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Show HARD OF EDUCATION EXPLAINS Little Miss New BKHERS DEPENDENCY CLAUSE Year Is Born At Hospital Jan. 2 The tiny daughter of and Mrs. Leslie Wassont Willard ha the distinction of being the first baby to arrive during lhs new year at the Cooley hospital. However, the education of Box the of Elder board The county school Stork was a little late this strict today submitted a statement to the Box Elder Jour-a- l year and didn't make any da in regards to its policies on the salary schedule for teach- liveries at the hospital until 3:11 the morning of ; es in the district. January 2. Mr. and Mrs. Wassom have Interest in the dependency clause of the salary schedule, two other children. The mothas aroused by the resignation of John W. Phillips Decem- - er is the former Marguerite Tell That Provision Is Constitutional; 23 States Have Similar Payment Plans r 5. Clarke. Li In Phillips letter of resignation, published in the Box lder News December 7 he gave several reasons why he sagreed with the board on the policy of paying the social ' aiefits as well as Other reasons for resigning. The Board of Educations statement follows: t In view of the fact flat there intef-- t ems to be wide-sprea- d in the Box Elder County) S schedule istrict salary achers, or at least in certain j Running a close second place was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Meservy of Hinckley. Utah, who arrived one hour later at 4:11 the same morning. Her mother is the former Iris Kunzler. Little Miss New Year for ovisions of the schedule, the )ard of Education wishes to ake a statement to the patrons j id supporters of the schools, The'salary schedule for this, strict was officially adopted , July 14, 1939, by the unani-- j ous vote of the Board of Edua-itlon on a resolution explain-that expert assistance and Ivice had been employed and 3 'd taxing form ireau officers, and others persons have been into the study I meetings nsidering the salary schedule, id there seems to he no ser-u- s opposition to the schedule. The salary schedule as adopt-- I at that time contained all ie provisions now in it, includ-- g pasic salary, and allowances "Administrative ' Duties, j 1 fear Round' Employment, (mail and Remote Schools, This sched-- e id Dependency. is now serving its eleventh ar in substantially the sarrje Mrs. Leslie Wassom and Baby Girl . . . who was the first baby born in Brigham City in i950. The baby greeted the world January 2, at 3:11 oclock in the morning. The father is principal of the Willard . school. I s in excess of the sal fades rovided in the basic schJxiule, s indicated toy the, fell; wing -- - - Wife or husband. Wr I f, 196. 1 ! V' minor c tarf-The total annual allowance n dependents shall not ; ex eed in any case $240 per , ear. . (These amounts ised upward in . 150, ; ... , 1941-4to $25 and $300 respective- were re-- n 1118: com-unicatl- an requesting inion whether or not a dis-ic- t board of education has e legal right to offer con-acto teachers in which ere is an allowance for of the ' teacher, a wife, invalid hus-nand children under 18 ars of age. You stite that dependency allowance is addition to ' the f regular f iching salary. Under date of December 2, 46, you asked the following lestion of this office: Does a district boar of edu-- ' tion in the State of Utah ive authority to pay salaries ts teachers under salary hedule which pays more oney to a teacher vith children or other - de-nde- nt than it does to teach-- s without dependents? in response to that question 'U were advised, under date December 5, 1946, by the itorney General that any le or regulation adopted by school board which jays s in whole or in part based n the number of of a teacher it unreasal-ie- dable and discriminatory d is therefore, void We have found no cases in 4nt on the. questiop placed. Millie Ivanced 1. Urge Children Carnival Slated an argument can be that the matter is imarily one of policy, we be . To Give DeVaughn Petersen BE VOTED ON BY B.E FARMERS Toys To Europeans To Go On Mission Glen Culp Of Ogden Is Speaker At Rotary Fri. Honors will be accorded Elder DeVaughn C. Petersen- - Sunday evening, January 8, at a fare well testimonial prior to his leaving to fulfill a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints ' in England. The meeting will begin at 7 oclock. DeVaughn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan C. Petersen - of Brigham City. He graduated from Box Elder high school in 1947 following which he attended the Utah State Agricultural college' in Logan for four quarters of study. While at the' A. C. he was a member of the Sigma Chi social fraternity. . v Sarah A. Pearson News-Journa- - - y - bK cin : , , problems. ' The major conservation prob- Walnuts Grow Big lems confronting the farmers in SYRACUSE, Neb. UP) Walthe proposed new district are nuts grow toig here, according the proper distribution and use to the county agent, A. H. . D. C. Dean submitted a of irrigation water- - drainage of waterlogged land