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Show emMBissaseme. I WHO , 't- JW y.,H'. - r?aj 21 -- I 4 DESERET EVENING "BAYER Office Ogden BfLMENT REED HOTEL. CROSS"-O- Alfred Gladwell, Manager, TclTl 365. W.. Home Tel 1536-gffW "'Wtr-are requested to make regarding ,j,&te dmlvery. , chtrch philicatios. work end Order your Church book through Provo Office Always 'Ask for Genuine Bayer Tablets of Aspirin 11 TUESDAX MARCH , i:S 1019 whole fruit iteka It seems nothing can be done with the froaen stock. Hot. bourn cucumbers are at hand from Jtarenport, la., Jobbing at 13.60 dozen. Sweet peas from the coast .per are soiling well, commanding 30 cents wholesale Hops are ehlpped In for veast making from Washington hop and Job at 60 to 60 rent per Is about out (fields, Buckwheat flour market; what ia itsleft selling at 110 per cwt. Butter tending up Mr Headaghe-Depressio- n? All subeertyttna and myanti delivery eeaiptatni ebould he maderegarding to James A. Oliver ISl North let Wjt gt. Teteohone for tae Daily. geiurCey lit Agent nml-Nerkand New Cksrca ad other yikllotlleea FROM KIDNEY DISORDERS Headache and depressnn may be due to several causes. Perhaps jours mystifies you? May le hidnev and bladder disorders la the cause If so, you surely want relief and remora- "indiscretions In eating and drink ing bring on such trouble try grad- aometimesa at other tim,.a uallv, quickie. lr ary Ogden rep. New, r;.senUtlv of The Deseret stock of the the .lumens hare fc, rLerret New Book ,sioretb iarg-r- , J,, n the state. to draw from NEWS N ASPIRIN ' I ,and 0., railway company, who were day. a. the pasture. begin to become discharged March 1, must be restored Kwnwilubr?enTpMearraa fo to their work imder & decision of the lows: HAT AND CRAIN. war labor board made today by Joint "hmrmrq Taft and Manly. ' " fTxly-fou- r woiperi will be affected by the order. A former order of the NERVOUS ENERGY lifes momentum, depends upon body. Wken Vrength is depleted and the body lacking in essential nourishment, the nerves are the first to suffer.. SC01TS EMULSION simon-pur- e in substance, rich in seniority end sion, which restores rnOVO, March 18. With tonic qualities, nourishes the of developing better service in ,tne wpll bring the desired hcnef.t If such other privileges to the women work-eiwhole body and strengthens and f symptoms are present a, these that passe Is highlv steadies the nerves. Wherever .Only Apirin Tablet with the safety welfare work, the women of Utah colored, strong of t or odor, iohutfu-ienthe win shines, Soottm in the Layer Cross' on them are genuine copious, followed l pain, burning Hatei- Tablets of Aspirin." owned county Are effecting organization. In recognized standard tonic-foo- d OF TOMATOES FRIGE and made hr Americana and proved ,rs,. and conserver of strength, safe by millions of people. Unknown county under the direction of County the ea burn and rheumatic puma, beau A Bowne. Bloom &dd,N.J. of fraudulent' Aspirin ftuapttyee and renousnes LONDON. March 1 8 The German ic2S.eeUl,!I?fJf,it0r mvf Ann c yre- - general diacomfoUr ld recon wtr a Brooklyn toTV. OUUy by HttlmWn efforts 9 OGDHN, March IS at Cartagena, Spain. 2m . to rt, .36 Turkey, fie price reach an agreement as to t Domestic duck 33 EGG, -'to 66 canners for. .46 per case. .316 join. Tbo officer of the different Not eeotet. not nv to bo paid to farmers by FISH. Jum right anj locals will consUt of BUTTER. chairman, vice true Bold by ail di uhgiat. Hellhut ....... tomatoes failed at a conference held .39 .65 Black Cod .. .. wcrelary, t ream re r and an tlseim-nt- . cart . .60 Creamery. In .1$ yesterday in the office of the Utah executive secretary who will 'be the 69 .. . solid Sole ...... .n Creamery, , pack Saurday night tlie German submar-home demonMrator of the county. ctaca. .14 second Sandals Gnus- rs' association' In the Col. Hud- Creamery, dea was Spanish wae-at-- i in. by .60 .65 ating The ..... Barncuda .18 -meeting Mh Mr,. Death of M. McAllister sob building. ln taeh fc package- while attempting to escape Kill . .. jnEr,!vnI soles .21 . UY Mpresthtlves of the Weber, trojer h irad-Span-lchairtoan. MILK AND CUE AM. te the A.!fln nmrk saved. crew was Catfish .25 The