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Show ( I Legal Notice ) ' FOR RSStfU&ff cage five tad 'ox J ar$ Services Offered JOURNAL ELDER FOB SALE Utah anuary for Sale Col-lin- books, arwSSalea etc- - Printed 07-tf-p- nm name, os little a rch. FOR SALE delivery. One-mont- h J611.13-18.p- d BRIGHAM Baled straw, alfalfa and meadow hay. Phone 839-R- . g to heat large enough EJwl rooms. A beautiful of furniture. Free trial. LOAN CO. 13 So. Main Phone 448 SALE Grunow refrigerator; excellent condition. $40. FURNACE CLEANING 699 west Third north. Phone We Vacuum. Clean end Repair 124-NAil Makes of Furnaces BEEHIVE COAL Sr APPLIANCE FOR SALE Bendix 1949 washer. Phone "ONE" Phone 152-after 4 o'clock. GUN REPAIRING Military riflee cut down, new sights, FOR SALE 200 white leghorn etc. Blueing. Handloading suphens; also a elecplies and equipment Turley's tric brooder. Call 16. at 13 West Forest h h IFOR . 462-W- $25 TO $300 d FOR SALE rT7LE Large Norge oil heater, uwd one Si SMALL LOANS s, 70 349-- elrcu-totin- IN tons of corn silage, lots of com. In silo. Ph. ml 50 two-do- WE SPECIALIZE ORDER liOVi 50 Jyl-tl-c- FOR SALE Everhot SERVICE OFFERED Young woelectric hot plate, complete man will do your typing, sim-pi- e wilh oven and broiler. Three bookkeeping, monthly temperature adjustment Very statements, or any other clerical work that can be done in good condition. $25. Call 1062-- J after 6 p.m. my home. Excellent referen ces. Phone 974-Ntwo-burn-- your winters of Knights Order supply Spring d Services Offered MERRELLS Prudential Life Insurance INC. A Block & Loaning Agency Walk D Red Canyon Coal NOW! Devil SALE ( tiding machine, good condi Deo. 180.00. See it at the News. I N- - Chrome kitchen set and 4 chairs. Ph. 724-J- . ,91 SALE Good used From All makes. cup NOW IS THE TIME to take advantage oi your opportunity to purchase a good home. AT THE PRESENT Phone we have several homes listed and they are priced from S4000.00 to approximately M0IU& h Would you like nylons are absolutely guar an- against runs, snags or Massive wear for as long as sin months, or they will be Then contact replaced free? Tour local Kendex dealer now. IUDIES Phone Grade S13.000.00. Pasteurized MILK & CREAM DELIVERED A of these homes you will only need approximately $1500 and the balance on monthly payments usually less TRY IT. Majeciic stove with heater. Good condit339 Price reasonable. rOB SALE SUPERIOR hot water checks, checks, delivery, so order The News h Journal ord Butler, Cliff- floor polisher lor rent Beehive Coal & Appliance, 68 North Main. F18tf-c- h weet Third 660 north. Phone ELECTRIC 124-- BUSINESS' fit ALE AMD Auto body new and com paint jobs. Burts Body Burt Vincent, manager, North repair Main. g Plumbing and Heating mater water softeners, electric ,als; typewriters, adding machines serwater heaters; plumbing agisters bought, sold, vice. Devere Christensen, 153 and REPAIRED. The torth 5th West Phone 92. Office f Supply. M22-ch-t- blinds f p Jan.6-l3-2- 0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of WILLSIC SEDERHOLM. , with Creditors will present claim vouchers to the undersigned at Brigham City. Utah, on or before the 8tb day of March, A D, 1950 ALICE D SEDERHOLM. of the estate Administratrix of Willsie Sederholm, De ceased. (Date of firet publication January 6 Law , 27 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of IDA R. TRACY, Deceased with Creditors will present claims vouchers to the undersigned at office of Walter G. Mann. Firat Security Bank Bldg , Brigham City, Utah, on or before the 8th day of March, A, D 1950. ORIEL A. TRACY, Administrator of estate of Ida R Tracy, Deceased, Date of first publication January 6, A D. 1950 Whiter G Mann, Attorney at Law First Security Bank Bldg Brigham City, Utah. J 6 READ THE LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER For The States Of UTAH and IDAHO Phone 19 43 South Main ",h SAND AND GRAVEL Jensen and Holst sand and shades. Call us for Road gravel soil mov-ingravel stock Lost and FounJ Large fatesPhone 991 or excavating. always available. Jth Mam Furniture, ph. 250. 