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Show Legs! Notice Probate and Guardianship No Consult Clerk of District Court Brigham, Utah, or the respective signers for further information. tices. Nttict For Publication Public UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Buresu Of Land Management Uth Land & Survey Otticc Salt Lake City, Utah, December 14, 1949. NOTICE is hereby given that under provisions of section 2455, R. S., as amended by section 14 of the act of iune 28, 1934 48 Slat., 1274; 48 U. S. C 1171), and pursuant to the applies tion of Randle B. Carson of balem, Utah, Serial No. 068898, them swill be offered to the highest bidder, but at not less than $4 00 per acre, at a pub lie ssle to be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on the 15th day of February, 1950, at this office, the following tracts of land: Lota 5, 6, SW4&L!4 aac. 6, lots 2, 3. 4, WtfEK tec. 7, lot I. NWU NE4 sec, 18. T. 13 N., R. 17 W., eec. 10, WSW'X SEU. NEtfSWi SE.USE' ec. II. W4SW sec. 12. page five to th to c;. 'es in 4 ELDER BOX it 1 a city 1935 thin nd. Bao 1947 NASH Ambassador restau-wn- en oft JjALE Sales books, ocked ygur v checks, etc., firm name, each. order a bran gn: a FOR SALE 70 tons of corn silage, lots of corn. In silo. Ph. t 349-- Ford radio and heater. , FOR SALE News-Jour-- 1 . 1947 Phone 21 FOR SALE Bendix 1949 washer. Phone 152-after 4 o'clock. delivery, early. The 38 SALE t 18 No. Main printed with as little as One-mont- h Good used washers. All makes. From S10 up. Thompson Hardware. Phone 163. D30-if-c- h two-do- FOR, SALE Oil stove in good tadu, condition and 265 gallon oil tubes, good tires. A to sell tank. Phone 309-mighty good car. priced m owner at 51,145. Lester Col-H- FOR SALE 200 white leghorn Brigham Tire Shop or hens; also a elec1046. Phone Main. South ill tric brooder. Call 16. d u, h 07-tf-p- FOR SALE OR TRADE Large Norge drcu. SALE used luting oil heater, mason; large enough to irs.: 462-W- ' heat ' . SALE p0R Ford Door Sedan . $175 Sedan .. $95 Plymouth Door Sedan .. $85 537 Sedan Plymouth Door 936 FISHER Street "North . Phone J hay; First OK Central Chevrolet Phone 2i DIRECTORY SETTING us first for free estimates all ' tile work Bathrooms, mter tops, drain boards, store onta, etc. L. W. Balls, 22 west ixth North, phone 805-R- . a re T term! OF COURSE we have a well balanced group of homes listed and in price ranges from $2500 to $13,000. NW'.. NKjN!4. WJ.SWii Bee. U, NE'4. WNW'4 NENW4, NW 5. T. WSW4 wc, 14. SANW4 U N.. R. 18 W.. SLM, Utah. Bid may be made by the principal BRICK, BLOCK and lock work; or hi a ent, either personally at the ale or by mail. Bid Chimneys and fireplaces. Call ent by mail will be considered 562-M- . only If received at thi oft ice prior to the hour fixed for the sale. These bid be accompanied by certified SALES BOOKS, K.taurant miwrt check or poet office order money Treaeurer made of the the to checks, cashier pads, punch payable of the United State for the amount checks, printed to your order. bid and must be enclosed in sealed h The envelope must be delivery, so order envelope. marked in the lower corner early. Lowest prices. The News substantially a follows: "Public sale Serial No. Sale. JouraaL bid, 088896, February '5, 1950.' The person making the highest bid WORK ENGINEERING SERVICE A. Larrutners, registered and land engineer urveyor. 