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Show Pontiac O Wanted Cadillac Service Ottered ATTENTION! GOODWILL USED CARS PRICES SLASHED Should you pay the same premium for auto Insurance as your neighbor who drives out of town to work? Should you be penalized so severely for driving while under 25 years of age? Our automobile insurance rates have been revolutionized into seven classifications. Get our rates before renewing. AGAIN! 1952 Pontiac Chieftain 8 Deluxe Sedan Books $2 140.00 Now $ 1895.00 1950 Pontiac Chieftain 8 Deluxe 1948 Olds Books $810.00 or Now... Was $1345.00 North Main Ph. painting or papering. - Radio Heater Dynaflow - New Tires PRICED BELOW BOOK FOR QUICK SALE $1795.00 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS ANY MODEL AT A GUARANTEED SAVING! Livestock Four large holstein heifers. Take all four for $600 or will sell individually. C. B. Wiliams. Ph. 6 or 714. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE Weiner pigs. Alfred Hansen, Corinne, Phone 2325. NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been Strictly modern fur- apartment Automatic heat and hot water. TV antenna. Adults only. WORK 112 East Forest room basement aparament, partly furnished, private bath, private entrance. 85 south Fourth west. FOR RENT GUARANTEED AT COPPIN MOTOR COMPANY 2 RENT Furnished ment apartment 3 rooms and 75 bath. Adults. Phone 568-J- . north Third east. FOR CALL HOMER DIXON AT 74 SWNEU, WgSE, 28, Tl IN, RI8W. FOR RENT Sec. it is proposed to divert 2 eec.-f- t. well of water from a 16-ibet. 30 and 100 ft. deep at a point S. 25 ft. and W. 2300 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 9, TION. RI8W, and use from April 15 to Oct. I to irrigate 100 acres of land embraced in E x said Sec. 9. To Appropriates 24635 Delbert E. Cook, RD No. 2.' for irriBrigham City, Ut.; 0.5 sec.-f- t. gation use from an open drain at a point S. 2900 ft. and E. 861 ft. from NW Cor. Sec, 2, T7N, R2W. From the drain the water will be, diverted through pipe and ditch a distance of 75 ft. where it will be used from Mar. 15 to Nov. I to Irrigate 37 acres of land embraced in SW'NW'j, NWV4 SW'4 Sec 2 and SE'4NE and NE4 Hereafter, SE Sec. 3. T7N, R2W. 24707 Ukon Water Company, Field-- ! for municipal use ing, Ut.; 0.5 sec.-f- t. to be developed by open drains and 028-tf-c- h FOR APPOINTMENT TO SERVICE YOUR CAR. perforated pipe placed In three devel- spring areas in Cottonwood Creek FOR RENT Modern apartments oped drainage at points and in amounts Be--as No. I ! follows: SPRING AREA at 127 south Third west. ginning at point of collection located N. 78 deg. 05 min. W. 1652 H. from Service Box Elder NEWS SE Cor. Sec. 22, T12N, R2W, thence! 300 ft., W. 200 ft., N. 300 ft. and FOR RENT 3 room furnished S. E. 200 ft. to beg. .2 sec.-ft- .; SPRING iBrigham City, Utah redecHeated and NO. 2 Beginning at point of AREA apartment. 1953 Wednesday. November 4, INTERMOUNTAIN School Girls located S. 36 deg. 02 min. orated. Phone 558 or call 445 collection 3 160 W. NE ft. Cor. Sec. Irom II. are available for Saturday emsouth First west. TI2N, R2W, thence S. 250 ft., W. 150 For Sale ft., N. 250 ft. and E. 150 ft. to beg ployment in homes, cafes, hos.2 sec.-ft.- ; SPRING ARFA NO. 3 Be-- i VACANCY steam at Fawson's institutions. or other pitals at point of collection located Medical heated, furnished opts. 68 S.ginning FOR RENT OR SALE Rates of pay are determined 70 deg. 30 min. W. 2995 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 34. T12N, R2W. thence south! First west. Appliances. Crutches, wheel by the amount of experience E. 300 S. 150 ft., W 300 ft. and the girl has in the type of FOR RENT 3 room furnished N. 150 ft., chairs, or a hospital bed. ft. to point of beg. .1 sec.-l- t. The water will be commingled at a work for which she is asking. Mack's Pharmacy. Phone 1181. N. 72 deg. 30 min. W, 2021 ft. apartment. Ground floor. - Ph. point Hold-t- f from SE Cor. Sec. 22, TI2N, R2W, and Experienced girls work for 40 328-oonveyed to Fielding and East Garland cents per hour. Inexperienced where it will be used for municipal purFREE DELIVERY on $10 order work for 25c per hour. FOR RENT Furnished 1 room poses. 