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Show Michael Dee Gill Is Blessed At Perry ; ' ; Sacrament Meeting Hold Rose Tying Ceremonies Regional The regular sacrament meeting was held at the- Petry ward last Sunday following the Sunday school, conducted by Bishop Rulon Hirwhl. Invocation was gven by Lowell . .Young. The sacramental song, Gently Raise The Sacred Strain, was conducted by Jay iMathews with Arlene Wight and Dorothy Hirschi accompanists. Sacrament was in charge of Ray Wagstaff and Max Hirs-- i chi. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William Gill was given the name of Michael Dee, by Eugene Bott, counselor and the remainder of the evening was devoted to testimony bearing with 15 responding. The closing song-ComLet tJs Anew, was followed with benediction by Joyce Mathews. Results - JE FIVE For Sale - Real Estate LDER NEWS ' .o cur. 1950 furnishracing ice FOR RENT Two room 807-M. ed apt No. 5. Phone 20 good condition. Phone SALE- - Boy's FOR skates; ay, January 4, FOR SALE gSalea restau-beck- s, booka, ITII IDS T'rP --r two-doo- FOR RENT Furnished heated apartments for 1 to 4 persons. Weekly or monthly winter rates. Sycamores Motor Lodge, r North Main. by owner at S1.145. Lester Collins. Brigham Tire Shop or 313 South Main. Phone 1046. FOR RENT Small house. d south Third west delivery, One-mont- h 1947 Ford sedan, radio and heater. Lifeguard tubes, good tires. A mighty good car, priced to sell etc, printed with rrzn name, as little as 127 D30-J4-p- 07-lf-p- d FOR RENT Newly decorated Majectic stove with furnished apartment. 61 condisouth First west Ph. 31 bgoil heater, used tion. Price 39 reasonable. south am large enough to heat econd east. Three-rooFOR RENT steam si rooms. A beautiful heated 11 east apartment of furniture. Free trial. FOR SALE Kelvinator electric Fourth south. . range and refrigerator. Gyro-mati- c Bendix automatic wash- FOR RENT Very small furnisher, studio couch and matching ed, healed house. One room, chair, Philco console kitchenette and bath. $25 per two 9x12 carpels month. 253 east Second south. C.1DER with pads, 1936 Chevrolet and Phone 267-J- . 1940 Chrysler. Moving, reason FOR RENT Furnished apt Very for selling. Phone 742-M- . reasonable. 154 south Third west. Ph. 467-FOR SALE First class baled alfalfa. Call at 117 north First Services Ottered 'ulE Large Norge circu. one new fully modem brick home in First ward , for $10,500. Home at 146 So. 4th East for $4950.00. Home at 138 So. 5th East for $6390.00. Home at 207 E. 2nd North for $7350.00. Lovely North Main. . 439-R- FOR SALE hot water heater. Good acres dry farm at North Ogden, with fully modern home for $15,000 277 8-- 452-W- now 1 h, J4-tf-- west. SALES your winters of Knights Jupply Spring Canyon Red kvil Coal NOW! er BOOKS, restaurant Prudential Life Insurance checks, cashier pads, punch checks, printed to your order. h delivery, so order early. Lowest prices. The News Loaning Agency One-mont- alk A Corral poles, ford Butler. 660 west north. Phone 124-- sale RANCHES SALE : Five sturdy chairs, majestic radio, 2 rug, three desks, two descent fixtures, ten t & G 410 or at N16-tf-c- ' lage apartment. Seely's Motel. Phone of A (trade Pasteurized MILK & CREAM DELIVERED , h TRY IT. SUPERIOR DAIRY 876. Phone 504 opts., unfurnished except for electric ranges. SERVICE OFFERED You can SALE Chrome kitchen set Good location. 15 south First have soft water service in 3le and 4 chairs. Ph. 724-J- . 258-d , east Phone your home lor $2.50 per month. V The saving is greater than the SALE Good used washers. 'FOR RENT Furnished cost in soap, plumbing and with basement makes. From $10 up. apartment labor. Seashore's, phone 25. 