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Show IMfM Wltf to i i 5 Box Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 4, 19S3 YARNS USAC Buzzer Staff Joyce Holmgren, daughter of Mr. and- - Mrs. Parley Holmgren, was recently appointed to the business staff of the Buzzer, yearbook at Utah State Agricultural college. The USAC Buzzer placed first the nation among senior college lithographed yearbooks for 1952-53- , according to a rating just received from the Columbia Soholastie Press association. It has consistently ranked among top yearbooks in the country. Miss Holmgren is a sophomore majoring in business administration at the college. in Found Duty Was Pleasant p YAZZIE Joyce Holmgren On '' Following the reception they left for a short honeymoon. Mr am) Mis. George Wintle IIONEYVILLE visited Mr. and Mrs. George Covey at their home in Ogden, New NEWS Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lamont Boothe Construction started this week Mrs. George Wintle and family of ' Ogden were on a giant 1514 by 36 foot Cineguests at the home of Mrs, mascope screen at the Capitol HONEYVULLE The iRequlta Boothe, Saturday. theater, Brigham City, in preMr. and Mrs. Dean Ahlmer of paration for club held a pot luck party at the showing o s the home of Mrs. Paulie T. Ogden, and Miss Arlene 'The Rdbe," according to W f of 'Brigham City were din- Vosco Call, manager. Boothe Wednesday evening, Oct. j 21. Those present were Mrs. ner guests at rhe home of Mr. The Robe will be follewed Mrs. Daisy and Mrs. Melvin Hunsaker on Lima Hunsaker, by a host of other Cinemqscopq Duke, Mrs. Ruth O. Hunsaker, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Schul- productions. Also the neiw screen Mrs. Estella Hughes, Mrs. Jasa-minMrs. Paulie ler and family have moved to will not interfere with the con Petersen, tinued regular showing of regl Boothe, Mrs. Lillian Hunsaker, Colorado to make their home. " . Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Hunsa- ular size movies. Mrs. Hattie Hunsaker and Mrs. Also being Installed is a, ster4 now in are ker a San Antonio, ladies The Seal. Mary enjoyed delicious dinner, then spent two Texas where Merrill is station- ophonic sound system Which TV at and visit- ed as an officei In rhe U. S. has many sound outlets in the hours looking theater creating a sensation ing. Two members, Mrs. Arvilla army. that the sound Is coming front iOrme and Mrs. Carrie Boothe speak-- , Pipelines, the intricate system the mouth of the person Acre not present. ' ' by which oil travels under- ing. Little Denice Johnson is now ground. totaled 168,301 miles as The screen with home from the hospital in Brig- of January 1, 1953. Some 27.800 a specially ground lensgivetf ham City where she spent ten miles of these pipelines carry re- the allusion of depth without days after breaking her leg. She fined products to market places. wearing special glasses. , is getting along fine tout will be in a cast for six weeks. Mrs. Leon Gardner who was! EVERGREEN 685 SOIL CONDITIONER bruised and suffered shock on Wednesday when she backed her car off a 20 foot embankment, Sweetens carrots and takes rolling her late model car over several times, is feeling better the strong taste out of poat this writing. She was taking tatoes. makes its own feran to several students early class at the Box Elder high tilizer out of alkali - and school. sodium, for use on worn out As usual a number of our and tired alkali soil, draw young male population of Honeyville loaded food and horses moisture from the air, keeps C. of C. Officials Open Sugar lleel Days and with their guns and shells, spring plowing in shop so have gone to the hills for their . . who fount the task of placing sugar bags over parking the wheat kernels are not winters meat. Most of them at meters a pleasant duty last F riday in oiening a three-da- y this writing have returned with shrunk. One ton of 68$ Sugar Beet Days. Most reports are that the promotion was their kill. successful. Left to right: Vic Forsgren, C. of C. president; will spread 20 acres ot land, Mrs. George B. Wintle Is home i Chet Hamilton, chairman of the Merchants committee and again after spending a week in it won't go hard on growof the Chamber. Rosa C. Bowen, secretary-managson her Murray, Utah visiting ing plants no matter how Mr. and and daughter-in-law- , wet It gets. It can be lsft Mrs. Earl Wintle. 