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Show r H VEXING NEWS TsATURDAY DESERET r FORP ) Report of what is being done with Efforu are being made by Chief of White to' secure 'the the special fund of $25,000 allowed to J the gosegner by (he Mii fallen women who are for the audit of state departments and jy any officer will become other financial matters $raa mads inrit of the state. The bill provide formally to a committee of legislators establishment of an Institution from both houses last night by Joseph jtr the the women and girl would Ririe, state auditor, and by some of which 3 useful occupation, the men engaged by the state in the trained a, endinofsome a year lb 04 Inmate audit. jit the found to be waa sound It ere mentally explained that the work has ah aajld he given a work at the trade been divided into two parts., Qne audit ahlrh she had learned Jn the lnstitu-ns- a is concerned with the assessment ol and would be paroled. At any lands that have escaped taxation. --It tine that she should be discovered to was" explained that a total of about Is jresfcnuc her parole by leading an' 12A,(I06 acres have been added to the n gunoral life she would be returned to assessment rolls of 14 countles-iso far been comwere which who Those has this institution. work 3 nt wotrtd-hit was ahttr claimed - that pleted ftmai 10 he mentaHy-deficiertiained In the reformatory. fhS considerable help had been given the which would be provided county officials by way of systema- Vstsats was sttb lotBolent work to make the In- - tiling their plats of property ihat " To taxation. aelf In' supporting. subject regard yartrts The other department of the work is lak hill, which was Introduced in is connected with delving into the recby Representative ths lower house ords of the state land board. It was Airsy. Chief White says stated that this work goes as far back Methods. Coder Present The as the middle fifties in Llah "Coder our present method of deali- report, however, was mainly concerned between to as the period at present ng with social ouicaaia at .'their arr- statehood and 1901. on which the auest, we merely keep them in our, ditor now Reference was Is working. are cured of disease, jsili until they made to the sale of slate grazing lands rrom time to time they are arreated to be valuable brought into the courts, and fined or that afterwards proved sale of Each time that this oc . ayoal lands, inand also to the Imprisoned. other parts of the state run the victim sinks to a lower level. Plantlowareaa One tract of 10,000 prices Coder the present bill we seek to re- at in Kane and Washington move this necessity. Ws Intend to acree the state a total of had ties brought provide ber with an honorable way of making a living. Statistics show that The aim of the conference seemed i! per eent of the women of the of the streets are mentally deficient These to be to get a continuation thate the work might be would be kept In the Institution. In appropriation under-thdirection of Joeon oeetion with which some mill or carried on Some of seph Ririe, state auditor. factory could bs run to make it the legislators had been of the impres-stomthto the the work was to Tnder dur present method of tryi- provinea nt the state board go of ng to reform the fallen we do not give them any Incentive to do better. They are arrested In a weak condition, the matter considerable thought" and weakened by the Inroads of disease or have comi to the conclusion xbat this insufficient food. We secure a Job Is the only Intelligent manner with for them and they go to it before which to deal with them. When we they are strong enough to perform drive thm from one hotel or one the tasks which are placed before place to another we never have trace them After struggling along for a of them all the tune, but In the instifew days they again n take to the tution for which the bill make we would know where they streets, Now, when I drew up a rough were and what they were doing from draft of the present bill, I did so with the time we arrested them until they ihis very idea In mind. I have given went to their graves police fr'Z ar-)tr- )l s til. at 1EI1S2EP1I11 What Are Y o ur T axes-Und- er OME project work in various working for wages, most of the time for 14 acre of Church schools has been of or,, the section, cared mixed garden and 14 acre of potatoes great ausaistance In furthering His total receipts were 1111.25. After thd cause of - education. paying for all work and rent, and deThroughout many of the commilnltlee ducting cost of seed, etc., his net gain 127.10. J?orl(.haL bfa,. gyccfsrfully