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Show rcr; rTp First, Mantua And The Second BOX ELDER JOURNAL i i Brigham City, Utah Friday, January 6, 1950 Peaches To Battle Win Logari Quintet In Contest Saturday ' 1 t 'lil A' ' The Brigham City Peaches ibasketball team will meet the Baugh Motor company quintet in the feature game of a double header at Box Elder high school gymnasium Saturday, January 7. with the first game starting at 7:30 oclock, The Baugh Motor team features the services of such foras Day VanNoy, Kent , mer stars and Bob iMurdock, Harvey Stone and others. f 'First game of the evening will match the 'Fashion cleaners of Logan against the Wells-vill- e team. This game will get underway at 7:30 and the Peaches game will get underway at 8:30 oclock. . A newly-in--stalle- ' d window at a fashionable store In suburban Clayton had a clear print of lips on it. , t'How did that happen? ask-Tethe store manager as he took rag to wipe off the llpstock. , lAn aged workman shook his head. "We were going down the sidewalk carrying the glass When this woman tried to walk between us. d Let Us Send In Your MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS OF HCriRt her daughters, rie and seven-year-ol- 22 South Main d - greatest BACWIEtD EVER ASSEMBLED ThE SAME TEAM.HAD AN, WEGHT Of IMLBS. . act T dont ' mind saying that BLAVERS.FRED PERRY AND BILL TILDEN, HAVE EVER CAPTL?D THE UNITED STATES SINGLES TENNIS CROWN MORE THAN TWICE. black-eye- peas. d Box Elder Bees skids ill every directionl Tractionizing is done right on your car and one treatment lasts the average driver an entire season . . . when it wears off you have your original tough tread rubber for hot weather driving. Heres what it does: Gives yon extra traction lor starts and stops on wet. Icy, slippery roadsl Redacts slipping and skidding in every directionl Does away with the need to bay to pat on and to take oil "special" recaps. Extra traction's there when you need ill Gives any make tire d safety it never had Misses Clown Act One of the things that held me back was the feeling that Laughing Is Harder the . professional clowns might Cfying on the screen actually resent an actor from Hollywood isnt very hard, especially with an actor like Widmark to make moving Into their territory. Cotten thought hed get an- you feel like it. Miss Darnell other chance to play the down said. Laughing Is much hardwhen he and producer David O. er. Selznlck talked over a circus "Crying scenes always have ' a build-u- p in the script as well movie. "It looked like a wonderful as on the stage. . By the time " Cotten said. "We were you've rehearsed a few times, going to shoot at winter quar its hard to stop crying," she tern at Sarasota, Fla., and go on said. f It's much harder to make a tour with the 'big top. But it fell through. I was very disap- laugh sound real. Half the time, the jokes arent as funny pointed. Now Selznlck has sold his in- as the authors think.' And if terest in a circus story to Para- they are, by the time youve mount, where Cotten is working laughed at them in umpteen rewith Miss Fontaine in Hal Wal- hearsals you begin to feel, and lis "September." sound, more like youre giving Meanwhile Cotten assuages yourself the bird than giving of their high . scoring game toy collect- out with merry against the warriors, Bear River his disappointment Miss Darnells weeping scene is put in the front seat with a ing everything he can find about is more 200 the kind of thing that gets clowns. He has than four1 point advantage.photographs of the Academy Award attention, but in the basketball sea autographed greatest buffoons of all coun- she says any Oscars in the picson, a basketball jamboree was tries and a roomful of oil paint- ture belong to Widmark. held in the Bees gym for Box Tts a little early to talk about of famous pantaloons past ings Elder, Weber, and. Bear River. and present His latest acquis- the awards for next years picWhen Box Elder faced Bear Riy-ehe was working In tures, she said, "but after all the Bee Hivers walloped their ition, while in scenes. Ill was a these Europe "September, cross-count15. opponents 22 to bet anyone this picture will win It was just a half of a game complete set of new lithographs of Crock, a renowned " French Dick an Academy Award." that they played that night. Bear River has a very exper; W, mumuemmmumMtiia lenced basketball team this second finished They year. only to Davis in the state finals last year. Big Bob Nish is gon? but Coombs, Petersen and Sessions