937-FOUND Single strand pearl 1 necklace. Call 1062-- J after ewinu machine's ORCHARD SUPPLIES p. m. quality insecticide romPt service. Approved materials. Anderson MgTanteed- - Bate Sewing jpraying For Rent or Lease Servlce 54 So. 2nd W, Produce Co. Lgham- - Phone 378-NFOR RENT 4 room apt, Inquire FREE ESTIMATES Phone 113 north First east rJJEHING'CEMENT WORK Rubber Asphalt, Linoleum, h B. Nicholas. (Contrac-Phon- e cab971, consoweld and plastic tiles, 882-JSales inet coverings and carpet. steam FOR RENT Three-roo. 11 east and Installation. Phone 473 or heated apartment paints, 'wallpap e Jim B. Bywater. r and automobile glass, 246-- Fourth south. , ( f t Corn-i- ll PORTRAITS shelves, instaUed. n ne FOR RENT Furnished apt Very General paints for We specialize in natural color reasonable- - 154 south Third DurpoBe. Wallpapers, all portraits. Roll film developing. . d west Ph. decorahon supplies. Photo Art Service, 68 S. Mam, and Paint 85 Phone 945. CMain. Phone 696.Shop, Window publication December 1949 AGENCY BAIRD PLUMBING & HEATING 1 D, ALL KINDS OF FARMS INSURANCE, LOANS. SERVICE EWBTTERS SWETIAM 30, A. NEWS JOURNAL -- CLASSIFIED ADS YOU'LL SAVE , MANY WAYS El" Find the help you need or the job you want. Sell or buy through these columns. Reading them ran become a profitable D2-tI-c- 5, r 5 467-W- Brig-ChGa- Zde PfcOBSfl PRINTED metal work MATTER checks,-etc- Larsen Sheet Metal Phone jra- - Immediate delivery on 727. . . oiI gurnaces. Furnace ileani, PAPERING Free PAINTING estimates. All orlt,8' given on your wanteedL Phone 79-J- - 23 Free estimates Nick and paering. north All-t- f eh painting Kozak. Phone 465-J- . . . . Lino News-Journa- WALL COVERINGS !um, tile, broadloom go wall car-w- n in stock. Expert-calleNorth Main Furnl- - Phone 250. - sewing 'ittoit?5 d d. . done" alterations, covered custom-madbelts. e Second north. Elva Garrett Phone ROOFING roof work, specialized painting, singling and shingle built up and flat roofs, call J. (X Crapo, 406 North 4th East iboiip 796. All work guaranteed. For LAUNDRY DRY CLEANERS Brigham Laundry Cleaners. Phone 62. IPEESISY I Sales slips, restaurant l, The and Dry . In Perry, Utah Telephone 214 2 ,n. 3 Acres Mod. 4 bdrtn. 1 4 1 Mod. ACRE rm. Mod. 13 Acres 6 rm. mod. Automobile Fire 2 300 Acres 5 REALTY blocks South of Intermountain Indian School Hiway ft Hiway frontage. Poultry 89-9- 1 house; aranar. Excellent po-- S bill ties. TERMS. Auto, heat hot water DbL ATTACHED gar- TERMS. age. Close to Indian School. Potential Brick. 150 ft hiway frontage. business area. Young orchard. TERMS. Garage; fenced. Picturesque hiway setting. Prime peach orchard. TERMS. Great A 1 I l h )t k I ' i r I V 6 ,v NOTICE TO CREDITORS George M. Mason Attorney for Administrator. Dec. 30 , i never 4 bacteria." He has written the stte conservation department for perch, trout, blue gills and whatever other species can be spared. Well have fishing contests " he said, "I never saw a kid whi likes to fish go wrong. Jan.'6t320 acres dry farm at North Ogden, with fully modem home for $15,000 & HEATING . Larsen Brothers, 467 So. Main Business phone 292. Residence phone 212 and 612. Repair work a fepecialty. REPAIR Can. v 277 PLUMBING BODY lot Lovely new fully modem brick home in First ward for $10,500. Home at 146 So. 4th East for $4950.00. , Home at 138 So. 5th East for $6390.00. Home at 207 E. 2nd North for $7350.00. See Jensen & Stuart at Brig cabinets, fixtures, nam Body Shop for radiator rehop work, furniture, repairs and paint and repairs for any modeling. Lunds Cabinet pairs, auto. West 6th North. damaged Phone 753-;nop. 749 North WTO the fish heard of fish toeing bothered by 1949. Brigham City, Utah. , AUTO BODY REPAIRS Jfcin. D. Ideal location. Close to schooL SI ,000 down payment 53 north A D, G1950 Walter Mann, Attorney at Second east First Security Bank Bldg ENGINEERING SERVICE A. Carruthers, registered WORK T Kitchen home with bath and furnace. Large and land engineer counter tops, drain boards, store surveyor. 