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Show Universe - Sixth 277 Sdt v, UT1 PTTl Ti Jrn 5i City, Vtt L ' ( Brigham Donors Find Blood Giving Pleasant Experience . . . Did You? r " J $ . a. , Pleasant Checkup For Blood Doning Signing In At Blood Center DeAnna Jensen Takes Claire Huggins Name in the first step of giving blood . . . Mrs. J. E. Ryan Takes Pulse and Temperatures of Mr .and Mrs. Robert Quitana, Intermountain School . ... . r tf t , Any Operations Lately? Howard I.ists Medical Record for Mrs. Lillian Felt for Blood Doning - Blood Pressure Is Ok Jean Barnards Blood Pressure Checked Boh . . . , Basketball Games Gideons Give 1 100 Youth Testaments To Students For 1st Half In South StakeTold South Box Elder stake Senior basketball and Junior season opens Thursday evening In the large and small Box Elder high school gymnasiums. During the season practice will be held on Monday evenings. Glen Hailing will be in charge of games, scoring, the schedule and more, and Kent Jensen will handle officials, of players, according to Don Sheffield, stake athletic director. Also available on Monday nights will be the swimming pool and hand ball court and if enough interest is shown, leagues in the minor sports will be organized, Sheffield said. Ward directors with any questions on the basketball season should call Glen Hailing. . Folowing are the first half schedules: " South Stake Seniors November 12 . 6:30 Sixth vs. Second. 7:30 (First vs. Perry. 8:30 Fifth vs. Mantua. November 19 6:30 Fifth vs. First. 7:30 Mantua vs. Second. 8:30 Sixth vs. Willard. November 26 ,6:30 Sixth vs. Mantua. 7:30 Second vs. Willard. 8:30 Perry vs. Fifth. December 3 6:30 Perry vs. Willard. 7 :30 Sixth vs. Fifth. 8:30 First vs. Second. December 10 6:30 First vs. Mantua. 7:30 Sixth vs. Perry. 8:30 Fifth vs. Willard. December 17 6:30 Fifth vs. Second. 7:30 First vs. Willard. 8:30 Perry vs. Mantua. December 24 6:30 (Mantua vs. Willard. 7:30 Perry vs. Second. 8:30 Sixth vs. First. South Stake Juniors November 12 8:30 Fifth vs. Mantua. 7:30 Sixth vs. Second. 8:30 First vs. Perry. November 19 6:30 Sixth vs. Willard. 7:30 Fifth vs. First. 8:30 Mantua vs. Second. November 26 6:30 Second vs. Willard. 7:30 Perry vs. Fifth. 8:30 Mantua vs. Sixtli . December 3 6:30 Sixth vs. Fifth. 7:30 First vs. Second, 8:30 Perry vs. Willard. December 10 6:30 Sixth 7:30 Fifth 8:30 First December 17 6:30 First vs. Perry. vs. Willard. vs. Mantua. vs. Willard. 7:30 Perry vs. Mantua. 8:30 Fifth vs. Second. December 24 6:30 Perry vs. Second. 7:30 Sixth vs. First. 8:30 Mantua vs. Willard. Civil Service Seeking Staff Accountants The United Sfates Civil Serannounces vice Commission that the General Accounting Of fice is still in need of accoun tants to staff its regional audit offices which are located in many of the largest cities throughout the country. The po sitions pay $4,205 to $10,800 a year. Further information and ap plication forms may be obtain ed from the Commissions Examiner in charge, Glenn S. Nel son, located at the post office In Brigham City. Ex-Co- n Arrested In Connection With Beating A ex-co- arWar- rested Sunday by Sheriff ren W. Hyde, has admitted the brutal beating and robbery of man --last Friday a night or Saturday morning in Tremonton. transient Callegos, farm worker from Eaton, Colorado, is being held in the Box Frank Elder county jail while the vicis tim, Albert Theodore Hall fighting for his life in the Valley 'hospital, Tremonton. Hall was found just south of the Hunt canning factory in morning, Tremonton, Saturday lying on the ground with his jaws fractured and his eyes siwoolen-shut- . He was also suffering from exposure after having been in the open all night, and was taken to the hospital by Clinton Bronson, city marshall. The transient was arrested Sunday by Sheriff Hyde following an investigation of Hall's activities, Friday night. Hall had come to Tremonton from his Portage home for the week-end- , carrying a fairly large sum of money. His empty wallet was found near him. The Colorado man said he had served three years in the Nebraska state penitentiary. son. This group iwas assisted by members of the Ogden and Salt Lake City camps. The Gideons International