash3024. thru New born calves. ing machine. Good shape. Call WANTED f 583, or see at 71 North Main. Heifers preferred. Ph. 0280-R' COMPANY 0-2- 1 ; v Lost and Found 1937 and 1938 CHEVROLETS ' 1 LOST Triangle shape key ring with seven keys. Call 1149. t Your Choice For Sale $69 BUNDY MOTOR LEGAL NOTICES FOR SALE Pontiac potatoes. Also hay and straw. Francis Cook. South Willard. Phone NOTICE . 1952 CHEVROLET DELUXE Radio, Heater, Powerglide. Priced Below Market BUNDY MOTOR COMPANY Service Offered MILK Grade A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM DELIVERED TRY IT SUPERIOR Phone DAIRY 504 CACHE VALLEY BREEDING FOR SALE ' COMPANY 0I95-J2- Livestock Four large holstein heifers. Take all four for $600 or will sell individually. C. B. Wiliams. Ph. 6 or 714. LIVESTOCK As- sociation provides the best Holstein, Jersey, and Gurnsey sires for artificial insemination service. Phone Carroll Hall. 92 north Fourth west. Ph. 1163. : WILL HAUL dry barnyard manure. Call Burt L. Johnson, 0384-Jafter 5 p. m. 3 - servicing by local authorized dealer. Call Delbert F. Gibbey at 1054-R- . ELECTROLUX News-Journ- TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received by the State Road Commisvion of Utah, State Capitol, Sait Lake City, Utah, No until 2 o clock p m , Tuesday at that time vember 24, 1953, and publicly opened for construction of a Box Elder Gravel Surfaced Road in County, the same being that section of FAS Route No. 8 from I 2 Miles F.A S, of the Jet of Northeasterly Route No 6 with S. R. 83 northeasFederal identified as to Penrose, terly 11. Aid Secondary Project No. The length of road to be constructed or improved is 3 467 miles, and the principal items of work are approximately as follows: 30,500 Tons of Gravel and 18,001) Cu. Yds. of Imported Borrow. reof bidders is Prequahfication quired Prior to any bidder s receiving will be plans and specificatons, it necessary that the bidder have on file of with the Utah State Department Engineering, completed and approved, the required Prequalification Statement experience pertaining to contractor s and financial condition. di bidders is The attention of directed to the Special Provisions covering subletting or assigning the contract The minimum wage paid to all skillcontract ed labor employed on this shall be $2 125 per hour The minimum wage paid to all inlabor employed on this termediate contract shall be $1 70 per hour. The minimum wage paid to all unskilled labor employed on this contract hall be $1 60 per hour. The attention of bidders is directed to the iact that this Commission has been advised by the Wage and Hour U. S Department of Labor, Division, that contractors engaged in highway construction work are required to meet the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, 52 Stat. 1060). Plana and apecifications are on file in the office of the State Road Commission. Salt Lake Crty. and the office of its District Engineer at Ogden, Utah where they may be reviewbidders. Specificaed by prospective tions. proposed forms, and plana will Lake City, on deSait furnished at be positing $2 00, which anil be refunded; submits an acceptabidder providing ble bid ami returns the plans wilhtn seven days after the opening of bids. Each bidder must submit a letter from an approved surety company guaranreteeing to furnish said bidder with quired bond. The right to reject any reserved. all bids is or Cash, certified check, oashiera check, or approved proposal guarantee bond for not less than five per cent of fcal amount of bid made payable to the State Road Commission must accompany each bid as evidence of good