are carrying the load with Coombit plenty of know-how- . has been with the main team, for three years and Peterson; two. Their height is not too good, but they have plenty of hustle and speed to cross their opponents. Box Elder brings out one of the greenest, teams they have ever had at the school. Not ope man was a stringer last year; and not one teceived their letter. The height is fair.' Tallest, man is Ronnie "Stone Rook, Aim For Bear Victory Tonight L is yours for well pair your radio your home or In our shop where we can do it quicker. Command us to come to or come for your radio when it needs service. COAL & APPLIANCE PHONE KBUH MO KC. soul-tearin- v iiigliam Tire Shop ' 1 46 So. Main Ph. 548 BRIGHAM CITY ALL OUR $45 TOPCOATS ALL OUR $35 TOPCOATS Orde snpp HERES A RED HOT Sprii Devi SIPECOAL Fine 100 oWo .Wool Topcoats, Values , $31.50 to $39.50, Now .... JOI Ml tiding Boa. IS Journal ,X)I SAL Tablo Your Home-Owne- Clothing d Store tmmvmrnrn rmMitmuttdttm rOR SA hot w. Hon. loath SALES chock) chock 0se-- n Italy. Jouroi automatic transmission FOR SJ Optional on Do Laxt Madrir at Extra Cm ford north. hitting the measuring tape .at inches. Sentet Frank feet inches. May is next a 6 feet The boys have speed and hustle to spare. A 3 and 7 record was poor for the Bees, but they only were beaten by two or three points in most of the practice games. ' Coach Fergusons probable is as follows:' starting line-u6 3-- 4 Direct 1-- 2 pre-seaso- i pall dor n p Ronnie Dean Harris Forwards, and Bert Hunsaker. - Center, Frank May.' Guards, Lee Boothe and Vard Johnson. The Bears will probably start the contest with Coombs and Petersen at forwards; Ishi may-starat the center post, and Rudd and Lamb at guards. t Day lime Schedule jpARPEI See Ibe Shikliw 0 lew Hitch ihop wi emode nop. p ' 2 t Haln. jFZRST. .and Finest.,. . at dowest Cost Chevrolet for 50 brings you the best of everything at lowest cost . . . greater beauty . . . finer performance with economy outstanding driving ease, comfort and safety! Here, in Chevrolet for 50, are the finest values the leader has ever offered to the motoring public. These thrilling new Chevrolets are available in 14 surpassingly beautiful Styleline and Fleetline body-type- s. They bring you a choice of two great engines and two great drives the Automatic Power-Tea- ... . m ' MJTO Auto lete and the Standard Power-Tea- m described in detail below. And they also bring you quality feature after quality feature of styling, riding comfort, safety and dependability ordinarily associated with higher-priccars, but found only in Chevrolet at such low prices and with such low cost of operation and upkeep. 'hop. LOW-PRICE- THE AUTOMATIC by ChnvrolotProvd by ( POWER-TEA- ffTEW Type' md ca ented Hinder Come in. See these superb new Chevrolets for 1950 the smartest, liveliest, most powerful cars in all Chevrolet history and we believe youll agree theyre FIRST AND FINEST AT LOWEST COST! . M OR AUTOMATIC THE STANDARD (Outstanding for Standard ExcWvp fo Cbnvroloi) NEW POWERGLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION for finest Automatic Driving with no clutch, no Its the simple, smooth and thrifty automatic transmission coupled to a NEW 105-H.VALVE-IN-HEAENGINE with Power-Jcarburetor and Hydraulic valve-liftethe most powerful engine in the field. You get sensational performance and with a new Economiser rear axle traditional Chevrolet economy in over-a- ll driving. P. et High-Reducti- "Optional on Do Lino Models at Extra Coot D Driving-Eas- "... Wind Tee esi (tow s) Work POWER-TEA- M Bachin o ighar Pnrformanco . . . and Economy) ITT Gordc et ' 1 fEWlNi Bepai DRIVING HIGHLY IMPROVED, MORE POWERFUL VALVE-IN-HEA- D ENGINE, with Power-Jcarburetor and large exhaust valves, brings you more responsive pick-u- p and greater performance . . , plus outstanding economy. This fine standard Chevrolet engine now made fincr- -is teamed with the FAMOUS SILENT SYNCHRO-MESTRANSMISSION and for simple and easy gearshifting. Owners say its the easiest car operation next to automatic driving itself. H ), Pt ift ' Americas BestBuy CENTRAL CHEVROLET COMPANY 18 North Main Street , ed CAR TO OFFER A CHOICE OF STANDARD D j 04Noi porth CKLY America's Best Setter ' NOW TOPCOATS introducing POrJEIi low-pri- QUICK SERVICE $50 On display Saturday rs See us for Tractionizing NOW! ALL OUR g gear-shiftin- g. 