15 Wil Be The Impressive rites performed on in the corner ot the Held Wednesday, Oct. 28 in the Lountil you wish to spread, no gan LDS temple united in mar13-1Livestock 8 Miss Lucille shelter needed. It should be Dickey, riage daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex piled on paper or canvas. It Dickey of Honeyville and David Cattle and sheep raisers from states. in will run in the hard ground. raisers eight G. Kelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. some 15 states will enter exhi- leading bits in the Ogden Livestock Included in the Hereford bull F. Glen Kelly of Brignam City. 13 show to be held November offerings will be 24 pens of A reception honoring fhe young It changes the color of to 18, officials report. couple was held the same evethree, and 14 pens of five. white clay to a yellowish Rein ward the Honeyville ning The Hereford cattle exhibits Prize money totaling $25,000 lief society room. They received brown. It crumbles the hard are expected to attract many will be handed out to exhibitors many beautiful and useful gifts. the because pan, allowing roots' 1o' go prominent herds, show is. operating as a Hereford whose entries meet judging re RUPTURE-EASEdeep in the ground. hfre Contests will be R Register . of Merit exhibit for. quirements. and feeder fat experimented two yean an among breeding, UN UI.M the first time, stated E. J. of the cattle, breeding and fat sheep, and I absolutely guarantee this to do the work secretary-manage- r my place and fat hogs. The show feaon my kind of soiL Alkali, sodium, tired and worn out soil. six day event. tures also full exhibit contests It is a mineral. For a limited time I will accept an exchange DmUAH Club and Future Farof Evergreen 685 Soil Conditioner for unperisbable foodstuff, Nearly 350 head of breeding for r bh Hereford cattle will be offered mers of America chapter memcoal or hay, at the rate of S6.00 per ton. This is to covet, nttlaf bers. at two auctions. An Utah, Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming. Gift tor gift,' You Will Mra4 have to load it yourself and use your own chovel measure A torong . forfhtia vKhable Hereford . sale will be held Nowppwi Back l pie. Other attractions are a Quar tog adjustable 8 naps ap m front. Adjustable leg vember 16 at 7 p. m. On the folby yard to get weight Roads are fair. You can see the protrain Soft, flat (rota pad No stsel or bather ter Horse show, displays of bands. Unexcelled for comfort Abo used as after duct and the vegetables and the change of soil at my resilowing day, Hereford bulls will support lot dence at Stone, Idaho, any time of day or night and with a sale begin- Chinchillas, and auction sales operation at auctioned be Mod oedoes Lincoln Fourth Graders of Columbia and Suffolk Sheep, ' gio . of tho good lights you can load day or night 10 a. m. . . . at ning prize winning fat cattle, sheep, To Present Radio Play ARTHUR W. ROBBINS, Stone, Idaho HAMILTON DRUGS Herefords' consigned to. these and hogs, and carloads of feedin from er cattle. be will' sales shipped the Fundamentals," Learning a radio script written by Mar garet Tyler, superintendent of Ohio School of the Air, will be presented Monday, November 9, ' at 2 p. m. over KIBUH. The youngsters presenting the skit be from Mrs. Robena . Falsieys fourth grade class at the Lincoln school.-Thprogram will be held in connection iwith American Edu cation Week slated for next week. has given the students (many eit interesting trip for follow-uclass room work or assembly lntcrmountiiin School programs. Mr, Sorenson took his student group to Salt Lake City for a cafe dinner and a movie. The students had earned their own money for this adventure. Miss Nina Jeffries took her group of youngsters to visit the viss cheese factory at Smith-field- . Ernest Looslis student By group watched a newspaper develop into news at the Logan Constance Dickman newspaper office. An article about this trip became news In At Miss Victor's school, stu- the Logan newspaper. Stewart dents were busy taking music Munz took his students to visit the sugar beet factory at Garaptitude tests. Mr. Vincent took his group of stu- land. dents to the z.oo and the ContiSchool nental 'Bakety, Salt Lake City. King's Mrs. Earl ' Webbs students Mrs. Gladys McCrary has had a also took a trip to Smithlield to project on mineials. Her stu- visit the swiss cheese factory. dents followed up t'his study by were Webb, Ivertaking a trip to the Bingham son and Charles Skenandore. mines. One lone Mr. Philip Cover, tells a hunting Baby Shower tale. Building 81 is the stage for many a gay evening of fun and Grissom's School it w'as the scene MNs Dyyr's group had a party frivolity. Again for the baby shower which honjust for fun the old fashioned ored Mrs. David Stewart, secre-taikind twe all like at birthday to Dr. Boyce. donon the parties Marlena Ougan and Wilma in Victor key. There are 30 students who gave the shower, had her group. Ann Petersons group an attractive table at which of 38 students enjoyed their Mrs. Vale and Mrs. Victor pre Halloween party. sided. Punch