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Show 1 Wellsville Area the Corp. To Meet hage five Services Offered NEWS ,0X ELDER TJlah Brigham City. ariwir. TorSaie iichKkfc S flm etc- One-mont- FOR SALE nished apartment Prefer wor Ph. ken at the Indian schooL ' 410 or 409-UNFURNISHED APT Rent i duced, S room deluxe opts. Peach City Apts. Phone 723-- 200 white hens; also a trie brooder. Call 16. - printed with Uttl delivery. h The Lder early- - FOR 1950 JanuarY U News-Jour- FOR Everhot leghorn elec-- IN SMALL LOANS ' h $25 TO $300 fur room Three RENT J. F. Glen Kelly. two-bum-- Large Norge drcuheater, used one to heat large enough rooms. A beautiful furniture. Free triaL - NIB-lf-c- h FOR J . &4S2-W- . 124-W- 03DER GOVJ reasonable, 154 apt Very south Third REPAIRING Military west Ph. rifles cut down, new Bights, 127 FOR RENT Small house, male golden cockers, S15 each. etc. Blueing. Handloading sup d south Third west. Paul Barnard, Perry, 489-Rplies and equipment Turley's FOR RENT at 13 West Forest Jyl-tf-c- h Modem furnished 3 rooms and bath. Pri FOR SALE Bendix 1949 washer. SERVICE OFFERED-Touapt wo ng vale entrance. Phone 435-R- . Phone 152-after 4 o'clock. man will do your typing, Sim Adults. 1 e , p bookkeeping, monthly RENT Modern FOR or furnished statements, FOR SALE Female panakeet any other der leal work that can be done in apt. with heat Best location. bird. 229 east Third south. Ph. Adults only. Call 275-810-my home. Excellent reieren d ces. Phone 974-NFOR RENT Just finished reFOR SALE Play pen. like new. at half the new price. Phone ANY0NE desiring changes in modeling and decorating. Four their 1950 water schedules, room apartment with range, 791 J. nice kitchen cabinet, - both please notify W. L. Barker, h 605 south Third east room, screen porch; basement Services Offered large, clothes closet linen SERVICE OFFERED You esn cabinet Near Indian schooL in soft water service have Call at 422 south Second west Prudential Life Insurance your home tor $2.50 per month . or phone 217-W- . The saving is greater than Uu Loaning Agency i cost in soap, plumbing one Help Wanted labor. Seashore's, phone 25. WANTED To do general GIRL 022-ii-BRIGHAM REALTY for family (1 child i ELECTRIC floor polisher foi 3'; years old) living in Los N. V. Watkins rent Beehive Coal & Appli Angeles, CaliL Bus fare guaronce. 63 North Main. FISll-c- b Broker anteed. References required. Call at 38 south Second west RANCHES FARMS HOMES For Sale Real Estate for information. Office Phone 905 Home Phone 914-- J Wanted FOR GUN Four SALE 467-- J4-tf-- ! . your winters of Knights lapply Red Canyon Spring Jll-13-p- a INC. One 4 or 5 room ent Sioux oil heater, and one with oven. Everhot hotplate 124-B- . Call Keith NutlalL sil- jH SALE All makes. Tktmpson From $10 up. Hardware. Phone D30-tf-c- 10, h Jll-13-p- Majeclic stove with hoi water heater. Good condit339 ion. Price reasonable. ,0B SALE Math Second WANTED east WILL TEND children every day1 mt BOOKS, restaurant except Saturday, during day thtekh cashier pads, punch or night 28 south Second J14-pwest riwW- - printed to your order. delivery, so order tody. Lowest prices. The News mui JtoroaL ' Cl SALE 1947 Ford 'twO-doo- r nlia. radio and heater, tubes, good tires. A nighty good car, priced to sell by owner at $1,145. Lester JUieJShOP , Lite-fun- d A Pasteurized MILK & CREAM MOVED News-Journa- 4Y ' 07-tf-p- . TRY IT. : SALE Gnrnow refrigera-- 1 tor; excellent condition. $40. (99 west Third north. Phone 124NB. SUPERIOR DAIRY Phone 504 Real Estate , DIRECTORY of four lines or less, $2X0 per 'calen"iinimum. Additional lines 50 cents TLS AND TILE SETTING See us first for free SERVICE ENGINEERING estimates ' Carruthers, registered pro in ill tile work Bathrooms, tessional engineer and land o'onter tops, drain boards, store surveyor. 212 South 2nd East rants, etc. L. W. Balls, 22 west Phone . Mi North, phone 805-R- . WORK PLASTERING-CEMENA. 