24743 a p p 1 es. onions girls Matt S. Browning. First SePotatoes, utilAll kitchenette and batlt. Prospective employers may curity Bank Bldg., Ogden, Ut.; 3 sec.-f- t. secure further information resquash, etc. FRUIT ZONE, Ph. for irrigation use from an Unnamed $32.50. Adults only. ities, 0381-RStream, trlb. to Blue Springs Creek to garding working girls from Great Salt Lake at a point S. 2950 ft. PlaceMr. Harold Buchanan. and E. 800 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. 25, hand croFOR SALE White schooL FOR RENT 4 room basement TION, R6W. The water will be divertment the at Advisor by a dam constructed to a height cheted bedspread, $100. Phdne apartment. Partly furnished. ed of 4.65 ft., which will create an equal(Telephone 1035, Extension 169-505 south Sixth west. Phone izing reservoir upon the natural chan371.) Requests for girls must nel having a capacity of 6.6 ac.-ft- ., 866-W- . be made before Friday noon. and will inundate 3.5 acres of land emFOR SALE Used furnace and Sec. 25, braced In NWSW!4 and Employers must be prepared Sec. 26, TION, R6W. The stoker, complete with conNE'SE'4 For the at to call for the will be used from to girls water Apr. Hardtrols, $100. Thompson Sept. 30 to irrigate 400 acres of land school, and to return them to embraced In said Sec. 25. ware, 41 South Main. 028-tf-- c their dormitories when they 24744 Matt S. Browning, First SeBank Bldg., Ogden, Ut.; 2 sec.-f- t. are through working. Older curity FOR SALE 8 foot Westinghouse WILL SACRIFICE for irrigation use from an Unnamed girls are available for babyStream, trib. to Blue Springs Creek to upright freezer, only one year Great Salt Lake at a point S. 1080 ft. sitting at a rate of 25c per For quick sale by owner. old, a zeal bargain; also Easy from SW Cor. Sec. 25, TION, R6W. The for babywill be diverted by means of an Arrangements water washer, completely Spin dry 4 Modern bedroom family earth dam and conveyed by ditch a sitters are to be made with overhauled. Breitenbeker Elec2500 ft. where it will be distance home. New furnace and used fromof Apr. the Girls' Advisers Offices. I to Sept. 30 to irritric, phone 1190, 84 South 200 acres of land in embraced for 318. gate Extension Requests inwater Main. electric hot heater Sec. Sec. 36, and N'2NW SWtf 25, s baby-sittermust be made beR6W. TION, 4800 Mrs. Louis P. Matthei, 24788 cluded, also extra building fore 5 p. m. on business days. Chevrolet. 1931 FOR SALE Road, Ogden, Ut.; 10 sec.-f- t. lot. Excellent location. 58 Old forPost well Runs good. 6 good tires. For irrigation use from a 20-i100 and 700 ft. deep at a point S. $35. 609 south Third west. Ph. North Second West. Phone bet. 660 ft. and E. 660 ft, from NW Cor. 387-M- . d The water will Sec. 4, TI3N, RIIW. 261. be diverted through pipe and of 20.000 ditches distance a ft. open FOR SALE 1 oil stove with where it will be used from Apr. I to Nov. I to irrrgate 2240 acres of land drums. Good condition. Phone embraced in Secs. 4, 10, 14, TI3N, 0184-RThorstead. Albert RIIW, and Sec. 34. T14N. RIIW, and Good older home in the Sixth for year-rounincidental domestic and Honeyville. Grade A Pasteurized stock wa te rin g purposes . Ward. 3 bedrooms. $200 al24831 George Lester Carson, Grouse lowed for paint and paper. Creek, FOR SALE Estate coal range. MILK & CREAM for irrigation Ut.; 2.5 aec.-f- t. Terms. well bet. 45 and 150 Good condition. Cheap. Call use from a 16-ift. deep at a point N. 139 ft. and h 5 apt. brick house on Main St. 386-R- . DELIVERED 508 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 10. TIIN. at a real low RI8W. Large lot The water will be us6d from TRY IT FOR SALE 1948 Ford coupe, R Apr. 15 to Oot. I to irrigate 90 acres price. Terms also. of Sec. 2: embraced lend in & H; overdrive; new tires. Two small homes in 2nd Ward. S',S!4 Sec. 3; N, Sec. 10 and N!, Good condition. $650.00. Ph. Sec. II. Tl IN, RI6W, and for $4500 and $5200. year SUPERIOR DAIRY round incidental domestic and stock315-- J Basement home, 2 car garage. or 660. 124 north Sixth watering purposes. First ward. $4500 terms. Phone 504 24976 east Bryce C. Kimber, Grouse for irrigation use 128 acre farm with fine home Creek, Ut.; 3 eec.