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Show zn stnh Silt , Iumy mai Lmm $wpl fete Bkrsley, Looks Good for 100 Pet Blood Drive 1st Pro Opponent Into Mat Sat. Feasibility of breaking all U. eeettes, American Legion, Ve- win a trophy from the Ameri- G. I.s wounded in Korea. Their records In terans of Foreign Wars, National can Legion by collecting the wounds arent all healed yet. for Also the use Brigham City by squeezing Guard. greatest amount of blood of gamma globulin 1,000 pints of blood out of 7,000 Army reserve units, Civic club, the membership. the in fight against polio has become more has and Anns, And there are many people people Kindergarten club, more within the realm of possi- all LIDS wards, Corinne LDS who have individually pledged given blood a new significance. The drive opens in Brigham bility with many pledges for ward, Presbyterian and Catho- their support. A pledge card Is participation pouring In, accord- lic church combinations, all published on the front of todays City next Monday, November 9 schools, News and Journal ing to Jack Horton, chairman. Including Intermounfor others and will continue through Sat14. November According to the standards of tain school that predicts a large wishing to indicate The they will urday, the American Red Cross, for collection. Bloodmobile will be at Central donate a pint. whom the blood is being col Also the young Buddhists asBlood is still badly needed by school. lected, gathering of 1,000 pints sociation, the firemen and a in a community of Brigham host of Individuals. This drive has taken on the Pledge Community Church Support Citys size would equal a 100 percent collection and would go marks o f a genuine commun unmatched by any city in the project, said Horton, whole wide world. "and through the combined ef Sponsored by the Brigham forts of all Brigham City peo City Junior Chamber of Com- pie, the goal can be reached. A competition has developed merce, the drive looks like it is going to hit the goal, Jaycee among the two ladies largest Chairman Horton optimistically clubs, the Kindergarten and Civic clubs to see which will predicted. Brigham City groups who have have the highest percentage of inpledged full participation participation, said Horton. clude Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary, Also, said Horton, the Veterclub, Jaycees, Jay- - ans of Foreign Wars are out to Eagles, S. blood-gatherin- 20-3- Ronald Petersen knocked Lee Haynes cold in the third round last Saturday evening in the highlight of a card at the armory building. It was Petersens first pro a comparative fight, against veteran of 12 fights and nine wins, and he looked good all the way. Petersen put Haynes on ice with his powerful left hook after leading most of the way. Petersen was staggered twice the first round but came back powerfully in the second and well-stage- boxing-w- d restling third. . In the exhibition, John Gabel was floored once and Benny Flake was staggered once in an into exhibition that developed a fight. Buzz Jones and George Strickland fought to a draw and a pair of gals put on a great female wrestling exhibition. Promoter John Gable said that the fights were successful (I didnt lose much), and promised more first class wrestling and boxing in the future with a few of the discrepancies, like not having a bell, ironed out. VOTERS FORGET PARTY LINES After Saturday TO NAME DEMOS AND GOP MEN B.E. Men Army, Navy, AF. Confirmation of the accep tance of several Box Elder en listees, and Inductees by the army, air force and navy, was received this week by Manila Spencer, secretary of the local draft board. Mrs. Spencer said the- - following men were Inducted Oct. 21 and left immediately for Ft. Ord, California for training: Dee Ray Jensen, William J. Robbins, Gerald Haddley, all of Brigham City; Jack Stoddard Johnson, Tremonton, and Alfred who was transferred Bitsue, here from Gallup, Neiw Mexico. Entering the army and air force as second lieutenants, from ROTC programs, were Ray Merrill Boothe, IHoneyville, John E. Carter and Diiworth Prisbrey. both of (Brigham City. Because of the large number of enlistments credited to the Box Elder draft quotas, only tiwo men will be called on next draft call, Nov. 16, Mrs. Spencer said. Plans Big Dinner Sunday eve ning while the firemen were al ready on a fire could have diThe Mutual of the LDS First vided and impaired the fireward is sponsoring a ward tur- fighting strength of the volun. key dinner on. November 9, at teers. 