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Show page . 1 ,0X three NEWS ELDER I Brigham City- - TjUsSend Utah ' 1950 In Your magazine subscriptions Lorene Wood Engaged To J. Ray Williamson Kindergarten Club Members Enlightened On Child Psychology By Leon Christiansen Miss Lorene Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Wood will become the summer bride of J. Ray Williamson, son of (Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Williamson of Ogden, according to an announcement made by her parents recently. The wedding date has been set for July, in the Logan L. D. S. temple. Miss Wood Is at present a student at the Box Elder high school and will be graduated this spring. (Her fiancee Is a graduate of Ogden high school and is attending Weber college. ( Without fuss or bother to write or lel- ioail Compare our you JV prices! MASON'S 22 South Main , Members of the Kindergarten . club met last Thursday , after-- run Niaht EniOyed noon at the War Memorial home. Mrs. Rudolph 'Kaiser, club presi- By Perry M.I.A , dent, was in charge and t welMembers of the Perry ward comed the ladies and guests to M. I. A. enjoyed an evening of . the meeting. fun Saturday evening in the Minutes were read toy Mrs. ward amusement hall. MoLaren Funk and prayer was 'Each Mutual class was in offered by Mrs. Arden Balls. charge of a game with everyMrs. Herbert Merrell led in the body participating and prizes V.F.W. Aux. Will Have "Bunco" Party Thursday Evening Box Elder High School Ladies Faculty Hold . Meeting At Home Of Mrs. John Olsen Thursday . Another $100,000 Shot MANCHESTER, N. H. (UP) Sen. Styles Bridges, R., N. H., said a recent government survey that- cost $100,000 showed that only 53 percent of Ameri- The January meeting of the high school ladies Peldhauser To Visit will held Thursday, was faculty hold a Bunco party at the War 5 at the home of Mis. City Next Thursday can men sleep in pajamas, while Memorial home Thursday eve- January . John Olsen. 47 percent sleep In underwear, social W. Charles 8 teldhouser, at oclock. 19, ning, January The meeting was conducted field 4 Several valuable and useful representative, night gowns or in the raw. security Mrs. Don Jeppsen. During by prizes will be given to the high the afternoon the following pro-- ; will be In Brigham City Thurs1950 at the Em day and low scoring ladies and a gram was January Carol Jean Security office, second light luncheon will be served. Leggett sanggiven, two numbers ac- - ( ployment floor 0j tke toward Hotel, from All members and prospective Bradshaw. Mrs. companied by 2;30 to 4 0'dock in the after' members which includes any noon. Dee lady who is a mother, sister or Mrs. Evelyn Daines, Mrs. Abbie winners. pledge of allegiance. Two musi- being awarded Renie Littlewood, and Feldiiauoer cal selections, When Irish Eyes Johnson of Brigham City also daughter - of a veteran with Madsen, recently advised Mrs. Abel S. Rich each read and that sixty-fiv- e Are Smiling, year old workand Alice Blue assisted with the recreational overseas service, is invited. discussed a selection of their ers who have retired recently or Gown, were sung by Carol Jean fun. Bunown poems, and Stephen who expect to retire is the near Following the games, the eveLeggett, accompanied by Karen nell played two instrument future, are urged to contact the Craghead. Mrs. Don Jeppsen ning was concluded with danc- Sorority Changes numbers. social as was in charge. A short business ing to recorded music. Soda lunch- soon assecurity representative A delicious possible." discussion was conducted by pop and donuts were served to Date Of Annual was served to nearly 40 eon Mrs. Kaiser and Mrs, Eugene all present. is yours for well re Musicale To Feb. 25 members by the following comPrice gave a brief report on the PERRY FIRESIDE CHAT ..S-- 1 .. chairMrs. pair your radio ii mittee: Sam Gordon, Vice-President The Perry fireside chat meetclubs Alcoholism. The annual musicale, sponsor- man; Mrs. John Olsen, Mrs. Vos-c- o Anson Call Named home or project, your This subject has been presented ing was held last Sunday eve- ed by the Beta Sigma Phi sororP. Call, Mrs. Austin Larsen, Of Ag In our Agents Mr. of and at home the to the Box Elder high school ning shop where we ity has been changed from Feb- Mrs. Marie T. Jeppsen, Norma do can it quicker. boys and girls with awards to 'Mrs. Scott Wright. Lawrence ruary 3 to Saturday, February Jensen, Mable Christensen, MarAnson B. Call, agriculture exbe given In the near future to Wright was in charge of the 25, at 8 oclock at the stake tab- ian