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Show Box Elder NEWS 2.r November Brigham, Utah Wednesday A weekly newspaper, established In 1896. every Wednesday and entered as Second Class Matter at the post office In Brigham City, Utah, under the act of March 8, 1879. pub-Mshe- Subscription rate in Box Elder County: $2.25 per year payable In advance; in combination with th Box Elder Journal (published Fridays) $4.00 per year; $2.00 for 6 months; single copy 5 cents. Outside Box Elder County, $3.00 per year, com bi nation rate $5.00. m . Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. Utah State Press Association. National Editorial Association and United Press. Advertising Representatives Utah State Press Association. Salt Lake City. ' Charles W. Claybaugh, Publisher Robert P. Crompton, Managing Editor Gladys Johnson. Advertising Manager ? I i tb the retiring officials. First to that hardy trio of retiring public officers, Mayor Lorenzo J. Bott and Council-men- ,. Delos Thompson and Willis Hansen, thanks foi directing the citys affairs the past Several years. Its been tough, no doubt. But during their tenure of office Brigham City has walked steadily forward." There'.hasnt been a stumble in "their march tb improve Brigham Citys streets, water and power systems and to maintain an efficient police department. I . Every action they have taken has been in the interest of the city and most people are aware of their fine record. For a city of its size, taxes have been lower than almost any other community in Utah. Still it is one of tne most attractive communities in Utah. ; The new officials, C. LeGrande Horsley, mayors and John Larsen and Les Bundy, epuncilmen, are stepping into some mighty lag footsteps, but they are the men that can fjll them. i Horsley has a top record in Brigham City as a business man, teacher and LDS bishop. Tjjoo, jfohn Larsen and Les Bundy are easily identified ' with the growth and progress of Ijrighani City. While i'e hate tb lose the old officials, we Ae still happy to have the new ones. I The following births are announced from Cooley Memorial hospital: A girl was born November 4 to Shlrl and Wilma Walker Carter of Perry. Roger and Ara Conger Nielsen Brownie Troop Q of Garland are the parents of a Election of officers was held boy born. Nov. 4. for firownle Troop No. n with A girl was born !Nov, 6 to Julie Sereka named president. Lawrence and Roxie Christensen Taking over duties of Geisler of Brigham City. Is Diane Crowell (with Rose David and Gyla Orton Hurst Rita Badenhoop as secretary and of Paradise are the parents of a Alice Cosgrove as treasurer. boy born Nov. 7. The officers will preside over Takeo and Lilly Horiyl until after the Christmeetings of Corinne, are the par- mas when new offiholidays ents of a girl born November 7. cers will be named. Alton and Donna Thornock Cook of Ogden announce the ar- Rocky Business rival of a girl born November 8. MIDLAND, 'Mich. (UP) On November 8, Mr. and Mrs. Katherine Linsen-manLawrence Wright of Perry behas been collecting rocks came the .parents of an 8 pound for two years. Several special 5 ounce baby girl. This Is the cases and a book case house her first child for the Wrights, the collection. 10th grandchild for (Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Wight of Perry and the 12th. grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wright of Perry. Mrs. Wright is the former Arlene Na-kan- o n .While the responsibility of gathering the names and having them added on the bronze plaque does not necessarily fall on any group, it would be good to see that little job done. Nqw that the shouting is over and the new City Shock Absorbers have been duly elected by the voters of Brigham City a word of congratulations should be passed to the new city officers and a word of sincere thanks 1 BIRTHS Walking past the court house square the other day we stopped to Inspect the impressive G.I. statue on the southwest corner. Something was missing. The names of all Box Elder county men who died while in the service of their country during World Wars One and Two are engraved in the bronze plate fixed to the base if the statue. It is an excellent tribute to our men who made the supreme sacrifice so that the rest of us can live free and in prosperity. But missing were the names of men who died, for the same ideals, in the little war in Korea. been made. , The size of the war a man dies in means nothing; it is the ideals for which he laid clown his life that is important. Florida Prison Needs Official Executioner Give Blood Today good. The prison needs side-lin- es M-G-- M Wed- nesday, Thursday and Friday. So, go give blood today. she with Ricardo Montalban, Yeh. songs and dances in it, too. co-sta- rs TWO BIG FEATURES Vow showing through Wednesday TOUT and "FEUDIN' FOOLS" THUR.- - FRI.