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Show THE HOY ELDER PFE TWO arxerC& t, VALVMATi TWf WITW CLIP MILITARY THAI WOLDS INM 10V Tflt PLK POCKtT Subscription Ratos: Anywhere in Box Elder Cmmtv . V f0 One Year, m advance H Six Monhts, in advance Per . ... Month OnSule Mrs. Nina Arkwricht is found murdered in a dressing room of the swimming pool at a resort hotel. Beside her, is a broken flowerpot. A nnssmg fire ax is believed to be the murder weap-- . on. 1 hose at the pool at the time include Janet Cooper, swimming teacher; Joel Markham, young chemist who was associated with Nina in business; Adeie Kramer, . county, per year S" The Mounting M4ICMD PLN Ptt(. It SLTS O V M Red Ink THE NATIONAL PELT a i PC NS FROM piling up and up. By the end of the week if will be aiound Hcrr.InJcr Office Supply tulliun dull, us, and this is only to the the start According I'tesidciit s last budget b .tune 3 ruoM. lot! the government will be in the led about 110 billion- - To tike care of the astionomica! increase, Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthnu has aid he will soon ask Congress eth-er to increase the limit on gov- einment obligations fiom bo to 110 billions, or to abolish the LUNCH CLOTHS limit altogether. 65c to $1.35 With or without a roof, the led ink is certain to mount. PRINTED Few foresee victory by next BROADCLOTHS .Tune, and continuance of the defi30c Yard war means cits. Before the struggle - over, ANKLETS the nation 'may reasonably ex- pect to be about 150 billion dol15 r to 19c lars in the hole. It will he a heavy' burden, but it will be CHILDRENS SHOES borne cheerfully as an inevitable $1.19 to $1.98 part of what victory and peace cost. Men's, Women's Our federal debt makes a Children'll high national income obligatory. if SWEATERS To meet interest charges and to retire the principal requires 65c to $2.98 tax receipts so enormous as to ( luldren's bp obtained only when thp naBLOOMERS tional income is at peak levels. Our mounting deficit is an ad- 19c to 29c ditional reason why another THAT GOOD CHEESE depression mustnt happen here. Saturday Special Washington cant afford it. -- 1 HORSLEYS ever-growin- g 29c Lb. MANTUA NEWS Mrs. MANTUA, March 5 Clara B. Jensen, accompanied MEUrY STANDARD COALFuel A Superior For All Uses We Can Also Fill Your Needs In l.ill-- Larraine Jensen of Ogden, Jensen of Brigham and Mr. Eli-ia- BALED HAY AND GRAIN IHONE by Miss Melba Brown, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Brown and Charles T. Brown, attended the wedding reception Friday evening in Ogden of Mr. and Mrs. Thalone Brown, son of Wm. C. Brown, formerly of Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Moore and family of "Brigham City were visitors at the home of Mrs. Clara B. Jensen Sunday. Carlyle and Delbert Jensen, who are training at Jordan high school, spent Sunday in Mantua. Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Jensen, Mrs. Ileda Larsen and daughter, Gloria Jean, of Sandy, Mr and Mrs Ezra Jensen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clive Jensen and J SERVICE FOE N1) FEED CO. faHaiaaaBBaBiaBBBBt and Mrs. Arch Hill and family were visitors of Mrs Sophia Jensen during the week. Visitors Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N C. Jeppsen were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jeppsen and family and Miss Lillian Jeppsen of Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Jensens Greeting Cards For Every Occasion ST. PATRICK S DAY. MARCH 17TH SIX3Z3H1TE, for only. Oa FGRHAHS TOOTH PASTE 51.03 ZERO, lor only pl.25 PETRO-SYLLIU- M I.EO Ar.iFHOJEL lor only Oo JERSEYS FACE CREAM WOODBURY CREAM 10s, for TftZPAX, h only 79c 39c 83c 89c $1.29 43c ..39c 29c SI.G3WILDP.03T FOR THE HAIR, 7Cc HAIR BRUSH, both for 89c 05 WHITES C.L.O. TABLETS 43c Sl.mERMETS POWDER... 79c EOo OLITU OliEHE for 43c 2?s PR. WEST TOOTH PASTE, 2 for . . 