21 2 South 'hone 472-W- . PLASTERING-CEMEN- 2nd East, WORK T Gordon B. Nicholas, (Contrac- fixtures, tor). Phone top work, furniture, repairs and modeling. Lund's Cabinet AUTO BODY See Jensen iop. Phone 753-749 North cabinets, 882-3- Linda t Lake ?ln- - d One-mont- 1948 FORD Super Deluxe Sedan C. B. WILLIAMS Real Estate Insurance NOW AT 140 SOUTH MAIN STREET Phone 6 Central Chevrolet House Ph. 714 1$ No. Lovely new fully modern brick home in First ward for $10,500. Home at 146 So. 4th East for $4950.00. Home at 138 So. 5th East for $6300.00. Home at 207 E. 2nd North for $7350.00. UM it & lent and ibis idly CLEANING Phone "ONE" NOTICE TO CREDTORS ELECTRIC floor polisher Beery, Deceased. for Estate of Wallace claims with Creditors will present rent Beehive Coal & Appli Touchers 22 to the undersigned at acres dry farm at North Ogden, with fully once, modern home for $15,000 68 North Main. sit F18tf-c- h For Rent or Lease FOR RENT Three room fur. nished apartment Prefer workers at the Indian schooL Ph. 410 or 409-- 1 Lake ( Continental Bank Building. the 28th day city. Utah, on ojrD. before 1950. of February, A. Date of first publication 28, A. D. 1949. NOAH BEERY, Jr. PHIL BERG. Executors of Estate of Wallace Beery, Deceased. A. W. Sendack Attorney at Law 112-Continental Bank Building Salt Lake City, Utah Attorneys for Executors. UNFURNISHED APT. Bent re duced, 5 room deluxe opts. LICENSED Peach City Apia. Phone 723-BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Nl6-lf-c- h F. Glen Kelly. REAL ESTATE BROKER UTAH LAND At SURVEY OFFICE. Salt Lake Utah, January 3, 1950. NoFor The States Of . FOR RENT Furnished, heated tice isCity, hereby given that en May 6, of Utah filed applicathe State 1940, UTAH and IDAHO apartment 68 south Third tion to select, Serial 062899, under the d Phone 19 west, phone 324-Act of February 20, 929, for: R. Sec. 12, T. 8 N NE'j, SA EyNW!4 43 South Main FOR RENT Furnished W; Sec.Sec. 12,T SW'L heated 6NANA SWNW'j, 13 16 N., R. W.; 27, apartments for 1 to 4 persona. Lot 4, 5E4SWVi Sec. 19. SESWU FOR SALE frame house, 26, Ski SW'4 Sec. 27. NW'NWtf Weekly or monthly winter Sec. 1, 2, NENE4 Sec. 30, two miles east of Bear River. rates. Sycamores Motor Lodge, Sec.- 29. LotaNW4SW4 Sec. 35, T. 3 Leslie Jensen. Phone 2342. Sec. 10, Wi North Main. . 2 E.j EA Sec. 19; "Lot 2 Sec. 26. E'a Sec. 30, T. 37 FOR RENT Strictly modern fur S., R. 12 W.; LoU 7 and 8 Sec 7, Lots AGENCY J13-18-p- 1938 FORD 'i Ton Pickup $245 Stuart at Brig- nished apt Automatic heat and hot water. Choicest loca tion in town. Adults only. 112 East Forest FOR RENT Furnished apt Very reasonable. 154 south Third west Ph. 467-J4-lf-- FOR RENT Modern furnished apt- 3 rooms and bath. Private entrance. Phone 435-B- . - Adults. Phone 21 18 No. Main George A. Nielson, Brigham City fruit grower, was elected vice president of the Utah State Horticultural society Saturday at the closing session of the groups annual convention in Hotel Utah. During the meeting of the society lectures were given by prominent agriculturists on the growing and marketing of fruit in the state. 'Elected president of the group was John W. Gillman, Orem, Utah county. Clarence D. Ashton, Provo, was chosen secretary-treasurer- . Gunmen Stock Up BOTON (UP) Gunmen held up the Kirkwood Brothers gun shop here and escaped with $100 in cash, plus three guns. - THESE BUYS DRAW THE CROWD Carnival Slated by Young Buddhists Of Honeyvillel The recently organized Young Buddhists organization of Honey vlile will hold a carnival Feb- ruary 4, at the Honeyvllle hall, It was announced today by Bebe Okanda, the committeeman in charge. During the evenings entertainment there will be raffles, concessions and delicious freshments for everyone, da said. re- 1946 Ply. Coupe Motor just overhauled. Heater and radio. Okan- Besides Okada, Kol Haramoto and George Watanabe are also on the committee for the program. NOTICE Further notice will be pubI After this date will not be lished at a later date concernresponsible for any debts con- ing the carnival, Okanda said. tracted