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Show I. VW i 8 - . jr f f WM.aq .a . i"fi$'- V L '' Wr?V t. && ,j. Bt u .fcXpgM to " WgMft rV vVW JHettr"- C36 aiiyB-- I ' EVENING. NEWS THURSDAY DESERET 31ARCH- - 13 19X9 Big Accessory House Is Doing a Record Business ff From Cipher Dispatche Austrian Ambassador, Made Public by Serb Min-ist- V "J - WheiTyou order Castle Gate orClear Creek Coals from us, you not only gam high coal quality but you also get prompt delivery-..CQa- Lw h en y o mvvan ti L--- Of" tr' U s FOU tlWT ' 4- - JL i WKy er If to France, Show ORDER CASTLE GATE OR CLEAR CREEK COALS TODAY PARIS. Marcfirj7 Wednesdey rwo dispatches wnl Ip cipher by Austrian Count von ambassador at Berlin, before 7h war, n j, foreign to, the showing that Germany waa back Ing Austria in her warlike attitude tobeen made public by ward Serbia ha M. R. VeaniUh, Serbian miniater to As printed In the Journal France. ties Iiebats, one message read. "Berlin. July 26, 1914. It Is generally supposed here that a negative reply, from Serbia wilt be followed on our part by an immediate declaration of war and "military operation. . . We are counselled with the immedl--atel- v greatest insistence to to artlop and thus pot the world in. fine of an accomplished fact" The pccoiid dlepiUth marked ' strtot-fret- ." , say "Berlin. July 27. 114. The eeerre. tary of state ha just declared to me -- mlh-IsK- Auijtro-Hungaria- UATON r SO. MAIN. t The v paae reconidrfa 'the petitioning application 1 000 of Zone Finance Officer, for further tnorr them were returned n ded ounce war matfoTi. it by the to MaJ partment In a communication Fred Jorgensen.- - adjutant general of also states Ilab The communication that tbepay officer will return all applications with no discharge eertlflcaia accompanying, and no statement of service and address to which the mousy is to be sent At the finance office in the Lemon Washington, D C.. mors than Building. JOO incomplete applications have been received and this number is being added to daily. An increased office force of 10A clerks are paying out steadily the 75,000,000 which will be distributed among the 1 250,000 army men who have been discharged since the armistice was signed It was found impracticable to pay the gratuity allowance to soldiers In person for the mob that stormed the had to be broken up doors of the office by the police soar JlHIOlSMFf LEAGUE OF toon of mediation position from Kng'and will be brought Id the The excellency. knoledgeof jour German government aaeurea mo in the moat convincing manner that it tn no wav Identifies itself with these propo- eiilona that it la absolutely against their being takdn into consideration and that it will only transmit them to ue to give effect to lhe English request." - Minister Veanitrh then' quotes the message sent July SO. 1914, from 8lr Edward firev, the. British foreign to Ambassador Gosc.hen. at Berlin. offering, if the crisis passed, to take the initiative in an agreement satisfactory to Germany The minister ra vs that neljhgr Sir Bdward Grey, Foreign Minister Bason off of Russia nor Premier Vivianl of France- then knew positively that .Germany wanted, war. eventualf-pr- 4457 come and nion of the jaw that WASATCH . PHI -- WOlt!elv. A(L j 'first Intended to hold a service at the ',rsg Methodist church, but beCanw of the widows wish K was held at tht residence. Interment was in Mt. Olivet cemetery. Will Try to Gel Special Rates For Convention University Glub for the Promotion of the League of Nations has Secy. William Murdoch of the Retag organisation planned a state-wid- e Merchants' association, is in receipt g through the high schools of the state. a letter from U. 8. Senator Reed Bmoet Prominent men of the state, Including In stating that ha would appeal for et university professors, will tour AUtah curston rates from all points to s4if the interest of ihe league, club semion the occasion of the anneal Lake will monthly publication of the convention, to be held here, of the Nmake tre Initial appearance in 'about ational Retail