212 South 2nd East rents, etc. L. W. Balls, 22 west Phone 472-W- . "th North, phone 805-R- . aHPEHTER-CABINE- D Estate of THOMAS THOMAS, Deceased. Credi ors will present claim with vouchers to the undersigned at his home at Snowville, Utah on or before the let day of March, A D, 1950. David P Thomas administrator o the estate of Thomas Thomas, Vvfk FOR SALE of four lines or less, $2.00 per calenone month minimum. Additional lines 50 cents month. TILE SETTING 30, A r George M. Mason, Attorney for Administrator Dec. 30 Insurance 19 West Forest St. Phone 6 House Ph. 714 DIRECTORY See us first for free estimates in all tile work Bathrooms, pools, NOTICE TO CREDITORS EMMA PASKETT, Deceased Credi ora will present claim with vouchers to the undersigned at Kit home at Grouse Creek, Utah, on or be fore the let day of March, A D , 1950. George Paskett, administrator of the estate of Emma Paskett, Deceased. Date of first publication December Real Estate Unctery advertisements dar month, par line per (UP) ' Estate of 022-tf-c- b . Conal poles. POR SALE trict Court Brigham. Utah or tha respective signers for r further information. C. B. WILLIAMS OFFERED You can have soft water service in your home tor $2.50 per month. The saving is greater than the cost in soap, plumbing and labor. Seashore's, phone 25. early. Lowest prices. HAMMOND, Ind. (UP- )- The That old holiday dinner squabble only swimmers In Hammonds swimming pools next year about the division of the white five meat is nearing a peaceful so- will be fish. The pools were closed In 1948 lution, thanks to a "new look" because of their high bacteria in turkeys. count and were kept empty all The turkey, symbol of plenty last summer. on the festive board- Is definiteVernon C. Anderson Mayor ly changing form. On this years said he will stock the pools with holiday table appeared a broad smaller boned, and finer flavored turkey than any served up since the days of the WASHINGTON 4 'v I fish. Kids like fish," he reasoned, and if the kids cant Use the Legal Notice Deceased. Date of first SERVICE restaurant cashier pads, punch printed to your order. BOOKS,, SALES than rent. DAIRY Phone 504 east eonth Second City's Swimming Pools Turned Over To Fish TO BUY ONE 672-- J. ion. Estate Sale-R- eal U eh St e ooil Conservation Committee that he proposed South Box Eller boil Conservation district has duly in the interente of the public health safety, end wel are for the or Sanitation of said district and that aaid Committee has determined that FOR RENT Three room fur-nish- the district is desirable and necessary has end fued the boundaries thereof apartment Prefer wor- s follows kers at the Indian school. Ph. Description a at 410 or 409-W- . Beginning point approximately 14 mile west of the northeast corner ef 6. T9N, RIW, where the Cache-Bo- x UNFURNISHED APT. Rent re- "ectionElder County line intersects the duced, S room deluxe opts townth p line between Township 9N snd ION, thence west Township 723-apPeach City Apts. Phons J x miles to U. S Highproximately N16-lf-c- b F. Glen Kelly. way $9 (the boundary of the Northern Pilgrims. Utah SCD), thence along the south FOR RENT Steam heated cot snd southeast boundary of the North The broader silhouette of the arn Utah SCD in a south di tage apartment. Reasonable rectkm along said highway easterly approx! 1919 model of the gobbler is a 2 U S of miles to the junction nately result of advances in turkey Seely's Motet Phone 876. 