by anyone other than myself. George Hyrum Allen Brigham City, Utah, Dated: Jan. 10, 1950. J Clul Hears Oscar Grunig Brigham City 11 20-3- 0 the regular dinner meet0 ing of the Brigham City club Monday evening, January 16, held this week in Tremon-towhere the Brigham City a group is sponsoring club, Oscar Grunig gave a talk on the Brigham City Boys' club, Verle Petersen, president of the boys organization, said the meeting were 17 Brigham City 20-3members, six from Ogden and seven from Tremonton. iAt 20-3- South Stake Choir Slate Practice For Friday The South Box Elder stake choir will hold their practice period Friday beginning at 7:30 oclock in the evening at the stake tabernacle it was announced today by Harold B. Felt, director of the choir. The practice was postponed from Wednesday because of other civic 1941 Packard Heater and good tires. Bekt buy in town. $625 20-3- 0 today.-Attendln- 0 affairs. 1940 Studebaker Coupe New paint. Excondicellent tion. Good tires. Phone your society news to Practice for the Easter presen Phone 727, oi tation and for stake quarterly the conferences are now under way, to Mrs. Charles Klmber, societj Felt said. editor, Phone 192. News-Journa- $325 l, 1936 Chev. Sedan NO JOB TOO BIG; TOO SMALL! A' bargain at only $75 Whether you need fifty wedding invitations or several thousand letterheads, rely on ,our craftsmen to produce a job that will please you in appearance and in cost I and 2 See. 18. T. 13 S., R 17 W.; SW Vs NE!4 Sec. 22. T. 13 S. R. 18 W., S.L.M., Utah, 2324 83 acres. The De pertinent has classified the land 7 ai of proper hr acquisition under Sec. the Taylor Grazing Act and opened it the to selection by tne State under The apMiners Hospitals. Gant to 1wm allowed January 3, 1950. plication obtect to to this Any person desiring mineral because of the application land or for the of character any other reason should file his protest in this office during the peHodof publication or before final approval. ERNEST E. HOUSE, Manager. NEWS - JOURNAL NIELSEN MOTOR CO. Phone 727 We'll Come Running I 333 No. Main Ph. 260 1939 CHEVROLET Vi Ton Truck Central Chevrolet 18 No. Main Phone 21 New home. 5 rooms, modern. Across the street from post office at Corinne. Phone FOR RENT 481-J- ! 2. FOR RENT 1023-J- . ApL Phone FOR RENT 7 room house part- or 781 ly furnished. Furnace. Phone 114-- 579 South Main. Sleeping rooms with 18 north J18-pSecond west. 845-- FOR RENT kitchen privileges. d FOR RENT 4 room nished apt. Inquire First east. Ph. 971. l. partly fur. 113 north J18-t- f Help Wanted MAN with car wanted to call on farmers in Box Elder county. Wonderful opportunity. $15 to $20 in s day. No experience or capital required. Permanent Write to. day. McNESS COMPANY, Dept RELIABLE - al J. Plane A MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UP) neighbor borrowed Mrs. A. E. Foxs bathroom scales to weigh his private plane. He had three such scales and placed one wheel on each for a total weight a little more than 500 pounds. OK Services Offered or red. b Jyl-tf-c- Ve Vecuum, Clean and Repair AD Makes of Furnaces 1EEHIYE COAL fc APPLIANCE repair and com-let- s paint jobs. Burts Body PLUMBING & HEATING toft -- Burt Vincent, manager, Larsen Brothers, 467 So. Main M North WE SPECIALIZE IN Main. Business phone 292. Residence 612. Repair work 212 and phone fPEWRITERS SMALL LOANS a specialty, typewriters, adding machines na cash registers bought, sold, PLUMBING & HEATING inted and REPAIRED. The Plumbing and Heating mater-als- ; $25 TO $300 Office Supply. M22-ch-water softeners, electric servater heaters; plumbing BNETIAN BLINDS vice. Devere Christensen, 153 Window shades. Call for Vorth 5th West Phone 92. us ,e BRIGHAM LOAN CO. estimates. Large stock win-shades always available. SAND AND GBAVEL Main Furniture, ph. 250. 