022-tf-c- b both room. Light heat and Phone anpson Hardware. h water furnished. $45.00 'month. FURNACE CLEANING Sycamore's Motor Lodge. IS Would you like nylons We vacuum. Clean and Repan ate absolutely guaran-- 4 All Makes of Furnaces steam-heate.against runs, snags or FOR RENT Two lovely, COAL & APPLIANCE furnished apartments. BEEHIVE Ohnn:essive wear for as long as ONE ! four rooms, and Three newly be or will months, they All furnishutilities decorated. laced free? Then contact ed. Inquire 85 south Fourth ir local Kendex dealer now. . , WE SPECIALIZE IN , west. ne 672-J- . FOR RENT s milk 409 W. nt any item separately remely low prices. MUST SOLD BEFORE WE VE. C. B. Wiliams, 19 st Forest. HOMES 2 D30-J4-p- P le 548 -- D30-tf-c- T1 v d, SMALL LOANS DIRECTORY BUSINESS of four lines or less, S2.00 per calen month, one month minimum. Additional lines 50 cents line per month. ectory advertisements TILE AND TILE SETTING , NEERING SERVICE j See us first for free estimates Carruthers, registered pro-na- l bn all tile work Bathrooms, land and engineer store yor. 212 South 2nd East, counter tops, drain boards, 22 west . fronts, etc. L. W. Balls, Sixth North, phone 805-R- . $25 TO $300 BRIGHAM LOAN CO. 43 So. Main Phone 448 472-W- BODY REPAIRS Jensen & Stuart at Brig Body Shop for radiator repaint and repairs for any ged auto. West 6th North, IBING & HEATING work larpentercabinet fixtures. Kitchen cabinets, hop work, furniture, repairs and Cabinet remodeling. . 749 North nop. Phone Main. Lands hop. ..Burt Vincent, 04 North Main. IBING & HEATING robing and Heating mater-wate- r ELECTRIC , polisher & once, 68 North Main. GUN REPAIRING for Appli F181f-c- h Military rifles cut down, new sights, etc. Blueing. Handloading supplies and equipment Turley's com- at Body SERVICE manager, floor rent Beehive Coal 753-M- Brothers, 467 So. Mair. AUTO BODY REPAIR ess phone 292. Residence Auto body repair and 212 and 612. Repair work plete paint jobs. Burts cialty, 13 West Forest. OFFERED Jyl-tf-c- h Young wo man will do your typing, sim monthly bookkeeping, pie statements, or any other cler ical work that can be done in my home. Excellent referen ces. Phone 947-N- TYPEWRITERS softeners, electric Typewriters, adding machines heaters; plumbing and cash registers bought sold, 153 Christensen, tented and REPAIRED. The Re5th West. Phone 92. ANYONE desiring changes in minder Office Supply. M22-ch-their 1950 water schedules. and gravel BUNDS , please notify W. L. Barker, en and Holst sand and VENETIAN for us Window shades. Call h 605 south Third easL Road gravel soil free estimates. Large stock win Phone 991 or dow shades always available. WILL TEND children every day North Main Furniture, ph. 250. except Saturday, 'during day or night 28 south Second ARD SUPPLIES SEWING MACHINES J14-pwest roved quality insecticide, service. Repaired. Prompt mg materials. Anderson Work guaranteed. Bate Sewing Lost and Found ice Co. Machine Service, 54 So. 2nd W., LOST Eye glasses with blue Brigham. Phone 378-NESTIMATES plastic frames, between J. C. PLASTERING-CEMENWORK oleum, Rubber Asphalt, Penney company and Fifth Plastic tiles, consoweld Gordon B. Nicholas, (ContracReward. Mrs. Edwin south. 882-J5- . tor!. Phone and carpet Sales , Hansen, 438 South Main. Ph. installation. Phone 473 or 759-GLASS, PAINTS, WALLPAPER Jim B. Bywater. Home and automobile glass, RArrs For Sale Real Estate mirrors, shelves, installed. Com specialize in natural color plete line of General paints for all Roll film developing. all purposes. Wallpapers, Art Service, 68 S. Main, home decoration supplies. Brig ONE OF THE BETTER e 945. ham Glass and Paint Shop, 85 brick homes. Has excellent 696. North Main. Phone TED MATTER apartment. Can be bought es slips, for less than cost of conrestaurant checks, SHEET METAL WORK struction and you get the Metal The l, Clyde P. Larsen Sheet Phone extras and the lot with all