is an organization composed of Protestant Christian business men, whose purpose it is to give personal Christian witness for Christ and to distribute the Bible. BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY VOLUME 56, NUMBER 45 MORNING, NOV. 11, 1953 .8 Good Red , Healthy Blood Fifth Ward Will PAGE3 Dance Institute 17,000 Select Advisory Slated for North Council People Stake Dancers To date more than 3 million copies of the - complete Bible have been placed in hotels, moParents of all students attels, hospitals, penal instituBox Elder high school tending tions and on steam ships, air- lines and railroad trains. Over 13 million copies of service mens testaments have been given to the personnel of our armed services. More than 8 million youth testaments have been distributed to the students of our public schools. 6S5 thou sand special Nurses testaments have been placed in the hands of the nurses in our nations hospitals. At jthe present time 100,000 copies of .""Japanese-America- n testaments are being printed and given to the University students of Japan.. Funds for this work are suppthe generous gifts of lied-by Protestant of congregations churches throughout our nation and by members of the Gideons organization. William P. Squires Dies at Archer Funeral services for William Peters Squires, 90, early resident of 'Brigham City, were held Saturday at Archer, Idaho. He was the son of Porter Squires and Sarah Peters Squires, first owners and residents of the corner across the road and north of Brigham Citys present post office. children surThe following vive him: Laurence B. Melvin, Glen and Milton, and daughters, Grace Grover and Ronella Robert Gilbert On Way Home n as a medical gidman with the 35th Infaqtry Regiments Medical company. He holds the Com- bat Medical Badge for aid rendered to the wounded at the front lines. Before entering the army in December 1951, he was a far- - Guest speakers at literary section for Civic Improvement club on Thursday, Nov. 12, at Mrs. 4 p. m. Will be Mr. and Alvin Dickman of the Inter- mountain Indian school. Mrs. C. F. Epley, literary sec tion chairman, today invited all There are 24 grandchildren members to attend and bring a and ana 28 guest to hear the delightful talk two great-grea- t grandchildren. and movie on Alaska. A younger brother Laurence lives in Logan and a sister, Phone your society news to 771. Charlotte, lives in Ogden. n stitute will be learned by ward seadancers during the 1953-5son and will be presented next Spring at the annual Dance Festival. 4 meeting this evening and also to attend school anytime during the week. member of the Seventies presidency, will be the principal speaker at South Box Elder conference stake quarterly next Sunday. General sessions are planned for 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. In the Box Elder stake tabernacle. Special sessions Include a 9 a. m. meeting for all Seventies, High Councilmen and Bishops of the stake and at 2:30 a meeting will be held for all Elders and men of that age and their waves. High Priests Party Next Saturday Night The Seventh (ward High Priest Dickmans New dances for the year will be' Introduced. " v . The dances taught at the In- A cordial invitdtion is extended to all parents to attend the Civic Literary Group To group will be hosts next Saturday night to all High Priests A. Hear the All ward and stake dance leaders and members of the stake presidency have received invitations to attend. cil. A. Kirkham, noted LD5 Boy Scout executive and e Directing the Institute will be and Mrs. Clyde Glover and and Mrs. Roy (Barnard. Mr. Dr. Sig-gar- d, Oscar Army Sgt Robert C. Gilbert, whose wife, Joy, lives on Route 1, Brigham City, is en route to the U. S. after serving in Korea with the 25th Infantry division. Rushed to Korea during the early days of the conflict, the 25th Infantry took part in some on of the most bitter fighting the penisula. It is now undertraingoing intensive post-trucing. Sergeant Gilbert arrived in Korea last January and served dance Institute for North Elder stake dancers will be held on Monday, November 16, at 8:30 p. m. In the Corinne ward recreation hall. A Box and junior high school from