carJ( was RevhttreF Raised PsTkenson--f ried on under the supervision of the 20 west acres of dry farm wheat ehUPi pro-- , faculties of tho various institutions of duced 20.2 bushels per acre giving Expenses a total Income of 1805 learning. InH H. Cummin, superintendent of wsra $242.70. net profit 1451.30. deducted. not on investment terest Church schools, has Just received a, Harden Clark: (Rexburg) Helped detailed report from tho Ricks Normal bis father on the farm, and besides with 10 acres of beets had college at Rexburg, Idaho, which is helping two-abpatch of hi own. On illustrative of tho wonderful amount athis he raised 34 tons Cost of patch of work and the splendid results at- ail the labor was $140 90. Total retained by boms project work. turns, not including the top which he helped put in the silo, $340l Net Kollotring are extracts from the re1199.10. gain In port mads by the committee charge Ellis Wilcox: (Herbert) Raised 10 consisting of George IT. Maughan, Mel- acre dry farm wheat which produced Total expense vin Luke, Ethel Cutler and Elsie 40 bushel per acre 1108.70. net gatou44S4 . 30. Ellis asMaugban. VTS "have-- traveled 8.281 mils sisted to raise a targe crop on 1,600-acr- e W firm. spent 1.9 119 have made 1,711 visits to students job Hemsleyt (Plano) On one acre where we gave leetone and have made of potatoes produced 458 bushels of J10 visita to students wbo were not marketable tubers which brought him returns 1302.28 end netted at home or who were not registered. W have mailed 1 circular letters to him 81(4.73 after paying all expenses all of the students and havo written Including th work most of which he hundreds of .personal letters to Indi- did himself. Pro- Hershel Looili: (Marysville) vidual "students who were too dtmant to reach In our regular trip or who duced 68 bushels per acre on 15 acres irrigated wheat at a total expense of needed special Instruction. raised Is $812.96 and a net income after pavThe acreage of the crop " as rent of 3582 46-- r as followsing 18 of the crop approximated 146.10 per acre-Wheat 8 5 7 acree, average wield, 75 2 bushels: highest yield. 81 buehela Profit la Sugar Beets Bsrley 1 5 acres Harold Baker(Teton) Cared for " Oats 81 acres and produced 27 V4 acree: 80 average an excellent garden Potatoes on a tons of beeta patch' containing yield, 218 buehela, highest yield. 461 about one-ha- lf and on acres, at a . bushels 76 a net gam, not 170 and cost of total 220 w acre, average yield, Beet including top, of $208 beet yield. 24 tone Walker: Lewi (Menanl raised, Garden 8 16 acres. 1114 ton of boots on his best acre. Total 1.288.18 aersa 1 6 acres of beet ) had abeut student (Lewis Th acreage managed by Total expense on the single acre was not included in abort wu 1.4M. not profit, not includhave assisted with thousands of acres 646.16, giving a wer siloed, of 1149 38. ing tope, which more. wer Merrill: Inee (Menan) Grew 91 activities Social and religious ae follows sacks of extra fin potatoes which reported by 183 students 182 12 25 kept the. wont on to the early market at 130 attended to prayers; brought her 1 233 74-j Word of Wisdom. 118 paid tithing , 44 psr cot. and some of the best did art also Ine priestAaronic the of the bove held a dress work and finished hood. Church meetings attended aver- needle showed krH. an artist's aged 6.21 per month for each student: which Loren Hansen. (Rexburg) Raised1 theatres attended averaged 1.12 per month for each student: dance at- If pigs from two litters He is now! tended averaged 1.10 per month for fitting these pigs for market. Mias Orpha Johnson (Teton) each student. 110 volumes of Church works and 79 volumes of other work Raised 96 out of 100 Plymouth Rock1 one old chicken at day bought were reported read. Earl and Harvey Schwendiman. Subjects and Credit. (Newdale) Bought 12 head of hogs in given th Following were the subjects spring for 1150 Cost per head for credit for In summer work curricu-23 feed until the hogs were turned on the work, home April lum Supervised pea stubble, $3 The hogs sold for! to Sept. 22. 