472-W- T ABJENTER-CABINE- work T Gordon B. Nicholas, (Contrac- fixtures, tor). Phone 882-Jcabinets, furniture, repairs and REPAIRS emodellng. Cabinet AUTO BODY & Lunds Stuart at Brig-naSee Jensen . nop. Phone 749 North ' Body Shop for radiator relain. pairs, paint and repairs for any 5T0 BODY REPAIR damaged auto. West 6th North. Auto body repair and com-le- t PLUMBING & HEATING paint jobs. Burts Body 467 So. Mair. hop. Bmt Vincent, manager, Larsen Brothers, 292. Residence M North Business phone Main. phone 212 and 612. Repair work a specialty, REWRITE RS Typewriters, adding machines PLUMBING & HEATING nd cash registers bought, sold, Plumbing and Heating materfitted and REPAIRED. r The water softeners,, electric ials; Office Supply. M22-ch-.water heaters; plumbing ser153 vice. Devere Christensen, JET1AN blinds 92. Window shades. Call - us for Morth 5th West Phone ,e IWiates. Large stock win-n- SAND AND GRAVEL shades always available. Jensen and Holst sand and 1? ain Furniture, ph. 250. graveL Road gravel soil movor ing,' excavating. Phone 991 IjWJNG MACHINES Kitchen 5. hop work, 753-M- Re-de- tl 937-M- Repaired. jork Prompt Bats guaranteed. Whine Service, Phone 54 So. service, Sewing 2nd W, 1 7PING me do your . 140 South Main typing in my excellent work, reason-1- 6 rates. See Purdett Farmer n H, evenings. FAlVrsTWALLPAPER nome and automobile glass, 5 shelves, Installed. Com-,- , t !lne of General paints for p-J- ORCHARD SUPPLIES insecticide Approved quality . Anderson spraying Produce Co. . Asphalt Rubber Linoleum, consoweld cabtiles, and plastic inet coverings and carpet Sales and Installation. Phone 473 or 246-Jim B. Bywater. PORTRAITS metal work LWde PRINTED MATTER restaurant checks, Sales p. Larsen Sheet Metal etc. Theslips, Phone ' Lf4 Immediate delivery on 727. furnaces. Furnace Wining. ilFree estimates. All PAINTING PAPERING on your Free estimates given guaranteed. Phone 79-23 Pf Sixth Nick All-tfc- h north. painting and 465-J-paering. . . . . Kozak. Phone , News-Journa- 1 J. P COVERINGS Roleum, tile, broadoom In stock. North Main 25a , SEWING a Expert-jwitaiierural-F-Phon- e . done ir alterations, covered belts. Sooond- north. Phone anatom-mad- Kva Garrett e ROOFING roof work, For specialized painting, shingle and shingling J. built up and flat roofs.call East, 4th North 406 O. Crapo, ohone 796. A11 work guaranteed laundrt -- dht cleanehs and Dry Brigham Laundry Cleaners. Phone 62. -- p - Probate and Guardianship Notices. Consult Clerk of District Court, Brigham, Utah, or the respective signers for information. j According to Dr. Barker he is licensed to practice as a naturo- pathic physician, including minor surgery and obstetrics and to give chiropractic adjustments and massage. He is a member of the society with fellowship of psychiatry IftWi Publication Public F Notln, UNITED STATES rwhich is used In the treatment DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR! of frigidity, .alcoholism, etc. Bureau Of Land Management Utah Land & Survey Office Salt through the medium of hypno Lake City, Utah, December 14, 1949. sis. Another treatment is the NOTICE it hereby given that under of 6l6Ctr0thr&py, phySlO i ro visions of section' 2455, R. SH as, US imendi by ectkn 14 of the aet Mherapy, and .in une 28, 1934 (48 Stat 1274; 43 V. S.W 8 tTCatfll6nt Of TCSpJratory fill Z. 1171), and pursuant to the applicg ion of Randle b. Caraoa of Salem, (ments and gastro intestinal dis- jtah. Serial No. 068896, there will be ' - News-Journ- Classifieds Get Results Lovely new fully modern brick home in First ward for $10,500. Home at 146 So. 4th East for $4950.00. Home at 138 So. 5th East for $6300.00, Home at 207 E. 2nd North for $7350.00. - acres - dry farm at North Ogden, with fully 277 modern home for $15,000 ALL KINDS FARMS INSURANCE. LOANS, SERVICE OF Ga. (UP) A Sa- supposed to be. a 5 I B In V HM, pnnEcnp iood tides ami TDE0D3 ICM-tOO- n ... less slide on ice end Lot slip packed enow without bother of chains. Tiny abrasive particles in tread rubber make a rough aur-fathat digs In and holds. ce Stop in see B.F. Goodrich treads today! jJ The i I IM-- name DUR1- CAP is your Mtur-anc- e of top quality treading material, ' , and certified workmanship. t 'h i ri Make vour tires safer. journeyed along. .itt i ' ? SUP Plans Meeting LOW PRICE TRANSPORTATION 1936 For January 11th $225 $175 . $95 Plymouth Sedan , .. $05 - BRIGHAM , Get &(DDIDEAQ FISHER MOTOR CO. Across The Street North , Of The Tabernacle The Sons of Utah Pioneers will meet January. .11, at 8 oclock in the evening at the Commercial clubrooms, it was announced today by A, M. Reeder, president of the chap- tire . , ter. , 'Utioil Anyone interested in making Heres what It .NOTICE TO CREDTORS Wesley H. Dunu, Uo khowu as W. H. Dunn. Deceesed. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at Rm. 27, First Security Bank Bldg., Brigham City. Utah, on or before the 28th day of February, A. D. 1950. Date of first publication December 28, A. D.. 1949. SYLVIA W. DUNN, Administratrix of the Estate of Wesley H. Dunn, aho known a W, H. Dunn, Debe r ceased. 1st Goodyear's amazing new machine the Traction-Izer- " perforates the entire surface of tire tread with thousands of tiny, sharp-edge- s that resist skids In every direction! Tractionizing is done right on your car and one treatment lasts the average driver an entire season . . . when it wears off you have your original tough tread rubber for hot weather driving. Legal Notices Ctete..ef The Choke , BAIRD AGENCY LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER For The States Of Phone 19 43 South Main ' NOTICE After this date I .will not responsible for any tebts contracted by anyone other than i myself. George Hyrum Allen Brigham Citv, Utah. Dated: Jan. 10, 1950. s, J - - . Get Your AUTO INSURANCE at BAIRD AGENCY We offer the best coverages for the least premium. Our claim service is the best. You receive a Citizens Insurance Policy with full membership in the Automobile This gives, in addition Owners Protective Association. the following: to standard policy coverages, l - --Attorney service on anything - pertaining to your car. of cost on collision under $50, all the f 2. cost over $50 on larger claims. O. DEE LUND J First Security Bank Bldg. Brigham City, Utah Attorney for Admins&ratrix. NOTICE TO CREDTORS. Estate of Wallace Beery, Deceased, Creditors will present claims with 1122 vouchers to the undersigned at Continental Bank Building. Salt Lake before the 28th on or City. Utah, day of February, A. D., 1950. Data of first publication December 20. A A. W. D.. 1949. NOAH BEERY, Jr. PHIL BERG, Executors of Estate of Wallace Beery, Deceased. Sandack Attorney at Law 1122 Continental Bank Building Salt Lake City, Utah Attorneys for Executors, is yours for well pair your radio your home or In our shop where we can do It quicker. Command us to come to or come for your radio when it needs Here's what It does: Gives yea extra traction lor starts and stops m wet, icy. slippery roads! Reduces slipping and skidding in every direction service. ' 3. 4. 5. Tow-i- n BEEHIVE 04(4 PHONE li 3 TiTHoua Slavic i service. Citizens Insurance Company now is a stock company and provides excellent and therefore is coverage and prompt claim service because it is a horns company. non-assessa- A new night service number has been add-- j ed for your convenience when in need of wrecker service. $250 per tire GUARANTEED SATISFACTION! , If you dont like TRACTIONIZING, if it doesnt do the , job for you, then you pay nothing. i Sec us for Traeticnizing HOW! QUICK SERVICE r 75c on tire repairs. Travel information and reservation service. We also encourage good driving by making a refund to drivers who make no claim during the year. non-ski- before! - One-hal- Does away with the need to bay to pat ea and to taka off "special recaps. Extra traction's thoro whoa yea need It! Gives any make fire d salsty It never had COAL & APPLIANCE D'28-Jan-4- 1 j it hycjro-therap- y N W., SLM, Utah. R, Bids may b made by the principal r bi agent, either personally at the ale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will ba considered nly if received at this oftice prior to .he hour fixed for the aale. These bid iust be r accompanied by certified orders hecks or poet-offic- e money the of the to Treasurer nade payable 'Jmited States for