29c AVIS TALC for cnly 39c ' We Vacuum Clean and Repair All Makes ol Furnaces Phone and APPLIANCE ONE" WI paid for DEAD anil I ve-J Ih3 I cows and horses. I'lione C.NS -- was killed. "Then, that night last night of her estranged husI was at my window again, and I aw Mi.ss Kramer down there by band; Kay Feldman, her niece: Bobbie t raine, debutante; and the wall. I recognized her because Mr. Jepperson, the hotels asthe moonlight was quite bright. sistant manager. Joel is arrested, She seemed to be poking her finbut is released the next morning, gers into one flowerpot after analter Adeie is found killed, tap-tai- n other. Then she took one away and Coring of the police thinks went into the servants' entry. "Did any one follow her? that both women may have been killed for $100,000 which Nina "Not not that I saw. Bobbie hid in a flowerpot that she said hesitantly. But about fifteen mixed this with another pot, and minutes after she had gone, Kay that Adeie later obtained the came along, and stopped by the wall. I heard a little scraping noise, right one. Janet and Joel, catching Bobbie exploring Joels room, as though she'd picked up a pot search Bobbies room and find and put it down again. After a the missing money. When they while, she went away. Well, with turn it over to Coring, he re- so many people interested in those veals that one baffling point flow erpots. I began to wonder about how the murderer could have them still more. taken the fire ax away from the Then, this morning, after you had told us about Miss Kramers pool after Ninas murder without being seen has been cleared murder and while we were leaving up. An ax still at the pool, not to go back to our rooms, some one I ve forgotten who said theyd the missing one, was the weapon. heard that a broken flowerpot had XXX CHAPTER been found beside Miss Kramer, MDHAT about Adele's mur- too. I guess that's how I happened notice the bits of dirt in one of der? asked Janet. If she to the upstairs halls while I was on too, was killed with an ax, it my way to my room. It wasn't must have been the missing much dirt, but it made a little path right to Mr. Markhams door. one that was used on her. went on to my own room and "Thats right. said Lonng. "As "Idressed but, all the time. I was Mr. Markham says, the murderer got about that dirt and wonprobably took it away from the pool thinking the night before Mrs. Arkwright's dering whether it might have come Kramer's flowerpot. Su death simply to confuse the police from IMiss was dressed, I decided to go and establish an alibi. He probably after hid it somewhere with no intention back and look in Mr. Markham of using it but. when he decided to room. Sure enough, I found some more dirt on his floor. I began kill Miss Kramer, he retrieved it. Now, apparently, he has hidden den. When I found all that money It again and hidden it well! My men have gone through the rooms stuffed in the bed springs, I just of all the persons connected with gasped. this case, theyve searched all vacant rooms, the service departWELL. I was sure the murderet have put it there, so I ments, the grounds, the gardens. thought I d better take it. I put it That ax isnt to be had! inside my shirt, and then, for some Lets hope he isnt planning to reason I don't know why I use it again, Joel said grimly. picking up some of the dirt Weve got to guard against started on was floor. While the I doing that. Loring rose. Well, this isnt some one knocked on the getting the Craine girl questioned. that, so I door I scared and that got Corcoran has probably got hold of her by now. Id like for you two to crawled under the bed. "In a minute, Kay and Miss come to that pantry next to the little banquet room, and listen in on Cooper came in, and then Mr. what she says. If you catch her In Markham. After theyd talked for a while, Kay went away. Mr. Markany lies, let me know." He guided them to the pantry ham went into the bathroom to shave and, while he was there. mentioned, then left them. Cooper looked under the bed Opposite the door by which they Miss said I'd better get out. She had entered, was the swinging door and must have seen me under there, to the banquet room. They tiptoed somehow. Anyway. I thought it to this. Peeping through the crack between the door and its frame, was awfully decent of her not tp me way. I went back to my Janet could partly see Corcoran, give seated beside the long table. She room and put the money in that couldnt see Bobbie, but she heard purse. Loring cleared his throat. "Now, sniffling. Miss Craine, you know that, m Then, Loring entered the room. police work, we have to check peoSomething lut the table with a ple's stones very carefully. I want loud thump. you to tell me yours again. "Recognize purse. Miss "The whole thing?" Craine? Lonng asked curtly. "Thats right. There was an indistinguishable With obvious