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Show Warriors, , DON! VOTE Know The Facts SENATOR THOMAS' POWER AND INFLUENCE IN WASHINGTON "YE SHALL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS" While YOUR UNITED STATES SENATOR, Elbert D. Thomas, was gaining EMINENCE in the United States Senate and INFLUENCE at the White House, immensely beneficial to Utah, his opponent was the national spokesman as President and Chairman of the Board of the world's greatest aggregation of wealth, the National Association of Manufacturers, which opposed every measure in the Congress designed to benefit the people of Utah and the nation. THOMAS' ROLE OF LEADERSHIP SENIORITY SENATE IN THE W L. Pet. 5 0 1.000 Elder.. Box 200 committee in the Senate on domestic affairs. Thomas handles all legislation dealing with veterans, schools, education, public health, hospitals, social serelacurity, industry-labo- r tions, child care, research, science and other matters relating to social welfare. Nearly all of the constructive legislation sponsored by Democratic Administrations under Presidents Roosevelt and Truman in their fight against poverty, against illness. and against hunger have originated in Thomas' committee. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Thomas is senior member of the vital Foreign Affairs Committee. This committee deals with the great problems of treaties and trade agreements. The Foreign Affairs Committee determines American foreign policy in the Senate. MEMBER FOREIGN RELATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE ON THE UNITED NATIONS FOR WORLD AND EASTERN Chairman GOVERNMENT. of the subcommittee of the Senate on Unemployment in the mining industry. AT THE WHITE HOUSE The consideration Utah has consistently received during Senator Thomas' terms in the Senate on federal ap pointments and on legisla tion directly benefiting Utah amply testifies to his great influence. Thomas was voted one of the .ten best Senators in the United States Senate by 211 members of the Washington Press Gallery. These people have an "unparallelled op portunity to see Senators as they really are." (See Pag eant Magazine, October, 1949). SUPPORT YOUR DEMOCRATIC I 8 P. m VOL' Friday from 8 to 8:30 I. r; Sali-no- s, Spider In Light Bulb A Mich. (UP) JACKSON, bulb in the out burned light tan band played for the smart basement of a Jackson appliance looking girls. store was found to contain a Bear Rivgr will travel to Brig- one-iricNo one dead ham City next week for the last knows how it spider. there. got Region One game on schedule for fhe league-leadinHivers. Luckiest Family Alive The game will be played in the Bees stadium most likely at 8 LAS VAGAS, N. M. (UP) oclock. Although their car plunged 94 feet over a cliff into the Gal-lina- s Writes Book at 83 river near here, the William J. Hagden family emerged PETOSKEY, Mich. (UP) Mrs. without a scratch. Ethel Fasquelle, 83, has published her first book, a study of NEED HELP TO STOP Im early Michigan history: tired of old people saying theyre DRINKING? too old to do things, she said. Alcoholics Anonymous I had to be old to gather all Helped Us. the material for my book. WRITE BOX 643, Brigham City Phone your news to 1,000. over M. Lump sum death payments are now payable in all cases if the worker died fully or currently insured under social security, according to Charles W. Feldhauser, social security field representative. Under the old social security law a lump sunh was payable only when, there were no survivors entitled to monthly security benefits. When the worker dies on or after September 1, 1950, a lump sum can be paid in additoin to monthly benefits. To be entitled to a lump sum payment the survivor of an insured wage earner must be either the widow or widower or have paid part or all of the workers burial expenses. This means that some widows, widowers and children of deceased workers will be entitled to both monthly and lump sum benefits. Broadcast 5 3 Ten Tears, Judge... L A fair and capable A good citizen. A devoted civic wort Inquire and . that you we fed will suppoti Crockett fudge VOTE DEMOCRATIC JUDGE J. ALLAN CROCKETT Pemocrattc Candidate (Paid political for Supreme Court Justice NEWS-JOURNA- adveftiseme Democratic State Coauato; GET ADS L RESULTS 3 At Mountain States Electric h Nel: g Elder Line Crushes Helpless Foes In Cold Windy Contest; Johnson Shines Big Box . over the South The Box Elder Bees rolled rough-sho- d Cache Spartans 47 to 0 last Friday at Hyrum. Kick-of- f was ht 1 :30 and it was the fifth league encounter for both clubs. After Phil Oyler scored the initial touchdown from the line, the Bees ran wild against their opponents scoring in every canto. Captain LeRon Johnson sparked the offensive attack for the winners. He tallied oneJTD on an intercepted pass, and another on a pass from Oyler. Ronnie Rock, Lee Boothe, David Kotter and Gary Mortenson all crossed the goal line for scores with