1918 $28 per head, giving each boy $75 sewFirst year laundering, plain crop clear profit on the investment poultry raising, Clark Judy:" (Ozone) Rawed 304 ing, gardening, woodwork. and soil study, bushels on 10 acres of dry farm wheat Third ywr1 DonjMtic HI total expense was 1179 20, leaving needlework, dairy management, bog a net profit of 1396 80 management, sheep management, There are many other students out beef tattle management, woodwork, of the 274 doing work that might be first aid. mentioned, and whose records mav Second year Domestic science, hy- be fully as good a those above, but dry farmgiene, dressmaking, grama, for- wa are giving these only to indicate' some of the things that have been acing, irrigated grains, woodwork, root crop. silage, age crops, hay. account- complished. Fourth year Household These figures indicate only-i- n part wooding. farm accounting, irrigation, house- what the boys and girl have accom- home nursing, work, college, pllshed. Ob the other hand they mav hold management. As far suggest the wrong conclusion have completed Students as stimulating harder work, or longer1 Two hundred seventy-fou- r hours, units credit. this could be done Our hardly registered and 198 completed students on the farms, especial Iv durcourse. This make an average of ing war time, work as long as It is pos-- 1 1 unit per student. sible. j The maximum allowed to any stuDo Girls Farm Work. unit: and dent Is one and Th summer work has stimulated the we encourage them not to take the limit, feeling that home work would outdoor activities of the girls whu h result have been of such a quality as to be with satisfactory interfere where more is takn. very commendable. Many of our girls The average number of hours spent have taken their places all summer, by the boys per unit creditwawas 46: alongside the men doing farm work, upon taking the lighter Jobs such ae thinpractical work, 412. (This projects ) ning beeta. plowing, harrowing, drillFor the girl 66 hour were spent ing. raking, mowing, loading hav and 689 hours' pracand In study per unit grain, and sewing sacks on combines I re antj-hav- e hour-workin- in-t- otal . -- J - StunningDis play Model 7 rimmed Hats , j -- Andrea-, Consello, , Wellesly , Gage ark .About 71 per cept of the student completed their courses Among those om wbo were who did not wer called on missions and quite a number of other went Into the army. Some or the Remits. Following are some of th result q student' work: Della Hendricks. (Hibbard) Produced 24 ton 1.088 pounds on one Miss Hendricks did acre of beets. all the Work on this acre, total expense waa 172.61. Lester Peterson: (Rcxbont) While on And niany others from foremost makers, as well as our designing rooms. Original models only one of a kind. A Word About Our Expert Copying Service W e maintain a large work room of expert milliners for the express purpose of copying modeUiats exact in any color or material yon wibh at a very moderate price. Exact copies guaranteed. $ 1 00 Trimmed Hats Monday at$8.75 and $10.00 The. girl science and art have been learning end doing many prseticat things in cooking, canpreserving,- - soapmaking, and ning. dressmaking from the common apron and child's dress to the csrefully tailored lady's suit; and some have been parent doing fancy nd beautiful art needle taking-domest- Evelynvarori Rawak", Sentner Joseph j tical (Sa "Featurin': new arrivals or orijnial conceptions from one-four- th the New U.S. Revenue Act? 1910 1 Home Project .Work j)f Church Schools Profitable TB SPECIAL FUNll THAT M MARCH ic work. The influenza epidemic prevented us from holding our exhibit which wa to be the climax of our year's work, and would have shown samples of much of th beat thing the students have been producing. Automobiles at S. B 103. Sanford grade railroad crossing 8. B 100. Olson Chiropody. H. B.- 66, Currie One day's rest Third Reeding. . ssch week 8 B. 2, McKinney government of H B. 4, Bennlon Placing Daggett representative cities;--B county in Twenty-nint- h 8. 2, Chez Court stenographers district and In Fifth senatonaJ B 62, Olson Absentee-voter- s. . to 8. B. 8. 65, Che Missing heirs civland board g. B. BS. pom State renerve mineral rights hi aato of Plata illy dead in 16 year. 25. H B. tra et Heppler Recording lands, and to leaae- righto to license. the minerals on minimum rental and marriage Hansen B. Dates for eounty IL 84, royalty basts, of equalization. IL B. 12, Morris Making Intra- board Chez B. 8. 67, (Salaries of county state the interstate regulations which make common carriers liable for datn-ag- e deputies. 88, B. H. King or Statutory limit express. to shipment by freight years tn - H. B. 61, Heppler Term of dis- tlon of eight Plercey--Hours B. II. of labor 68, of epidemic. trict court In for women. ReB. B. 22, Judiciary committee A 8. B. 125, Che Juslating to city court and replacing tice court and municipal aoorcs Inyhe dren. B. 81, Committee 8. large citlr of the state milk. Unfavorable report. B. B. 112. Sanford Amending law Imitation H. B. 43, Committee on education relative to support of poor by rela-j Part time eghool,- tions. H. B. 34, Masters. Live stock killed H. B. 46. Joint comraltteo on eduNo recommendation. by trains cation Certification of teacher. B. 90, Sanford Assessment sales B. B. 72. Booth wick Enabling the Of 8-stock. University of Utah to grant honorary ' 8- - B,- .102,-- . Fan ford degrees 4o othsrs thaa -member of-the contract. r faculty. 