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Show PAGE SIX BOX ELDER JOURNAL Brigham City, Utah Friday, January 6, 1950 How To Fool Rats 'LINCOLN, Neb. (UP) Rats Entomologists at the University of Nebraska recommend that farmers hoping to poison the pests should put out regular feed for several nights. By the fourth night the rodents suspicions are calmed-anthats when the poison should be Inserted. arent so dumb. 'MS : - 51 iff h CXj $ j jm:h ; A ' d past earnings. Exceptions are everything except pregnancy 5 New Jersey, where the range Is those illnesses compensable uii from $9 to $22, and New York, der workmen's compensation. In all four programs, the which has a $26 maximum. CHICAGO (UP)- - State legisla- Rhode Island grants benefits for ploye contributes from Vi to l tures are giving more attention all sicknesses including 'preg- cent, varying with states, and to wage losses caused by nancy and duplication under the employer makes some con illness. workmens compensation up to a tribution. The Research Council for Eco- combined benefit of 85 per cent nomic Security reports that al- of the average weekly wage. The five major metals prodUc though only four states now California, New Jersey and ed in Arizona are gold, silver have compulsory programs for ' for copper, lead and zinc. cash payments for sickness, 71 New York pay benefits 16 In introduced were such bills state legislatures this year. DR. J. H. McNAMARA Rhode Island. California, New now VETERINARIAN York have Jersey and New such programs. Just East of Bear River City Postoffice Tremonton Exchange The programs in effect provide j Brigham for payments ranging from $101 Il Phone Phone Pear River Citv 2291 to $25 weekly, depending upon More States Boost Jobless Aid Plans I fiSR-R- You re Cordially Invited OPEN t d n b- -. IDENTICAL j Co-le- 'It was back to school for students Tuesday after enjoying the holidays. iMartell Morten-seand Carol Holmgren journeyed back to Provo to B.Y.U. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hendersen, . wml , John-sen- , Gay Nell Johnsen, Keith n Shirley Waddolps and Waddoups left for Logan to attend the U.S.A.C. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Merrill and son of Preston, visited her oarents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Andersen over the holidays. 'Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jensen Mrs. and son Paul- - and Mr.-anMark Udy and son, Lex, of Fielda trip to ing are enjoying southern California. Mrs. Lettie D. Campbell of Afton, Wyoming, was a house guest of her daughter, Mrs. Austin Johnsen over the holiday. 'Miss Dianna Iversen enter-ainea group tof young people it a watch party Saturday evening. ler is the former Bonnie Rae Gardner. (Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Huggins (are rejoicing over the arrival of a seven lb. baby girl, born December 24. Mrs. Clara 'Bean returned to her home in Price after spending the holidays with her daugh. ter, Mr. and Mrs. LeGrande Petersen. Mr. James E. Karo of Detroit, Michigan was the guest of Fae Ann Huggins over the holidays. Dancing Dream TO COME AND SEE THE BEAUTIFUL NEW 0 CHRYSLE ENDS! On Our Showroom Floor Hour Wrecker Service 24- - A 1 ' , We Pul! For Brigham Chrysler Sales And Service Packer Motor Go. Phone 81 Lovely Dancing Star Ann Miller ... is on her way to fame after her smash I hit in Easter Parade. Miss Miller will be seen next with Gene Kelly, in "On The Town. Frank Sinatra and Vera-Elle-n See ; s it now! Prisoners Of War new "rhythmic To Receive Ironrile lad y, youll fall in love with the Ironrite we're displaying right now! Unlike other tronera, Iron-rit-e ia both RIGHT and LEFT-Jiande- d You use M rnk a both ends exactly the same. You can $3.00 iron the widest pieces Wash without creases All officers and teachers of primary in the North Box Elder stake will hold a union meeting Sunday, January 15, at oclock in the afternoon, it was announced today. At that time reports by the The Utah State department of veterans affairs has been desig- wards on their quota of Chilsubscriptions nated 'by Governor J. Bracken drens Friends Lee as the state agency to as- are due. Group leaders from the stake sist In distribution of the claims for compensation of former board will be in charge of deasAmerican prisoners of war and partment work following civilians interned In the Pacific sembly. area- - according to Darrell S. Officers stated that a good attendance is desired. Robins, field representative. Compensations According to Robins, the forms eligible persons must fill out are simple and require no legal or other assistance. CENERAlO ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC BLANKETS See Big Chief Sleep Happy and find Automatic Sleep ing Comfort for the whole family! Single Control 'These forms do not, as falsely charged toy some groups, place any burden of proof upon the applicant to show prison diet was Insufficient, Robins continued. Determination of what prison time qualifies prisoner for Subsistence pay Is being made by the War Claims commission on the basis of information gathered on a camp to camp basis and on a period to period basis within the camp. Veterans and civilians who have spent any time in any prisoner of war camps are urged to contact Mr. (Robins as