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Show PAGE FOUR Bulldogs Drop Box Elder In BOX ELDER NEWS Brigham City. Utah Wednesday, January 4, 1950 .Phone your news to 727. Now Playing HERE IS A BERGMAN YOUVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE. Keith Finishes Fast To Shade Former Region Opener The North Cache Bulldogs defeated the Box Elder Bees by a score of 26 to 23 Friday night at Richmond. The contest was the first Region One basketball game for both teams this year. Each team tanked only six field goals in the game. The difference in the game was at the toul line. North Cache made 14 out of 25, and the Bee Rivers tanked 13 out of 25. The defensive units of each school were vorking good that night. At the half, Box Elder led the Bantamweight Champ Keith Nuttall Jumped the biggest hurdle in his fistic career Monday night In Salt Lake City at the Coliseum, as he won a split decision over Harold Dade, former bantamweight champion. Dade, rated by the experts as one of the fastest fighters in the game, had a little the better of the battle on the but at long range, Keiths punches took their toll. Along with being fast- - Dade is also famous for his fast finishes, but Bulldogs 12 to 10. .North Cache Nuttall worked consistently on pulled ahead in the third quar- the body and In the last three ter 22 to 17. In the final quar- rounds the Brigham City batter, the Hivers put on a rally tier blazed his way to a narrow that almost nipped thq Nortn Cache crew. The Bulldogs con- victory. The fight started slow as tooth trolled the ball in the final got the lay of the land and stanza. A lot of the fouls in boys the first rounds were even. Then the game came In the last quar- In the sixth and seventh ter. Box Elder tried hard to pen- rounds fifth, Dade pulled away from etrate the Bulldogs' defense but Keith, but he didnt pull far were unable to score enough to enough away as Keith kept rake up the victory. pounding Dades breadbasket Vard Johnson was high scor- This slowed Dade so much as to er on the floor. He tanked three concern Gus Wilson, his manaof the Bees' six field goals and and then Keith started his five out of six from the foul ger move In the eighth.' line for 11 points. Next for the Keith (barely got the nod in Hun-saker Box Elder quintet was Bert the eighth and In the ninth with seven tallies. Bart scored a knock-dowJohnson was the big man for to turn In his best round of the the Bulldogs five. Three field evening. At the end of the goals and three foul pitches ninth, Gus Wilson didnt wait gave 'him a total of nine points. until Dade got to the corner beNeagle followed B. Johnson with fore he started with the head six counters. Perks hit for five clearing cold water, in fact most for North Cache and Lee Boothe of a bucket was used to clear up made three for Box Elder. the fogginess. In the final round it was still The box scores: Keith looking fresh and fast North Cache which was the fight as far as G T F P one judge and the referee were Winn .... 0 2 concerned. B. Johnson ... 3 8 3 9 The judges, chosen by Dades 0 6 6 6 handlers, Neagle were: Dr. John Jame2 3 Perks son, a negro physician in Salt 0 2 Jessop Lake City, and Gus (Miller. The 'McArthur ......... ... 0 0 0 0 referee was Ken Shulsen. The 0 Chambers 0 voting of the fight was as folF. Johnson , 2 4 lows: Dr. Jameson scored five , ... 0 0 0 0 rounds for Dade- - three to Keith (Hyde , Totals 0 25 14 26 with two declared even. (Miller Box Elder gave four rounds to Keith, three G T F P to Dade with three being even. Harris 0 4 Shulsen gave five rounds to 2 5 3,7 Keith, four to Dade and one Hunsaker 0 2 even. May 0 5 3 3 Boothe Dick Fowler, who has been V. Johnson 3 6 5 11 (working with Keith at a Salt 0 Lake City gym was in the cor(Hansen Rock 0 0 ner and had the Brigham feath0 erweight carrying the fight to 0 Wight .' 