-f- t. well bet. 50 and 150 ft. from a FOR SALE Pump shot gun, 12 in Richmond. Utah. Only deep at a point S. 2112 ft. and W. 66 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 33, TION, RI8W. $22,000. ga $30; Automatic shot gun, CACHE VALLEY BREEDING AsThe water will be conveyed by earthen 12 go., $60. Test fired, good 5 acre farm in Perry. a distance of 5,280 ft. where it ditches sociation the beet provides condition. Fawson Yourt S will be used from Apr. I to Nov. I to MILLER REAL ESTATE Holstein, Jersey, and Gurnsey 80 acres of land embraced in irrigate Morris. AND INSURANCE SE',4 soid See. 3 3, and for year-roun- d sires for artificial inseminaEj incidental slock we ter ing pur63 North Main Ph. 1040 tion service. Phone Carroll poses. FOR SALE Good used Singer 24977 Hall, 92 north Fourth west. Bryce C. Kimber. Grmise for irrigation use 430 Creek, Ut.; 3 sec.-f- t. h sewing machine. $35. Ph. 1163. well bet. 50 and 150 ft. from a north Third west deep at a point 5. 16 ft. and W. 66 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 33, TION, RI8W. will be conveyed by earthen OR SALE Studio couch and WILL HAUL dry barnyard ma- DRIVING to Lewis, Wash. The water a distance of 5,280 ft. where nure. Call Burt L. Johnson, Nov. 9. Want reliable woman ditches chair set. Good condition. it will be used from Apr. I to- Nov. 0384-J- 3 after 5 p. m. Price $50.00. Call 1194 or see irrigate 80 acres of land embraced companion. Share expenses. to in EtjNE'4 said Sec. 3 3. and for year-roun- d d Call 787-R- . at 43 north Fifth west. N4-c- h incidental domestic and stockwatering purposes. 24978 G. Kimber. Merrill Grouse This Is for irrigation use Creek, Ut.; 6 sec.-f- t. from two wells bet. 50 and 150 ft. deep at points and in amounts as follows: (I) S. 16 ft. and W. 1330 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 33 3 sec.-ft- .; (2) S. 2640 ft. and W. 1330 ft. from NE Sec. 33 3 sec.-f- t. both in TION, Cor. A handy reference guide to Brigham City's Sales and Service institutions RI8W. The water will be conveyed by earthen ditches a distance of 5,280 ft. where it will be commingled in use & Boys and used from April to Nov. I to irrigate 160 acres of land embraced said Sec 33, and for year-roun- d HILCO Television sets, Radios, Store for in WViEVz "The BLOCKS, Friendly g incidental domestic and Freezers, Refrigera- We vacuum clean all makes and Ranges, Men merchandise, purposes. Quality Imsizes L. 25104 Cleaners. Groua Vacuum equipment Hoover tors, Thompson, heating good service and fair prices Creek. Ut.;Hughie 4 sec.-ft- . for Irrigation use mediate service. Phone 420. North Main Furniture Co. Ph. wells bet. 30 and 100 Phone 53 from two Metal Sheet P. Larsen ft. deep at points and in amounts 250. Clyde follows: (I) S. 25 ft. and W. 2100 ft. Works sec. ft.; (2) from NE Cor. Sec. S. 25 ft. and W 1900 ft. from NE Cor. sec.-ft- ., Sec. both in TION. R18W. SHEFFIELDS IGA U. S. Choice The water will be diverted from the BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. into open ditches where it will beef sold, custom cut and wells 36 years service. be commingled at a point S. 75 ft. and friendly SIMONSENS Expert watch, home freezer for W. 2100 your wrapped ft. from NE Cor. said Sec. 9, Goodyear Tires. Garage. Auto clock and Jewelry repair. Work or locker. 120 So. Main Ph 69 and used200from Apri. I to Oct. I to 868. acres of land embraced in So. Ph. Repairs. 38 Mn, irrigate guaranteed. said Sec. 9, and for year-roun- d t. Ei THRIFT-T-MARMeet Mr. g incidental domestic and 'South BUSHNEUL Service, 6 Good food at its very purposes, & Main Welding and Repairing. 25105 Mrs. Enman. Veryl best. Earls Food Fare. Ph. 17 West 6th South. Salt Lake City, 1454 Ut.; Radiator soldering. N23p 3 sec.-f- t. for irrigation use from n well bet. 35 and 100 ft. deep a point 5. 1490 ft. and E. 200 ft. irom Body NW Cor. Sec, 22. TUN, R18W. The will be used from Apr. 15 to TYPEWRITERS, Adding Mach- water 4UTO PAINTING, body and fenOct. I to irrigate 200 acres of land emCash Lumber ines and Registers braced in WUW14, NEViNW'A Sec. der work. Burts Body Shop, TIIN, RI8W, and for year-roun- d rented, bought sold and RE- 22, Hardware 604 North Main, phone 83-g incidental domestic and PAIRED. The Reminder Office purposes. John Deere of Protests resisting the granting Farm Implements any of the foregoing applications, with reasons therefor, must be in affidavit Knights Spring Canyon REEVES RELIABLE CLEANERS form, with extra copy and filed with the State Engineer. 