the Fifth ward community are asked to attend, during this Ame-icaEducation week, a meeting to be held Tuesday evening, Nov. 10, beginning in the Fifth folward, chapel Immediately lowing MILA at 9:15 p. m. According to Mrs. Lewis community representative, the purpose of the meeting is to hear reports from the representatives of the Parent Teacher, Community Advisory Council at the SBEHS, and to select two new representatives to act for the next two years on the coun- Kirkham To Speak At South Stake Conference Sunday Ma-gelb- B.E. Nurse Isobel Mayfield Shows Vincent DeNenzia His Pint Vincent, an employee at Intermountain School, was one of the first to donate a pint of blood in the current drive which continues through this Friday. You may give blood any of these days from three to 7 :30 p. m. ... of blood as the brief experience concludes. Choice Farm Animals Will Be Shown Dec. 4 Date Set For B. R. Gym At 35th Annual Ogden Livestock Show Dedication Rites Choice farm animals from 144 said the added attrac- states will be on display and manager, tkm ,.Register Merit shows in competition (Nov. 13 to 18 during the 35th Annual Ogden Livestock Show . The cattle, shepp and hogs entered in the exhibit contests will represent nearly every western state. In addition, there will be contests and demonstrations for Quarter horses and ' Chinchillas. For the first year, the Ogden show is operating as a Hereford Register of Merit exhibit. This is a recognition awarded by the American Hereford Association for the shows work in the quality of Herebuilding-uford cattle. E. J. Fjeldsted, secretary- - hold to owners of Hereford cat- tie is reflected in a 30 percent diviincrease in the Hereford sion. Such shows award points to certain winners, which stamp the Hereford an animal of proven quality. Joint prize winning fat cattle, sheep and hogs, November 18. at 9 a. m., followed by the auctioning of carloads and pens of feeder cattle. p their wives, and also the widows of High Priests, of North Box Elder stake, at a party in the Seventh ward amusement hall. The committee in charge of PTA the event have announced that 8 oclock at will the party begin with a fine program, and that after the program refreshments To will be served. All North Box Elder High Adam S. Bennion, Apostle of Priests, wives and widows are urged to attend this social for the LDS church, member of the recent Utah puiblic school suran enjoyable evening. vey, and newly named member of the four year old National Citizens Commission for Public as Schools, will be featured a joint meetat guest speaker secdio clock and trophy and ing of the Central and Lincoln ond and third place winners school s associawill take trophies. tion, Monday, Nov. 16. The Brigham City winner The meeting will begin at will compete in the state finals, 7:30 p. m., it was announced which are being directed by Jay Mrs. Vilda Swenson of Brigham City. And today by chairman for Bartschi, Central program the state winner will compete school, and Mrs. Florence Free in the national competion. for man, program chairman The talks will be judged on Lincoln school. All parents of school children content, 40 points; delivery, 40 points and originality, 20 points. are urged to attend and a corIt is open to all 10th, Uth dial invitation is extended to and 12 grade students. anyone interested. The annual Voice of Democracy contest sponsored by the Brigham City Junior Chamber of Commerce will be held here to acordin-November Howard Larsen and Grant Olsen, Designed to give the community youth the opportunity of expressing their thoughts and feelings about democracy, it is a nationwide contest in students which participating could win valuable state and national prizes by going all the way. Parent-Teacher- Assisting the Jaycees In sponsoring the contest will be Miss Carol Warr and other Box Elder high school speech teachers. Three finalists will be selectcomed during the Nov. petition and on Sunday, November 22 they will compete, with their talks being broadcast over radio station KBUH, for top honors Awards will be given the winners and runners-up- . The winner will receive a ra 16-2- 0 Meeting Feature Bennion Voice of Demoracy Contest Is Planned 