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Show 3 Box For Better Movie Viewing At Roxy Theater Elder NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 4. ce , jfc r. Mrs. Leona Speierman Back From Billings ir' Mrs. Leone Speierman arrived at Salt Lake City airport Sunday afternoon following a vaca-- 1 tion trip to 'Billings, Montana. Meeting her at thp airport following her four and one-halhour journey were Helen Speierman, iRosa Larsen and Amy Hansen. Mrs. Speierman has Ibeen visiting wlrh Mr. and Mrs. Leonard William Ileiny at Billings. Mrs. IHeiny is the former Lons Speierman. Mr. and Mrs. 'Ileiny visited in Brigham City recently lollowing a trip through the Northwest. Mrs. Speierman accompanied them back to Billings. enjoyed They park, reporting "delightful weather. There was just snow In the tops of the mountains, Mrs. Speierman said today. Mr. Heiny is employed by Continental Oil company at Billings. They formerly made their home in Salt 'Lake City. f ; u . x , r at vV i- - o- r 'V'J f, -5 i MMI t 5 J i ) . - TwtfJ ; - i rv i ''I Iiv : $& y iSiis. 4 t During the month of November. pictures painted by Mrs. Clyde (Viola) Thompson of Balt Lake City will In- exhibited at the .Brigham Carnegie library. Mrs. Henry Thome today invited everyone to visit the library and see the 21 pictures : v ,, "' JE V. " XW V displayed tlieio. resumed Mrs. Thompson pain-tinfour years ago alter a 25 year vacation. Puiing the vacation time she reared lour and is now enjoying gianilchiidien. She pieteis to paint flowers. Most of her paintings are done in a lovely upstans room at hep chil-du-- ' Vv-r-c;- t. i . Y ;( i . i. j She studied under Harwood at Umveisity of Utah several years ago and recently has painted with SaWbury and with Michael Cannon instructing. This is her tiist exhibit out ot her own city. She has had displays ai the Capitol and at Ray Nelsons in Salt Lake City. the New Panoramic Wide Screen At Roxy Theater recently installed by Manage!1 Mark Nielsen. The new screen adds to movie enjoyment by giving an illusion of depth. Glasses are not necessary to view it. The new screen will handle wide screen and cinemascope production as well as panoramic widescreen shows. Installation of the new screen completes a $10,000 improvement program at the Roxy carried on the past three years. . . . Fifty Couples Enjoy Bailemos Mask Dance Brigham City Group As Guests Saturday Max Holmes. Pvt. Raymond E. Birch, son Jensen, Grant recently Iliischi, Russell Kun.ler, George Mr. and M-- s Ryman Petersen, of Mrs. Vercie Birch, KoWelch and Bud Chlarson. formerly of Brigham City and enjoyed LDS conference in now of Salt 'Lake City, enter- rea. During the conference Pvt. is serving (with Birch stated that the Pvt. Birch tained a group of Brigham City boys in friends at their lovely home on Headquarters Battery with the Koiea weie Dying to help mem39th Field Artillery Battalion. bers in Japan financially durSaturday evening. In his letter to his mother he ing the Christmas season. At the lovely Halloween parstated he had had a most exly were Mr. and Mrs. J. G. week-end- . are also trying The was able fie Japenese Mr. and Mrs. Lewis citing Rhodes, see a to start an Inter Inland paper. and conference to attend G. O. Mrs. Mr. and SpenReesp, while The paper will contain the cer, Mr. and Mrs. Deo Yearsley, lot of his old friends names of men in Korea and Mis. Viola Westley. Mrs. Gene there. The conference was held in where they are located. It will West lev. Miss Melba Westley the Ninth corps headquarters also tell of church happenings and Mr. Russell Westley. Thefe were six chaplains in Korea. The fellows attendchapel. served A hot luncheon was by present who spoke at the after- ing were in favor of giving asMr. and Mrs. Petersen. sistance in both cases. noon session. Everyone enjoyed a lovely IPvt. Birchs address is: HeadThe fellows he saw were: time. Shorland quarters Btry. 39th F. A. IBn., Maurice Hunsaker, P. M., San FrancisHunsaker, Reed Carlile, Carl APQ 468 Egly Family Will Return Ashby, Glen Whitmore, Billy co, Calif. -- as--- His Com-dHour shows Aw r f.f.dvT.i it? S a Sixteen officers and teachers $yy: .