and food con- few samples eight inches in cirtrol. The water supply for most cumference, DeLong said. of the area is the Pine View canal which is perched high on Mr. Oven Burned Up , DULUTH. Minn. CUP) the hillside above the cropland. ChilOne major problem for which dren playing with matches farmers desire help is in devis- caused a fire which did $30 daming effective and economical age to a house belonging to Ed , . . . methods of getting the water to Oven.the cropland without washing deep gullies. Accepts Mission Call Much of the land to be irrigated is very steep and efficient irrigation without severe erosion is difficult. Drainage of waterlogged fields is also a difficult problem, Willie said. All of these problems a soil conservation district can help farmers to solve by providing, engineering, soils, agronomy and : other technical help to members of the district on their own land, Willie continued. A district may also be valua-Ther- e i ble legal organization to coordi nate the help of all available agencies toward the solution of1 flood control problems that area. plague the Willard-PerrAlthough a soil conservation! district is a legal subdivision of the State of Utah, it does not, have the power to levy taxes nor ' does it have the power to bond the landowner, Willie reports. Polling places have been designated as: The court house in Brigham City, the school house in Willard and the church house . De-Lon- g. - I y . ? - , ; 1 -- Co-th- - "orien-toecom- Services Held For one-stor- eli - o - d -- 1 7 Bowcutt w They will also be easier to handle and easier to teach, Dr. uoyce explains. All of the students who come to the school WILL will do so entirely voluntarily and with the missionary work the older students will do for the school when they return to the reservation next summer, the six year old youngsters will be eager to come next year. When the entire students are enrolled there will be about 350 teachers and employes at the school, Boyce said. For the Farmers from Mantua, Brig-- harried there will be house ham and South to the Box Elder heePin8 apartments that have been county line will have the oppor- and converted from dormitories other buildings on the old tunity to vote for or against the Bushnell hospital campus. Also, formation of the proposed South Box Elder Soil Conservation Dis- an additional 150 rooms and non housekeeping apartments trict on Tuesday, January to Assistant are ready for unmarried personaccording nel and married personnel withCounty Agent Vernal (Willie. out families. Thebe nousing Polling places will be desig- accommcda nated in Brigham, Mantua and tions are rented to personnel at Willard. prices based on the extent of ac- ... commodatioDs..v.!.-j.....- . The area to be considered inWhen the Indian school Is ac cludes all of Box Elder county tually in operation classes will south of the present Northern toe held the regular nine months Utah Soil Conservation district isanticipated and east of the great Salt Lake. that year.,- ofIt the students will many, area ' a This Calls Fort, east of the highway and, Becentlv Miss' iNorma Runyan, Mantua Valley as well as the a superviSor of of the, y Navajo program, arrived at the eat bait Lake j school to assist in the processing e If approved, this district will.0 the new students; and v teachers. the 42nd Soil Conserva Ihe first activity for the tion district organized by land-owners In Utah since the state youngsters when they arrive be physical examinations legislature passed the enabling under the direction of Dr. Malact in 1937. colm Jeppson. school physician, A review of the accomplish- and Miss Juanita ' Valcarce, ments of the existing districts 'nurse.--- : y At the present time the stu proves the values to be gained oy the landowners who are or dents are being assembled at ganized to accomplish soil con- - four different points on the res ervation work, Willie said. ervatlon, Tuba City, Arizona; Through the technical assistance Fort Wingate. N. M.; Defiance, of trained soil conservation ex- Arizona, and Shiprock, N. M.' perts, districts have helped more The students will arrive in than 5,000 individual Utah far- several busses from the reservamers and ranchers to solve their tion under the direction of Rosoil and water conservation land B. Harris, boys supervisor. , Sharp Tremor Monday Noon . tion. CONSERVATION DISTRICT A "Tide of Toys is swelling over America as children and Glen Culp, former president of grownups of all ages are responding to a nationwide appeal the Salt Lake City Rotary club, of the American Legion to share was the principal speaker at the Christmas toys with the impov- regular weekly luncheon meeterished children of Europe. ing of the Brigham City club atCountless thousands of toys Friday noon. Other guests Constitutional from generous children all over tending the meeting were Dan there is neither Apparently America will be loaded aboard Hammond of the Ogden club, constitutional nor statutory proa chartered "Santa Claus ship Douglas and Gary Mann, Burt