6 25 13 25 Dade all evening Totals long. This Score toy quarters: paid off with the victory for North Cache 4 10 22 26 'Nuttall over the currently rated Box Elder u. 5 12 17 25 ninth .featherweight In the Officials: Low? andAntrew$. GRAND FUN n no-cou- Richord Arlen . Mary Beth Hughes A BCRftH QUItO RStUSt PLUS SHORT UNITS 11 15 11 Pick 0 the 10 13 Pictures Wed. - Thurs. EXCITEMENT! Tarn from today1! headline! I 11 . 12 111 10 10 It Looked Like o Pheasant STAKE SCHEDULE January 4 (Fifth January 11 January 18 January 25 The Colo. (UP) Dally Courier, after printing an account about a hunter who shot a cow, thinking it was a deer, received the following letter from a reader: "That cow has nothing on our Holstein cow that was mistaken for a pheasant and shot during open season on pheasants." ALAMOSA, Alamosa vs. Second. 7:00 8:00 Willard vs. First. 9:00 (Mantua vs. Sixth. OVER DADE MONDAY NIGHT - CO-HI- T SOUTH NUTTAIL IVINS SPLIT VERDICT world. The only round which looked as though there might toe ,a knockout was the ninth when Keith had Dade hanging on after a terrific right to the stomach .and a series of left jabs. But Dade showed his class as he fought his way out of trouble. The fight was smart as both very boys eluded the pitfalls Dade cornered Keith carefully. and started to pour on the coal, but Keith also got a big fire as roaring quickly and gave rapidly as he received to get out with no damage. The situation was reversed in the ninth round when Nuttall had Dade on the ropes In a situation which had all the possibilities of a kill, but Dade flashed some of the best intermountain ring fans have ever seen, to move out in the open without taking a blow. Keiths next fight hasnt been set as yet, but It Is expected a 7:00 Sixth vs. 'First. 8:00 (Mantua vs. Second. 9:00 Willard vs. Fifth. 7:00 Willard vs. Second. 8:00 (Fifth vs. Sixth. 9:00 Mantua vs. First. 7:00 Willard vs. Sixth. 8:00 Mantua vs. Fifth. Second vs. (First. , 9:00 Standings (Second Half) Won Mantua First Second Willard Filth Bcvrarc Coughs from Common Colds Lost 1 - - - Sixth locks, el ilnn nai That HANG Oli 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 , The first public showing of a recorded sound motion picture was at Schenectady, N.Y. In 1927. Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen end expel germ laden soothe and phlegm and aid nature to heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes.Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION Bronchitis will Ulflfit'JTnEnDs $"J72 for wdT- - SALE-L- OT oil boa onj lax9 a; room) 6.00-1- 6 Durecap on Your Old Casings furni of 462W. Make your tires safer for Coughs, ChestColds, know-ho- with Dade DURECAP YOUR TIRES WITH One-oid- ef - ,!)- be lined up in the near future. Box Elder Tangles Bear River Friday The Box Elder Bees will travel to Tremonton this coming Friday to play the Bear River Bears in another Region One game.- In the first round of games, the Bears crushed the Weber quintet 63 to 52, while the Bees lost to North Cache! 25 to 26. Due to their high scoring game In the first round, the Bears are doped as the favorites. Coach Earl Ferguson will start, Ronnie Dean probably Harris and 'Bert Hunsaker at forwards, 'Frank (May at the center post, and Lee (Boothe and Vard Johnson will fill in the guard slots. The Sophomores and Junior squad will play in the B game about an hour before the main attraction. The busses will be going over as usual. Bottle Does Trick GROVE KILL, Ala, (UP) Wil-me- r Hudson got tired of daily raids on his hen house. He put a bottle in one of the nests. A few days later the bottle disappeared. Hudson found a dead chicken snake in his back yard, with a telltale bulge around Us middle. ' SALE machl g $60.00. Se' ial office. .SALE: BRIGHT AND GAY The working part of the Ah! The kitchen. It might be, as the saying goes, the wom- kitchen should be planned in ans place, but dont for a min- advance, if possible, to eliminate unnecessary steps and reaching. The refrigerator and range, for instance, should be near to the spnee where food is prepared. No matter what your present kitchen is like, you CAN make it into