Merchants' association li two weeks Luther E Eggertseo is the It is stated that over 3.M, June. founder and president of the university members propose attending this gathorganisation should the senator be successful ering coIt is the intention of the club to in indnclng the federal railroad adminoperate with other organisations enthe rates The sea. to istration grhnt ' gaged in the same work The speakers ator in his communication said he exof tbs club Include Dr E E Ericksen, in Halt Lake, whet to be pected shortly l ir or go Kmorv Fellow, Dr Geo 8. he will talk over the Matter with him Funeral Held. Bnoddy, Prof. Levt Edgar Young, Prof committee of the asm. executive The -R. Roland Lewis irof L E. Cowles and elation ie proposing to advertise the Prof. George Coraj. The club will bold FunerAl services for the Rev. David ctty and state on a Urge plan. Hut' a rally tn favor of the' league of na- B. Scott, former from abroad mar b the bet. pastor of various merchants tions tomorrow noon on the college posted as to the resources of this at were held cam the Utah charges, pus. family intermountain country. Side tripe t f. ... Vi . , I SUV.. 't' - " M- - . i ijAl v'- 2. .n. .' Lfr--I 4 - nl.f Representatives of the club will bold residence. 979 east Eighth South street, I be lake and canyons are propose! Tk. committee will meet td Oglu i rallies in all high schools of ltah and The Rer. J. state CLARK March II, when elne?.T..fteIn0?n next the principal will be made the local 5 H. N Williams made a brief address 0f theTuesday. pre-w- ar of thi rerival a of of the The indicate contact hundreds coming convention will be tr. wkh actual know from organization. "We president Surely pectations, r-- r: was the services. and at conducted It ISSUES STATEMENT visitors at our booth at the Auto 8how of tho Intense will furnish tral ranged speakers organization activity. 'We are pleased at the manner In which the motile for all roeettuss and raJUes held by the In autos and automotive equipment, this interest for well year to received the trade It augur, tub. being by through ATLANTA. Oa , March 1J Champ said A. D. McMullen, President of tho Motor Mercantile btg business during 1919. This to the first commodity the educational inetitutlons of the suite CTarTt, former speaker of the house of sure our we tn Of have trade to mark. made bear course, and diffuse turn these will mors it in o. last night. "However, we know this still ' their communities. representatives, in a signed Statement that tt to worthy In every respect comare who of number dealers the from great men business of 8veral prominent We are satisfied in every way with the magntficient given out here tonight, denied that ho clearly turn-oat the auto show and feel that we have al- - ?) 40a It, cTn hP rfccordln'f to 7 had ever said the league of nations ing In our plant to examine stocks and to malfe their had no chance to bo ratified by the ! purchases for this year's big run. in spite or the fact ready been amply compensated for the part we have Eggertsen. The aim of the organizalike be a tion is to develop a healthy public senUnited States senate. the attendance tonight will taken. It looks that the industry ts Just Umbering up, so to speak, tile timent in favor of a league of nations Anybody who says that I said Pres- - interest In automotive equipment to beyond our ex ldent Wllaons league of nations has as They feel that this league must come out of the present crisis much chance of being ratified aa you The officers of the organixstlon ere being pope of Rome tr a ma , PARIS POLICE CHILI OPPOSED TO LjK. Eggertsen, president; Gertrude S. I G".,7i -a':ru i,. ' and the Coolidge. secretary-treasure- r, studiously ,i,r,d committee membership consisting of i WILL LEAGUE OF NATIONS PREVENT dlscuaelon In my lectures or In Inter- Miller Glen and lone Bryan Johnson, officials In "reports that Mr Eggertsen is also edview, though asked to do so tn both. partment AERIAL DUEL Christensen. "I gave as a reason that I was building activities were increasing . WASHINGTON, of the publication. The