16-2- by Dr. Warren A, Colton, Salt Lake City . . IS IKlUWl at Intermountain School Eleven hundred copies of the Gideon Youth Testaments were presented to the students of the Intermountain school, Sunday morning at' the 9 oclock chapel service which is under the direction of Rev. Arthur M. Gillespie, the protestant chaplain. Presentation of these scriptures was made by representatives from the Ontario, California Gideon's International camp headed by Trustee Homer Nel . . . . . rites for the newly finished Memorial Gymnaat Bear River high sium school are set, tentatively, for (December 4, it was learned today. All final details are expected to be completed by that ful- ly in use. Two Hereford cattle sales are Plans for the activities inscheduled. The first will offer clude conducted tours of the eve90 Hereford females at an building, a basketball game November 16, with auction ning Preston high school, and The 7 second at oclock. starting other special features. will offer 236 Hereford bulls, at On the committee are Mil-to- n a sale starting at 10 a. m. on November 17. Some of the best Johnson, chairman, Mrs. Mrs. Olive breeding Hereford stock in the Oneta Shurtz, Durrell Coaches West will be offered buyers at Weuiman, these sales. Mr. Fjeldsted said. Hughes and Howard Linford, Ridd and Rupert Grover Other auction sales during Blackham. Ogden Show week include: pure Aberdeen-Angu- s bred cattle, Nov. 15. at 7:30 p. m.; Columbia and Suffolk bred ewes, Novem- WOJG ber (16 at 10 a. m.; Relief Society Plans Bazaar Tonight at 6:30 Collection Is Average for Oct. By, October 31, $179,68122 of the 1952 county taxes had been collected, according to George L. Johnson, Box Elder county Dedicatory date and all departments County Tax John Owen Now In Germany Warrant Officer John Owen, arrived in Pirmasens, Germany to become Personnel Officer in Headquarters company of the 317 h Signal Battalion on Oct. Relipf society members of the 20. Brigham City Eighth ward will The Brigham City officer has hold a bazaar on Wednesday, at 6:30 oclock p. m. in the ward served at Ft. Sill. Oklahoma before. recreation hall. In the unit newspaper, it is For sale will be aprons, doll clothes, pillow cases, dish tow- reported he is a graduate of the els, rugs, childrens clothes, and University of Utah with a BS for the kids there will be a fish degree and of Utah State Agricultural college with a MS depond. gree. For refreshments, barbecue, Before pop, ice cream, pie and cake joining the army, will be served. Owen was with the speech at Box Elder high This will be a good chance for the purchase of Christmas school. Mr. Owens wife and two sons gifts. said the chairman, Mrs. Lawrence Turley and Anna are living in Brigham City while he is overseas. Tingey, society president. treasurer. (He said that this represents about 15 percent of the total of $1,440,378.07, though about 20 percent of the tax notices have come in. This is a normal collection for October. Total assessed valuation this year in the county Is - $37,465,-587.00. The treasurer said that several tax notices have been returned to his office, undelivered, for various reasons, 'principally because people have moved and left no forwarding address and the recorded title to the property has been changed since Jan. 1, 1953 when the assessment rolls were made up. If you are one iwho has had property recorded in your name since Jan. 1, 1953 and have not received a tax notice for your property, please contact the county treasurers office immediately," Johnson advised. He also asked anyone with a tax question to call at his office as soon as possible to avoid a long wait during the last minute rush. Randy F. Petersen Dies Saturday Randy Fred Petersen, three and a half, son of Fred West and Carol Lou Spendlove Petersen, died Saturday at a Brigham City hospital after a short illness. He was born July 21, 1953, In Brigham City. Survivors include the parents and the following grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Petersen, Penrose, Box Elder county and Mr. and Mrs. J Dewey Spendlove, Brigham City. - - ' Funeral services were held at 2 p. m. in the Penrose LDS ward chapel. Burial was In the Penrose cemetery. |