6:30 p. m. in the Fourth ward While battling a fire at the recreation hall. , Mantua home of Vern Jeppsen, All proceeds will go to the which was almost totally debuilding fund for the new First stroyed, a second false alarm ward recreation hall. At pres was recorded In Brigham City. of the cost has ent, The firemen had another call been raised. The goal set for the Monday evening when the Beef of Christmas season is hive Coal and Appliance furthe wards required amount. nace started smoking and a The proposed building will be passer-bphoned in the alarm. erected in the area west of the There was no damage. (First ward chapel. The two buildings will adjoin. Offers Meanest All food for the dinner will be donated by ward members. Man Pheasant Those attending will have the Limit for His Dog cost of 52.50 per plate deducted from their assessment. Virgil Knudsen, Deweyville, will guarantee the meanest man in the county his limit of Major M. Rosholt pheasants, if he'll Just bring To Speak at Knife back the dog he swiped. For Rites So attached to his hunting And Fork Meeting dog, a pointer, that he'll take who "borrowed" it the Major Malcolm Rosholt, a on aperson Mrs. M. M. perfect hunting trip, more for man than nelwspaper rea decade In the !Far East, who Knudsen also posted a 525 return. for ward its Graveside fyneral services for served with distinction in the Answering to the name of Mrs. May MacLaughlin John- armed forces under Major Genthe heavily built ston, 88, who died Saturday in eral Chenault, will be the guest "Speck,"has a white strip from pointer of on next at the be will held meeting speaker Brigham City, the top of his head to his nose. Knife Fork the 1 m. in the and the club, at p. Wednesday One side of his head and ears evening of Nov. 5 at the Box are Brigham City cemetery. light chocolate color and Bishop Glen Knudsen will of Elder high school. his body is covered with chocfieiate. Major Rosholt, who hails now olate spots the sixe of the end Friends may call at the Har from Rosholt, Wisconsin, named of your thumb. At a distance old B, Felt Funeral home Wedafter his grandfather who was he looks light colored. noon 12 time until from nesday an early resident, a lumber Irony of the thleft is that of services. rewill work the brush for baron and has Speck landholder, Mrs. Johnston has lived in visited the Far East three times pheasant for only one man, Brigham City the past eight since 1950. He speaks the ChiVirgiL years. She was born July 15, nese If anybody sees Speck or language well and admits 1865 in Benicia, Ga., a daughknows of his whereabouts, that he "can get by ter of John and Eleanor Rey- modestly in several other Asiatic tongues. they are urged to call Virgil nolds MacLaughlin. or the to 'Dinner will be served at 7:30 Knudsen, Deweyville Charles She was married S25 reward office. A sheriff's Johnston in 1888 at Benicia, p. m. in the school cafeteria af- will be made for his return. ter which the talk will be delivCalif. He- - died in 1916. Surviving is a nephew, Rudy ered in the auditorium of the Kaiser, Brigham City. high school. Dixon At one-fift- one-hal- Today Johnston Speaks DONOR PLEDGE AND RESERVATION I desire to donate my blood and help save a life and wish to make a reservation at the Brigham City Blood Center P.M. (Time) for (Date) PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN PROMPTLY - Name Address (Home) Address (Business) Telephone (Home) Group, affiliation Date 19 (Business) - Signature Bloodmobile Will Be In Brigham City November 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 MAIL TO Jack Horton, Blood Drive Chairman 125 West First North Brigham City C. of C. Meeting In the first of a series o f monthly Chamber of Commerce general membership meetings, President Aldous (Dixon, Utah State Agricultural college told about 150 members and wives that community thinking can raise a community above ordi . 4 C. LeGrande Horsley . . . 1359 votes . . . New Councilman jr DUP Officers Will A false alarm owner-manage- and he leaned to the right while the other two leaned to the left." As a result It was impossible to turn either way and the traveled motorcycle straight ahead, smashing into the sign. Be Elected Nov. 14 Juveniles Are Arrested for Prank 1st Ward Mutual New councilmen are Les Bunr of Bundy dy, Motor Republican, and John of Larsen, Democrat, Larsen Brothers Plumbing and Her cycling companions, Wynn 20, the driver, and David Smith, Tremonton, suffered minor bruises. Apparently, said Officer J. Lanell Foote. Investigating officer, the motor was traveling north on Brigham City's main street and when the sign loomed up the driver said learr" Firemen Plagued by False Alarms As e Enter C. LeGrande Horsley, Brigham City business man and Box El-dhigh school seminary teach er. led all candidates In votes polled In Tuesdays election to walk off with the citys mayor post. R. Mortensen, ONE REAL FIRE, TOO crime Saturday evening by Officer J. Lanell Foote when the volunteers raced to Case Motor company, 335 North Main, but couldnt find a trace of fire. According to Officer Foote the young men entered Case Motor company building through a back window and phoned in the, alarm. After the confusion they were discovered sitting in a car near the building, where they were arrested. Thompson and Hansen City girl was still the hospital Tuesday recovering from Injuries sustained when a motorcycle on which she was riding with two boys plowed Into a keep to the right