fc'errol Bay,r from bureaus, the) Manufacture of Monoaceticacidesier of Fork, with Mr. Hubbard Tuttlevi jd Davis county laim Gal m .12 smelts dn Qi. Ferrol ht Oregon 5t. Mourned wia Ituemtd The . George Jr., and Payson with Mrs James A. . . Fresh 18 milk yrarcse association and Canners of j halicybcaud. Advertisement. .80 fresh , Salmon, March, 1918 Leveleae. counties. Othef iowna will be or- 16 Babiee apeefal FREH MEATS. (Special Correipondriice ) Fresh cream ganiged this week, according to Jdimj Ttie fu mers otganigatlons are hold- ,66 hd h h Sudden- - Ur, and the work will 1 March 4 6 -- New. of WbelesalA .76 Whipping cream ... continue until , ST In Hall leak Irr cut for lie per ton for tomatoes 'M,,rk for an,1houl; Alexander Star rt-ntGroVfr soon and died after. of , i'n Drt.s.d spring iambs, per lb. I4 every district In the county i, taken Moroni McAllister vun' CHEESE. and the fanners declare that 1 he deceased, who i a well known in pL, care of and the women are repre lwith Retail Irlwi. Following- - the Wholesale ltefP ail they can pay. this city, as survived by his wife, four rttCrlBfm LtQVC8 rTQTtCC Vo. 1 cheexe profound sorrow kud i egret b ad-.40 Pork loin, pr ltj ,30 In relative and numerous friend mth.tt a price agreement cmild tbiltiren. his mother und a number M sented. . lb .39? V.aL .40 enbrothers and lb. to dttion Empire brick, per the brothers and aistrr named per sisters. Before being not oe reached the Utah Canningeom-par- f 4GO Romano MarchJ .......... .1649 m the oriKinal account of hi drath in' .60 Mutton, per lb. . , gaged la the laundry business he was and the Kaysville Cnnnirg cum-pa- n, connected B. Y. U. Notes. Block Swiss station en with the peery Milling comThe Jeeret New, he is aurvtitd by Jj Sirloin; per lb ... $$0.60 President through llerrtngtou pany at Preston, Ida., and at Ogden. Mr the following Family, per lb. .. Iaid A Mo", States POCLTRT. Mutton chops .. Tnu cablegram signed by Gen. ard Manager J. Q. M. Barnes, respecMrs tharles Whipple, Mrs Robert U. PROVO March II. This Is 'Fresh.17 the of American commander hen Utah .9$ hb8Short cut. per lb. Mrs. and Gharlea ftullivan man' week ts r'v, offered to lease their plants to the at Brlgbam Young aasuranc G. definite .49 .35 W. hens Uamb Dead. roast first Eastern IdRowley university, and the green one'' are of St George. Mrs John Allred of it v f irmers organization if eight per .36 ,45 Alexander, Utah broilers - T hones It In regal style were guaranteed, while i t dividends When ho. Mrs Wallace Larson ofW Manti. Will fdav that Groverof Cleveland celebrating National .28 the , .8$ league, 04H Round, per lb pitcher Met ster premier students assembled Monday mom-- 1 McAllister of Idaho. John 17. George William the orT bis way home to Join the ChHerrington added that, if OGDEN.diedMarch wai) McAllister of Freshlea ln large last night at the home. ing they found The message wag. re-(l.K.r.l h would manage the plant Rowley ilean) Nationals 24k Patterson avenue, after an lllneas green letter stretching across College halV cgived by Fred Mitchell, president of tnnlai Ihe farmers' direction Both of acute Soon the class came marching I weeks six branching lasting the club, were declined by the farm- Be wa lorit in bait Bake V0 years ago In all "wearln'-o'-t- b The ;r green. ' A ex a rider has been In Germany with . Try Tills First. paper. ,"WhU and Blue, la beers who aa.d they were Jo and cuine to this cltj' 16 years ago, kor school t he army of occupation. Hole expected edited reing week this the a a Freshman Before of was number by he consulting specialist employed class. Mies th" cannery business. !w 4 within two weeks and to Join jeais Josephine Crandall is your stomach trouble, try a the Iuhs at the spring training camp, At tne same tlmeJLli canners were by the Denver and Rio Grande railroad Stunts will be polled garding and at the time of his illness was yard few doses of Tablets Cal. Chamberlain's n rssion a meeting of the executive Pasadena, Friday evening the' week You foremen for tbe at Thistle off every day. may find that they are Jut what "ball. with a Freshman committee of the Utah Manufacturers Junction. The bodycompany is at the Linduuisl - wifi close