faith and a guarantee that if awarded the contract, the bidder will execute the contract and furnish contract bond as required. Any ' additional information may be seured at the office of the State Road Commission. Youll be surprised at the excellent results classified ads secure. Dated this 1953. NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to change Elder appropriate water in Bax County, State of Utah, throughout the entire year, and all locations being from SLB&M, unless otherwise designated Ta Changes L. a. 2756 Hughle Thompson, Crouse Creek, Ut. proposes to change the point of diversion and place of of water, as evidenced use of 2 sec.-l- t. by Application No. 24238. The water has been diverted from a well at a point S. 360 ft. and W. 30 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 28. TUN. RI8W. and used from Apr. 13 to Oct. to Irriin 100 of embraced acres land gate Sec. EVtNE, SW4NEV4. 28, Tl IN. RI8W. Hereafter, It is proposed to divert 2 sec. ft. of water well from a 16-ibet. 30 and 106 ft. deep at a point S. 25 ft. and W. 2300 ft. from NE Cor from Sec. 9, TION, RI8W, and use April 15 to Oct. I to Irrigate 100 acres of land embraced in E said Sec. 9. To Appropriates 24635 Delbert E. Cook, RD No. 2. for irriBrigham City, Ut.j 0.5 ec.-f- t, gation use from an open drain at 861 S. 2900 E. and ft. ft. from point NW Cor. Sec. 2. T7N. R2W. From the drain the water will be diverted through pipe and ditch a distance of 75 ft. when it will be used from Mar. 15 to Nov. I to Irrigate 37 acres of land embraced In SW14NWL4, NW14 and NEU SWtf Sec 2 and SE'4 Sec. 3, T7N. R2W. 24707 Ukon Water Company, Fieldfor municipal use ing, Ut.; 0 3 sec.-ft- . to be developed by open drains and perforated pipe placed in three devel oped spring arras in Cottonwood Creek drainage at points and in amounts as follows: SPRING AREA No. I Be. ginning at point of collection located N. 78 deg. 05 min. W. 1652 ft. from SE Cor. Sec. 22, T12N, R2W. thence S. 300 ft, W. 200 ft., N. 300 ft. and E. 200 ft. to beg .2 sec.-ft- .; SPRING AREA NO. 2 Beginning at point of collection located S. 36 deg. 02 min. W. 3166 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 27, TI2N, R2W. thence S. 250 ft.. W. 150 ft., N. 250 ft. and E. 130 ft to beg .2 sec.-ft.- ; SPRING AREA NO. 3 at point of collection located S 70 deg. 30 min. W. 2995 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 34, TI2N, R2W, thence E. 300 ft., S. 150 ft. W 300 ft. and N. 150 ft. to point of beg. .1 sec.-f- t. The water will be commingled at s ft. point N. 72 deg. 30 mm. w. 2021 from SE Cor. Sec. 22. XI2N, R2W. and conveyed to Fielding and East Garland where it will be used for municipal purposes. 24743 Matt S. Browning, First Security Bank Bldg., Ogden, Ut.; 3 sec.-f- t. for irrigation use from an Unnamed Stream, tnb. to Blue Springs Creek to Great Salt Lake at a point S. 2950 ft. and E. 800 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 25. TION, R6W. The water will be diverted by a dam constructed to a height of 4 85 ft., which will errata an equalchanizing reservoir upon the natural nel having a capacity of 6 6 ac.-ft- ., and will inundate 3 3 acres 4f land embraced In NW4 SWU Sec. 25. and NESE Sec. 26, TI0N, R6W. The water will be used from Apr. I to Sept. 30 to irrigate 400 acres of land embraced in said Sec. 25. 24744 Matt S. Browning, First SeBank Bldg., Ogden, Ut.; 2 sec.