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Show 4 Box si Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 11, ketball team and is at present in the U. S. army. He expects to be released soon after the first of the year and will return to a Cera (Belle (Corky) Joe the teaching position at the Nowatny Weight report birth of their first child, a baby school. girl, in Chicago, on Saturday, October 31. This date is also the birthday of Mr. Weights mother. The grandparents are Superintendent and Mrs. Kenneth E. Weight of Brigham Ciy and Mr imd Mrs. Otto All'bee of I Seattidj Wash. Cor4ell taught at the Central elementary school in Brig, ham City during the school year. Joe will 'be remembered as a former member of the bas 7oe Weight Barents of Baby Girl Bad Guess Elder NEWS j WELLINGTON. iN. Z. AUIP) iButcher came to he stole 44 a end after sorry Everyone is invited to phone their society items for the News pairs of trousers from a parked and Journal to 771. car. He found them to be unfinished and took them to a Veterinary tailor to have them completed. SMALL ANIMAL CLINIC The tailor told 'Butcher to return Each Saturday later. 'He did and found two deOpen 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. The Deer season is over. tectives wailing for him. Of ail 63 NORTH MAIN the tailors in Wellington, But- shooting has ceased and the Phone: Brigham 1040 or cher had picked the owner of place seems rather dead again. Tremonton 5766 Many a hunter took their deer the trousers. . v.'. b ' 1953 : 'william Henry :: ...... . . HOUR OICED ' ho 541 DAYTIME CALL SUNDAYS NIGHTS wnECHEn SERVICE 935-93- 6 906-8741- 7 CLEAN LET US FILL YOUR BIN TODAY! ONE BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE 60 North Main Street Brigham City soon. Calvin , Wright and family were In Yost on business, Sunday. Val Tracy visited his mother in Yost Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Carter ! i 000110 Inter-mountai- n STUFFY OQGOOOG SE e XPERT REPAIRS - SiNOER ORBS FINISHING SERVICE! HELPFUL fORM SUCH SEWINO INSTRUCT NOTIONS SEWINO e IEU COVERING AND BUTTONHOUNO, AS SUITON MAKINO (fatt SINGER SEWING MACHINE ICO. 2456 trwawfTHAvtir rf poess't exist Wash. Blvd Qgden .i or see PHIL HOLMES HECK THE MATERIALS N OUR LORE LIST. 312 West 4th South We carry the most complete PHONE M way hit musical Brigadoon numbers and 20 acts. among window E 1 So. never threegb deportment More, or ether tewing aiacluae dealers. MATTRESS CO. 24 768-N- eoetieuee IN Mug-tun- a policy of telling Ht eiackinet oely through Singer Sewing Cee tort identified by Ihe lam owe Red oe Ike S" trade-ma-rk EVERTON 10 production ' FOR YOUR PROTECTION Singer Sewing MacUee Ce. . Blond juggling beauty, one of a cast of 100, is starred in Ice Cycles, to appear at State Fair Coliseum, Salt Lake Cty, Dec. 1 -- 6. First Utah showing of world famed ice show will feature Broad- TRICKS BY TRIXIE. h or line available in colors, fabrics and styles. You make YOUR we'll selection and make them to your order and in upholstery, specifications car seats, mattresses. See us first. son-in-la- HOT and PHONE out this year. No serious accidents were reported during the season, however a iLogan man was scared nearly to death When he was shot through the shirt sleeve. ('Richard Barnes), My husband said he was plenty frightened when a 'bullet whizzed over his head. (Bp. Fehlman narrowly escaped injury when his horse drug him, while his foot was caught in the stirrup. iLarry Dove and Rulon Taylor from California .participated in the deer hunt in Yost this. year. Mrs. George Wrights Capt. William J. Robertson and two children visited with her recently. Capt. Robertson has spent the past three years in Regensburg, Germany with the U. S. army. He and his family recently returned to the states. Mrs. George Wright was hap py to meet her son, Max Full mer, who arrived from London, England. He has served for the past three years in the U. S. air force, overseas. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Tracy and family and Mary Ann Tracy visited relatives in Oakley, Ida ho, Sunday. The Yost school parents met in Brigham City with the board of education on Important mat . ters, Monday night. iKlea Tracy is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Tracy. Also Naomi Tracy has returned home after working through the summer in Brigham City. William Smith has employment In Ogden. He plans to move his family down there Ar . ggcHArs. Ph. 27 Ice Cycles" Show Features Broadway's "Brigadoon" Spectacular - The Ice show that was hailed by the New York Times as A dazzling array of skating champions will make its first Utah appearance when Ice Cycles of 1954 plays the State Fair Coliseum in Salt Lake City, December 1 to 6. Noted for years for its spectacular production numbers, the 1954 edition of Ice Cycles has topped all previous records with its presentation of Brigadoon, Broadway stage musical sensation. Ice version of this Scotch romance includes dialogue, narration and top tunes from the original play. Brigadoon is but one of the 10 big production numbers and 20 acts that make up this ice extravaganza. Producer John H, Harris, pioneer in Ihe field of top entertainment ton ice skates, has assembled a cast of 100, including champions of three countries. Starred in the show that has played such cities as New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles and Cleveland are American Olympic free skating champion Ginny Baxter; Canadian champior Jane Kirby, and British champions Baker and Taylor. Others who have received critical praise from coast to coast are juggling sensation' Trixie, comedy stars Setta . and Labrecque, exotic Shirley Winter,' mystery man of the ice Esco and Adagio dancers, the Ballards.' 