Works. Immediate delivery on assessments paid. coal and oil furnaces. Furnace, TJNGP APERING Free estimates. All cleaning. e Climates given on your work 2? WE ASO HAVE SEVERAL guaranteed. Phone 79-nS and paerlng. All-t- f Nick wp?t Sixth north ph other places available at variRhone 465-J- . ous price ranges. FLOOR-WALCOVERINGS TNG Linoleum, tile, broad'oom car specialized roof work, in stock. ng and shingle painting pet, CongowallNorth Main Expert Furni Iy Installed. UP and flat roofs, call J ture, phone 250. Po 406 North 4th East. Insurance Real Estate 6. All wrtrV SPECIAL SEWING DONE - See us for alterations, covered 19 West Forest St. . belts, dry cleaners buttons, and custom-mad- e House Ph. 714 6 Phone Iham Laundry and Dry 115 east Second north. Phone 62. . ... ' 528 W. Elva Garrett e tf . T News-Journa- . lh 1C, m 9t 778 ,of Mr. and etts For Publication Public Sato UNITED STVTES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR . Bureau Of Land Management Utah Land 8t Survey Salt Office ' Lake City, Utah, December 14. 1949. NOTICE is hereby given that under provisions of section 2455, R. S, as amended by section 14 of the act of lune 28, 1934 48 Stat., 1274; 43 U. S. C, 1171), and pursuant to the applica-tio- n m of Randle B. Carson of balem, 'bingo" Utah, Serial No. 068896, there will be supper, 'Following offered to the highest bidder, but at was played with prizes being nat lest than $4 00 per acre, at a pub Gifts were exhe tale to be held at 10 oclock a. m., awarded to all. on the 15th day of February. 1950, at a novel manner. Jig-jain changed this orflce, the following tracts of land: Lot 5. 6, SW4SE!4 ec. 6, lots puzzles with one piece lackI, 2, 3. 4, WTEJ, sec. 7, lot I. NWU ing were given each pupil, The sec. 18. T. 13 N., R 17 W., N sec. 10. W,SW!4. missing piece was attached to SE!4, NE14SW SEtfSEtf sec. 11, Wi,SW!4 sec. 12, the gift by the couple which WliSWtf sec. 13. NW. the evenings enterE i NE y4, WJ4NW'4 NEV4 NW4 , NW concluded sec. 15, T. tainment. USW4 see. 14, S'sNW' 13 N., R. 18 W., SLM, Utah Bids may be made by the principal or his agent, either personally at the sole or by mail. Card. Of Thanks Bids sent by mail wll be considered only if received at this of. ice prior to the hour fixed for the sale. These bid Words cannot express the grat be accompanied by certified must we feel checks or poet office money orders tude and appreciation made payable to the Treasurer of the toward those who, by their kind Un ted States for the amounts of the ness-an- d assistance, generous bids and must be enclosed in sealed The must be .helped lighten our. burden. . of. envelopes. envelopes marked in the lower left hand corner sorrow, at the time oT'the death substantially as follows. "Public sale husband and father, bid, Serial No. 068896, Sale, February of our 15, 1950 The person making the highest bid be required to pay immediately the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adversely the above described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. Any person entitled to .claim a pref erence right under the first proviso to said section 14 as an owner of contiguous land must assert his claim within 30 days from the date of public offering and conditional sale to the highest bidder and at the expiration of said preference nght period if no such ri"ht has been aeserted, the highest bidder will be declared the purchaser of the land. ERNEST E. HOUSE, Dec. Manager. NOTICE TO CREDTORS of Wesley H. Dunn, also known a W. H. Dunn. Deceased. Creditors will present claims with at Rm. vouchers to the undersigned 27, First Security Bank Bldg, Brigham City Utah, on or before the 26th day of February, A. i)., 1950. Date of first publication December 28. A D . 