'A'' And Longs. y Otavrolto 5250 per tire Gabardines, Fleeces, Herringbones And Coverts, Sizes 36 to 44, Shorts, Regulars r, Coach 'Earl Ferguson of Box Elder Bees will aim the Bee stingers at the Bear Elver Bears tonight In the Bears gym. The contest is the second Region One game for both quintets, and will start at 8 oclock. The Bears walloped the Weber Warrlors 63 to 52 in their first regional game last week. On the other hand, iBox Elder lost in a slow scoring contest 26 to 25 to North Cache. Because non-ski- before! k I AIL OUR TOPCOATS ha-ha- BEEHIVE Goodyears amazing new machine the "Traction-izer- " perforates the entire surface of tire treads with thousands of tiny, sharp-edge- s that resist Richard (UP) Widmark makes Linda Darnell cry so hard she cant stop in her next picture, and she says hell do that to movie audiences a thousand times over. Widmark describes the murder of Miss Darnells husband to her, in Darryl Zanucks "No 'Way so Out at 20th Century-Fox- , graphically that Linda and everyone ouit of camera range a3 well ran the gamut of sobs convulsions from horror-strucI to sympathetic tears. How can you help crying, Linda wailed after the scene, with that Widmark around? That voice cif his and what! he does with it and what it does ' to you is uncanny. His voice alone can make you laugh or cry or hate him or feel sorry fori I , him. The picture Widmark drew was so real to Miss Darnell that it was several minutes after the scene ended before she could stop trying. (And her hair stylist, Gladys Witten, was sobbing so hard she thought shed spoil the scenet HOLLYWOOD set-up,- ' Heres what it is: rm ' -- Choke 1 - . The - hJfcl WINNER MAMttSON HOYT. WHO GUIDED TO VICTORY, IS THE FIRST OCMON KAMOV? AMATEUR EVER TO WIN THE HARNESS RACING CLASSIC. EufiM TOACTIQUIZinG oSrT cflAMIllLiOiMAX1 L Oct STRIKING 1 want to take off from movies sometime soon and Join a circus for a spell," Cotten said. So far, I havent been able quite to make it Jell. t "Once I got as far as working up an act, after talking with one circus outfit.' - Incidentally, its a tough job to develop fresh and original material. tfNLY TWO Linda-po- Make your tires safer Slippery Roads! - the PrM Stall Correspondent HOLLYWOOD (UP) Well, perhaps theres something about kissing Jennifer Jones and Joan Fontaine and gills like that which wearies an actor. Youd think so by the number of actors who claim theyre ready to give up all that sort of nonsense. , Burt Lancaster goes off and turns somersaults with the circus. Robert Montgomery became a director. Gene Kelly did the Same and Ray Milland says hell start any time. Now Joseph Gotten discloses he got far enough toward Joining a circus to work up a clown layde NO HAP By STuhlDREHEF?- Ma- some corn. A long while later, the girls reported that, the corn would not pop. Mrs. McDaniel checked and found they were trying to pop a sack of MASON'S ' CAME.ElME pcoba&y Peas Dont Pop MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UP) Mrs. Ferrell McDaniel suggested that prices! - United NOW IN DREDGE'S SAVE down. By PATRICIA CLARY FOUR don Miu.ee. jtwt ceowiev Black-eye- d We can send them in for you without fuss or bother no check to write or letter to mail Compare our i THE. HORSEMEN Val-carc- DQG HOLLY-WOOXJ fim Shop 41-2- People Who Kiss Glass Should Shun Lipstick ST. LOUTS CUP) - Contests The First ward, Mantua and the Second ward all won their basketball games last Wednesday night. The games were of the South Box .Elder stake and were held In the Box Elder gym. In the first game of the evening, the Second ward, behind the scoring of DeVaughn Petersen defeated the Fifth ward 53 to 29. Petersen tanked 18 counters to lead in the scoring column. 'Next to him was teammate A. Jeppson with 10 points. For the losers, forward lee was high scorer with ten points. iDean Adams rang the bell for 13 tallies as the First ward walloped the Willard ward Joe Valentine swished the net for 10 points and iRoy Hadley, eight for the winners. Center G. Braegger was tops for his team iwith a total of eight points. T. Woodland was next with eight points. The last contest of the night saw the Mantua quintet go wild for 66 points to defeat the Sixth ward who tallied only 25 counters. The Sixth ward ended the game with only three men on the floor as the results of fouls. Preston Keller was high scorer of the night with a big total of 20 points. He plopped in nine field goals, and two free throws for his points. G. Nelson was next with 17 counters. Following those two were L. Jeppson with 13 and D. Nele son with 10 counters. Pete was top for the losers with eight counters. Forsgren was next with seven. By JOI MAHONEY STOIBT&DtXPlE : I Phono A |