the amounts of the )ids and must be enclosed in sealed The envelopes must be envelopes. corner narked in the lower left-hanPublic sale ubstanrt tally as follows: No. tid. Serial 068896, Sale, February 5, 1950." The person making the highest bid vill be required to pay Immediately he amount thereof. claiming adversely ' the persons Any to land are advised tie their claims, or objections, on or tefore the time designated for sale. Any person entitled to claim a preference right under the first proviso to $md section 14 ss an owner of eonti uous land must assert his claim within 30 days from ths date of publie ffering and oonditional sole to the of highest bidder and at the expiration aid preference nght period, if no such the been has highest asserted, riht bidder will be declared the purchaser f the land. ERNEST E. HOUSE, MS-2- 5 1 Manager. Dec, i h That Is really and truly worth while? Do, you think your. good deeds would afret the bad. Could you look over your life . al SAVANNAH, vannah attorney Informed bank officials that they had made out a check to him for a million dollars more than his fee was Just what have you done as you ff red to the hisheet bidder, but at orders. Dr. Barker said lot less than $4 00 per acre, at a pub 1940 Ford lc sale to be held at 10 oclock a. m., n the 15tl day of February, 1950, at also includes full . Sedan "... his office, the Following tracts of ical madicine. eec. 6, l6ts 5, 6, SWSE Lota snd: former He and his the wife, SALE home with , 2, 3. 4, W IfE'A sec. 7. lot I. NW4 FOR 1937 Chevrolet N. R. 17 W.. N$ Muriel Bunker of Salt Lake City, bath and furnace. Large lot 4Z'A sec. 18, T. 13eec. 10, WJ2SWU. are now Sedan .... EV$. NESWtf Ideal location. Close to school EASE' sec. II, WWSW4 see. 12, residing in Brigham $1X00 down payment 53 north 4WU, NtfNEtf. WJSW4 eec. 13, City. They have . two daugh 1937 Plymouth 'M NE4, WKNWV4 NE!4NW4, NW ters. Second east . c. 15. T. 4SW4 18- 14, KNW y4 Sedan FREE ESTIMATES We specialize in natural color Purposes. Wallpapers, all portraits. Roll film developing. decoration supplies. Art Service, 68 S. Main, s and Paint Shop, 85 Photo 945. Phone 2Maln. Phone 696. , House Ph. 714 UTAH and IDAHO mat-trials- 378-N- Insurance . Phone 0 BUSINESS whites, January 5. As his contribution to his birthday, Lillywhite contributed the following poem to the Box Elder News. Supposing this was your last day on earth. The last mile of your journey youd trod; After all of your dealings how much are you worth. How much can you take home to God? ; C. B. WILLIAMS d Many relatives and friends were at the home of J. II. Lilly white for turkey dinner, Sunday evening, to pay honor to him on his 79th birthday. Special guesbf were President and Mrs. Glen M. Bennlon. President Bennions birthday is on the same day as Mr. Lilly age, 1947. SunHe any sf .. nlp Honored At Dinner pre-me- d Jll-13-- L Lego Notice DELLVERED, P0H Directory advertisements dar month, one month pet Uns per month. , i 1949." T0 w LJSouth Main. Phone 1046.' J. H. Lillywhite Is ed the Utah state examination for Naturopathy and Chlroprac tic and will open his profession al office January 16, at the building formerly occupied by Carol Williams at 19 West For est street. Barker is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude R. Barker of Brigham- - City. He fulfilled a Sion for the L. ,D. S. church to the California mission field in 1938 from Brigham City. . Upon completion of his mission he attended the Pasadena Junior college, majoring in Later he attended the Chiropractic college in Los Angeles and graduated from it in or late model Schick or studied naturopathy at the beam electric razor, any con- Pacific College of Naturopath-thlc- dition. Will pay $2X0. Bring physicians and surgeons to and'graduated in the spring of 140 South Main Grade Remington - The Primary association of the Mantua ward will hold a bazaar, January 19, in the - ward recreation hall beginning . at 7:30 oclock in the evening it was announced today. The event Is being sponsored to raise money for the ward building fund, ' officials of .the . primary said. A variety of refreshments will be on sale at the bazaar. derson continued. 