visions dealing with the matter which sails from Philadelphia Horsley and Roy Beane. The twelfth annual Brigham in late January. In Europe the directly. Since the dependency City snow carnival dance will Orval Sackett toasted John provision was made a part of the be held January 28, 1950, at the toys will be distributed to de Howard on his birthday. Wayne original salary schedule in this Box Elder high school . gymnaserving children under auspices Johnson played a bassoon solo, district, and in the absence of sium,. it , was announced today of C A R E. accompanied by Mrs.,.; Robert specific'" legal ' reguiatkin9i'fTfIe by Mrs. Audrey" Bott, advertising Meanwhile, 'American Legion Crompton. , . ,, majority of the members of the committeeman 'for the event. posts are gathering toys from local Board of Education have all parts of America. In Brigfelt that its use or elimination Featuring the election - cf a ham City, toys should be taken is a matter of policy left to their snow queen, the dance will have to the l office, ML discretion. They have continued the services of one of the best During the past year De- States Electric, Brigham Truck its use as a part of the teacher bands available, Mrs. Bott said. Vaughn has worked at the Brig- and Implement company or Peham City J. C. Penney company terson Electric. salary schedule. One or more During the evening pie and store. While attending Box El- will be on duty at Legionnaires school districts in at least 23 of these places the states,, according to a bulle- ice cream will be on sale and der high school he was a mem- of business to receive the toys votes of each number the person ber of both the basketball and until Saturday, January 7, which tin issued under date of March - . . 27, 1947, by the Research divi- will be able to cast for their football teams. is the deadline. . sion of the National Education Choice of queen will depend on Elsewhere in 'Utah, toys should association, have salary sched- the amount of purchases they be taken to local Legion Posts, Mrs. Sarah Ann Pearson, 75, made. have ules with dependency provisions where they will be packed and wife of Andrew C. Pearson and similar to the provisions In this According to Mrs. Larsen, ap forwarded to Salt Lake City for a former resident of Brigham district. In Utah there were at consolidation in a carload shipcansnow for queen City- - died early Sunday mornleast four districts which adopt- plications ment to Philadelphia. now being received. are didates at the family residence at ed salary schedules with the de- Names of Clarence C. (Neslen, 'Utah com- ing 549 east Fourth north, Logan, girls who wish to en mander of the American Legion-urgependency provision in them. ter the contest should be mailed an extended illness. Two of these districts still have to those who join in the following was born at Lehi, May 9, 'She City post office box Brigham . Tide of Toys to give a real that provision number 286. All applications 1874, the daughter of Jesse and prize not discarded or worn-ou- t Mary Ann Smith. After com Progress on the salary sched- must be in the hands of offi He toys. is 'pointed determined ule out, also, pleting school at the Brigham by experience clals at least by January 26. A sharp earthquake tremor that a friendly note of and training. Basic salaries in greeting in Logan, she immesomewhere of are should be securely attached to Young academy inthe event originating the Box Elder schedule school for several years taught Corinne Mr. of and Mrs. Joe Reeder. Amy diately northwest each toy. crease with each year of exIn Lehi. She was active in drarafter dishes and made Beecher Lee and rattled theare re "TOT Iris is a tremendous prothe with perience. Teachers circles in Utah county. committee. Clyde Joists creak Monday at 12:53 gram which will not only bring matic same college training who have freshment In the church of Jesus Active noon in LarsenAlice after Brigham Jeppson and Ellis shortly hope and pleasure to many Christ of Latter-dataught longer receive greater Lee are in Saints, Mrs. area. thousands of Europes children, Pearson served for several charge of decorations City and surrounding pay than teachers with less ex- and 'Nile Sorenson years The shake was felt as far but It will make them,' In years as perience. There is a wide dif- of the tickets. Nola is in charge president of the Relief so north on as the Preston to Larsen is in true Amerfriends away of come, ference between the average of the Queen contest, and Salt Lake City on the south. ica. The American Legion is ciety of the Third ward in Briglength of teaching service of charge of greatest shock confident that children of Amer- ham City. Mr. and Mrs. Pearson The women and of men in this dislived in Brigham City until Mr, of admission per couple however-point Price - seemed to be Corinne. ica will share all women had will be $1.00, Mrs. Bott said. , generously . with Pearson was retired as superintrict. In 1946-4evidence no was thete less those Though fortunate overseas, Utah-Idahtaught an average of 8.63 years, Sugas to the exact location of the that the Tide of Toys will be tendent for the while all men had taught an ar company. Professor of the quake, origin overwhelming. Besides average of 18.12 years 10 perher husband Mrs. Jacob, associate profesor of geocent more than double the exPearson is survived by seven at of the Utah, logy University children: Cyril D. 