Johnson, Oyler and Rock making five out of seven extra points. The win gave Box Elder a five scoring total to 70 points with and nothing record to lead the a TD and an extra counter. Oycircuit. They have tallied 209 ler would have had one more points to their opponents mere touchdown, but he fumbled in Democratic Candidate For 25. Ogden stayed in second the end zone, and alert David with a close 19 to 12 deci- Kotter pounced on the loose oval. place r. Commissioner sion over from Bruising Ronnie Rock drilled the the Bulldogs Cache. A surprising bunch Spartan line all afternoon, and Born and raised in Willard. North if Bear River almost put the the results of his efforts was a Resident of Corinne for skids under the Weber Warriors, score and two extra points. His many years. but Don Budge finally pushed regional total is 55 points. LeFormerly field man for U-- I a score over in the third canto Ron Johnson scored two touchto win seven to nothing. Sugar Company. downs to lead the parade of Knows Box Elder County It was a huge rushing Box scores. Gary Mortenson pushed and the problems of the Elder line that helped givte the over the other Hive counter on Bees the win. Sparked by Maufarmer. plunge from the If elected will devote his rice Hunsaker, with the . line line. which averages 172 pounds, they full time to the office of Half time activities consisted commissioner and the af- charged every play and their of the South Cache pep clubs rivals didnt have a marching and fairs of the county as a smaller making different Lewis chance. Tom Barnes, whole. patterns on the field. The Spar- DaCollin Knudson, Hunsaker, VOTE DEMOCRATIC vid Kotter were all outstanding 22-ya- rd three-yar- with Maurice Hunsaker,, Russ Nelson, Lee Boothe and Paul Josephsen all pitch(Paid Political Adv.) ing in on the offensive and making big holes in fhe line. 3 Phil Oyler ran his league SPEAKING ill i). Id) tea f hour' service When you "but) ill Q3EEG f u 906 541-- Idi vVSyWr d For Daytime WRECKER SERVICE lafeehmt At Night, on Sundays and Holidays Call 906 or 541W. i Irs on defense YOUVE NEVER SEEN A REFRIGERATOR LIRE THIS! OF ELECTIONS- - Theres An Election Day Every Day In Your Grocery Store! Itom Next Tuesday is the day every OWebers flavor is the very one of us will have an opportunity finest. to help choose the people we want not Wont you accept our invitation to run our government. Lets abuse the privilege we have. Be to make the comparison test? Of sure to vote. course, we do this knowing youll vote for Cream OWeber! Did it occur to When you see the children you that theres an election day playing so hard after school every time you these brisk, fall days, let it be a reminder to you to watch visit your store? Thats right. For their diets more carefully than in this free ever. They are using just as much energy as ever, but they country of ours we have the are missing some of the benevotfits they ere getting during privilege of the summer when they spent ing not only for our government but we for the products all day in the sun. leaders, Meat Drawer Hold Mora, In VJawr, In Poadi Pantry-Do- r Every time you choose the brand of food you like you are casting a vote in favor of that brand. Just as you choose a political candidate because you like him, his beliefs and his ability, so, too, do you express your approval of the quality and satisfaction of the brand you select. sters and grownups alike, its more important than ever during the fall and winter months. Cream OWeber is rich in vitamin D, the important sunshine vitamin, you know. a 3 Hug Crisper Held Over 33 Lb. Plays thru any radio or MODEL A 11-- 92 ONE OF THE MANY NEW INTERNATIONAL Egg-O-Ma- ts s, ... ed finest dairy products that money can buy. POWER AND And certainly we have no 'Iron Curtain. We want you to buy other brands to compare them with Cream OWeber. And in making a comparison keep in mind that flavor is the most important indicator of quality in dairy products. We know youll find that Cream the very - See the Complete Prices Start ..$1195 Brigham City , Utah opportunity your door I... the El crashing y through Q and V S 6 of the latest hit tunes ... at a "record" low price, $1 2.95. Youll get RCA Victors new "Victrola" 45 attachment, and youll get your choice of a brand-neRCA Victor "45" PLUS record-syste- ''S THIS MOBIL record, from the latest monthly single releases, every month for 6 months. A complimentary subscription to Picture Record Review Magazine is yours too. Come in now I This offer good only for a limited time. 339 RCA leiteltrd 1 Ceftvanleat 1 1 SHADOWLINE $50 Down 'Better looking, smoother surface ...atior to clan end keep clnan Warranty with Every Refrigerator.Se.ThemToday Pione 30Q ir t " , . . $187.50 $209.95 S195 Balance On Easy Terms MOUNTAIN STATES & fc RADIOS Console Console Console STYLE Brigham Truck & Implement Co. 27 North Main set Heres all Refrigerators features youve never seen before J 1 1 at prices you cant