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Show V MT Vhole Squad Anxious For Game Play-O- ff With Tigers Soon Knowing thny could clinch Region Onp t hnmpionship Iho by winning over Ogdon, the of Con-- charges Fail Feiguson h V r OGDEN LOSING LAST THURSDAY the Bees This Iridays game will either clear the picture or scramble it Mathamatical possibilities are man Wins for Ogden and Box Elder will mean a playoff v une to determine an opponent for Fast high in the state finals If pit tier ham wins and the other loses the winner will in-ei it the region erown Losses bv both teams would toss the race into a (omplieated puzzle By Cana Sandi RED WOOD She Holds 'Eighteen Elves BEES DROP INTO TIE WITH wont into their game with Og t Thursdav very deterdon mined to do just that They were so determined they Bees Looked Good made some eosth mistakes that. The Bees opened the game lost tilt m the game. ke Region Champions The IS to 7 win bv the Ogden looking Tigers put them - In a tie with 0,d n reicived the khk off and the Bee defense refused to give The Hers took over and made and size dde gams through around Ogden, puking up three xuicpssip fir4t downs and driving deep into Ogden territory Ogden took over after a com- pleied pass was fumbled, but on a punt four plays later the ball was blinked and Itolmes fell on lit In the end zone. Christensen (hit tiie l.ne for the extra point 1 l'-- Ogden Was Held In the next round of plays in he first half, Box Elder held Ogden, forcing them to punt and then drove to the Ogden five vard line The .Bees were penalized five for off sides and Ogden hold them three yards from I a touchdown. Ogden found new life and drove deep into Box Elder territory with a run over tackle sarrjing the ball the last 33 yards into the end zone. The extra point attempt was .smothered by Hollingsworth breaking forward through the Ogden wall. At the half Box Elder was on top 7 to 6. Vail opened the second half back by running the kick-of- f to the 35 but on the next play a Box Elder man was called for clipping and the Bees found themselves on their own two yard line. Box Elder was never able to get out of the hole the rest of the game. Many passes were tried but a leaky line made the passer hurry and most fell Incomplete. Ogdon Scored on Reverse The second Ogden score came on a pass Horn a reverse that The final went for 38 yards Ogden score came as a result of an intercepted Bee pass and a few drives through the Bee line h from close in. s The entire Bee squad are with the for a p'lay-of- f Ogdpn squad for the region championship, predicting that the outcome will be different this time. t , "He ain't to imart -- cant even mala change But we can make a change in your cars performance with an oil change, cartridge and lubrication job. STOP SUFFERING th paint of ARTHRITIS, rheumatism, Bursitis, Neuritis, try ARTHONUI. tablets. The ARTHONUi formula combines six medically proven ingrt from dients, scientifically Clairs Chevron Service Tires Chevron Batteries ."21 Lubrication Complete Automotive Repairs Phone 477 f7 N. Main Washing bal- anced to givo you maximum relief from pain and to fortify the system with large quantities of ascorbic Kid, so essential to sufferers of I these afflictions. ARTHONUI af to use, non habit I forming, non toxic. For fast, safe relief, get a bottle of ARTHONUI . . . today. No prescription required. - US&XWBIiAKeSAHD, HAMILTON DRUGS &V0Ut?KtBSm6RfiiK NOW AT BRIGHAM TRUCK FARMALL FAST-HITC- H For The McCortnick SUPER C TRACTOR JUii pf - ELIZABETH TAYLOR can't resist any kind of an animal. At last count she had three dogs, one pet squirrel, five cats, plus these two Siamese kittens which were just given to her by Charles Vidor who directed her new picture, Rhapsody. So liz up and christened the kittens Khapso and Dee. M Richard Jensen Arrives In Korea for Duty B Jensen, son of Cyrus T. Jensen, Route 1, Brigham City, recently arrived in Korea for duty with the 25th Infantry division. The 25th Infantry was rushed to Korea during the early days of the conflict and took part in some of the toughest battles on the peninsula. It is now underto going intensive training maintain Its combat readiness. Jensen, who entered the army in February, was last stationed at Camp Roberts, Calif. Pvt