-SA- T. theres ' Co-H- it Out of Bagdads mystic past COMES ITS MOST EXCITING TALE! t ... Hospital Notes Mrs. Clifton (Sharlene) Ott-le161 south Fourth west, had her appendix removed Monday morning. (November 9, at Cooley Memorial hospital. Mrs, iRobert S. (Geraldine) Nelsen, 636 south First west, is recuperating at the Cooley Memorial V hospital following a thryold operation on Monday morning. , . Last Friday, Nov. 6, Mrs. Robert (Ruth) Nish of Plymouth, underwent a major operation. A major operation was per-formed Saturday, November ' 7, on (Ellis Bowden of Burley, Ida1 ho. 'Recuperating at Cooley Memorial hospital following a major operation performed on Saturday, Nov. 7. is Mrs. Ethel Mortensen of Tremonton. : WIDE SCREEN Last Times Wednesday "LATIN LOVERS" the switch on the electric chair when criminals are put to death. It pays $50 iper execution. The name of the executioner is kept a secret. Hes known as John Doe on the payroll. So far, reported Warden L. F. Chapman, thereve been no the at Studio awaiting her cue for the next scene the In the Technicolor picture, Latin Lovers in which LANA TURNER Is sitting pretty on blood. Blood has taken on vital new importance with the discovery that its derivatives are effective in the prevention of polio. Great amounts of blood are still needed for G.I.s wounded in Korea and still recovering. The Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Red Cross figure that if a thousand pints of blood can be collected, Brigham City will break all U. S. records for doning in any community. Collection of 1,000 pints of blooc would represent 100 percent community participation. Allowing for children, people too old and others disqualified for health reasons, all people eligible to give blood for a city this size is estimated at 1,000. an executioner. The former one resigned. The Job consists of pulling Th Brigham City Junior Chamber of Commerce has taken on the ambitious task of gathering enough donors to supply the American Red Cross with 1,000 pints of If you havent given already, do so. If it is the first time you have ever donated, let us assure you the worse pain you feel is the pin prick on the end of your finger. ON GIANT Wight. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (UP) Florida has a job going begging. The works simple, the pay That blood is being collected today, I l We do not know who they are, though there .were many. In fact it is doubtful if an official list of the Korean war casualties has lMUioh, . A Peachy Perch For Lana Who Died in Korean War 11, 1953 From where I sit Joe Marsh Sheriff's "Push" Pulls a Vote 'Was talking with our newly elected Sheriff Williama the I other day. He told me about a fellow who stopped by his place lata one night just before election. Heard a knock at the door," he said. Fellow I never aaw before. Told me bia car went dead down the road and would I give him a shove. My boy. Flip, and I went out to his car with him. Were all set to push when he steps on the starter and the motor turns over. Well, tllp and I just stood there when the fellow leans out the window and aays, 'Just wanted to make sure youre the right man to vote for." From where I sit, the fellow whos quick to lend a hand makes any eommnnity a better one. But you dont have to run for office to prove yooro a good neighbor. One way I know is just to have a little regard for the other fellow. Co-H- it GENE EVANS Whether your neighbor likes beer or buttermilk, dont try to push him to your choice. Just give him your vote of confidence." -- THUR. Also Serial - Shorts Cartoon - News KATHLEEN RI.-SAT. Two Big Technicolor Hits DOUBLE BILL Pi (amount The phone number of the News and Journal Society, editor is 771 HUGHES pnsontt Copyright, 19S3, (Jailed Siotet Brewers Foundatioa Hi FREEMAN an CARET. (Copper (Canyon mrm mjor (., TECHNICOLOR Co-H- MORE EXCITING THAN WHISPERING SMITH"! ii rmDfFR 03 0E3B (MM Technicolor HUB MIRi) SUN. thru WED. U(S!) ooaGm K Fro f; i Cali your nearest Utoco distributor MORI CHEVROLET TRUCKS IN USE THAN ANY OTHER MAKE I Buy no trude until you get our deal! oheod on pritel Chevrolet trucks are A mericas lowest priced truck hnel It's easy to find a truck that costs more, but nowhere else will you find all the advanced features, all the thrifty power, all the ruggedness and durability you get in a Chevrolet truck. Bo oheod on operating cosh! Both the mighty Loadmaster engine fco UTAH OIL REFINING COMPANY Let's MAIN ( t .1 1 . . i i heavy-dut- light- - nl CENTRAL CHEVROLET, COMPANY v i y models and the rugged Thriftmaster engine on models squeeze more miles out of every and medium-dut- y gallon of gas. Chevrolet trucks out upkeep costs, too. Bo ohootl on trodn-lYoure ahead with low first cost . . . youre ahead with low operating costs . . . and youre dollars ahead again when its time to trade! Thats because Chevrolet trucks traditionally command a higher trade-i- n value. Buy now and be ahead all waysl on UTOCO! Go-- with 18 NORTH i light dalivory to heavy hauling, truck to St your naedt. there, a Chevrolet t ir i ,'i - . t . t , t i , PHONE 935 |