reluctance, Bobbie murmur, interspersed with sobs. all over again. Her inflection So it w yours? Lonng contin- began became mechanical ued. It has quite a lot of money in She was nearing the end of her it. Perhaps youd tell me Just where tale and was elaborating on her you got all this money." of the money, when Lor- "I I meant to come and tell you suddenly cut lri on her. about it before, Bobble faltered, a minute. How did you say "Just but the statement didnt sound very to go to Markhams happened I I In Mr. found it convincing. room Markham's room. Perhaps you "Mr Jep No, I mean the dirt. know that already? The the dirt on the carpet in the You just go ahead and tell us your story," Lonng said blandly. "Go on about Mr. Jepperson, said mildly. YOU know where the money Lonng "I I didnt mean that, Bobbie -'came from m the first place? faltered. That was earlier. Bobbie asked. What mas earlier? Why ah suppose you tell me xibbie began to sniffle again. I that, if you know. I suppose I d better tell you I "Well, its just an idea of mine. saw Mr Jepperson coming out of You see, my room looks out on that Mr. Markham's room, but that was Httle courtyard where those potted early this morning. About seven geraniums are and, on the night be- o clock. fore Mrs Arkwright died that maid "Corcoran, go get Jepperson and Colette wasnt the only person who bring him here, Loring snapped. saw her there. I was awakened by the sound of some one running, so I (To be continued) got up and looked out the window. (The characters in this serial are Like Colette said, this woman was fictitious) there by the bnck wall, fooling with Copyright, 1941, by Simon & Schuster, Em. COL 2. - 1KUTOR MEN LOOK 1autlicr tractor greases regularly sold at 17' jo, closeout, lb. 10c. ROLET CO. CENTRAL CHEVtf. IOR TRADE A 40 acre farm with improvements near Vernal, Utah, for city home or business property in Brigham City, or eould handle a small close in place. C. A. Hardy, 311 East Main, Vernal, Utah. horses. weight mare, yr-ol- Bigler, MIOpd. No chilrent small acre- WIDOWER, L. D. S dren, wants to garden. orchard small house in Brigham. and age wer .1 4, Ans- News Journal. MIS 0x12 rug between Ogden and llyruni, Monday night. Liberal reward. Call Maud ltpd. Lil.jenquist, llyruni. LOST Truck lire and wheel. M 13 lhone 4!l!Rt. Reward. LOST SALK - weie named Sunday b their giandf.ither, Isaac Jensen He named them Dean Isaac and Dell Ruben Jensen Mis Dorothy Jeppsen, who is at Tremonton, te.uhing school here. spent the week-enM. and Mis LaMar Jacobsen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis Fred Jacobsen. Vein Cioier Mr and Mis and .son Veinon Lee, of spent Sunday with Mr. and Mo Ruben Jeppsen. Mr and Mis Roy Olsen and familv of B'lgham spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mis. Scott Olsen. Mt and Mis Wvnn Jeppsen d FO.MES - BUY monthly-trainin- Wed- SPRING e. A DEFENSE BOND- MK( IT1SI Is Your Harness - t Ready For Big Job Ahead? thee While FHAREIK i;ii0 To lie and IUpairt.d d 'm: m:i and r. ii BROWNS shoe HoNpirvi, TRY A WANT TODAY Under PLRL Phone WINDY AND PADDLES 64 State Supervision WOLCOTT, Mfr. Brigham, Utah AD ! YOU CANT EQUAL New and Used SEWING MACHINES ELSE ANYWHERE IN AMERICA! Expert repairing of Sewing Machines and Vacuum Clean- BOURBON WHISKEY 85 PROOF COPR 1942 THE 010 0UAK1R COMPANY, UWRENCEBUIl PERRY, March 5 -- The Peiiy D. U. P. met on Friday afternoon at the home of Mis. Gladys Emma Ciow-the- r olfley with-Mrin chaige. Newly elected officers of the D. U. P. are: Judson, captain; Ida Y. Thorne, first lieutenant; Gladys s Wolfley, second lieutenant; Mathews, secretary-treas-uieRuth Hirsehi, organist; Melissa Davis, chaplain; Bertha Wight, chorister and Vera Lar-sen- , registrar. The lesson on Early Missionaries was given by Elva A Peny, and special musical numbers were given by Melissa Dantzel White. Mrs Peterson and Mrs. Z. Y. Erek-soof the County Camp were s iMfom Mi-il- De-loie- r; m o BEET R SUGAR ACREAGE JOS6I Alton n How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the sent of the trouble to help loosen and - pel germ laden phlegm, and aid net m e to sootne and heal raw, t( nder flamed bronchial mucous mem-m- g branes. Tell vour druggist to sell you u a bottle of Creomulsion with the derstanding you must like the way it or are you quickly allays the cough oney back. t- ' , un-yo- hyeJ"T U LSI O N