43 So. Main. Phone 448 Jensen and Holst sand .and SWING MACHINES travel Road gravel soil mov Repaired. excavating. Phone 991 or Prompt service. nig, 137-guaranteed. Bate Sewing iachine Service, 54 So. 2nd W Prudential Life Insurance ORCHARD SUPPLIES hgham. Phone 378-NInsecticide, Approved quality Loaning Agency TWng materials. Anderson spraying Let me do your typing in my Produce Co. ome; excellent BRIGHAM REALTY work, reason-ol- e rates. See Purdett Farmer PRINTING and invita Wedding reception n N. V. Watkln, evenings. tions, social stationery, business SS, PAINTS,W of forms all Broker ALLPAPER printing and special home and automobile Just the glass, kinds, at FARMS HOMES RANCHES n1?; shelves, installed. Com-lln- e phone 727. Phone 90S Office General paints for PORTRAITS Home Phone 914-- J Purposes. Wallpapers, all We specialize in natural color s er.,ecoration supplies. and Paint Shop,- 85 portraits. Roll film developing. Photo Art Service, 68H S. Main, SERVICE OFFERED You cen Main. Phone 696.Phone 945. have soft water service in METAL WORK your home for $2.50 per month. P Larsen Sheet Metal PRINTED MATTER The saving is greater than the Sales slips, restaurant checks, ,fmmediate delivery on cost in soap, plumbing and ai and oil furnaces. Furnace etc. The , Phone labor. Seashore's, pbone 25. meaning. Free estimates. All 727. 022-ll-c- b guaranteed. Phone 79-23 PAINTING PAPERING All-t- f iSorth north eh Free estimates given on your OK Nick COVERINGS painting and paering. Linoleum, tile, broad.oom car- - Kozak. Phone 465-J- . 1941 PONTIAC v i?nowa11 ,n stock. Expertstalled. North Main Fuml ROOFING Sedan Deluxe roof work, For specialized 'Phone 250. shingling and shingle painting, ouilt up and flat roofs, call J. sewing done outton! alterations, covered O. Crapo, 406 North 4th East custom-mad- e belts. ihone 796. All work guaranteed 115 i.a2d Second north. Phone Ms w ACCOUNTING SERVICE Elva Garrett Central Chevrolet Accounting systems. Tax DRT CLEANERS Burt Phillips, public ao 18 No. Main Phone 21 . and Dry countant Basement of First Se VeinLaUndry - 62. curity Bank bldg. Phone 77. 4t News-Journ- sup-plie- e and equipment Turley's West Forest rURNACE 277 Brig-G,las- n to NOTICE TO CREDTORS Estate of Wesley H. Dunn, also known as W. H. Dunn, Deceased. claims with Creditors will present vouchers to the undersigned at Rm. 22, First Security Bank Bldg., Brigham City Utah, on orD-- before the 2Sth day 1950. , of February, A. Date of first publication December 28, A. D.. 1949. SYLVIA W. DUNN. Administratrix of the Estate of Wesley H. Dunn, also known as W. H. Dunn Deceased. O. DEE LUND Firat Security Bank Bldg. 3righam City, Utah Attorney for Adminatratrix. Military cut down, new eights, 13 Central Chevrolet REPAIRS News-Journa- DOL Phone 21 eta Blueing. Handloading p-J- flth Main REPAIRING rifles Re-und- s to will be required to pay immediately the amount thereof. claiming adversely the Any person d to land are advised file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. Any person entitled to claim a preference right under the first proviso to said seotion 14 as an owner of contiguous land must assert his claim with-- n 30 days from the date of public the offering and conditional sale to highest bidder and at the expiration of if such no said preference nght period, riht has been asserted, the highest bidder will be declared the purchaser of the land, ERNEST E. HOUSE, Dec. Manager. OK tl trh' 1 - 5. ham Body Shop for radiator repairs, paint and repairs for any lamaged auto. West 6th North. 