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Show three PAGE , JOURNAL ELDER Aribam ' pSrSiUMT ' Otah 6. 50 &' sb given st the altar, was ' workhouse sentence WaHnp one of her wedding fSv definitely B,s bride-to-bthe wedding off. e wrtw ItOf dltttg pel gen to loothT, Kned btceri U your 4 u ? yoUBBKli lay the a monejkJ (J ENDS Under TONIGHT Capricorn ' Grand Canyon " STARTS SATURDAY BOGART'S ON THE :RAM PAG E Maude Jeppson Becomes Holiday Bride Of Rollo C. Richards In Lovely Home Rites ter of Mr. and Mrs. August F. Jeppson became the lovely holl." J bride of Rollo C. Richards in a beautiful home ceremony performed in Tremonton. Bishop Ford Jeppson ofticiated at the ceremony at his home in the presence of family members. Ttollo C. Richards is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Richards of Clearfield, Utah. The bridal party stood before two tall candelabras holding glittering tapers tied with a large satin ribbon and flanking huge bouquets of floral arrange rnents. The bride chose a shimmering white satin gown with full skirt and pointed sleeves. iHer brides illusion veil fell from a lace cap and she carried a rose bridal bouquet. Attending the bride as matron of. honor was Mrs. LaVern Lindsay and the grooms brother .stood with him. I Following the wedding, daughters-in-law and their husbands were hostesses at a pretty arranged wedding dinner amid a Christmas setting. Table centerpiece was a large bouquet of flowers with burning tapers on either side. Immediately following the dinner, the young couple left for a short honeymoon and are making their home at Logan where both are attending the U.SA.C. They will graduate in the spring. To Marry In The Spring Misionary Companions Speca Interest Class - Holds New Year Party At Wilburn Baty Home The Special Interest class the Harper ward Mutual Mr, And Mrs. Ray Wixom Become Parents Of Girl Entertoined By Marvin 5. Wright At Perry A baby girl was born to Mr. Mrs. Ray C. Wixom of Salt Lake City in the iDee hospital, A group of (New Zealand mis- and sionary companions from Salt and Brigham City Ogden, Wednesday, January 4. met at the Wright home in PerRay is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ry la?t Monday as guests of Eugene Wixom of Brigham City. .Martin S. Wright. Baby and mother are reportRefreshments were served and ed to be doing fine. the afternoon, was spent in play; Lake,-Ogde- of Im- provement association, held a successful New Years eve party under the supervision of the class president, Mrs. Samuel Welch at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Baty. With 'Emery Wight and Mur-ria- l Nicholas directing the program and games, Joseph Stokes played several numbers on the guitar and harmonica and Bishop Joseph Yates gave a humorous reading. Rook was played with high score being maae by Mrs. JoStokes and low score made seph Kathryn Hunsaker'' ' by Samuel Welch. whose engagement to A chicken dinner was served W. (Jack) Hadfield, son John to 30 guests. Mrs. Assisting Mr. of and Mrs. John Had- in were Mrs. James Baty serving was field, recently announced Harper, Mrs. Emery Wight, Mrs. Marion Gibbs, Mrs. Samuel by her mother, Mrs. Ruth W. Welch and Mrs. Joseph Stokes, Hunsaker. Carolyn Phillips And Barbara Shaw Entertain Carolyn Phillips and Barbara Shaw entertained 12 guests at Carolyns home January 2, in honor of their birthdays. The afternoon was spent in playing cards following which light refreshments were served. Guests included Low Jeanne Christensen, Janice Hanson, Su Four eclipses are due in 1950. zanne Call, Beth Poulsen, Ra The. sun will be obscured on mona Madsen, Rose Marie Lo March 18 and Sept. 12. .Lunar max, Lela Mae Nelsen, Ferl eclipses will occur April 2 and Barker Mary Call and Bobby Sept. 28. Ann Stewart. ' ing games, discussing missionary experiences and practicing the Maori actions, songs - and dances. Those attending were: DeMar and Marion Holdaway, Vern and Virginia Chapman, Charles and Gloria Pearce, Dean Barney, Gwen Marler, William Dale, Lois Driggs, Robert Parsons and and girl friend, Dee Johnson Barbara Billings. A number from Logan were invited but due to road conditions, were un able to attend. ! JJarA .,a'e1 "PICK O' FRIDAY and SATURDAY Dr. And Mrs. Fishburn Have New Baby Girl seven pound baby girl was born to Dr. and Mrs. Russell Fishburn of Brigham City Friday morning, December 30, at 8:28 oclock in the Salt Lake City L. D. S. hospital. and daughter are re- ( I DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM A Baby PICTURES" THE if tftoberftTd i n - IShTrleTUemp ! ROBERT RYAN AUDREY TOTTER JoTwAgct TOBIAS (COM! ported to be fine. MAM WALLACE r ! i UXTfft FORM ? ? ! J Veteran Cigar Maker Decides To Retire EASTON, VV,, Pa. (OP) SATURDAY Eastons j ! t ft 1 ? i ; i I 1:00 P. M. oldest cigar maker, who has been rolling his own now for 60 i The technique of textile paint- years, has Tetired. ing will be taught to any ladies Albert Miner, began making desiring to learn the art by the cheroots toy hand in 1889, when Relief society this he was 14 years old. Since then, Engagement of Kathryn 'First wardat their Tuesday regular meet he estimates he has rolled more To Jack Hunsaker ing, it was announced today by than 