was Junior day. A feature you need as many others have The Friday i nation was hold in the Weber parlors and will be taken to Bprinfor burial. Surviving are his wi of the days celebration wae the pre- only cost a quarter and are alqiost dnL a resolution was passed ville sentation of a program before ths stu- certain to be of three and daughter dec mug that the "time bad come ter great btTtefit to ou dent body at 11 a.m. An address by if or if ui-a cru'u.il readjustment of prices so j'our digestion Kloyd Ejre was of especial interest Colorado woman, long a sufferer from Rheu In th development of his theme he ere troubled with biliousness or con. - to n dues the cost of living, und that Police Judge Sentences showed that true liberty is to be matism, Btte8t6tfljainftof fatnous Temedy- Advertisement. BY COLLEGES stipation. hr. nuc of this necessity the associatBEHELD only through adherence to law Confessed Hold-U- p Fakers V made In Idaho Springs, ion (Olnriilgd with the views of the a, pari- - rs that the prices should he lows: Bong, The Lost Chord.'!. .M unray Moreland Pioneer : OGDEXr March 18 A sentence of 0 Roberta; flute and clarinet duet, Franz was bard at labor Riven Wesiover days by and Glen Van I'rilens the farmers chance theit Judge READ March 18 In conjano-tio- n songs, SAYS! in the police court to George Daffodils and ShadowWagner; Called by Death NEW ithTORK, Song. Helen and accept the price offered by kotjerte the second & sentence of $30 or 30 Newell, trio, violin, cello and and Warner, piano. he pinners It will result in a number dais in n and exhibition at Atlantic I feel murh Improved. Bought one bottte from onentio jail was given Kenneth Olsen, Alene Phillips. Xreta Rovlance, Leona of plants being shut down durins the both being charged ffpecla1 Correftpond nee ) i i v during May, the program of which ith petty larceny. Mlldenhall. Miss Fern Whiting toasted you and the second at the Richardses Drug MORELAND. The two young men reported to the the members of the- - junior corn ng season, the canners say. Ida. March lq An- was announced recently, an intercolStore. class A P BenHon, who died here Marrh legiate seaplane tournament Is to be police Saturday night, that they had reading, Flourette.' wae rendered by drew been held up and robbed of 98.40, but Mlse Florence Holt. Director E L. 2 was born in Penmark. Oci 13. 1M4. held I INDUCED MR. McLAUGHLIN during three month of the sumTO BUT A Not One Protest to Later confessed it was all a Frame-u- p There th tneesatre of the jroppel mer, it vas made known here today by Roberta discussed the value of tradiBOTTLE OF RHEUMACHOU ALSO HAD MRS. found him And he joined the Church the to get some easy money. Olsen had tion. of America. eronub YOUNG BUY TWO BOTTLES FOR A FRIEND. been collecting money for the Onll After rhe In th seaplane the annual junior March 16, 1886 He at oi.ee. made Paving Twenty-Fourt- h to come to Utah and on rperd raeeba3 intercollegiate meat market and the two had arranged prom wasevening been contested over preparation given I saw your advertisement In the local paper and 4 to steal the money and report a holdup course a of for that year he arrived at The latest exhibit In the domestic May $2,000 trophy hope it will mean success for RHEUMACHOL." Iffhas been recovered and re- art, department is eliciting Interest Plain City, Utah. whih he made his in Ma; further competition for college -' For OJDES', Mirth the firt The money home for the next MRS. EMMA BEEMER. xears (Signed.) From tudents piloting seaplane will be held among the girle It consist, of a va,ne in the history of the city the city turned to Its oiner. there. In 1S6. he moved to Moreland, each Saturday. n rmuHiotrers have fanned The college winning riety of party dresses. Grand Junction, Colorado. A series of programs will be given w here he lived lilt his death, beipa one the largest number of points at the end for street fmvjper without jurisdiction erne ?inprl Will Not be Closed. by the student body in the various of the pioneers who made posisble th of each month will be considered the pm mi b e'fg registered. The dljitrict RHEUMACHOL after trying various other remBeemer Mrs. took n known an 129 and