advisory itor The March for board of editors consists of Doctors studying the subject and the argu- - this month without waiting state department waa advised today E E Ericksen. Geo. E. Fellows, Geo. ments on both sides thoroughly. When PARIS, March 13. The Paris po- 8. and Professors Geo. Coray, over the news came to the house the that Alejandro Alvares, legal adviser lice have taken a hand in the pro- L. Bnoddy E. Cowles, Levi Edgar Young and Hhe Kfa Tim Hath Ahrays Bought, and which has been last night of the cession that 46 sena- - RIOTING BREAKS to the Chilean department of form posed aerial duel between Leon B Roland Lewis tors had signed a round robin against affairs bad published a statement to la use for over trrer 30 years, his borne the signature of and Robert former Schreeber, The local will frehold organisation it, 1 said that the league of peace could the effect that the league of nations army aviators. The police give two quent meeting at varlons places In the and has been made under his perIN NEWARK OUT twonot be ratified, because It takes would be unfavorable to Chilean reasons why the duel should not be near future Open air rallies will be sonal supervision aince its Infancy.' thirds to ratify that is, unless they held, namely, that duelling 1s forbid- held when the weather permits Of. ShortNEWARK. N. J. March I no one to deceive you in thJsJ ehange their minds, because of amend- Allow den and that people below would be ftcials of the organisation hold that It to the duty of the state university to u , ments or for other reasons all of ly after officials of the Pubhc Servn .are but endangered. 'AH and Imitations Counterfeits, head to modern which a mathematical demonstra- ice Railway corporation had an- EARLY SETTLEMENT movements' and It is suggested, however, that the It to their planpolitical to the tlon. conand trifle the health of bring with nounced this afternoon that the endanger university aviators " might hold their duel over the and Its ideas to the Experiments that people. "I never spoke to Congressman troversy involving Ua striking em. HARBOR STRIKE OF aea. . and Infants against ChUdreaExperience Experiment. Mays on thoeubject itr my life." ployees would be submitted to the war labor board In Washington tomorrow, Report Conditions in WASHINGTON, March 11. Early MEXICAN CONGRESS rioting broke out here. A crowd of BUILDING MATERIAL strikers and sympathizers stormed two settlement of the New York harbor New Zealand Mission Cakoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, IN EXTRA SESSION cars, attacking the crew and strike was predicted today by departPRICES TO STAND trolley Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains smashing windows Two men were ment of labor officials when they were Elder Wllmer J. Gow of Plain City removed to a hospital and two strik- advised that some of the private neither Opium, Morphine nog .other narcotic substance. Its 13. WASHINGTON. The March J of 8811 ..WASHINGTON', March 13. An In- - ers and a sympathiser, the latter a were willing to accept propos- Mexican congress has been called by Waltr Pt",ck , . age Is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has soldier in uniform, were arrested. ward Moody of Hinckley, re- als of their employeea How many President jCarranza to meet' in extra i been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, their return had reached this decision was sesston on May 1. State department '3c!rt from a four years owner t0 New Zealand yesterday Wind Colic and Diarrhoea allaying Feverishness arising INS! RUB PHI advices today said business to be con- No Censorship Exercised. not stated. sidered would include 11 land leglsla-- . xfternoon at the Church office bulld-tiotherefrom, and by regulating tho Stomach and Bowels, aids These elders toft in 1913. In the assimilation of Fowl; giving healthy and natural sleeps 13. RULES March RESTRICTING In WASHINGTON, commenting on the South Sea Islands with published criticism In and the people there,' they- - state that Mother's Friend. Childreao Panace "The EXPORT TRAFFICS Dramatic Contests . 