- Vv?3v,r to. v - are no exception, and I want you to 'be the first to know that the girls he hires are known professionally as the Wanda Smith Cover girls. are Their1 names (Roberta To California Sunday 1 Crowd of Eagles Auxiliary Members Laune, tBette Uitti, Karleen Large Blunt. Millard and Joyce Mrs. Wm. D. Egly, Jr., and Visitation and Initiation They even have an alternate, voung son. Biff, plan to leave on Attend State Marietta Elliott, who learns Sunday for San Francisco folMurA crowd of 120 ladies attend- Bingham, Salt Lake City, the routines of each girl just lowing a lew weeks visit in and Ogdon attended. ed special Eagles ray Auxiliary in case something happens. Tiemonton. and Brigham City State visitation and initiation Door prize went to Mrs. Iiene Jimmy isnt alone in seeing The Egly family plans to re- last Wednesday evening in the to a of the value pretty girls side in San Francisco. They Eagles Hall above the (First Se- Hess. TV format. Jackie Gleason have been living at Novoto. President Bywater today excurity Bank building. has always given a big place Staff Sergeant Egly is exin his shows to the June Tay. pressed special thanks to all '' was The Brigham City group pect ecf on Sai ufi'niy'T"' of the refreshment and members lor dancers . . . and this year to state officers. Mrs. Egly is the former Helen hostess hes gone all out to give a bigDo- decorating committee. Mrs. the evening During Zundel, daughter of Bishop and Eaglo To Be Played ger place to his cover girls Mrs. Eberhart Zundel of this rothy Wilding, state auxiliary All Eagle members, auxiliary . , . including the one with the lothe complimented president, and partners are invery special way of saying, city. cal group on their past activi- members vited to join in Eaglo fun on And away iwe go! ties. Thursday evening beginning at There are conflicting stories Mrs. Mary P. Owen was in- 8.30 p. m. In the aerie hall. about the reasons behind the stalled as new member of the departure of Julius LaRosa and Archie Bleyer from the Brigham Auxiliary. Ace Hi Pinochle Club The meeting was conducted Redheads radio and TV gang, Has Holiday but one thing is certain. The by President Marie Bywater. iA girl was born October 30 to Luncheon was served from Costume Redhead can still do just what Party he wants with his shows . . . John and Shiriey Petersen Kolts long tables gaily decorated with Halloween motif. and his fans will stay loyal of Brigham City. Ace Hi Pinochle clu'b memLadies from Tooele, Provo, bers and . . . even though the network special guests enjoyed from of Distress Arising Symptoms let Dont big brass are upset. a special Halloween Costume Folks Attend Brigham 'your TViewing be supset by at the home of STOMACH ULCERS party recently a dim, fuzzy or unsteady picMrs. Mrs. James Faulkner. due TO EXCESS ACID Open House in Ogden ture. Get picture steady viewand Mrs. FaulkLloyd Forsgren QUICK RELIEF CR NO COST ing with a new MOTOROLA Brigham City folks who tra- ner were hostesses. TV set, installed by your ser'Prizes for the best costume afterveled fo Ogden Sunday vicing dealer. noon to enjoy open house fes- went to Mis. P. W. Jensen. Over five million packages of the Willard luncheon pinochle tivities with Mrs. G. B. Marble Following Treatment have been sold for relief of on Tier 81st 'birthday anniver- was played with Mrs. Herbert symptoms of distress arising from Stomach r Merrill winning high; Mrs. and Duodenal Ulcers due to Excess Acid sary were: Poor Digestion Sour or Upset Stomachv J. Laisen drawing cut and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley May and