soon as possible as claims will be processed on a first come, first serve basis. Payments are expected to beThese gin in early spring. claims may, however, be filed up to March 1, 1950, Robins said. Robins may be contacted in Brigham City at the Employment office every Wednesday morning and at the Utah Power and Eight building in every Wednesday afternoon. He may also toe contacted in Ogden at 2620 Washington boulevard. n (. Double Controls Services Offered By Movie Club 'Lloyd Hust, home movie enthusiast, will demonstrate title making and will develop and project the finished titles at the meeting of the Movie club, to be held Monday evening' at 8 oclock at the Commercial club B FACTS From ear River City ARE of the Bear River school and their partners held their annual Christmas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LeGrande Petersen Thursday evening. A turkey dinner with all the trimmings was served to 10 guests. The remainder of the evening was with spent playing pinochle prizes going to Odell (Romer, Annie Romer, Frona Cates and Helen Petersen. (A special guest was Mrs. Clara Bean of Price. Mr. and Mrs. (Leon of long, v-i- p and lovely styling low - MW iVvHki: ) tertained their club at the annual Christmas party Thursday evening. .A hot dinner was served at small tables decorated with the holiday theme. Cards were played and prizes went to (Milton ywater, Lilas Bywater, Thelma Jensen and Chester Stander. Gifts were exchanged. tMr. and Mrs. Ernest Andersen entertained their pinochle club at a watch party Saturday evening. A delicious hot dinner was served and the game played. Prizes went to Ernest Elizabeth Iversen, Andersen, Ivan Iversen and Andrea Huggins. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jensen were host and hostess at a New Years party Saturday evening. A hot dinner was served and games played. Mr. Lloyd 'Johnsen was host to a group of friends at a sleigh riding party Thursday afternoon. The guests enjoyed coasting, after which delicious refreshments were served by .Mrs. Vernon Johnsen. Those present were Doris Hardy, Marilyn Huggins, Holley Holmgren, Jerilyn- Holmgren, Sharia Jensen- - Joyce Lea-narJoe Dell Huggins, - Ray Stander, Terry iDallin, J. Roger Johnsen, Brent Johnsen and the host. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Huggins and children motored to (Provo Monday where they were guests of Mr. Huggins sister, (Mrs. Myrtle Cloward. A group of girls entertained at a kitchen shower in honor of Mrs. DeWayne Hansen, a recent bride, at the home of (Mrs. La Mar Iversen- (Monday. The time was spent making a brides book. Delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. Walter Hansen entertained (Wednesday afternoon in honor of the bride. a Mrs. Hansen is the former Hoggan. Mrs. Claire Huggins . enter tained Thursday evening, the event being her birthday annin V versary. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bigler announce the arrival of a baby boy born December 26. Mrs. Big- Ar-len- ELECTRIC A classic Frehner - STATES r W and children of Salt Lake City were guests of her parents- - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Checketts, 'Mr. and (Mrs. John Hardy en- rooms. The Movie club membership, which is opened to everyone of all ages interested in making and showing amateur moving pictures, meets the second Monday of each month. Purpose of this organization Is to educate people on photography and to help them improve their home movies. Dues at $5.00 per year are considered very low considering the services offered to members. A popular function of the club is the maintenance of a loan and rental library located at Simon sens Jewelry which contains many popular commercial films including cartoons, short subjects and travelogues. Any member may borrow one or as many of the films as he wishes for two days free of charge and at any time they are available. Non members may rent film for a charge of $50c per day per film. A viewer-splice- r with three winding attachments is also available for loan to members. , Members and anyone interested in home movies are urged to attend this meeting which promises to be very educational. is asked to contact Mrs. Willis Hansen, secretary and treasurAny person interested inaffiliated with tin- club er, or Simonson Jewelry. -- FOUNTAIN Excitingly . . . dramatically . . . and differently Here It is! Now on display: The beautiful 1950 Chrysler . . . the beauty surprise of the year! From smart new front to smart new rear, every sleek, trim line was deliberately styled to give it a new long, low streamlined look! With stunning solid comfort inside. Again shoulder-roo- bility nd to spare! theres headroom, legroom and Chair-heig- ht seats! Surprising visi- ... in the easiest of all cars to get into and out of. Youve got to see and drive it to really appreciate it to know the wonderful things that have been done to make it the smartest, most comfortable the safest, sweetest driving ... new interior selections, new nylon fabrics, new patterns . . , its todays new style classic, inside and out! And again for 1950 Chryslers beauty reflects the sound engineering and the car today! (19 new body styles available.) BEAUTIFUL TODAYS NEW mo PACKER MOT OR CO. all-arou- m STILE CLASSIC . . - 75 South Main Street |