96 per cent are white and 6 per cent Franc of censorship alleged to have Maori. The Church has a beautiful prevented the FVenoh public from In Lake Stake college at Hastings, Bawkes Bay. learning ot opposition to ths league of WASHINGTON, March 1. Rules North Island, which the elders say is plan in Congress and to hare Go about your nation French from restricting the application of westopinion public Seventy amateur thesplans will try doing much to educate the Maoris in Duties Relief comes the kept America, It was stated officially at the bound transcontinental rates on ex- for laurels in a series of dramatic eon- rtculture. John S. Welch, a grad- -. 1 Signature state department today that no such port traffic in connection with oaU of tho Utah Agricultural college, MSt moment you this warn or exercised commencing evening ' j, president and modern participatcensorship controlled railroads were aped In by the United States government proved for filing today by the inter- fee of 100.090 have been erected In Liniment. to state commerce commission to relieve mTm rel'aln: the Prt Zealand played congestion and to release freight EmllyMonTld;torlh, Don't stav crippled' Rub this sooth- No Capital Ships W..ty Mr JTni Sta tbe w?rJ at Pacific coast porta. equipment ing, penetrating liniment right into v Population of on. mlllloVlOMOO WdHWI8DhCWaYouCngntTrt To be Laid Down in 1919 the eprain, ache or strain and out and P' Went into the army. Influenma ex- comes pain, esa. stiffness and lx Carrie Catt acted to the high toil, according Say . swelling LONDON, Wednesday, March 13 o elders V report that tn Auckland Nothing ehie penetrate, heals and Replying to a question in the house Veto Unconstitutional out 13 000. of rwtn.8co8mpetiecodmedJv- frm 1'5 40 the Injured muscles' of commons today, Thomas J strengthens 5'd' Th "A nerves, tendons and ligaments so wiU be given to secretary parliamentary MoWpELIER. Vt March 12. underthe AtwplcM oT the Salt Lake- M promptly. 'It doesn't - -- n or discolor the admiralty, said that no dread-naug30 pQT CenLXt tha pomiia' Tfoo fttakft the skin and can not cause injury. hnajrla In th TraMu were under con- Carrie Chapman Catt, battleships of the president Tutuila, fhe only totond owned Don't suffer Get t, fourth ward amusement hall com- tnai bottle struction Dec. 31, last He added that National 5 by Uncle Sam, did not have Influenza, Equal Suffrage association, mencing at 8.1&. from any drug store now limber up! four battle cruisers were while those formerly owned by GerRub Ihe misery right out A moment underdreadnaught construction on that date but speaking before the' general assembly many suffered greatly. after "St Jacobs iniment't is applied work on three, had been abandoned tonight, declared that Gov. element's you can not feej the slightest pain nr Black On ths sarfi date, he said, Great veto of the bill allowing women to Promoted. Capt. soreness, and you can go about your Britain had 13 dreadnaught battle- - vote for presidential elector waa unMKOOC wm Report of Weather and regular duties and nine dreadnaught battle constitutional. She contended that the Captain B. W. Black, 755 Emerson "St Jacobs Liniment" conquer ships com- - legislatures alone had the right to all of which were cruisers, Conditions For Week avenue. has been promoted to the Range pain It has been used with the exception of one ulate the presidential vote, jor , of major, it Is announced in a sprains, strains soreness and stiffness battleship and one battle cruiser. The bill in question was vetoed rank received Mrs. Black for 49 tear letter by six gold medal awards. yesterSo far as he knew no capital ships about two weeks ago and to now await-wi- ll Advertisement i day. The latter stated that the major Uahed the following report of weather be laid down this year. ing recommitment to the senate. . yw awaiting transportation, tO;Amer.. and range conditions to. Utah c nd lea. Major Black to with the medical i?ceni rritory for the week ending, detachment of the 157th infantry of . The min-bite- Ir Pastor's - tr 1 y ll- li -- , R ra p?0hpT record-breaker- , Vau-decra- ne 1 ' . : v ' I. ; I - ." .rtru" "i.Tw'K?