fceeludeft Twenty-o- a winner for that month snd the final whlih high school, of the state. The firet prosperous edies. She wrote us that she had suffered long with rheumatism. reveres bis community He msirlcdno, In winner will be the vollege which has memory th etrret from Washington to Har-'O'- ti .OGDEN, Marrti 18 The office of the school visited will probably be Lehl. Denmark Maitida Aahera who wlh stored the greatest number of points avenues weil as soma minor federal employment bureau in this city son three two and months the three Colleges daughter. sorvUe. throughout ii.!oqii of streets. It ws stated by will not be closed according to latest Recurrence GET A BOTTLE OF RHEUMACHOL Alt of them sre locs'ed of Influenza in the Snake will be permitted to .change pilots commissioners that there are some announcement made by W. H. Beckett. ; Annie Dalton. M I Ben- - weekly uriH of the city in which the rea-ti- F Sr. who has been-iR'vei.Valle for the charge H A Benson, Edward Henson Meanwhile airplane and dirigible bal- -, DELAY! DONT SUFFERl-DO- NT 'Has Not Affected Schools son. retaxpayers are asking the city te naveral month. The office will bepast Mr Bertha C Grimmett .as i sit'pe to pave the streets. loon contests for college students wilt moved from the Brigham hotel to the Mr. Benson was a man of few words he held the same rules governing each basement of the Keed hotel, where a Demand RHEUMACHOL. Made only in Idaho Springs, Colorado, PROVO, March Jt Supt L. E. and a servant of the Master He never tournament room has been provided rent free by H. of the Pro the haven for the rheumatic;' Sold for 1.00 a bottle by druggists city arhooln re- sought public office 'or KhKor Liquor Law Violators C. Bigelow. port that the recent recurrence of In- - content to Jet his deeds teach the heing goseverywhere. If your druggist cant supply you, send fl.OQ to the. fluenxa in this city has not as yetjpel to all with whom he came In con-Sentenced by Police Judge manufasturer. broken In to the regular work of tact going n'ght or day to Allay Funerals Held. Herf-rt. to. 'Any marked -- degree.and to give encouragement to li th those who that iu say needed it. Mr Benson was entire city there are a 4 MrrHr'fnna'MTmh7 JTT OGDEN, March 18. Funeral service probably 60 children out of school, H. E. MACHOL, Ph. o r brother. Joe Mikkulio. 33. both patriarch, having been ordained to Mrs Elisa C. Barlow were held in a few of whoin are afflicted with only calling July 6, 1905 by Elder j. pleaded guilty in the police for VISIT the EXPHINS OF fluenxa. ward He Fifth UHErMACHOL Albert with Smith LABORATORIES, IDAHO SPRINGS, COLORADO George the that meetinghouse L1 reports yenterday oin esterday to having liquor tnl with Bighop' Counselor C present system of inspection under) The funenmervTres were held In and were ordered to afternoon possession Brown a were The the direction in the Moreland nurse of hall 4 trained charged March a us serve or speaker term In jail. The the, First Larkin, Mrs. Mary A. Jost and school children are much safer In the Counselor C J Christiansen presided sooian was fined $120 and the matL, CGeo.7TW. Brown Musical aelectlon were school room than ward choir, under Ernest Ander-- h in nelghbor-jTh- e UmO. in default to po to that num- rendered jail Mm. by Mary Jobes, Mrs. Mary superintendent! son, furnished the music. The open- ber of days They were arrested at the Inter wishes it made clear that parents who' ing prater was by H. H. Grimmett Farley and Miss Vera Jones. eepot Sunday by Cbarlea HaHstrom, a ment was In the City cemetery. have no sickness in their homes may The speakers were-I. Jenson P na;e prohihiiion officer a The woman Funeral Service were held yester- setid their children to school with per- - I.ind say,. A. M. Clemen. GeorgeW T. lad a the police for Howard Petersen at the home. feet safety, Marshall, President James Duckworth day cU mod was keptboyhom By J.TOKIO, Saturday, March 8. as a "blind T48 Twentythlrd snd tX J Chrlstianseh. Each speaker the street, with Bishop Provo New. I4MM.