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Show PAGE SIX BOX ELDER NEWS Brigham City. Utah Wedneeday, January 4, 1950 Frosting From Kerry fj Parry By Mr. Lyman Wight Baxna rd of Los Angeles, California spent Christmas at the home df his parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard. Mrs. 'Barnard and daughter Joanne accompainied Ray hack to California last Monday for a ten visit. day : Mr. and Mrs. Alma Davis and daughter Marva spent Christmas day at the home of Mr. and.. Mrs. Dennis Pimper in Brigham City and Monday they were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (Lelan A. Davis at Corinne. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Nebeker and children, Alice and Barbara, and Mrs. Wendell iNebeker, spent last Sunday in Salt Lake City as dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bortalussi. The home pf Mr. and Mrs. Theo Nelson was the scene of a neighborhood childrens party last Monday evening. Gifts were exchanged, games were enjoyed was and a delicious luncheon served to Faye t and Richard Thorne, DeVern and Elna Perry, Carl ' and ReNee Nelson, Janice and Dennis Nelson and Virginia Brown. , iMf. and Mrs. LeRoy D. White and son, Richard, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mecham on Christmas day. Mr.' and Mrs. Martella Nelson and children, Gloria, Ronda and Carol, spent the holiday weekend at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Atkinson in Clarks-ton- , Cache county. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy D. White FERRY-Ra- . Rm y Industrialist Proposes 25 Pet. Wage Hike Banker Builds Boat In His Backyard ATLANTIC CCTY, N. J. (UP) Seven out of 10 workers polled here said they would buy a new borne If they had a 25 percent bigger pay check. The poll of several hundred typical employes revealed that a new home continues to toe the goal of the working man. The ballot was taken at the New Jersey State Federation of Labor (AFL) convention, with delegates toeing asked to vote on Lewis S. 'Rosenstiel's nine-poin- t prosperity plan to raise the national income to $300,000; 000,000 by 1954. As part of the program, Rosen-stiechairman of Schenley Industries, proposed that employes wages be raised five percent each year for the, next five years in conjunction with a four percent annual increase in manhour productivity. EAST ST. LOUIS, 111. (UP) A novice boat builder hardly can wait for next years cruising season to open on the Mississippi river. At that time Okey Miller hopes to launch Millers Folly, a houseboat he built in his spare time in his backyard. Miller, vice president of the Stockyards National Bank here, laid the keel of the craft four years ago, Since then he has completed the general construction. This winter Miller will install a gasoline engine in the boat, which then will be ready to move from Its backyard-drydocin the spring. Miller drew the patterns for the craft on his basement wail. He estimates that he has spent some $2,000 for material so far. The 'banker used oak, walnut and cypress in the construction. l, 35-fo- i . s mm was , were received from OLt Col. and Mrs. Boyd B. White and family of ; Tucson, Arizona; Dr. and Mrs. Russell M. Nelson of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Mr. and Mrs. Clark White and family of Provo. . ,iMrs. Alma Davis' entertained immediate members of her family last Monday evening, honoring. the birthday anniversary of her husband, Alma Davis. A delicious chicken dinner .was Served with a beautifully decorated cake as centerpiece. The evening was spent in a social way and gifts were presented to the guest of honor. A group of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Snow last Friday evening and enjoyed a Christmas party. Following a hot chicken dinner gifts were exchanged around the Christmas tree. Those attending besides Mr. and Mrs. Snow, were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sebek. r: Mr. and Mrs. Neal Whitaker and family spent Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith at Pleasant Grave. Sixteen family members gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Nelson on Christmas Eve and enjoyed a turkey dinner, after which gifts were exchanged and unwrapped around the Christmas tree, r; Mr. and Mrs. June Christensen spent Christmas eve at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Benson at Honeyvilie. acken 'this in J present J floneers j, facts w area b jib white i K WHITE jonly kno art: jn the shout, in th jber of Pe GOODS ham City. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Young of Spur, .Texas are spending the holidays with friends and relatives in Perry and Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Larsen and children, Gary, DeAnna and Glenda, and Mr, and Mrs. George Dicks of Brigham City, spent Monday in Sah Lake City at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thom-a- s Stokes. ' Glenda remained for a weeks visit in Salt Lake City. CHECK COMBS fully "K advocated o h LIST pioneers Vt to give (first inhal area kn lie your home or In our shop where we can do it quicker. Command us to come to or eome for your radio when it needs COAL & APPLIANCE PHONE 1 trib were a n The here COMBS languages. Heavy were to t Pah-U- The said Jes. are sheets Tossy Wind and 50 Weather Lotion 30 Jhese BOTH FOR Bundi Ir more th iicts and i took land. tribes v ii onfederacj bus were fragrant softens skin from head to toe protects against weather exposure guards against complexion dryness doubles as a make-u- p foundation Come in or phono today f J Safe for limhod time onfyl creamy-smooth.- j diffei with the ion, habi LgeS Thimbles r Buttons men lo presence mong the Zippers es or two e up from ma bett e rich en others low price 1 58 - COTTONS Smooth, to stitch soft-drapin- g . . . this is easy quality fabric. Matching plains and prints. Sanforized 80 Penco ... the top favorite of millions ... now at a new low price ... lower than for many years! Heres 81"x99" Full Bed Size much lower ....... a luxury sheet at a own bread-and-butt- er favorite brand than ever! $1.97 the Inc tl ian affa t there h led to heres your chance to buy more of your very price-a- nd for as became i a horse ed a Sh n as he i again bee therefor Bridget iajor Jim :t man ges, inc nish, am ard Prices are way down but Pencos quality stays up high! So smooth! So fine! So soft! So white! : the rela id no del if Peiico Sheets and 72"x 108" Extra Long; 42"x36" PENCO QUALITY PILLOW CASES Smooth finish, unbleached, right for sheets, pillow cases, laundry bags, - Gm0C3 035PGQ at savings bigger and better SQ. MUSLIN curtains. h. PnmGYG 68 THRIFTY . . . . . . . ;es of B n and :her Blai e was shones i assisted ifs. everal. ut two u ; 43c ugh he 23' and yons. Chic ut 30C ey. igranti s the. ie intc Indian DENIER Gaymode NYLONS m&K ho ?e kepi h ten late of $6 MW I on It .4 just-name- d shades! NOW! Penneys famous Gaymode nylons at this price! NOW! while your budgets never-before-lo- Be. D.S. H Pm. OS. AT COTTONS w slim and your stocking wardrobe slimmer! quick ! RONDO PENNEYS 3S1 yd. Nation-Wid- Terry Towels In Decorator Colors e Muslin Sheets SAME LONG-WEARIN- Nowhere but at Penneys Rondo dress cottons with such a sense of style and color at a price this low! Come see all the new patterns . . Lots of plain shades, too! w T Ikfers. own hors nUtn usand lod PIQUE PRINTS SILVERMOON 51 GAUGE-- 15 tl great h S BEFORE AT THIS LOW PRICE! A ormerly uence of for these quality pique prints. Colors, novelty effects almost without BUTT it One Scissors Eye-openi- NEVER St same Cord ... .. were hey soothes rough, chappad hand j HARD CANDY Come t a raged Elastic Large $2 size. ..now $1 alt print pint fox 400 brand new 1950 t than on is, the a t Mercerized ThreatT 50 and 27c sizes lb. bag j :e Regular $1 size. ..now only SHAVE CREAM 1 race. ally Palmolive Brushless 43c ie A WAX PAPER service. BEEHIVE ti four ut POCKET NOT seconds or irregulars, but first quality perfect luxury sheers! NOT last years colors, but Is yours for well pair your ; radio fin jte men The Choice and ti into RAT TAIL - Christmas dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Deryl R. Young were Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Getz and son Max of Cedar City, Miss Merle Getz of Salt Lake City and Mrs. Elaine Ferguson and children of Brig- P We Lee Utah ", entertained at dinner at their home ' last' Monday afternoon. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs; JJohn F. White and son John, 'of Willard, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mecham and family of Ogden, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dredge and family of Perry. During the afternoon iphone calls city. riate a 81"x99" G SERVICE 81"xl08" ,72"xl08" 42"x36" cases QUALITY! $1.67 $1.77 $1.67 . 37c Down, way down for Penneys January White Goods event go prices on famous Nation-Wid- e sheets! Up, way up stays Penneys quality and workmanship! Nows the time to buy sheets and cases an armload of them and save more money! . AT PRICES THAT CUT DOWN BUDGET WORRIES! ' 44 20x40 . bath towel 25 L 15x25 , 12xl2. washcloth hand towel Yes, this towel set comes in he very colors decorators pick! And see how well they do thJ job of drying you off after you step out of ThpvVe supersoft, covered with hundre) tM of thick terroop herequaUtyocasj V |