0 t t Ice Cycles, which played to capacity crowds at New Yorks Madison Square Garden, reoeived the starring spot oa a national television trfiO'W.'1--'La-Ru- e, and family and Parley Carter were callers In Yo9t and Stan-drod- , Sunday. Also, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and family visited in Yost and Sandrod on Sunday. Jesse Lloyd and family were visitors at Richard iBarnes place on Sunday night. Aker, Brent and Sheltby XA (Millie Campbell game home And Why Not?' home from the Tremonton hos- Stanley, Michael and Carl Spencer, Marie Clolfman, WlAfLLINGPOFSD, Conn. (UP) pital Saturday. She is at her Fehlman, Harold Tracy, Charyl JoAnn committee, The sons place. town, building Mrs. Earl Fowles was happy and Reggie Teeter, Paul ;and planning for a - new $4,000,000 Oman, to have her parents, Mr. and Judy Tracy,, Kaylene Oman, high school, ,.asced',teachers for Mrs. Grundy from Salt Lake Pamela and Patricia Sharon Steven Fowles, equipment suggestions. Do you Brent, City to visit her last week. think we; could, get 'a Roman 3 The Primary held a Halloween and Zan Rasmussen. bath? Idqufred ru.Latin teach one had toTiunt Each present on and the party Wednesday, er- outof for a sack hidden candy VHalloween a school enjoyed and ice doors. cream, cakes, Cup party Friday night at the punch were served. amusement hall. Movie pictures were taken The young folks helped Gary Fowles celebrate his birthday during the party anil whilg Jonice on Oot. 28, with a party held on Ann opened her many the ball diamond. gifts. The MIA sponsored a party last night 'Nov. 3rd at' the recreation hall. A good crowd at- Reduction Of Plane SALE! tended. Round songs were sung and games played. Punch and Fuel Explosions Sought cookies were served. FRAGRANT PINK A Calif. (UR) A city eleotion was held on SAN DIEGO, danthe for minimizing system G. Harold Tuesday in Yost. explosions of airOman won the mayorship by a ger of gasoline planes in flight is being develnarrow margin. WIND & WEATHER The Relief society ladies are oped, by the Ryan Aeronautical busy preparing for a bazaar be- company. LOTION A spokesman 6aid It had been fore Thanksgiving. They have 'been quilting and have had proven that the danger of1 fuel several sewing days. LaRue tank explosions and fire was Yates is in charge of the food comparatively small when the sale, and she plans to have tanks were full. They became begood- dangerous when the fuel was plenty of Thanksgiving ing used, leaving an explosive ies at hand. JoAnn Spencer was honored mixture of gasoline and air. The experiments being conat a birthday party at her Aunt ducted by Ryan are based on the La'Rues on Tuesday. The following friends attend- idea of filling the empty space ed the party: Linda, Larry, inside a fuel cell with some 1 GGURBQEGBGDCEEB -- 71; ' FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY FOR MOTHER Electric Electric Electric Electric Mixer Sandwich Tea Kelli Roaster Grid Automatic Toaster FOR DAD Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Shaver Tool p Coffee Maker Steak Grill Hobby-Sho- Heat lamp FOR JUNIOR Electric Clock Electric Popcorn Popper Electric Trouser Prester : Electric Egg Cooker Small Radio FOR SIS ; ; Electric Curling Iron Electric Hair Dryer Small Radio Study lamp Fin-U- p lamp A5 UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. MESSAGE . Electric Range Electric Home Freexer Electric Refrigerator Electric Water Heater Electric DUhwaeher Electric Bed Covering Vacuum Cleaner Wather, Dryer ond tronor Electric Sewing Machine Console Radio Better Sight lompt Television Set (Where TV it Available) FOR BABY Electric Bottle Warmer Heating Pod Sun lamp 12 PRICE TUSSY 0DCEBO3D0 7 -- A 4iSr YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE? a little luxury is good for every man ... so enjoy S STRAIGHT .twow BOURBON WHISKEY The average person thinks of home as a shelter, a haven, refuge m a fast--moving world. Large t2 nee, only $1 But, lets face it . there are hazards beyond coanting in the average house, and the lot which surrounds it. 50 0, Tfcink twice before taking your home for granted as the safest place in the world. CREAM! HALF PRICE SALE! Sara 50ft on soothing, Man' woman and child, watch your step around the house. B(t carefii of the stairs, slippery rugs, and such. Guard smoothing Tunny Wind & Weather Hand Cream, too! Regular $2 jar, now only $ 1 . against fires, falls, and cuts, bruises and bumps and more serious accidents. pricmptmttM Think twice about home safety these days 6 years old AND PRICED TO PLEASE K PROOF BtlMOKT BtSTUINC a Regular tl sine bottle now only . . ... 22S33II3H2E Wfjh MUOGIST Be Careful . . Hie life you save may be your own! t WANT unms.B. IY0U RlBE AUTflH tilt HNM KPRISCRIPII0N2ENIE8M A public lervice mno9 prepared The Adwising CotmciJ in coopero Hoe with the Notional Solely Caeedl News & Journal |