Kohler. Barbara Box Elder and for tension us to come Command agent Bagley the first and second best essays program. Opening prayer was ernacle, according to Lillian was elected 'county, to come for your or ' and offered Reese on this subject. Quayle by Felt, chairlady. of the Utah county Agrit needs radio when Mrs. Felt explained the change Mrs. Griffiths Gives The time was then given to time was turned over to Elder at icultural Agents association, mov- was due to the ball showed 'Dee Johnson who service. that chair-ladgame Mrs. Evan Owen, program the recent meeting of the agents Reading Circle Review of his New Zealand falls on February 3. In Logan. who Introduced Leon ing pictures travels, which proved missionary The musicale this year will The Reading Circle met WedChristiansen who gave a very to Call has been agent in Box be very interesting and edu- consist of several vocal seleceducational discussion on child cational. nesday evening at the home of Elder county since the retiretions toy the Boys and Girls Mrs. Leona Bunderson for their ment of Robert Stewart June 1, psychology. Every lady present Closing prayer was offered by glee clubs of the Box Elder high regular book review meeting. 1949. felt richly benefitted by the in- Donna COAL & APPLIANCE Wood and refreshments school, under the direction, of Mrs. W. H. Griffiths gave an formation given by Mr. Chriswere to Mrs. served by Earl Johnston. Wright tiansen on this subject. interesting review of the Lloyd 24 members present Us Forgive Douglas writing, were served 'Refreshments Our Trepasses. A delicious desfrom a beautiful tea table covWard Sacrament sert luncheon was served to ered with a rich ecru lace cloth Bee Tee Glee Sings eighteen members by Mrs. Bunand centered with an arrange- At Meeting Held Sunday derson to round, out the evePerry Sacrament ment of green 'boughs dipped in sacrament ward The Sixth nings entertainment. silwith silver dainty glittering The Bee Tee Glee club furver flowers and balls showing nished the program at the Perry meeting was held Sunday beBishthrough the green. White snow ward sacrament meeting held ginning at 7 o'clock with Richard Hansen presiding Castel Murphy Gives op birds and tall white tapers last i Sunday evening. and First Counselor 'Arthur Stef- Talk In Second Ward flanked each end of the table. Douglas conducted the fen Oyler chair-lady , conducting. 'Mrs. Glen Anderson was of names The Boyd meeting. was A Voice Elder Castel Murphy, of Ogsong Opening of the serving committee Hirschi and Therald Quayle sung by den, gave an interesting Illusand was assisted by Mrs. Lorin were presented for advancement In the Wilderness, Dixie Meacham, accompanied trated talk on Hawaii and her Mrs. Mrs. Alfred Balls, Frey, In the priesthood. . Invocation was people, in the Second ward sacRalph 'Leggett, Mrs. Merle BeeFirst number sung by the by Evalyn Kay. cher and Mrs. Lester Anderson. group was, Come, Come, Ye offered by Clarence Perry and rament meeting last Sunday the sacrament song was "God evening, with Counselor LafaySaints, and was followed by of Our 'Fathers ette F. Jensen In charge. The by the choir. the ex' at be Youll surprised invocation by Douglas Quayle. Sacrament was administered organ prelude was toy Renie W. l cellent results The sacrament song, "An Angel The opening song, Wesley Barlow and Robert Littlewood. classified ads secure. From On High, was sung by by Richards assisted by 'Deacons "Now Let Us Rejoice, was sung the group which is conducted Johnny Baird, Sandy Sheffield, by the choir and congregation, by Wayne Johnson, accompa' Nolan Tingey, and Roger Sederholm gave the nied by Janice Hansen. Follow' Berner Roberts, followed b y Gary Hollingsworth, Ross Jen- invocation, Johnson ing sacrament, George Dallas Burt and Jim Bun- choir singing, Reverently son, conducted the musical program dy; Meekly Now, At Thy Feet as follows: Singing Along, Kelly was voted on to Humbly Bow. and beLeRoy "Shoulder To 'Shoulder, ordained to the office of a Nellie Jensen and Walter J. Teach Me To Pray. Ray Ander Hunsaker priest. had charge of the sec- Miss Han son, accompanied by THAT OLD FLAME The meeting was then turned rament and were assisted by sen, played a violin solo, Ava over to the genealogical com 12 deacons. Give It a new setting! In spite , Sketched above: two davenMaria, and the glee club con mittee with Fred Burt conductPearl Olsen was released as of our madcap pace of living ports provide ample sprawling tinued with three more selec LarCamile with new interests constantly space and offer friendly hospitaling. first