-Mrs- . Associated Press.) Premier Kara O. M Sanderson In charge. hore Musical tb the testimony of the purity Edna M. Whitman. Mrs W F. llte of the deceased and selections were rendered by Mrs. David Will Go to Siberia in urged the today took occasion to deny rumors in William S. Wright. The Olsen and Mrs. Ray Bashman bav. been Foulger and hH circulation that the visit to China of camto ElderBensonIBJnt,mmlf,nw take of were th. appointed Sanderson and charge Bishop " Service of Red Cross speakers Is Sold by Druggists Everywhere. Interment was In the paign to seenr. clothe, for people over- nounced by A. L. Farnsworth YndThe ohn, J' Abbott, vice president of the Wright. seas, rave was dedicated by Wm. Bartlett Continental & Commercial Trust A city cemetery. son Henry Nelson, Clarence Brown and March IS Df. E. P, Mills of Alexander Milligan. Savings bank of Chicago, was designed YOUR FAVORITE DRUGGIST CAN BUY RHEUMACHOL Archie Milligan of this city was Gilbert FJeldsted of the 62nd artillery, M il is to oust Japanese capitalists from city baa written to the in a have returned from the battlefields of killed at find Wells, Xev, Coughing yesterday for Old the American of FROM THE headquarters People. China, The premier said that rumor. His body is to be France. They were visitors at the Crof at Denver stating he had railroad accident. A this effect were absolutely untrue Brigham Young university yesterday one persistent cough is bad for any- -' irrupted the offer of service with the brought to this city for burial. ' and and for a man amt made brief addresses especially a,led of nrietv in Siberia !r. Mills wfll leave C. M. DRUG are that mischief-make- r, Prof, Alice Reynolds of the Brigham middle age or older. It injure the' r?gret he,lv for the "cold country' with a Files Action to Secure uf 40 eurgeone and nurse that t,ent Young university, has been selected a and the jna AND ALL ITS BRANCHES. membrane 51,11 on of the speakers of the Suffrage (Jung will rail . Jp. framaacp America. from which lines the air passages ' Accounting of Business Jubilee, of the Tokio to be held In St. Louts March throat and bronchial nJdHostolu he talked frankly with Foreign tubes. Miss Reynolds will leave for FROM THE Mniter Uchida, Finance Minister A. J Paulaon the east next Friday in company with people have obtained qulck"reiefhv Taltahashi OGDEN. March 18 and myself and impressed Prominent Business' Man ha filed a complaint in the court Mrs, ITanklm 8. Richards and other taking Chamberlains Cough Remed SMITH-FAU- S It allays the Irritation and tickling of u w(th ,the earnest de"lr ot Ameri-th- e DRUG representatives offic, seeking an accounting of Utah to Firo troke out on the roof of the ln lnTt T Dies Suddenly at Work clerk's throat and heals abrasions of the Cn bankers the business In which he was connectIn school Maeser but la mentk China. This building yesterdav what mucua ed with Fred W. Chambers, who Is Japan membrane. AdvertJsemenL AND THE was rxtlnguished befors any material has been wishing, as not only the best named Is defendant. OGDEN. Marrh. 18 Lester J. .done. A spark from a for Japan and America, but also to th alleges that on Feb. 6, 1313, damage was of the Model hePlaintiff skid manager to bav Is the started chimney entered into an agreement with de. blase. Beaver Honors Memory Minin Laundry, died suddenly while at permanent advantage ot China. Japan OGDEN DRUG CO. h for the has repeatedly urged this step and the place of business eslerday after fendant to become partner, The Argyl Csnyon On Shale Mining atocjc in Utah and visit 0'n. Death was due to heart affec sale of commercialeach of new Abbott a Mr, marks Of filed incorhas of articles epoch Dead company in to devote Boy France time states, adjoining h The body was taken to the and in the fur east. the county clerk. Th ' a kin talents In selling the stock, to pay poration with undertaking parlor.arose yeater-U- v all Is capitalized at 826,000 divid.necessary expenses and divide company When Mr. Higginbotham -2.600.000 1.067.440 ( Special Correspondence. . Issued shares; the profits, that th partner- ed into mrxrning- be was apparently ln jjood equally A.VLR, Mtirf'h 4?. Mmor!al serv- - BAKER AND MARCH Ha returned te the hows. 8 ship was dissolved Jan. 18, 1313. that and the balance treasury stock. The T a my firsts street, and