Gassiness, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, tc., due to Excess Acid. Ak for" Willard a daughter, Beverly; E. N. Marti le, low' going to Mrs. P. W. Jensen. Message" winch fully explains this remark Sarah Marble, Mr. and Mrs. G. Special guests included Mrs. able home treatment tree at L. Marble and family; Mr. and Simper, Mrs. Wm. K. Benson, INC. HAMILTON DRUG Mrs. Lewis Hammer and fam- Mrs. Melvin Whitaker, Mrs. BaGLENS MODERN DRUG ily and Mr. and Mrs. George sil Olsen and Mrs. Harry WALK A BLOCK and SAVE" PHARMACY MACK'S More than fifty couples beBailemos Dance club donned Halloween masks for Hie Halloween Mask dance held last Saturday evening at the Seventh waul. The dancers enteied thiough a garden fence Pumpkins glowed tiom the tenoe posts. They received dance cards from Kathy and Sue Cali. The young giils also served eider and doughnuts during the evening. The hall was gaily attired in Halloween decorations which ircluded witches, cats, pumpkins and leaves. La Rue Yates called several mixers during the dance. Those winning for prizes masks were Mrs. Clovis Jordan for prettiest. Don Call for funniest and Mr. and Mis. Ross Olsen for the funniest couple. Judges were Mr. LaVerd John longing BIRTHS to arid Viv Degn. Arrangement for the dance were under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hullist. Alan Freeman Enjoys Seventh Birthday Party Alan Freeman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Freeman, was guest of honor recently at his 7th 1'tcfl birthday anniversary. Duiing the aiiemoon games were played outside followed by the serving of a lunch. Halloween .was the theme for the parks. Many nice gifts (were to Alan. Those included: attending Richard Madsen, Teri, Marilee and Karen Walker, Craig Johnson, Ladd illollist, Ray Forsgren, Renny Bott, Judy Christensen, Marva Elliot Funk, Marble, Kathy Nielsen, .Denise Orchard, Carol Compton, Kathleen Jimmy Garrett, Barbara Jensen, Burt and Scott Freeman. Merrelis Osborne. Vi. m,. C IK vf y Lofc'iii h irfiufi , fciiiifiiitf T . Val-ber- Highly Successful By A Tin Centidl School Halloween Carnival proved to lie a highly successful tun night for both youngsters, parents and teachers of the school last Friday evening. According to J. D. Gunderson, piincipal, 2,200 people attended Hie atfair. nmtiest ; Allan Christenson, most queer; most onginal, Mary Alice Alston and Theo Daily. Mrs. Wayne Loveland and Mrs. M. A. Burteher today issued a .special thanks to all who assisted in making the 1953 carnival most successful. Door piie. a turkey, went to Mrs. Lloyd Whitworth; gun and holster set to Katherine Jensen; basketball to Watren Ilyer; and cowboy suit, Lee Kupfer. The three lovely dolls went to Kay Lowery. Stanley Kaiser and z ENDS TONIGHT LITTLE BOY LOST' THUR. - FRI. - SAT. TWO BIG FEATURES duster in cotton print pretty three-wa- y (K 2156 3-9- ill- k 9 tr ingredients. (J) It contains no narcotics to disturb nature's processes. (4) It will aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed throat and bronchial membranes, thus relieving the cough and promoting rest and sleep. Ask for Creomulsion for Children in the pink and blue package. half-belte- d v. v 0, THIS FAMOUS NAME Xs iLh. NEW COMPACT AUTOMATIC WASHER Coughs, Chest Colds, Acuto Bronchitis ( THE SAVING y Capitol LAST TIMES TODAY "THE ROYAL AFRICAN RIFLES and ' THIS RECORD - t , V q LOWry PRICE V Takw THE PICTURE THAT MPmOS III YOUR I Good uuk,piflr. (U 60 gauge nylons 99F - j'-- Sheer nylons, yet guaranteed perfect. Box of 3 pairs, 2.75. Gi-- r BRIGHAM CITY. UTAH SIVtN RINSES the most thorough rinsing known 1 Clothes wash brighter, iron whiter. THESE , G FACE! b than 25 InchM of floor ipaco. I FEATURES AGIFLOW ACTION its so gentle with all the modem fabrics. FLEXIBLE OPERATION COMPLETELY ...yet lets you skip or repeat any part of any cycle. TOP LOAOINO just drop in the level. clothes at