'Dr. Floyd N. Barker announc ed today that he recently' pass cl washers. Good used SALE To Sponsor Bazaar i J4-ll-c- Walk A Block & Save1 'OB to Open Office J6-ll-- r.iEnnELLS Holton Visits mp GOtUGj Barker J. Coal NOW! Devil Hyrum P. GiT G01UG! Jll-43-p- Order partner. The Abraham Hunsaker family will furnish the program "Father Wednesday evening. Hunsaker was a member of the UB-A.- FOR SALE 70 tons of corn sil- BEEHIVE COAL ft APPLIANCE FOR RENT Furnished age, lots of corn. In silo. Ph. Phone "ONE" 349-- the meeting, Reeder said. The trip will be made by bus at a nominal cost and anyone havcard may ing a membership make the trip along with their smile? a Parents In Brigham City battalion. Men and ladies are invited to Hyrum P. Holton has been participate in these monthly visiting with his parents, Mr. meetings, Reeder said. and Mrs. Fred J. Holton of Brig The plan for the new pioneer ham City, for the past few days Box Elder Fort will be on dis- prior to his departure for Eph play and information regarding rata, Washington where he will the construction will be dis be employed as a civil engineer, cussed. (Mr. 'Holton, a graduate of the Utah State Agricultural college at Logan In engineering, Civil Air Patrol Will has been employed as city en Meet Tonight At Port gineer at Las Vegas, Nevada, and was transferred by The Brigham City squadron .he U. S. recently government to his new of the Civil Air Patrol will meet assignment In Washington. tonight at the city airport at 7 Following graduation from to attend. o'clock In the evening, it was ;he Holton worked as The annual report of the pres- announced today by Donald ident, the financial report of the Anderson, public information secretary and a talk on water officer. shed protection and project prog, Feature of the meeting will ress will be given. be a lesson on the theory and We should not fail to protect operation of aircraft magnetos, our natural resources President by Second Lieutenant Richard Robert H. Stewart advises. W. Burt, CAP. There will also be a short orientation flight in the squad Dr. Floyd ron's link trainer, Anderson said All members of the squadron and anyone interested are urg ed to attend the meeting, An RENT Furnished heated apartments for 1 to 4 persons. BRIGHAM LOAN CO. Weekly or monthly winter good condition. S25. Call 1062-rates. Sycamores Motor Lodge, alter 6 p. m. North Main. 43 So. Main Phone 448 FOR SALE Corral poles. ClifFOR RENT Strictly modem fur ford Butler. 660 west Third nished apt Automatic heat . north. Phone FURNACE CLEANING and hot water. Choicest locawe Vacuum, Clean and Repair tion in town. Adults only. 112 All Makes of Furnaces East Forest . SL SALE WE SPECIALIZE electric hot plate, complete with oven and broiler. Three temperature adjustment. Very -, 'mLe JLL oU For Rent or Lease FOB SALE Baled straw, alfalfa and meadow hay. Phone 839-B- . The annual meeting of the Wellsville Mountain are project corporation will be held In the court room of the county court house in Brigham City, Tuesday, January 17, it was announced today by Anson B. Call, B. E. agricultural extension agent The people of the communities especially, who receive their culinary water supply or Irrigation water on either side of the mountain, are invited and urged to attend. Sixteen communities receive their drinking water from this important mountain. Call said. the directors, county , Also, commissioners from Box Elder and Cache counties and representatives of the Cache National Forest service have been asked an engineer In Tennessee ' and other southern states and duf-In- g We are only supposing but if It the war assisted in the reconstruction of Pearl Harbor. were real, And you viewed all your deeds He left for his new assignment Monday night. from birth; And you figured the profits youd made in lifes deal . . . Mantua Ward Primary How much are you really worth? with iMormon Battalion tTek from March 13 to 20, should attend 3 w 146 So. Main Ph. 548 BRIGHAM CTTY t. j |