'Pearson, bish perience of women. That same said that according to the Mer Burglars Work Hard year the average college trainop of the Queens ward and a . scale alii measurement the For Empty Safe member of the legal staff of ing of men exceeded the averC. lor an evaluating the strength of Standard Oil company of New age training of women by 31 the shock in CoST. LOUIS (U P) Burglars earthquake percent. residing at Great Neck, rinne was 4. In Salt Lake City who carted off a safe Jersey, ' New York; Dr. E. Allen Pearson Prior to the adoption of the Funeral services for ' Mary the intensity was 2 and in Logan floor a second from gymnasium of Logan; Mrs. Clara P. West, 70, who it was 3. salary schedule, in addition to Larsen Cazier Bowcutt, December in the West End here got a assistant the basic pay, teachers in this died Tuesday night, professor in business in Reports Brigham City and workout. administration at the Utah State district were given extra pay for 27- in Smithfield, were held at Corinne were that was the shock thieves enter To the Jhe toplace, administrative duties, for small the Brigham City L. D. S. Fifth felt' by practically everybody, Agrjcujturai college; Mrs. Peter an adjoining J. and remote schools, and year-roun- d ward chapel, Saturday, Decem- though some thought it was had to climb (Edith) Clarke of Philadel roof and then remove employment the new ber 31, at 11 oclock in the morn- only an extra heavy truck pass- Iron bars imbedded in the brick phia; Mrs. Harold J. (Margaret) Day, secretary to Senator Wat feature introduced into the sal- ing with Bishop J. Oleen Palmer ing nearby. s wall about the window of the kins in Washington, D. C.; Mrs. The duration of the quake was ary schedule in 1939 was the conducting. the They pushed gymnasium. Don L. (Anne) Riggs, also of The prelude and postlude were not more than 10 seconds and it safe dependency allowance. acr0ss'the hoisted it Washington, and Henry R. Pear The benefits accruing from played by Helen Bunnell. Invo- was not accompanied by the out the window floor, to the roof from son, director of Utah Foundathe dependency provision would cation was offered by Stephen usual rumbling noise. which they loaded it into a ma- tion at Salt Lake City. A brother, seem to go largely to the men Bunnell followed by the singing According to J. Stewart Wil- chine and drove off with it HowJohn Y. Smith of San FrancisHanservice. in the teaching of "O My Father, by Erma liams, professor of geology at The safe- not yet discovered, co, and a sister- - Mrs. German ever we indicate below some sen and Juanita Steffen. , the Utah State Agricultural col- was empty. E. (Mary Smith) Ellsworth, of Remarks were offered f b y lege, the cause of the earthquake comparisons of what has hapSalt Lake Cityi also survive her. The the the Freeman. Wilford years pened during Bishop probably was a minute slip of WARNING TO PARENTS are 16 grandchildren and schedule has been in effect in song, That Wonderful Mother one of the minor faults running , It is a violation of city ordi- one great grandchild. spite of dependency allowances. of Mine, was sung by Erma parallel to the great Wasatch nances B-air rifles, Funeral services will be held During the five years imme- Hansen and Juanita Steffen. fault which runs just west of or other to shoot within the city in the Brigham City Third ward firearms, Presoffered were the mounRemarks adoption by diately preceding the Wasatch range of , limits of Brigham. Since Christ chapel Thursday afternoon at 1 of the salary schedule in this ident J, Edwin Baird . followed tains. mas there has been a serious oclock with 'Bishop James Jen- district the average compensa- by the closing remarks by Bishdisregard for the law and a great sen conducting. tion of men was 49 percent op J. O. Palmer. The closing Friends may call at the Hall many violations have been reabove the average compensation song was Sometime Well Un- - Ruth Conine Spends ported. Mortuary in Logan Wednesday of women. During the five years i derstand by Harold and Lillian Continued firing of air rifles afternoon from 3 to 8 oclock immediately following the adop-- . Felt. Benediction was offered Holidays In "Frisco" will not be tolerated and all and in Brigham City at 161 north tion of the schedule the average by LaRue Allen. . Mrs. Ruth Conine of Brigham guns in possession of violators Second west, the former family salary of men exceeded - the Interment was in the North 43 dediwomen City spent the Christmas holi- will be confiscated. Parents are home when the Pearsons resid-10 of the with average salary by Ogden cemetery are ed from in warned relatives that and friends