took-- lunch the defendant kept all th record, and officers, and directors are Harvey fluff, icc wer held today in honor of M Harmon, Heaver soldier Gil' ON INSPECTION TOUR is usual at noon and thei returned to profits in excess of 616.411 63; that he president; L.Jesse boy.i T Walters secretary-treasurer- ty?.MTSrdJ?T; Francr of 16,160 74; hi work at the laundry still apparentlwas announced1 paid to the plaintiff a 6 total D. D. C. J. and 1 4 (TOO some time ago. LivingsBoyd ? partnerThe service y In. good health,- After being et his that henow-andhold, were! held In the take hone, which- - w-that plaintiff ha, de- ton. SAN FRANCISCO, March 18. Secyi ship fund, George R. Roylance and Lenard manded an accounting but defendant "f "'ar fa.ker, and Gen.- C. i were of Harward arrested Sprtngvtne SALT LAKE- - PLEASED -- ha, refused, With prayer ? pioylde tor their minor children- - They by Elder Geo Mumford. followed br day tor an lnsPct!on of military post BY QUICK RESULTS Plain City Will Hold will appear before Judge C, M. Nielsen remarks frem Bmhop F. D. Farna- - ThT wl" depart late today for San worth. Elders George it. Murdock. War- - 'Diego. Maj. Gen. John F. Morrison, today in Salt Lake , , Everyone Is pleased with the quick ren Shepherd. Reirihard Maeser iTnd commanding the western department! Ralph Hadley ofA'fneyard and Maud Floneer Celebration r. were I'llts of simple witchhaael, of SpiTTigvllle married John F. Tolton. Ka. h speaker Cartwright a and Secv met staff of officers RDr ln OGDEN. March lit. by County Clerk L. T. Epperson wester- - testimony of the uprightness of life" t Oakland h drastic, etc,, , as mixed Plain City will day the Wfvthlnrss of example, and the del One man's eyes LuopHk eye wash. Baker and Gen. March accept- votlon to duty of the deceased The celebration a Wednesday pioneer give ere ao badly strained he could not In honor bf the invitations to speak at the Com- was interapersea with singing of that city pioneers speaking read without pain. Two applications who settled in the district March 17, by an enlarged chorus selected and merctal club at noon, r lieved him. A lady with weak, in- 1869. Bo far as known only two-odirected by Prof George H. Durham. the : -An original song, composed, fn honor flamed eves was greatly helped by pioneers are surviving and are residing bovs-wa- s sold ter tun e of the Rksea are Plain Tld Lyman 7y in .They City. r NE bottlo. Wp , guarantee, a small Waikin Reese. A fcaturc- - of the so Robinson England. . bettHTof Lavopuk to hel p ANY CAbK and Susannah ice w aa ths aXtaadancs of,.isMlcr boys few tape oft he celebration will die Ever written which coYers the long: period Antedating- - the in fell uniform. weak, strained or Inflamed eypt' XV. ths dedication of the- - Plain City ward Advent of the Pioneers to the close of the year 1916. ID I A Chrisffanscn. county farm D Mathis & Co., and all leading drug-- , amusement, hall, a Inch erected agent, has been confined to hi dime ln the current local markets, oranges about three years ago. Elder D. O. Me, gists. Advertisement. - ' for several day with influenza. His Kay will have charge of th dedicatory nerked up a dollar per case and Is th only case shlch has been In ar services Other features include a banprices now quoted are 36s. 35 60 per1 weeks. Beaver for many and speeches quet, a program of music, case. 126s, 86; ISOs, 176s and and a danye. over 37 The occasion of the rise is On Face, Neck and Hands. the eastern the close demand, strong Vocational Test season.--an-d of , tha.. th recent Rolice Judge Dismisses All orange frost now shipped ar -- FaceNearJy Covered. For Life Service tested first by being thrown intqwa-- J 'frliflt hoa t. for ,'rCaTeAgamst"0'.uTV(ey the same reason that Ice docs, and whetf 6 ye t sndV th. . JicaltiAaA haanty. Correspondence (Special The half eld, had eczema ml badly on v'tTeESjr eight sousWy and easily? IS. W. March GOODING, th .19 case of Ida; The BY ORSON F. WHITNEY. fjGDEN, Marrh his face, neck and bands. . your health and 'figure. Avoid state Tenney, president of Gooding coliege, L Catarrh Cannot with against Otto Meek, charged of It brat came in .pimples 'C.VIUCU. heart trouble, has been appointed