0TO BODT REPAIR Auto body CE E'A Phone 504 OK See Kitchen and very reasonable can be arranged. SUPERIOR DAIRY SUMMONS Civil No. 8888 In the District Court of County, State of Utah KENMlTH SiKCH and VIOLET BIRCH, Plaintiffs, versus BEAR RINER CITY COOP, also known as the BEAR RIVER CITY MERCAN-TILand MANUFACTURING ASSOa defunct CIATION, Corporation, CARL IVERSON, as Administrator Ds Bonis Non, of the Estate of Peter Worsen. Deceaeed; ORSEN JENSEN, as Administrator of the Estate of Carl Jensen, Deceased, and all unknown heire, devisees, assigns, gran tees and creditors of PETLR IVFR-SEand CARL JENSEN, both Deunceased, and all other person known, claiming any right, title, estate or interest in. or lien upon the real property described in the pleadto the complainant' ing, ad versa title ownership, or okmding their Defendants. thereto. THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: You are hereby aumnvoned and to serve upon O. Dee Lund, Plaintiffs' Attorney, whose address is Bank Bldg., First Security Brigham City, Utah, an answer to tne complaint within 20 days after service of this summons upon you. If you fail so to do, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in said complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of said Court. This Is an action to recover a judgment quieting plaintiffs title to the in lowing described lands situated t: Box Elder County, State of Utah, All of Lot I. Blk. 16, Plat11 A, Bear River City Survey. Also: Beg. at the NE cor of Lot 2, said Blk and Plat, th. running S. 8 rds., th. W 20 rds., th. N 8 rds., th. E. 20 rds, to the place of beg. Situated in the N'i of Sec. 12, T. 10 N., R. 3 W., S. 3 L.M. O. DEE LUND, Attorney for Plaintiffs. P. O. Address: First Security Bank Building, Brigham City, Utah. First Publication January 18, 1950. Last Publication: February 8, 1950. Unit, Seales Weigh G. A. Nielson Elected Officer For Fruit Men J, line per month. ABPENTER-CABINE- SOLID BRICK ROME with furnace for less th $7,000. This home is in al excellent close-in- , loccrtioi BAIRD $275 18 No. Main BUSINESS HE AND TILE j Town Sedan Directory advertisements of four lines or less, $2.00 per calendar month, one month minimum. Additional lines 50 cents Pr DELIVERED Estate ALL KINDS OF FARMS INSURANCE, LOANS, SERVICE 1937 CHEVROLET " The Tabernacle BRIGHAM Of west SALE Maytag washer with gasoline engine, square aluminum tub, excellent condition, $50. Terms if desired. Baird Appliance, Phone 321. 123 South Main. MOTOR CO. Across The' re- - 108 $180. FOR $225 Chevrolet Door ft 30 bales of first crop. 628 . south west 75c bale. RANSPORTATION )37 Kelvinalor 1948 frigerator, 7 cu. south Second FOB SALE PRICE 140 Real when you can buy one of out several homes for less thgn $2,000 down and balance like monthly rent paymen One 36 Chevrolet sedan; one 37 Plymouth two door; one acetylene welder. Call 842-R- . 564-NW- OW Pasteurized A MILK & CREAM one A beautiful lersral rooms. pitce of furniture. Free triaL flume Grade Life-wor- d J. 3B good Second we it WHY PAY RENT Central Chevrolet Phone 21 Main north 845-- TRY IT. 75 Jrry cars, iver hi ime case Mil ILK Studio couch, For Sale Central Chevrolet S Up i; 18 NASH Sedan or CHEV. Sedan CHOICE i8 No. FOR SALE value rouR o fhe 881-R- Sale 1936 biij rubtu Stewing or dressed. Phone hens, lire yMsdofr good The FOR SALE Bright City.JJKf for im one 'ds on as tid wini NEWS Lsga! Notices - B. 2423 MagnoUa 7. Calif. St- - Oakland 9 Lost and Found Nearly new white shoe skate, size 7'j Lost out of bob sleigh around Perry. Ph. LOST 5-- J. Mayor Still Good ROCKLAND, Me. (UP) brating his 75th birthday, FOWenr momalv just Doff HIS CHRISTMAS Celefor- mer mayor, Albert C. McLoon bowled 75 strings of candle pins, felling 6,656 pins for an average of 88 per string. - - I |