403 State Capitol, Coal GLASS AND FAINTS Speclalze In Quality Cleaning Salt Lake City. Utah, on or before De132 South Main. Phone 31. Benjamin Moore Paints Residential, commercial and au- cember 11. 1953.M. Tracy. Joseph tomobile glass. Complete line and Varnishes Offered 7 BRICK BUNGALOW nice two bedroom home, conveniently arranged. Coal furnace, elec, water heater. Two extra bedrooms in base-menThis home will qualify tor GI loan. t. DO YOU NEED A JOB Need two men to work together SELLING MAGNAVOX Television in TREMONTON VALLEY. Should have access to pickup truck. No capital required. Should, earn $750.00 or more each. I Located in the Bear River City area is this small irrigated farm excellent for tomatoes and beets. Good water right. Neat three room home, stables and other outbuild-ings- . Total price is $5000 requiring about (j down. CONTACT DUNKLEY MUSIC OLDEN, UTAH 3035 Washington Rlvd. Real Estate iWSLti Wanted Ft Your Brigham City BUSINESS DIRECTORY Appliances Furnace Cleaning Auto Repairs Jewelers Mens Wear Markets Lumber Auto Paint And 92 92 Hardware MerrelFs, Inc. Cleaners Office Supplies Paint and Glass Sanltone dry cleaning, fur storage. Free pick up and delivery, Ph. 85. MODERN CLEANERS. --- Norge Electrical Appliances TATE ENGINEER. In the Bus Elder New. ITt. from Oct. 14 to Nov of General paints for Inside Published City. and out. Andersens Glass and Brlphem 1953. il. iuuta, 83 ho. Mala. Ph. 480. Oct Nov. i 4e lhone 4311 i FINANCING WE HAVE MONEY AVAILABLE to loan on modern homes and farms and ranches. ALSO we are interested in buying REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS AND MORTGAGES. SAMPLES The above listing are representative of the property we have listed exclusively for sale. We have several homes and other farm property available for your consideration. C.B. WILLIAMS REAL ESTATE 140 INSURANCE South Main Street Phone 6 1951 PONTIAC NEW 1954 PLYMOUTH 1950 STUDEBAKER 8 two door. Champion four door Sedan. Chieftain transmission. Radio and Automatic Ilydramatic, Radio and heater. One own heater. Low mileage. $795 AVAILABLE IN DETROIT .1652 FOR AS LOW AS We will finance your vacation trip to the factory if desired. ' 1946 MERCURY 1953 WILLYS JEEP two door. New bright red wheel drive. All metal finish. body. Like new. 9,500 miles. 1 $1395 O Sale v FOR THE NEXT TWO MONTHS or LONGER? INCOME PROPERTY We have two apartment houses listed. Both are priced to sell this fall. High investment return why not let the renters pay for them for you? Requires $3500 and $5000 down and rents will more than make the payments and the upkeep besides providing a good home for the owner, IRRIGATED FARM E2NE east Black billfold. Monday FOR SALE Brick home, four afternoon. Identification. Lurooms and bath; new oil furcille Davis, 85 south Fourth nace. 112 north Second east, west. phone 939. A filed with the State Engineer to change, or appropriate water in Box Elder County. State of Utah, throughout the' and all location entire veer, being' For from SLB&M, unless otherwise desig- nated: FOR RENT Good apartment To 2Change! L. 750 Thompson,! Call Grouse Creek Hughle unfurnished. Heated, Ut. proposes to change the point of diversion and place of 905. use of 2 ec.-f- t, of water, as evidenced The water by Application No. 24238. FOR RENT Unfurnished base- has been diverted from a well at a S. 300 ft. and W. 50 ft. from ment apartment, 3 rooms and point NE Sec. 28. TIIN, RI6W, and bath. All utilities furnished. used Cor. from Apr. 1$ to Oct. I to irri$40 a month. 477 north Fourth gate 100 acres of land embraced in! nished ALL REPAIR For Sale Leaal Notices Call Real Estate 0-2- 1 1040 327-- For Sale LOST Rent or Lease Beautiful 1951 Buick Super Riviera ANY SIZE 63 FIRST CLASS Job guaranteed Now $645.00 RIGHTS Highest prices paid for pulp rights. Draw money any time. Dee Selman. Tremonton. Ph. 3024. thru MILLER INSURANCE $1195.00 Fully Equipped. PULP WANTED. COPPIN MOTOR COMPANY O Lost and Found Remember You Get More For You Money At PACKER MOTOR COMPANY Chrysler Plymouth CENTRAL CHEVROLET CO. |