City, responsi Brigham with inthey cation of the grave by Lamont days percent. The average salary at San Francisco and Kentfield, ble for property damage done oclock in the morning until the cludes all the benefits In both Glover. California. by minors and we urge all par time of services, Thursday. cases. The average salary for Mrs. Conine reported she en- ties concerned to cooperate with men during the first five years is a "hurry The News-Journmatter. after adoption of the schedule ceeding the adoption of the joyed Christmas dinner with Dr. us in ' this but SMITHfor HARRY printing, , Mrs. job shop A. up, Mrs. T, Blakely. was 29 percent greater than the schedule- while . the average and the quality of the work is always e Chief of Police. average salary for men during: salary for women ill the same Blakely is the former Maxine the finest. J4c. nine. five years immediately pre-- . period increased 34 percent 12th Annual Snow qualified The first group of about 125 teachers and other employees started training Tuesday. On Wednesday an open house for the new teachers and employes and about 16 townspeople, will be held at the recreation building on the campus of the school. On January 12, 500 of the eventual enrollment of 2,000 students, will arrive from the reservation in Southern Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico to begin instruction. The first, group of students will be from 12 to 18 years of age. The reason for selecting the older students for, instruction, to Dr. George A. according Boyce, Is because they are more readily recruited on the reserva Newly Arrived Indian School Personnel . - - inspect the living accomodations typical of those the Indian children will have when they arrive January 12. From left to right they are Willie Begay, Marian Newton, Bahe Y. Bitsilly and Roberta T. Barney. 400-poun- d in-ldi- i i - Mary ts ; , Corinne Center of required at least to equal in reply to your Teachers specially to teach Navajo Indian children, many of whom will know little or noEnglish- - have been steadily arriving in Brigham City in preparation of the opening of the school January 12. - . provisions of the state sched-- ? in order to qualify for cer-financial aid from the state, because there was , less than of the animous acceptance pendency provision of the ledule among the teachers d for other reasons, this dis-c- t in 1946 inquired from its :al adviser, the state superin-iden- t of public instruction, as the legality of the practice of ying the dependency benefits teachers. Tne Attorney Genii seems to have written an inion on the subject, which 13 not published. In response a second inquiry, early in 9, the present Attorney Gen-- 1 addressed the state superindent of public instruction the following language, opinThis is In brief ceremonies at the city hall commissioners chamber) Monday at 12 oclock noon, neW, officers and incumbents city were sworn in office by Brigham City judge B. C. Call. Taking oaths of office were the mayor, four councilmen. the recorder and the treasurer. One councilman, Morris Glover who was not up for reelection this year, did not participate in the Following Illness provision were the pioneering stages, at least lUtan. Later the Utah legis-:ur- e passed a law Setting up teachers minimum salary ledule, and school : districts e dependency io. For Jan. 12 Start Dies In Logan time this schedule was opted both the schedule and At the re At Indian School y aiflow-nce- Teachers Arrive Take Oath Of uary Teachers with dependants nay be granted each yeaf by it:--- - Looking Over New Quarters City Officials ' tm in which it was originally lopted. So far as we know the lieve that where public funds are being expended, the leiiy provision of the schedule hich has been subjected to gality of paying dependency criticism is the pen- allowances to teachers over dency provision which, I in and above their salaries is original language of I the questionable. he Board of Education, 6 PAGES : in-te- d hedule, provides BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 4. 1950 ; g that: iij 1 ceremonies. In taking the oath Monday. Mayor Lorenzo (Bott began his second term of office. The two four-yea- r councilmen, Willis L. Hansen and J. Delos Thompson, also, are succeeding themselves in office. i Two-yea- r councilman Tracy H, Larsen, was the only new man to be tworn in at the ceremonies. D. Glenn Burt served the past two years as two-yea- r council man and so succeeds himself. Taking the oath of office for city recorder was 'Fannie J, Christensen and taking the oath for treasurer was Connie M. Pet ters. The retiring councilman is Eberhart Zundel. who completed a four year term of office Jan- 1 iat representatives of lits, civic organizations, VOLUME 55, NUMBER - 1 Mil ;; hi ?iii y ' : in Mantua. wau will be honored If you have any society news, phone it to the l society editor. The phone ber is News-Journa- 192. at a testimonial prior to fparture for the mission Sunday evening, Janu- -, 111 at 7 o'clock. if 1 1' y yj :i 1 : |