9 and JOS w th the section Highway line between Sections 12 and 13, T9N, breeding. Turkey farmers, as a 12 W, thence west approximately 4 of result successfully applying Titles of to the southwest corner Sec FOR RENT Two lovely steam ion 6, T9N, R2W, thence north ap Department of Agriculture dis heated furnished apartments proximately 2 mile west miles, south covenes, have been able to prowest 1 mile, south 2 miles to Three and four rooms newly ITiemile, southeast corner of Section 22, duce a plumper 'bird and have decorated All utilities furnishr9N, RJW, thence west mile to the It for the roasting pan in comer of Section 29, T9N, lessready ed. Inquire 85 south Fourth Northeastthence time. Nor hern the TiW, (leaving west Jtah SCD Boundary) due west along In the long run, this process section lines approximately a turkey faster nileft to the enst shore of Great Salt of maturing FOR RENT Partly furnished Lake the means more approximately midway on at a cheap and turkeys First south apartment lorth section line of Section 26, T9N, p 3.4 W, thence in a 35 west southerly and eas er price, as the amount of feed 'erly direction along the shore line of needed to raise a full grown Sah Lake to the intersection of FOR RENT Two room furnish- Great the Lake shore with the Box Elder bird Is reduced. 2C Weber County line on the south sec ed apt No. 5. Phone 807-tion line of Section 13. T7N, RW, North Main. thence east and north along the Box Elder Weber line to the point FOR RENT Furnished heated of intersection County of said oounty line with Cache County line thence north in the 1 to lor 4 persons. a westerly direction along the Box El apartments Weekly or monthly winter derCache County line to the point of and containing approxirates. Sycamores Motor Lodge, beginning102 400 acres mately North Main. Please take further notice that a referendum of all lurid owners or ocFOR RENT 3 room apt. with cupiers of land wPhin said district will be held at the following polling places, bath and steam heal. Call Courthouse at Bripham City Utah School House at Willard, Utah 569. Church House at Mantua, Uth day of January, 1950 The FOR RENT Strictly modern fur- on the 10th questiona to be submitted by ballot Is soil conservation lilstrict of nished apt. Automatic heat "Shall lands above described and lying and hot water. Choicest loca- the In Box Elder County be created) The tion in town. Adults only.' 112 polls shall be opehea at 7 oclock a m and continue open until 7 o clock p m East Forest , By order of the Utah State Soil Con (Nervation Committee. Polling Places CEO. L HOBSON, Acting Chairman. Probale and Guardianship No First Publication December 30, 1949, Last Publication January 6, 1930 lice. Consult Clerk of Dis- HOMES Office Phone 905 Home Phone 914-- J washers. up. D3B-lf-c- 1S3, FARMS J14-p- For $10 Hardware. Thompson west V. WatUna RANCHES jOI SALE day except Saturday, during day or night. 28 south Second Broker Journal office. Table WILL TEND children every BRIGHAM REALTY Burroughs L ANYONE desiring changes in their 1950 water schedules, please notify W. L. Barker. 605 south Third east h Save STATE SOIL CONSERVATION. COMMITTEE Ltfal Notice of Referendum Notice ie hereby given by the For Rent or Lease Brigham Tire Shop or 313 South Main. Phone 1046. restart- - SO 1947 Ford sedan, radio and heater. Lifeguard tubes, good tires. A mighty good car, priced to sell by owner at $1,145. Lester 6, 1950 UTAH More White Meat' On Turkeys Now wsunnncE American Casualty Surety . TYPE CAN TALK! When skillfully handled type can express any feeling you wish to put forth. We give careful consideration to every in our shop to guarjob antee this. Ream packages of good quality enameled book paperf extra heavy, slick finish, fine for pen, pencil or type - |