sign, Sunday just after midnight. Suffering a broken toe and extensive bruises and abrasions on both legs and one arm was Carla Jensen, 241 West Forest, Brigham City. A Brigham 20-3- Already busy, the Brigham volunteer firemen iwere plagued by a pair of false alarms Saturday and Sunday. One resulted in the arrest of two teen-agboys. The juveniles were taken into custody at the 'scene of the New Officials Take Over From Bott, New Mayor in e City ut.t Girl in Hospital Motorcycle Crash Petersen Socks ? LVo Election of new Box Elder County camp Daughters of Utah Pioneers officers will highlight the morning session of a county DOT convention in the Brigham City Third ward, Nov. 14, according to Mrs. Fred L. Petersen, corresponding secretary. There will be two sessions at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. Listed on the ballot are the following: Jennie Jones, president; Jennie Carlson, 2nd Ruth Reeves, recording secretary; LaVern Homes, historian; Saretha Smith, custodian of relics. Verda Marble, corresponding secretary; Sarah Garfield, chor ister; Afton Olsen, organist and Emma Hansen, parliamentarian. Hold-ove- r officers are May'D. Smith, 1st vice president; Lee, treasurer, and Sarah Siggard, registrar. 'Nominations for officers from the floor twill be In order. t; Jack Horton and Wally Toevs as Horton, chairman of the Jaycee drive for 1,000 pints of blood in a Brigham City drive, congratulates Toevs, pastor of the Community church, pledges the support of his church. ... Journal Is Candidate for Boner of La-Ver- Year Prize; Proof-read- in Hiding er The Box Elder Journal became a candidae for the boner of the year prize, awarded annually by Dean Carlton Clurn-see- , US AC, when a sample ballot with the Democratic and Republican symbols placed over the wrong candidates was published last Friday. r is still in The hiding. Unexplainable, except that the weekly rush to put out the paper was extreme last week, the advertisement was 100 percent dead wrong when it listed C. LeGrande Horsley, 'Les Bundy and Wallace Reeder as Democratic candidates for mayor and councilmen in Tuesdays City proof-reade- election. They are Republicans and are proud of it. The ad was also just as wrong when it listed William Smith, Jack Horton and John Larsen as They Republican candidates. are Democrats and mighty proud of it. Burden of the error lies entirely on the shoulders of the Journal and in particular on the shoulders of the proof reader who publicly apologizes to the City Recorder, Fannie Christensen who purchased the ad for the city, the candidates of the two respective parties and all Republicans and Democrats. (No apologies are offered Harper Ward Plans Barbecue Dinner And Bazaar to Celebrate 75th Anniversary Celebrating their Diamond niversary, Harper Ward, which was North Ward when it was organized 75 years ago, will hold a barbecue dinner and bazaar, Saturday, November 7, it was learned today. The ward was organized Jan. an-- 1 10, 1878. In charge of the event are the Relief society officers. Assuring a supper, Emery Wight is in charge of the food. Supper will be served from 6:30 to 8 p. m. and beginning at 7:30 p..m. bazaar articles will be auctioned mouth-waterin- g off. There will be a host of valuable items go on sale including a sun bonnet quilt, and many childrens and adults' items. Jaycees Plan Business Meeting Thursday Eve Regular business meeting of the Brigham City Junior Cham ber of Commerce will be held Thursday, November 5. at the Chamber of Commerce quarters, , . . Les Bundy 1210 votes . , , New Qouhcilman T Bear River Elects P. O. Holmgren Bd. President Horton, 844. C. LeGrande Hor-slet will take over from Mayor Lorenzo J. Bott on the first of the year. Bundy and Larsen will replace Willis Hansen and J. Delos Thompson. None of the incumbents contested in the election or at the party conventions. Hold-ove- r are councilmen Boyd Packer and Glen Burt, Democrats, and Morris Glover, Republican. This gives Brigham City a Republican mayor, three Democratic councilmen and two Republican councilmen. This years city election was comparatively heavy for an off election year with 2150 votes cast compared to about 2,000 in the last city election in 1954. It fell way short of last years of 3562 during record turn-ou- t the general election when the Elsenhower-Stevensoduel and congressional and county candidates drew hordes to the polls. Apparently all party lines were forgotten in , Tuesdays election and the vote was for the man not the party. A, precinct by precinct breakdown of voting results follows: Mayor-elec- y . Angus Ward Is New Willard City Mayor Angus Ward nosed Robert Morgan out In the race for Willard's mayor by a slim six point margin Tuesday, Leading in the Tace for council posts was Charles Whillock with 94 votes followed by Robert North 63 votes. (Losers for councilmen were Glen Braegger, 59 and Louis Harding, 46. Jesse M. Day Is Tremonton Mayor By A Nose In a tight race for mayor in Tremonton, Jesse M. Day nosed out Dr. Donald B. Green by 10 votes, 212 to 202. City councilmen elected were Reuben Baer, 216 and Orville Ewer, 231. Alfred councilmen Losing Manning had 188 votes and Reed Palmer, 182. Day was on the Citizens ticket as were Manning and Palmer. Baer and Ewer were on the PeoDonald B. ples ticket with Green. Heating company. The Republican mayor candidate won with 1359 votes, 571 votes better than his Democratic opponent, Bill Smith, who registered 788. candidates ' reCouncilmen Les ceived votes as follows: Bundy, 1210; John Larsen, 1182; Wallace Reeder, 1030 and Jack 68-6- Many Write-In- s Recorded In Honeyville Tuesday John Larsen . 