-f- t. curity for irrigation use from an Unnamed Stream, trib to Blue Springs Creek to Great Salt Lake at a point S. 1080 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 25. TION, R6W. The water will be diverted by means of an rth dam and conveyed by ditch a distance of 2500 ft. where ft will be used from Apr. I to Sept. 30 to irrigate 200 acres of land embraced in SW4 Sec 25, and NNWtf Sec. 36. T10N. R6W. 24788 Mrs. Louis P. Matthel, 4800 Old Post Road, Ogden, Ut.; 10 sec, ft. for irrigation use from a 20-iwell bet. 100 and 700 ft. deep at a point S. 660 ft. and E. 660 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 4. T13N, RllW. The water will be diverted through pipe and open ditches a distance of 20 000 ft. where it will be used from Apr. 1 to Nov. I to irrrgate 2240 acres of land SE'E'i Wanted WANTED, NOTICES LEGAL Good 7th day of STATE ROAD OF UTAH. November, If a 1. 1953.' Oct Nov. 4 11 but isnt it time we traded car from Central Chevrolet? cool-runni- to beat Henry to the punch on a car see our big selection of OK Used you want cool extremely low prices. CENTRAL CHEVROLET CO. COMMISSION Nov.-1- 1 This Is Your Brigham City BUSINESS DIRECTORY A handy reference guide to Brigham Citys Sales and Service institutions Mens & Boys Wear Furnace Cleaning Appliances FHILCO Television sets, Radios, We vacuum clean all make and RefrigeraRanges, Freezers, Imsizes heating equipment Cleaners. Vacuum Hoover tors, 420. Phone service. mediate Co. Ph. North Main Furniture 250. Clyde P. Larsen Sheet Metal Work Auto Repairs Jewelers BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. 36 years friendly service. SIMONSENS Expert watch, Goodyear Tires. Garage. Auto clock and Jewelry repair. Work Repairs. guaranteed. 38 So. Mn, Ph. 868. BUSHNELL Service, 696 South Main Welding and Repairing. Radiator soldering. N23p Auto Paint And Body body and fenBurts Body Shop. AUTO PAINTING, der work. 604 North Main, phone 83-- Cleaners REEVES RELIABLE CLEANERS Specialze In Quality Cleaning 132 South Main. Phone 31. Sanitone dry cleaning, fur storage. Free pick up and delivery. Ph. 86. MODERN GLEANERS. Lumber & Hardware Merrells, Inc Lumber Hardware John Deere Farm Implement KnightB Spring Canyon Coal Benjamin - Moore Paints and Varnishes Norge Electrical Appliances Friendly VtoreT for W'ThV Men" Quality merchandise, good service and fair prices. Phone T Markets SHEFFIELDS beef sold, IGA U. S. Choice custom cut and wrapped for your home freezer or locker. 120 So. Main Ph 69 -- Meet Mr. Good food at Its very best. Earls Food Fare. Ph. 17 THRIFT-T-MAR- ft Office Supplies Adding MachCash ines and Registers rented, bought sold and REPAIRED. The Reminder Office. TYPEWRITERS, Paint and Glass GLASS AND "PAINTS Residential, commercial and automobile glass. Complete line of General paints lor Inside ' and out. Andersens Glass and Paints. 85 No. Main. Ph. 80. 5 rrs-ATA- cr . 'Ey JERRYTAH1LI THe D&TANCE Koft Hin'ioRK weimppm 6 ACROSS WE NORTH i - PoLU NICE T a.:. of Ml autossoldin THE U.S. ARE ZTUL SI. OF SELECTION QUALDTY PERCENT . . RON i mot USED CARS 32,000,000) i of the LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN CfiomH farHt, LEFT A AlWAV-- WHO POlM KM . . . SCENE Of H14 CRIME, WAS CAPTURE!? and with the tyMOPSRN Al-HYPE"CHARAtjE- HE WA4 HIGHEST TRADEJN AS A IDENTIFIED m rmcistoM LAUNPRi Prominent MARK 0N A CUFF HE PR0PPEP WHIlt ROBBING A $TA6EI Vf A f V ifO L0TYS Altos ' VALUES FwMS Civil YAR Jaiuo for the 92 its pretty, Henry, Of course for ami year-roun- CATlflOrttXff?ATion - er in Brigham City, ALBOOOEROUt, MM.. IT 51i3l Ert AMP M3 SAVE $ $ $ AT SlSApDCRIFP4 IN ISM BECAMC AM OUTS 7ANWN6 Ammim Colliery m EfpfMEERirts ALTHO ornmm) PACKER HEtlfibHEVEZ BEEN iff AWOE. HE BECAME AH EXPERT WERNIGHT" KW1DLE A BLAST INQUIRY -T- H6 LONffESf tj MOTOR COMPANY tn ttSTbRff VIRGIL By Len Kiel |