convenient waist-hig- h R EXCLUSIVE (optional) th, top economy feature in automatic washing! PIUS Big Family-Siz- e Capacity lustrous Life-CoFinish and Beauty of Design Automatic Filling Warranty on Transmission. GRAINGER Use your old washer as part or all of down payment. Regularly priced at$249.95-Sa!e..l- 995 Wash. Blvd, Ogden or see HAYESjV MEALY 312 West 4th South or PHONE 768-N- Top-notc- 14-2- work FOR CHILDREN ftlieve PRODUCTION Peter Cod or loose! Keeps belted, you looking pretty in the kitchen or shopping at the market. Buctonsi from collar to hem . . . has big twin h pockets. workmanship, excellent fit make this dress ait unusual value. Sizes Instruction and available In your area. P. S. CREOMULSION BE11 Our wonderful duster can be worn , Major Street X AND BUTTONHOLING. PHIL HOLMES t 1003 Salt Lake City, Utah lUmisM For coughs and acute bronchitis due to colds you can now get Creomulsion specially prepared for Children in anew pink and blue package and be sure: (1) Your child will like it. (2) It contains only safe, proven SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. & VINCENT E. HARDING CO. Phone your news to 1000. Relief You Heed fa Child's Cough EDMUND DRESS Were sneaking of tholnvis-bl- e type of mending business. You would like the work and. voud make a lot of mnnpv doing it. If youd like more information ahont this perfect business opportunity, write to: Kathleen Peteisen. Mayone Woodbury won the necklace. During the costume parade, prizes went to the following: Ed Diollette, ugliest; Judy Andersen, funniest; Joan Haycock, THURSDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY WIDE SCREEN provide Crowd of 2200 "BORN IN THE SADDLE" ON GIANT l things that your regular family income cant extra-specia- Central School Halloween Carnival Termed all z rtt Sc how. life-lon- Mrs. Viola Thompson of shows one the 21 piituies painted by her on exhibit at Iirigliam Carnegie Library during the month of November. The public is cordially invited to visit the library and see the lovely' paintings. . . SERVICES AS BUTTON COVERING MAKING iVsi'Gi' FINISHING HELPFUL FORM SUCH SINGER NOTIONS SEWINO 5 by and LADIES REALIZE A DREAM Wed like to show you how you can enjoy g security and happiness realizing the dream of doing a little work each day in your own home and making you a nice income of your own to put away for security, or to spend on little i pie-sent- StWINO INSTRUCT! OP REPAIRS EXPERT rf "by the group sang lo Right. President Norene Oldroyd piesided at and conducted the meeting. Several matters of business were dis cussed, rinsing piayer was givSchmv, What Is Martha The Wonder Musical of The Future v Following opening prayer Martha 9 VfOrJDERAfM k j en by Jennie Reeves. Refreshments were served die hostesses, Jennie Reeves THE FIRST f of the Sixth ward Primary met at thp home of Jennie Reeves on the evening of November 2, for the training lesson, "What We Want for Our Children." given by leader, Margaret Lewis. n home. Mrs. Thompson said her husband thinks she does her finest work when their three year old giandd.iughlei is underfoot. Ryman Petersens Have pio-bosc- A''' 'f ' . - Yello-wston- by CLAIR MERRELL Jimmy Durante is no fool. While he can got plenty of laughs (with his oversized and his mangled grammar, hes smart mough to know hat 'pretty gals ire also an to any 'form f e n t e r t a i - s 'f Sv Brigham Library C'.A, f, "v Paintings At 19S3 Sixth Ward Primary Has Lesson At Jennie Reeves Home Paintings To Be Displayed At Library Viola Thompson's! FOR YOUR PROTECTION Singer Sewing Machine Co, continues its long-tim- e policy of telling its machines only through Singer Sewing Centers identified by the famous Red $" trade-mar- k on the window never throvgb department 'stores or other sewing machine dealers. WMtWCfB THE EPJED i s ra ;W, ALSO SERIAL - SHORTS rs rwiit . nfw; 7X CLYDE B. STRATFORD, Manager |