for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis MTU a million tons of Philippine spqar cut off; imports from Hawaii greatly reduced; a million tons of Cuban sugar diverted to manufacture smokeless powder; and with sugar from this continent needed to supply England. Russia, and our other allies, the national sugar shortage is indeed serious. IIow much of thuse sugar losses beet growers of the nation can make up must he answered NOW, before farm lands are planted to BEET PRICES MOST FAVORABLE IN YEARS Hoot contracts this year guarantee the best beet prices in years, and till government planting restrictions have been lifted . . . these factors also favor greater sugar beet acreage. Sugar beets furnish a DEFEND RLE. XSSI RED FASH FROF. and also provide the benefits of crop rotation and livestock leod. $10 TO $300 C. L. Pine Loan Co. i.ss Part PERRY NEWS LOANS FKOlKim i, NEW HARNESS a ON is u.t ti bring ,t THIS VALUE STRAIGHT attended saei ament meeting hoie Sunday wheie Mr Jeppsen named their baby daughter, Nancy Jeppsen. I'FKSON AL 2 A. B. BATES Your Ixiral Singer Man 102 S. 2nd West Ph. 626 R Hun-sake- r0 hoy- huu-- Fim - Hay and young milch cows. Just fresh and John coming fresh. ltpd. Harper. lOR this twin y Mis. Thome, by and Mrs Wolfley. meeting Piimaiy ollicei.s MRrn THIS WHISKEY IS 5 YEARS OLD M24 FOR SALE One learn One 5 yr. old mare, 1100 lbs. One 6 weight 1100 lbs. L. O. Collinston. Qu.lting attei noun Tue.-da- DIRECTORY FURNACE CLEANING Bt.EHIVE attractive a nesday night at the home of Mrs. Maud Rate, with president Ruth Hirsehi conducting the meeting The regular class period was spent in discussing Where To Find It plans tor the spnng tonlerenee after which a social hour was V listing of reliable firms and enjoyed Special guests were individuals specialists in their Airs Lois Thome and Mis. line. Thelma Billing- They were presented lovely gifts of appreHI TING HI LMBING ciation ftom the otficers and uar fix' small Satisfaction teachers. The lunch was served anteed job Coleman & ixorens by ITael Allen Cora Quayle, lSLRAME Florence Wight, Doiothy Young OttD Mart n Rasmussen Resident e Phone and Della Perry. Chris I Wolfley hnd Herman OPtllVt. GOODs N L iioiisrn Vuru.lv Stor De Young of the Perry Canning More ni a Million Vriitlts the Utah Company attended ORi H RD hL PPL II S Canner's Convention held in yprnv Salt Lake City on Friday and jp uved qualityAndmsec Ucidt ProHu e o Saturday. Mrs James Buit of Brigham City spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Allen and family. Mis. Lisle Larsen is spending a few days in Nephi visiting at the home of her parents Mi. and Mrs. Joseph Pay and other relatives and friends there. Dale Young f Logan spent the week-enneu at tne home of his patents Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Young and family. He was accompanied to Logan on Monday by his folks who spent the day there visaing The Peiry Relief Society will NOR.MW LEE, Ijcensed Abstractor the potted plants. I didnt think anything about it at the time, and went back to bed. The next day, though, after Mrs. Arkwright was found killed, with that broken ( flowerpot beside her, I began to wonder whether he had hidden something valuable in it, and whether that was the reason she lunch hold held their class meeting on S. te $2Q?;r$l975 AM) KKVI. ESTATE SOU) HKAL ESTATE BOUGHT KE VL ESTATE LOWS 0T EIRKLEY present An was served Mis JuJ-o- n The Periy and teachers WANT ADS uc V?lue JeravuYmj DOLAN FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NEWS-TOTTWA- (L) and Lou Costello, celebrated screen comedians, starring in their filth Ride Em and funniest tilm Cowboy, which comes to the Bud lov Abbott theatre .Sunday. 3, 'A A Performance Record, Established Now, Will Assure Favorable AMERICAN Future Quotas BEET Maximum sugar beet plantings now, while restrictions are suspended, will establish for each grower and factory district a good performance record that will assure lavorahle allotments on returning to the quota system. SUGAR UTAK-IDAH- 0 PURE lJ A PftOCHJtT Of AMtRUASfAfrMV AND f ACTOftltS J rj t SUGAR CO. L BY DICK MOORES W1 Afi REMEMRER ou mav have your Doctor's prescription filled where you piease regardless of the store name printed thereon. If you bring it to us we guarantee our compounding si tl K p m v j( e. 0PLES DRUG TIIE DEFFHIST RY Fiotected Frescription Drugs FI |