match anywhere! The new International Harvester Refrigerators are the talk of the town. They alone have and "Diffuse-O-Liteand even built-i- n bottle-opener- s to mention just several of the amazing new Femi-steerFeatures that make them easier for women to use. But best of all, they have years of dependable service built into them by one of the worlds most reliable manufacturers. A size for every family, too. TV FOR. OUST HARVESTER buy. Remember to include plenty of delicious Cream OWeber milk in every meal you serve. For young- 50 Lb. HO Porcelalnf nomel By Carolyn Webster fidence by producing only avei 0 4-Y- CONTINUED (Paid Political Adv.) Rurea, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Hear the 7:15 Farm Bureau BEES PULVERIZE SOUTH CACHE FOR INFLUENCE the American Farm FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd d We of Cream O'Weber are mighty proud that such an overwhelming majority of families vote for Cream OWeber dairy products. And you can be sure were always doing our best to merit your con- CANDIDATES President nf WEBER COLLEGE, OGDEN AT 2 P.fo DAVIS r INFLUENCE HEAR ALLEN B. KLINE NIBLEY HALL, LOGAN Back row, left to right: Steven Bessinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bessinger; Marsha Forsgren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Forsgren ; Marjorie Woodbury, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Woodbury ; Edith Petersen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Petersen; Charles Andersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Andersen; Norman Shinkle, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Shinkle; Larry Hammer, son of Ma and Mrs. Clifford Ham-jneMaxcine Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson; Robert Craghead, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Craghead; Frank LaFrambiose, son of Mrs. Walling; E. Fraim son of Mr. and Mrs. Justo Salinos; Mary Jane Loveland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Loveland. Second row: Georgene Bybee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bybee; Janet Petersen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Petersen ; Dorothy Buckley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley; Deanna Tea, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LeGrande Tea; Susan Hansen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff Hansen; Letha Jensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jensen; Kathryn Harton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Harton; Shauna Shefa tally. of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Sheffield ; Rita Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. field, 3 J. W. daughter c Harris ; Jimmy Seely, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Leland Seely. - Front row: Kent Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Anderson; Seigmond Kopinitz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Know Your Candidates! Gus Kopinitz; Gary Larsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Larsen; Lanny Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright; Eric La Rose, son of Mr. and Mrs. Buster La Rose; Steven Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hill ; Jimmy Harmon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron GEORGE H. Harmon; Alan Christensen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Christensen; Michael Woodruff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Woodruff; Lonnie Burbank, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jensen; Richard Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Heber Smith. NOV. 7TH THOMAS' I 25 COMMITTEES LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE. Thomas is CHAIRMAN of the most powerful (ARM BUREAU MEEIDUj yjmjykw 100 96 4 Ogden 79 84 Logan .......... 3 46 91 3 Weber 50 70 So. Cache .... 2 51 129 No. Cache .... 1 13 93 Bear River.... 0 Tigers Triumph insured The Ogden Tigers thpmselves of a tie for second place last Friday afternoon at Ogden when they trounced the North Cache Bulldogs 19 to 12. Jimmy Tarro, flashy junior back, tallied one TD and the extra point with Campbell pushing over the other two touchdowns. Cantwell and Jessop counted lor the North Cache scores. Warriors Trip Bears The Weber Warriors slipped into third place tie with Logan last Thursday afternoon at the Weber field. The Bears put a surprising stiff fight all through the battle, but Don Budge cracked over left tackle in the third period for the only score in the game. One other time in the game the Weber crew line but drove to the they didnt, have the last bit of punch td drive the oval over for one-yar- ELDER NEWS Brigham City, Utah Wednesday, November 1, 1950 PM. PA Thomas outranks 85 Senators. After 17 years of service, no man in the Senate is more influentiaL SENATE BOX S& Win Games League results BLIND PAGE TEN Central School Second Grade Mrs. Joseph Weight , Teacher v (MOT L , ELECT , ; |