Richard Mr. and Mrs ArHospital Notes Carla Jensen, 15, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Bert Jensen, 241 West Forest, is reported to be Improving by hospital attendants following a motorcycle accident Which occurred November 1. Miss Jensen was admitted at Cooley Memorial hospital at 2 a m. with a badly rushed right foot. Monday morning, Don Call suffered broken ribs In an automobile accident. Mr. Call is doing nicely. Clark Hunsaker, 3, son of Mr and Mrs. Reed Hunsaker, Hon-eyvlll- Sacrament Meeting Is Held In Sixth Ward Sacrament meeting was held the Sixth ward chapel, imfollowing mediately Sunday school with Homer Tingey in charge Sunday. Opening song was by the cop gregation followed by opening prayer by Royle Reeves. Sacrament song was by the congregation and sacrament was under the direction of David Malm-rosand Garth Baird, assisted by the Deacons. Carol Ann Erickson was confirmed a member of the church by an uncle, Jay Anderson. Babies blessed and named induce the following: A son of Mr. and Mrs Wendell Kotter, named Brent Lynn by his father: a son of Mr. and Mrs Ixo Fredrickson, named David Arthur hy bis father; ; a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roy Kupfer, named Diane by Jay Anderson, an uncle; and a Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Wayne M Vail, named Patricia Lj nn by her father. The remainder of the time was spent In testimony bearing with 12 participating. Final song was by the congregation and concluding prayer was by Met in Bob Klrlt INDIAN SUMMERS e had his tonsils remdved vyn Noble. Monday morning at the local hospital. A tonsillectomy was perform- Lt. Wynn S. Andersen ed Monday morning on Carol Delays En route to Calif. Ann Simcox, 5, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. Howard Simcox, BrigFirst Lieutenant Wynn S. An ham City. dersen, son of Mrs. Levi Ander Both youngsters are doing sen, is in Brigham City enjoying fine. a delay enroute to Fort Ord, , California. Lt. Andersen has been serving Kindergarten Club To in the U. S army for the past Hear Boyd K. Packer two years, 18 months of which at have been spent in France. 'Boyd K. Packer, instructor Box Elder Seminary, will be (He expects to be released from guest speaker on Thursday af- the service at Fort Ord, then November 5, ternoon, during plans to remain ii the Bay regular Kindergarten club meet- area practicing with an orthodentist there. ing Meeting will begin at 4 p m. Immediately after the first of with the American Home de- the year he will resume his dentist practice at the Professional partment in charge. Mr Packer will speak on the Center here in Brigham City. American our influence of homes towards the peace of the " Highly Successful" country. A special invitation is extendDescribes Eagles ' Dance ed to all new members. Highly Successful were the words used by Eagles and AuxDelila Westley Home iliary members and their partSchool in Kansas City ners describing the Halloween Delila Westley, daughter , of Costume (Ball held last SaturMr and Mrs A O Westley, has day evening at the Eagles home. Prizes for the funniest returned to Brigham City folto Mrs. Elwood 16 weeks extensive tumes lowing training at Central Video and Ch,ecketts and Tom Means. Mrs. Betty Page was fortune Television in Kansas City. Misteller for the evening souri A delicious . luncheon. , was Miss Following the training Westley is qualified as a rese- served 4o the dancers just after rvations and commupicationist. midnight by Mrs. Lola Stewart She will remain In Brigham and her committee. Citv for the time being. 6 Box Elder NEWS She is a graduate. of Box Elder high scho! and active in Brigham City, Utah the Seventh LDS ward. Wednesday. November 4, i9S3 Bv Dean Fisher WINDY WINDUP By HEAVY HANNAH eos-we- ? :' TV i Heres how the new 4 .a mall Fast Hitch works; the farmer just backs up to the implement . . . the two coupling beams on the implement slip into the Fast Hitch sockets on the trac-- ( tor, and ate locked instantly and automatically to uncouple, lift two latches. The farmer saves a great deal of time just all of the hard work usually required in hitching. and ! - - Phone 300 BRIGHAM TRUCK and IMPLEMENT Co. y1 & WRECKER DAYTIME SERVICE SUNDAYS NIGHTS CALL 935-93- 6 906-874- VJ m Joy |