counselor and tions, As Torrents in Summer, Dixie Meacham sang the solo sen as second counselor in the crowding themselves into our ity. Dont worry if you cant Moonlight On The Lake, and In My Fathers House Are Many Y. W. M. I. A. and Camile Larlives, home still is where the find a new davenport that Stars Of The Summer Night Mansions, matches the one you have. Plain hearth is b y sen was sustained as first counaccompanied harmonize You dont need a scale plan simple . lines will William T. Davis, a returned selor and Ruth Reeder as secEvalyn Kay, .. to transform the old fashioned with anything. your missionary from England- was "'Fred Burt then introduced the ond orcounselor, in the same fireplace and put your room In n!d one for a completely new the speaker and the concluding C. Patnarch william color scheme in tones that match that important c eak ganization. numbers were "Hear My Pray mood. Just paint the bricks and or blend with the new. Mrs. Littlewood played an orTerry of Ogden. His subject er, High On a Mountain Top, was "Who Am I? What is My black. mantel a solt velvety of love In a small room a Song (Dull varnish gan selection, entitled and America." over black enamel seats fit charmingly. pair Or pull-uafter the talk Without Responsibility?" Words, Then will turn this Benediction was offered trick.) pnt chairs. The plan is flexible. by was "The by Elder Murphy, the congrega- a wall-hig- h panel of simulated Scott Wright to conclude the The ofclosing song We have tried to Glory by the choir. King tion sang Lord We Ask Thee marble wallpaper In black and your needs. Come in, anticipate wed like program. . Benediction was offered white above the mantel. Use a to talk them over with you. by Ere We Part," and the benefor or clear smoked mirror Max Stoddard, Dee was diction pronounced by this If you prefer. Hang lively College Teaches Dance Calling Lund. drapes irom ceiling SOUTH31MAIN FURNITURE CO. (MORGANTOWN, W. Va. (UP) Phone your society news to North Mata St. to floor at each side, and you Youll be surprised at the ex- have made the hearth the decoPhone 727, or Square dance callers are be- the Citr, Utah 1 Brigham News-Journrative center of your room. V Phnn ing trained at West Virginia to Mrs. Charles Kimber, society cellent Moun-tainlaiat classified ads secure. University. Students editor, Phone 192. recreation center, , the have formed the square dance cluto to sponsor the events and! 1 The V. F. W. Auxiliary Box Elder - two-cours- e SPECIAL PURCHASE OF CHILDREN'S WINTER SLEPERS this special purchase Because of we are able to offer Pink Pastel colors; Green, Blue, sizes 0 to 6. you and BEEHIVE in Yellow t t Values to $1 .98. Buy now and save. Sxfi SENSATIONALLY PRICED .... AT SM3 22 AS MS Phone 315 South Main 1.1 I f News-Journa- Slip-cov- - p , . vlvld-printc- BONE CHINA News-Journa- Cups and Saucers results instruct its members in the art of calling dances. to STATIONERY For Your l, r, 98c to $1.98 PRICE ' yam (csHnfti The Least you can pay-fo- r the Mtestt Xmas Pictures FRAMES PICTURE - - VaPRiCE Reg. $9.95 Starter Set SPECIAL-$5.9- -- 5 VALUES TO $5 2-Pl- LAMES COMPACTS sL(D)0 WALLETS5 : 1 ALL 500 IIMMV 1 LUSSASE all SALES ARE FINAL Class... IJ (iKf 400 3-Po- 25 NO RETURNS REMINDER 'V? llII 001)11 V2 PRICE NT Today BE SURE TO SEE lot formerly Best Severs Values to $4 Other Best Sellers 98c to $1.98 1 Lot Val. to $3.00 vlsi. 50 Tractor ow BOOKS FOUNTAIN PENS int Hook-u- p Lets start with the idea that you want to drive the very best tar your money will buy. Who doesnt? You want to be seen in a big, beautiful outstanding automobile. You want to enjoy die thrill of performance. You want to know for sure that the car youre driving will give miles and miles and miles of carefree service. . What you want is a Pontiac! Prove it for yourself come in and well show you that dollar for dollar you cant beat a Pontiac. Bumper to bumper, inside and out, one thing is apparent no tar offers you more for your money than a new Pontiac! Come in soon! , - You Ever Saw silken-smoot- NO REFUNDS OFFICE SUPPLY si Model VAC is the Best Buy in the Low-Co- st ."m," 10 R1 a Comparison the "VIRGINIA" and "PRINCESS" t Ifcmtt By Every Introducing Two New Dinnerware Patterns v d TERRY FARM SERVICE 132 No. Main Phone 915 ! 17 h State and focal taxes. II any, itcemt, optional equipment and accessories extra, Pruts subnet to change nithostt notice. Prices may vary in surrounding communities due to transportation di&erenuals , Fisher Motor Go. East 2nd South Across The Street North of the Tabernacle 4 v tp Phone 74 WM.''"" JfS |