--r";: .I,... i i Children Cry for Flotcher'o Prldn ut Just-as-go- od What is CASTORIA boat-owne- rs Il nn -- n. aThe Salt Dont Suffer! Jacobs y r apply tbe.y ht ALWAYS of ' coo.iniT CtorthveieV' Mr. - CASTORIA Bears the non-fede- ral a. fi GENUINE . Suei' MIA lat - fh" In Use For Over 30 Years KSnd.Yoa Have Abays Boiit ofputotion J'0 Compare the Work eeee-.fV(,- Rnlt Lake Keamy- - ana trained at Camp peratures continued fairly 'low. condi- tiona being generally favorable stock. However, has contin ued rather heavily, feeding and an increalng shortage of both range' and prepared Christie Pleads Guilty. la report .4, locally. Stuck have ell at Dseret, while at I?,"1! AfMtV n Jack Christie pleaded guilty in po- 44 Milford the snow and lice coqrt yesterday to having had a cold have been detrimental,, and at XrouilUj reported quantity of tox,rgUag. Jjquor ,1 hie .Titlge giaa v.. eon. practically Juc7wn HWilk7na toTnv tlnu. poor .fin of Keoaiact,, and at Kanah rm-re pa.y 3199 aersw SOntoyato JaiLdying for tack of food.. Feed i also The fiqe wag paidu Clark, on a; P'Kr at Wataon There la no Import-similcharge, was fined 60 with the nt movement of either sheep or bottom yet, while at JaH.1 5 th of 3a ' Burgess pleaded days in to a Jr',dov" guilty mads for shear about ing, beginning 15th. Forty thousand- - have been April feo far, Bad Taste la Your Mouth. promised and more are expected." When you have a bad taste In your mouth you may know that your to faulty. A dose of Cham For Bonus her la IP's Tablet' will usually, correct Applications Not the disorder. They also cause a gen Up to Requirement tle movement of th bowels. You will find this to be one of the bfesf mediReturned soldier evidently do cines you have ever become acquaintknow how to for apply ed with, Advertisement. 349 bonus for of th first t ' At Last a I Typewriter fd That WHl Last . r!n ER ar j Before buying a Typewriter, investigate the RoyaL Every Probjem Stiivfd. Otrrrep'rTsefitbtive wiirgtadly call and inae a free demonstration whether in. city or country. Write, phone or call for literature. ' s Utah Typewriter Exchange West St. -- 38 2nd So. Phone Was. 4836, Salt Lake City, Utah. All other makes, sild, rented or repaired. A -- c bate preced short talk it ty eillzena district tin venient for their wish. guspan din placed 8. I amendment Rs passage of the MU, (A to that f legislative approprtotio prlatlon me the budget now to. Withdrawi consideratioz that autba sus for state a step farth lowed which Accepting Salt Lake ft organisation bers at 5.39 central fir Oa motion concurred In Rep. Cardan a securities blue sky lav Rep. Fran, rs attsntioi II, amMdxtig was on th for 2 pm. li th bUi as t U IX McKa could see the it appealed Rep. Adsey tn Us ways to U, after ihe enenmer The time i for the const formality f rules was hi could have i Hr After the ley s H. B. I propos hsei Which amend successfully strike ths en them certain consider an meets, with nuatoer of wanted lo I slight ament but as tt slot against It. ' demanded. the bill's pat by lack of a At tbs rs house ward's senau to toe ploa amended the asked. Ail amend: houses havin other forma Rep. Hanson publication signed by th Uon from th appropriatioi ed so aa to prtotlon for from 324.009 having been of examineri from the go he had sign lion commltt cation, and I lng to the s quent taxei went to the Rep. Newraa to the Nstio vldmg fog- a B. 110. whtci tiona needed ei I - cars. Wwki The corpoi from confer 'workmen's c iwith th am the represei Rep. Morris passed under but the hour reached and i Potnlment te demonstratlo Then Mr. Mo et down res morning but consent and another dodg piers H. B liable and tbi appeaee the get away be thte morning wi freryon bill being a com pen gallon 'be senate In Mr. Morris w meastxx,. Pier bill. The commi ths hot toe deluge h hltls are ren cording to a V the speal thairmen. th, Up 4fo dire, lore bills w ito -- lx day did he |