1949 SYLVIA W. DUNN, Administratrix of the Estate of Wesley H. Dunn, also known as W. H. Dunn, Deceased O. DEE LUND First Security Bank Bldg. Brigham City, Utah Attorney for Adminstratrix. Etate NOTICE TO CREDTORS Estate of Wallace Beery, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at 1122 Continental Bank Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before the 28th day A. D., 1950. Date of first publication December A. 1949. 28, D, NOAH BEERY, Jr. . PHIL BERG, Executors of Estate of Wallace s Beery, Deceased. A. W. Sandack 'v Attorney at Law 1122 Continental Bank Building Salt Lake City, Utah Attorneys for Executors. of February, Jan-4-- 1 NOTICE state of Utah- - County of 'Box Elder, In the City of Brigham. I have in my possession the following described estray animals, which if not claimed and taken away, will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at the city pound in Brigham City, Utah, on Monday, the 9th day of January, 1950, at the hour of 2 oclock p. m. Description of Animal 1 iron gray horse about 1400 lbs. Roached mane, shoed, wire scar on right hind leg. No brands visible. Said estray was taken up by me in the City of Brigham on the 29th day of December, 1949. ERVTN JENSEN. Poundkeeper of Brigham City, Utah. L C. B. WILLIAMS -- girls held their Tying of the Rose ceremonies Friday evening, December 30, at the home Mrs. Charles The Perry Primary entertained their husbands at Opening prayer was offered their annual Christmas party Luella Peterson followed by by at last held Thursday evening from Carolyn Jensen. a reading the home of Mr- and Mrs. Har- A song, Winter Wonderland," Addie Christensen .. sung by under the direction of May wTlwas who appointed drienne Anderson. staff, president, committees. her pledge A delicious hot chicken sup- toEach girl then gave Elizabeth rose. Teacher the per was served carrying out the tied the rose bouquet Christmas colors in the menu Holmgren it to Mutual presand presented and table decorations. will NEWS. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS! by Coombs, 52 Rudd, J. v ' and at 'Hyrum to rack up their first Region One basketball victory. The casaba contest was an evenly played game with the Grizzlies getting all the breaks . in . . the game. The bpartans cut the Logan teams lead down to 33 to 34 In A large crowd atended the the last period with only two New Years eve dance at the minutes remaining in the game. Perry ward recreation hall Sat- Then Lundahl and company urday evening, sponsored by racked up three more tallies to the (M. I. A. put the game in the bag for (Music for the evening was them. Jensen, Grizzly guard was the furnished by the Wheeler orchestra. The hall was decora- highest scorer of the floor with ted in the seasonal trimmings a total of 14 points. Team mate and the usual confetti and noise Simpson was next in ling to makers ushered in the new year. Jensen with 12 counters. 'For the Spartans, Brown tallied nine Drawings for prizes were held points to take scoring honors. and refreshments were sold durLindley and Pearce each got ing the dance. seven for South Cache and Lundahl six for Logan. Bear River City Junior Girls Hold "Tying Of The Rose " Ceremonies Friday Evening The Bear River City Junior HqW Years Dance At north Notic fur-nlsh- re UNFURNISHED APT-Redeluxe opts. , duced. 5 room Peach City Apts. Phone 723-J- . , F. Glen Kelly. FOR RENT Steam counter, bed, springs mattress. Will sell all S3 Weber i a if I M i : ij . 