1182 votes . Jake White Scores " A Hundred " Usual As In Garland In a close town election race Honeyville voters named Leon D. Gardner president of the board of trustees and Leland Hunsaker and Ray Boothe board members from two tickets and a large number of write-ins- . On the Peoples ticket Leon Gardner led all candidates in vote getting with 85. Ray Booth, same ticket, scored 83 votes for a trustees job and Leland Huncandidate saker, a "write-iwas another trustee winner with Parley O. Holmgren was swept into office of president of the J. J. (Jaeke) White made it board of trustees at Bear River tradition Tuesday when he 69 votes. with His opipo City was swept into the job of nent, Austin L. Johnson receiv mayor of Garland by a huge ed 37 votes. margin over Alma King. 'Hes 75 votes. For members of the board of 'been Garland's mayor so long trustees, Dwight R. Anderson the last two generations cant Jack Harper, trustee candidate led with 66 votes; J. Ernest remember another man at the on the Peoples ticket scored 34 Second Lt. Harold R. Compand Mary S. Anderson helm of the citys government. votes. ton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mat- Huggins tied with 50 for the ether posiOn the Citizens ticket Emery The ophew J. Compton, returned from tion and Christian (H. Anderson scored Wight, for president, had 34 ponent, Alma King, Korea recently completing his trailed with 40. votes; and George Harper, trusonly 58 votes to Whites 190. tour of duty with the U. S. army. Winning on the council were tee candidate had 1967.while E. L. iB. C. Brough, Lt. Compton entered the army Citizens' Ticket Takes Don Rod Wheatley had 158, and G. A. Johnson, On write-inAlso-ranon July 15, 1991. After complet 156. for Limb, councilmen were Elmer Hall, for president, had 60; Hunsaker, ing basic training at Ft. Jock-son- . All in Corinne Election 75, and Kenneth W. Spackman, 100 and Norman Jensen, 82. South Carolina, he entered The Peoples ticket swept Cofor trustee, 72. Officer Candidate school at Ft. L. V. At Gather Monmouth, New Jersey. He re- rinne city election with Many ceived his commission July 31, Mills winning the mayor post To Watch with 76 votes and Sam Forsgren Horace Barnard Was A 1952. and Merlin Hansen, council Election Returns Cinch In Deweyville After serving in various camps men with 77 and 78 votes, reA large group of Brigham in the U. S., he was sent to the spectively. It was a cinch. Ftar East command and Korea. On the losing Citizens ticket City citizens gathered at the All candidates for town elec'Harold now plans on entering were Chet Rader, for mayor, 39; News and Journal office last tion in Deweyville won. They night to watch city election didnt have any opponents. graduate school at the Univer- Jack Forsgren, 30, and Bill Jenreturns pour in. Horace R. Barnard was electsity of Utah in the near future. sen, city councilmen, 41. While the race for mayor ed president of the Board of was never close enough to Trustees with 31 votes while Heavy Work Leland Thorne Takes cause much suspense, it was Dewey Gardner and Ernest J. Neb. (UP) A weld . LINCOLN, different with some candi- Bouwhuis polled 32 votes each. ing company reported to police Perry's Mayor Post dates fo councilmen. that thieves stole a wheel from Mayor-elec- t Leland Thorne led the field C. LeGrande in the Perry city election winHorsley was one of the candiMantua Board President ning the mayor's post with 70 dates on hand as was Les Is Alston Jenson votes. councilman - elect. Bundy, His Citizen's ticket companPresident of Mantuas board Both men received warm conions were also swept into coungratulations from friends -- of trustees is Alston Jensen who cilmen posts with June ChrisDemocrats and Republicans scored 57 votes to his opponent, Clifford Hansens 34. tensen taking 61 votes and Dou- alike. Winners for members of the glas Quayle, 62. Making a "party" out of thie On the losing Peoples ticket gathering, Doak and Dorothy board were Lee Nelson, 59, and were William Wagstaff, for Robbins, operators of Doak's Chester Rasmussen, 98. mayor, 23: and Eugene Perry, Losing board candidates were Doughnut Shop. Brigham City, cofcoun- - served tasty doughnuts, Herman Jeppsen, 34, and Wes37, and Earl Young. 26, , . fee and apple cider. ley Nelson, 2& - Ll Harold Compton n Home from Korea mavor-blacksmith'- s s N&J s |