something to be proud of. After all, you do spend a lot of time in this room, so why not make it attractive and efficient? If youre stumped for ideas, stop in and discuss your plans with us. You might be able to nse a few of our ideas. NORTH MAIN FURNITURE CO 31 North Main St. rag Brigham City. Utah Phone fWI ute forget dad or the youngsters, because the kitchen to them means home! Make your kitchen the gay spot it should be. Use bright, cheery colors and plenty of attractive decals. For the sake of illustration weve taken, a kitchen and what was originally a breakfast nook. With a little thought and care these two room3 were changed into the cozy, warm kitchen you see. The table and chairs are maple and the floor covering is Linoleum with attractive rugs. Get (D ( chairs, m rug, thr rescent 2 DDu E ADS mattress any item remely low B SOLD VE. C. i st Forest. TIRE TRACTIOUIZiUG Costs Only $2.50 Per Tire Your Choice Of These Safety Services at Street Chi SALE and 4 9lt BRIGHAM TIRE SHOP 146 South Main counter, t Got makes. SALE Phone 548 H mpson IS Would t ate aba against Holiday Bowling essive Tournament Held ir wea months, free' laced li. co staff mi MADELEINE CARROLL henry fonoa cunt -- r!h m! m smimi Second Feature Williaon Holden, Eddie Hraclen,. Susan Hayworth andrRobert Bench ley in f- YOUNG A holiday bowling tournament was held In the Dance-iBoover the week-enfor both teams and Individuals. The individual (bowling is as follows , . (Walter Mathias and Wynn Jensen annexed the doubles with a total of 1284 pins. Spin" Baty and Clark Nielson came In second with a total of 1257. Nakamura won first George place in the singles tournament with a 664 series. Kuch Sato won second place and Taro Yagi won ne 672- - J. m d third. Taro Yagi also scored the highest average in the tourney, and rolled a prize winning 213 score to win the hour dual instructions from Seagull Aviation. (Nielson Motor annexed the team tournament honors for first place. Brigham Tire came in second and Jones service came in a close third. ectory adv month, o line per r AT NEERING Carruthers nal NIELSEN -- WILLING ANDERSEN 7 Phone your news to BODY R Jensen & Body Shoj paint an ged auto. AUTO SAIES CO. (BING & h n Brother ess phon 212 and cialty, I (BING & mbing an water s heaters; Devere 5th West THE 727. KBUH 800 l(C. Daytime Schedule . 472-W- one-hal- f Plus Selected Shorts engi tyor. 212 all-even- ts AND local Kei NEW BIGGER VALUE AND GB Ben and V 1. Road fexcavatin CARD SUP proved qt ing mat AGAID THIS YEAR ALSO GOOD SELECTION ESTIMA oleum, elastic USED CARS AljlD TRUCKS Heres bigger valcb NIEESEN - ANDERSEN BUi-- MU a ... "Get-away- i RArrs specializi aits. Roll Art Serv ... in smart new styling , . 1 in ease of in comfort in sound engineering. And in handling actual dollars and cents, too, because the big new Dodge costs just a few dollars more than the lowest-price- d cars. Despite its smart, low, graceful lines outside. Dodge is higher, wider, longer on the ivside to give you the roominess that spells solid comfort . . . that means extra room for your head, your leg. Less overhang front and rear makes parking and garaging simpler, easier. See this great new Dodge. Sample the flashing :rformance of the powerful 8 Ennne the smoothness of Dodge Fluid Drive. Come in today. ... Murage e 945. i TED MAI es slips, The New NEW BIGGER VALUE TING-- PA e Just a few dollars more than the lowest-price- d cars! NIW VALUil Youll thrill to the smoothness of Dodge Fluid Drive. to free you from shifting, optional on Coronet models st moderate extra cost. Gyro-Matt- estimat nS and Phone TNG special ing and P and rPO,' 406 kr TOR. 604 North Main Phone 778 tilt coverings Installatlt Jim B. .You could pay a thousand dollars more and still not get all the new beauty extra room famovt ruggedness of this great new Dodge OF REASONABLY PRICED AUTO SAVES CO. I ice Co. NIELSEN - ANDERSEN AUTO SALES 604 North Main St. Dodge - Dodge i "Job-Rate- d" Trucks Plymouth j J phone 778 All t DRT Sham Li le. Phor |