chairman of (he hie.. a wrinkles, nervousness, contributing to thehasdelinquency -Yhst kept growing larger Is a larg$ octavo value over 600 pages and 250 illustrations iwpr4i'if,Jt!t!iHTWTt,Ht'qr Tti'fe'enlena vy fori with LOCAL APFXICATlONrSb m the been dismissed,, of minor age. ?! nesses, etc., besides personal girl the territory lying between Green cannot reach the seat of the dlseaaw until they formed a tor TheTSue tSgklbht 'Meek "has been beI and portraits of the founders hnd builders of the state. To' obesity. Lh a local arand Grande. Or j disease, River, Wyo., court. inthe fore Including municipal eruption. Look and fed vocational test for the students The,,....of fluenced by constitutional greatly conditions hearing, for Whil confinifig' himself to historical facts, the .Hispreliminary younger. Walk raignment and face eras nearly covHis was to taken cure It order In Good.ng evidence The college Wednesday. of weeks. and you a number must pnght!y. Let your eyes sparkle with torian ered. has produced narrative strange than fiction. Among the different lines of work take an Internal remedy. In yesterday and ew fervor. was Hall's lunicipal Caall named by the you, men snd young tarrh Medicine ts taken Internally and Surprise and delight your Judge D. R. Roberts took the ease unThen my father fiends. Be a girl againl women of this scholtps the first choice on blood tbo mucous the der advisement This morning he dis acts thru sura bought cake of Cuticura Soap and for tbelr life's work were doctor, art- faces of the (System. Halls Catarrh to to the druggist, get a email bor mised the case on jthe ground of inHandsomely Bound In Goth, $2.00, postpaid. a box of Cuticura Ointment and soon ist, civil engineer, lawyer, bookkeeper, Medicine was prescribed by one ef tb m oil of korein (capsules) and follow sufficient evidence. enHalf Morocco,, $2.50 postpaid. mechanical musician, . was Mias elocutionist, be healed. In this country for year. )' (Signed) Ruby hreftions of the korein system. e nurse, dressmaker. best physicians of some farmer, gineer. of the best tonics Baggerly, Meridian, Id., Aug. 12, 18. Store Robbed.' teacher, stenographer, teacher, It Is composed jo to 60 pounds nnder guarantee. English combined with some of tb Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talhigh school teacher, foreign missionary known, Gt all you need somo candy, best blood purifiers; The perfect comand music teacher. cum are ideal for daily toilet uses, the a desired) while (including The to . News) (Special do not know," bination of th ingredients la ffall's reducing. Only on pupil said. Soap th cleanse and purify, the OintDon't bother about going through while three expressed no vocational i aiarrh Medicine Is what produces such OGDEN, March 16 The managrr'Of and heal ment to soothe the end GoldAi' Rule store at Five Point uresome exercises preference Jke teat will be followed wonderful results In catarrhal condipr following rules of the Talcum tor powdering. by consultations, conferences and help- tions. Send for testimonials free, this morning reported to th police that ttarv ation ful suggestions to get the young r. J. CHENEY A CO, Props. Toledo, a dipt Why not become burglars last night entered the irtore News Building WlU,0,,t drastic drugs, worry and and stole 12 pair of hoe. four suits .11 Druggist, 75c. etur, I hid. people to commence now-t6te. 80)4 rrwhm. plan and to Bmp Ik OraUBMl ft thdtle, Triem fte. of underwear and a doxen pair df prepar well for the line of 'work for Hails Family 3. Pills for constipation. f ilerep your cliactj made. been have No arrests ar best socks. Advertlsm whigb they adapted. iMEIOmOfl. s. ' - r, i 16-- SViiwKrBVKa . Advcr-chairma- - U-4- S .. tre d ib -- U-- ttie-tw- -- I 1 de-g- s, 1 ' - ct-- nt p.e-de- , ' 1 I ' ; t "i INDUCES FRIENDS TO BUY -- RHEUMACHOi ar-- u- ly uaical-tuimber-- w ToT-- rtr.'-rnl- WHAT SHE 4 five-mil- . I ( e 1 v n t it.! m if - T ng u C t j HOTTTOCHl RHEUMACHOL -- divt-fOD- Re-- Z. L COMPANY v,,, 3. COMPANY ' WHOLESALE A Complet e Hist ory of Utah -- , - . Ihirat - . cam-I'ho- i?jrX.W Pot -- j vi -- IN ONE VOLUME f V The , Only- . - f . i . 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