8. B. Ill, Sanford Lawful settleand 8. BE. 67, Dern Membership ment. salaries of stats land board, H- - B. 72, Hansen Assessment of! ' Second Beading. trust company stocks, 8. B. , Uniform conS. B. 12. Chea bYs tsst book i ditional salesMcKinney bill. High schools B. i Olson , 8 Penalties for proh. B. 5, Joint eemmtttoo on all- hibition law. cation Kindergartens. 18. H. B. Morris Barber Inspection. - H. B. 88. D. D. McKay Tax oa 8. B. 11. Joint committee on agridogs. r" culture Water 1 n right. n" s. B.m 1 SENATE CALENDAR - , dis-trl- caui1 disease other of to hours examiner of health within ? aftor ogn ahall appear b fottnd anv man j ahall mooii as b the examiner ehlrurcean nraearrh- er to he rjrk of the plajru' he ehaJlj the name n rht he pequeatereri n theeme houae and in com he i an aeejueHtered there though he afterwards me r tbr hmrse arherem b- - ewkened ' ,i,nu!d be shut up fnr a month after the of (hr rtur ptcservaMves taken by lit. rest "If anv person shall have visited an man kn.un to bn Infected of the plague, or entered villtnglv into any known Infe, ted house being not allowed the house wherein he Inhabited thall he nhut, up for i.rtain days by the examiner s direction i n- -e Announcement. BOSTON CAFE 16 ?OUTH MAIN STREET. After thoroughly renovating, we are now open for husl. nebs, and assure our patrons and friends the same exccK lent service and courteous treatment that has always characterized our business. Tables reserved for ladies. - - This information may be 9b-tain- ed from a booklet we haveissued giving an analysis of the new me excess profits and other tax provisions are given in detail. Walker Brothers Founded 1859. Member Federal Reserve System. Resources Over $10,000,000. r? clary.' R.. A 1. vf Bicycle Tires 25 EACH WF. REPIR Binn,F.Sr MEREDITH motor Bict(Tdi; mr' 5 A 60 K. FOURTH W. Salt lake. ' And at MEREDITH CYCLE CD. 159 Aoadesny Ave, Provo, L tah. , F. & E. Check Writer X 1000 Per Cent Protection. Safeguarded by the Wm, J. Burn. International Dctorttve Agency, reprethe Asierican Bankers Assosenting ciation since ISOS This prote, tton sc corded solely to F. 6 F. users. oee4 Operated from two to tour times aa rapidly as other makes, by actual test Visibility The amount complete plainly registers before writing eliminating the likelihood of error and apofled checks RenetlttoarThe same" amount (nay mepsatedfy-wrftte artth hut' one setting of the levers a great eavtng or time when Issuing pay checks, etc. MMskles The typo line is aato- matteally inked before each imprint. Insuring ujitTohtn results. models for various require- -- -- rt !. Main ' Waa 824 f?t. t4 ens-- rP t Bankers Incorporated 1903. nt ' f for labor y Stv How London Dealt- 8. B? 79, Joint oommittoo on agriWith Plague Problem culture Soldier settlement board. Over 250 Y ear Ago B. B. 80, Jotnt commute on agriculture-soldier settlement bonds. H. B. 82, Hansen Dale county asA copy of th London News of July sessment rolls transferred. 8. B. $8, Che Elsetlotrof county 4. 11 LK.i a highly priced posss41oe of J. Milne, formerly of the JuveJudge officers., nile court, which he Assured' from an' 8. B. 114. Public affair commit! salaries. old ploeser who found It nmong some Increasing stst H. B. 71, Hansen Publishing de- old M88 eopr of 81 r Walter Raleigh's linquent tax list. of the World" The publicaH. B.- 84, Hansen Delinquent tax "History tion "contains an account of how th aln.' 8. B. 63, Dora Assessing equities London hsnlth authorities Is those days in land under purchase from stats. drslt with plkgtfe problems. . It says; of every house, as soon - 8. B. 196r South wtek Cancer rem- aa Th master any on In hi houa eomptatnrth edy. of botch or pimple, or swelling either R B. 116. H ajrwxrd J or tod hrtloo ta any pert of his body, erfslleth othover child labor law erwise dangerously sick. wtUieel p-- Copy may be obtained free xinrequest. v , - law,-Inco- . ' 500 PAIR - -- i House-Glean- ing t aper Hanging, Paper Cleaning, Vindow-Cleanin- g, Calcimining, -- General House Cleaning. Phone Wasatch 4256. National HonseCIeaning Co 56 Post Office Place.- - SKILLED SERVICE AND REPAIRS. ON -- It ; V 1 Vesta j f Eardley Bros! X 37 - eir j " Do It. East 1st So. Was, 6700.1 Salt Lake City. t tf i BatferiesV vi 1 . ) i ! , ,iliM r n i ;rT |