4 J Bear River City Junior Girls . . who held Tying of the Rose ceremonies at the home . of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Checketts, Friday evening. They are fom left to right (front row) Joyce Holmgren, Senneth Iverson, Dorene Anderson, Betty Low Rock and Addie Christensen. (Back row) Audrey Nelsen, Janae Christensen, Luella Petersen, Carolyn Jensen, Elizabeth Holmgren, teacher; Aurdene Andersen, Arietta Thornley, teacher. Absent when picture was taken were Evelyn Johnson, Lanon George, Annanor Peterson, Marion Christensen, Connie Rae Christensen. Spartan team last Friday night - room apartment Prefer wor-ker- s at the Indian school. Ph. Three I Camp Meet Thursday Consult Clerk of District Court, Brigham, Utah, or the respective signers for information. D2-tf-c- h RENT FOR I Sunflower D.U.P. Notices. Office Phone 905 Home Phone 914-- J Burroughs machine, good condl-- , FOR RENT 4 room apt. Inquire $60.00. See it at the News-aa- l 113 north First east Phone 971. FARMS east 63 Sessions, the Bear River (Bears ' defeated the Weber Warriors 63 to 52 last Friday night at We ber. It was the Region opener for both quintets, and showed plenty of scoring punch. . Coach Floyd Slaters Warriors are much taller than the scrappy Bears, but they didnt have the hustle to overtake the Bear River club. Ray Sessions was top scorer of the floor with a total of , 19 points. Coombs swished the net for 14 counters and Rudd tanked 13 tallies. Belnap showed hi1? offensive game with 14 points for his Weber team. iBudge was next for the Warriors with 11 tallies. Bear River led all through the contest showing good ball control and making more than half j their shots. Weber couldnt get going until late In the third quarter when they came within eight tallies of the Bears lead. Logan 37. South Cache 33 The Logan Grizzlies turned back a fighting South Cache e Perry Primary Officers Entertain Husbands Legal Notice Probate and Guardianship At Christmas Party Broker ng office. down payment Second N. V. Viailcln For Rent or Lease Led The regular meeting of the Sunflower camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioners will be held at the home of Mrs. Ora Anderson, 157 south IFourth east. The meeting will be held Thursday evening, January 5 starting at 7:30 oclock. Annual dues for FOR SALE homo with 1950 will be received and offia good bath and furnace. Large lot cers - would appreciate ' Ideal location. Close to schooL attendance, BRIGHAM REALTY FOR SALE INC. Block & Save BAIRD AGENCY LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER For The States Of UTAH and IDAHO Phone 19 43 South Main $1,000 JournaL rERRELLS FARMS ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. LOANS. SERVICE 1 Bear River Pn '( It v t r . i f' , ident Myrtle Anderson. Mrs. Anderson responded with a tribute to the teachers, Elizabeth Holm- gren and Arietta Thornley, the (MINNEAPOLIS (UP) Minne girls and their mothers. isotans think that radio give Anderson away shows should he President Myrtle permitted then presented each girl a continue "Just as they are, girls in turn gave it to their mothers. Christmas carols were sung by mothers and daughters with Dorene Anderson at the piano. Closing prayer was offered by Janae Christensen. Following the program refreshments were served. f ) - $ The league standings: f the Minneapolis Sunday Tribunes Minnesota poll. The poll said that more than of the Minnesotans who do any Wine contains all of the 13 listening to programs mineral elements recognized as consider them interesting. needful to mhintain humait life. three-fifth- give-awa- s y SantqJLjmgbs.Xoa Loud , COLUMBUS, Ga. (UP)-Sa- nta Claus laughed so loud in a deCharles Stacy 'Higley. (May Gods partment store window here blessing rest with those who that he caused a traffic hazard. came to our assistance in any Motorists stopped in midstreet to listen, police said, while or, j "Mrs. Charles 'Higley and dering Santa to tone dovfn his chuckle. , Family. I , d f t I ryi . When we are called to recover a wreck we will your car or carry it where you want it. Phone us when , youre in trouble. We serve to Please. 'i j W |