2,500,000 cigars by hand. of the group. Besides conducting his own busHadfield Is Announced officials The ladies are asked to bring iness, be has taught other cigar The engagement and forth- a laundered piece of cloth suit makers. But its now a dead art in Eascoming marriage of Kathryn able for a painted article. Any. ladies wishing to take t ton. Miner has outlived most of Hunsaker to John W. (Jack) Hadfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. class in the making of infant those he taught. John Hadfield of Brigham City, clothing are requested to get in was announced recently by her touch with Mrs. Mae Balls or , it was stated. mother, Mrs. Ruth W. Hunsaker. phone (1008-JThe young couple will be married this spring. Of C. W. Miss Hunsaker graduated from Chijdren To Gather 1348 Box Elder high school in Forsgren and since that time has worked Commemorate Birth for the Box Elder school system as secretary for the superinten- t Ten family members gather ed at the home of Mrs. Grace ' ' . dent John is employed at the Had- Rock to commemorate the 100th on birth anniversary of their fath field Furniture company South Main street, Brigham C(ty. er, C .W. Forsgren, Sunday, Jan- Leom Textile Painting ! i A CARTOON CIRCUS 5 COLOR CARTOONS Sunday Monday -- Tuesday -- . HORSLEYS 3 2 mis- - ' nade ' CONTINUES! Meet Next Monday The regular meeting of the American Legion auxiliary will be held Monday, January 9, at S oclock in the evening at the War Memorial building. Feature of 4he evenings program will be a color film titled Comeback. It is about reha-- Fruit of the Loom Prints, Today and Saturday, 3 yards for DIX and -- 1 SALE IFOR 1. A delicious uary A. L. Auxiliary To $1.00 Other Materials, Shoes And Many Other Items full. riced 2 FOR bilitation. All members of the auxiliary are urged to attend and to .bring t a guest. hot turkey dinner with all the trimmings was served and social conversation was enjoyed. Mr. Forsgren has been dead 15 years. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Forsgren, Mr. and Mrs, John Forsgren, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Au gust Jeppson, Mrs. Ruth Conine and Mrs. Rock. - Reading Circle Plans Wednesday Meetinq . . The Reading Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Leona 162 north First east next Son From Wyoming evening, January 11, Wednesday Visits With Barnes at 8 oclock. An interesting Teview has Mr, and Mrs. James Barnes I been prepared and will be giv-band children, Kenneth and Mrs. W. H. Griffiths. of Kemmerer, Wyoming spent a joyful Christmas at the home Bun-derso- Wm. Horsley & Sons of Mr. Barnes-parent- Ralph Hillam Visits s, Hugh Barnes of this city. W it fr Parents During ' Mr. and Mrs. Barnes have recently moved to Brigham City Christmas Holidays from Idaho, and are making ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hillam their home here. and their two sons and a daughter, were visitors at the home California Couple of their parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. D. Hillam during the holiEnjoy Xmas Visit days. The Ralph. Hillam family CaliMr. and Mrs. Jack Hall of are residents of Yuba City, Stockton returned to their Cali- fornia, and this is their first fornia home recently after hav- holiday vacation with their par in, 25 years. ing spent a pleasant Yule visit ents Also visiting with Mr. and Mrs. with their parents and relatives in Brigham City and other Utah Hillam during the holidays were other children,, Mr. and Mrs. Hy towns. Mrs. Hall is the former Donna rum Hillam of Salt Lake, Mr. Clark, daughter of Mrs. Martha and Mrs. Nephi Ogden if Ogden and Scott Hillam of Salt Lake. Clark of this city. ITS A GRAND NlGHT FOR to 6 lb Per lb. ... 4 HAMS 35 Campbells TOMATO SOUP POT ROASTS Lb .. 45' GROUND BEEF 2,r. 3 for 09' Pure Pork it CAKE MIX Swansdown Instant 17 oz. Delmonte Seedless lbs. 2 SAUSAGE for.... 69' HAISiriS WL CARNATION CORN FLAKES, 13 or. 19c WHITE STAR TUNA 32c grated DelMonte Cread Style (DOM, 303 size, 2 for i NALLIES BEEF STEW, 300 size Saturday January 7 from 9 P. M. on SYRUP24 PICNIC DANCING J Log Cabin MEATS y Dependable Merchants Since 1887 . . SHAVERS ORANGE . Red Bliss - Yes, that's right! All records sale at just ONE-HAL- F the former price. . now on ' . These include Decca, Capitol, and other labels in populars, classics and westerns along with needles and accessories. For example a $3.00 album will cost you only $1.50, you save Now is the time to stock up on good recordings. We have a very large selection to choose from but the early shopper is going to get first pick. ONE-HAL- OUtmMWt - Join the crowd for an evening of fun. Your friends will be there, dancing to the music of Dan Ross orchestral Young and pld, aii' ages, everyone has a grand time. And at $1 per couple, its your biggest entertainment and recreation bargain. Be there Sat- : , urday night! 1 SOAP 10 lb. 27' .... Sir.lOilIZE WAX mesh bag 35 POTATOES CABBAGE . t OLD DUTCH CLEATISER 90' .r 23' OIMCGES Und. lb;... 51b. bag Pink GRAPEFRUIT F. saans? aaaisisEir iijojIU Phone 321 330 Sonth Mam terto 123 South Main Mat Strc large 33c , PRODUCE T White King Granulated 37c - - IUICU6ol IUIET.1EL single or in albums ? tZ Plenty of Parking Space Erijhcni C; |