and coffee were served after the games were Harrington's School here were Chris- completed. Guests .were as folMrs. Vale; tiansen, Fredrickson and Curley lows: Mrs. Victor. CWil'bur not Parse). Mr. Fredrick Mary Joyce, Myrtle Arrowsmlth. son will have plenty of deer for Betty Hauson; Dorothy Hanlon, Martha Hall, Cecil King, Gene his dear new baby boy. The student council met and vieve Harrington, Nora Grissom, Floreine Walling, Peg Harris, elected new officers. Educational trips in place of town leave Charlotte Mangseth, Elizabeth Thelma Jueton, Mary Oliver. Stephens, Eula Battise, Stella Young and Ann Cardipe. Miss Victor's School Mrs. Miriam Thomas has re turned to school. She is teach ing in- Miss Victors school. Miss Wilma Victor is taking her mother to their home at Idabel, Oklahoma. They expect to week-enat Shiprock and visit relatives. Mrs. iLenore Ritterhouse is taking her group of students to Salt Lake City to visit the zoo, museum and Temple Square. . Roy Burlingham' is on the JfENTUCK mumps "leave. . ' Mr. Dickman and his InterTRAIGH mountain school band went to OURBUN WHISKE the Logan homecoming game. There were 271 bands present, Someone announced' that the musicians were 'in the company of 1,100 other musicians. The Halloween parties at the gymnasiums were a huge sue cess. Costumes were judged ac cording to the most horrible, the most attractive, the funniest, the most original and the best oou Mews Of Capitol Installs T Wide Screen Col-ling- - e Deer-slayer- s deer-slaye- . wide-curve- d y STUFFY SEZ Doer-slayer- s die Finest work That can be has IN 60110 COLORS OR THE LATEST PiAlO. Smart women know furniture upholstered by Evertons will be perfection . . . They know they can select the style, fabrics and colors they want. Men see us for tailor-madcar seats too. e EVERTON er Represented in States Show November Ogden s MATTRESS CO. 24 E. 1 So. Ph. 27 I) A Fjeld-sted,:- e m 4 ' . BE SAFE & COMFORTABLE NEXT WINTER PHONE ONE e BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE ffiCBD f3D Q3EG ' - rvf- 00 ffl - f , ' z ' - - v (BtoOifc V v- ' . . in tfc (imra? Ts your money, of course but wed like to see you make the most of it. Thats why we publish the price of the big Buick Special here to make Point 1: you can buy this great performer for just "low a few dollars more than the price three. -- , ItA Rfi'Roojj KW! the strips ... but it's no Mvm for the home. Just to qoocl buAwteM to-- But Point ... us today. We'll be glad to moke a free inspection . . conditions that may spell trouble. No obligation. I advising you of any i . You boss extra power more satisfying si power walloping Buick Fireball 8 power ever found in a Buick Special, MX r OIDeGIDB OOO0G0 GOo STORM. DOORS RE-RO- NEW GARAGE the smart point is this: When you put up those few extra dollars for the Buick pictured here, youre in the drivers seat of a lot more automobile. ' comic A leaky roof may be fynny in in it damage plaster picture your amusement when happens to rugs, floors and furniture. It's enough to tak the and decorations curl out of a $20 permanent! So if there's the slightest reason to worry, coN 2 . ViV. K'y-- , INSULATION You get extra room a lot more comfort-VT- '' able room real, room as much room as you get in cars " costing hundreds of dollars more. man-size- ! ; - 1 hard-to-be- AUTOMOBILES BETTER -- VII A v K 4 Sadan Model 48D (illustrated) at Ophnqf equipment, accessories, stot ond focof taxw, If my, additional Prices may vary sbghfly in dofmrg communitiM duo lo shipping charges. Alt prices subject fo change without otic. MILTON URL! (ton for lUICK-- in tin IUICK-KRSNOW on TV Tuesday avanlngi Also, avary Saturday, tuna in Tha TV Football Gama of tka Weak -- a "GM" Kay Evan! i 4- - ITS TRADE-I- N TIME BETTER A DEAL FOR THE GREATEST IN 50 Want the top allowance on your present car and a great buy in the bargain? Gome in and see us for the happy news now. GREAT YEARS ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM MOTOR GO, 550 South Main Street ii of the BUICIt SPECIAL your move. If youre aiming for the drivers seat of a buy for a lot less than you think come in and see us soon. ifi'y- , Today's local delivered price So, as we said its your money and its You enjoy extra satisfaction more solid satisfaction in the tide of this big, broad, 4. $24'08' d, WHEN -- y And, speaking of extras here you get, at no extra cost, a long list of standard equipment that most other cars at or near the price of this Buick charge you for, as "extras on the bill of sale. - 7 for only traveler thats cushioned by coil springs on all four wheels, and engineered with all the other costly features of the Million Dollar Ride. road-stead- Brigham City, Utah Phone 272 . v. - l.. I Sn 5 J |