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Show f . THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE, UTAH . r;iTffffZS3isfffisiiiaififa ILLIMILLSlfliSCOUIIMEjEl Tempting veal loaf HUNS HOPE TO CRUSH IN THE SOISSONS SALIENT AND OPEN UP WAV TO PARIS. WHAT Every Attempt to Cross Mime., Has Been Frustrated by Allied Forces, Germans Suffering Heavy Losaea In Each Attack Made. than Libbys savory Veal Loaf! Prettily gamisl It makes dainty yet sub. Stantial dish ana one alt reidy to put on the table I r ffen-siv- 6 Libby, M?Nm11 a Libby, Chicago In he e French,. Doping It Out. Whats on the menu today? You mean whats off. Thats the portant point."- - The Farmers l Share Live stock is marketed from farmer to consumer at a lower cost than almost any other farm product The United States Department of agriculture reported in 1916 that the farmer gets for his cattle approxito of mately the final retail price paid by the consumer for the resulting beef. . three-fourth- s" two-thir- ds ' Under normal conditions, the farmers share of retail prices of various farm products is approximately as follows: 71 percent Butter CATTLE 66 to 75 per cent 65 per cent 55 per cent 45 per cent 35 per cent Egg Potatoes Poultry Fruits Ready to Resist. The main trend of the enetny effort Is westward, and with this purpose seemiugly fully developed General Foch is disposing hts forces to resist It. Already the "French to be of considerable strength In the path of the crown princea drive west of the Solsson road to Chateau Thierry. The. Germans at last h'iorts had succeeded in penetrating from two and a half to nearly four miles at joints west of this road. They were stopped for the time being at least at Chau Dtin, three miles froth the road, which the French tirst lost and then retook In desperate lighting, and likewise before Chouy and Neuiliy St. Front, to the mi South. " expenses of packing, freight and wholesale and retail distribution. Swift & Company not only performs the manufacturing operations of preparing cattle for market in its well- equipped packing plants, but it pays the freight on meat to all .parts of the United States, operates 500 branch distributing houses, and in most cases , even delivers to the retail butcher. All this is done at an expense of Iks than 2 z cents per pound, and at a profit of only about Y4 of a cent per pound of beef. Large volume of business and expert management, make possible this indisraiser pensable service to the pnd to the consumer, and make possible the larger proportion of retail prices live-stoc- k received by farmers. 4 lill s s, Vice-Preside- vice-preside- nt Your Best Asset CuticuraSoap t, Hereford Corporation vice-preside- I - d Vice-Preside- nt incinnati. CHARLES WARREN FAIRBANKS uuu Foaj Eatonic Rids Weak Stomachs of Acids, Gas, Heartburn, Food Repeating and Stomach Miseries What miserable feelings are caused by an upset stomach I That, dull, heavy, "bloated" sensation that follows a full meal, robs good living of half Its pleasures. Is there any way out for you sufferers with stomach weak" after organizing the Y, 51. C. A. canteens in France. - "Thats the kind of sn enemy our boy are fighting and they are fighting him relentlessly, Mr. Pratt "Like the Canadians, a number of whom were spiked to crosses by the Hull, the Americans no longer are bringing la prisoners ln small groups. They are, shooting the Ger- "EATONIC neutralizes the adds, that form the painful gases, sweetens the stomuch, and gives the gastric juice a chance to do its work as It should. To promote appetite and aid digestion, take EATONIC tablets one or two after each meal. They are per fectly harmless. Eat them just like candy. For distress after eating; sour. ness? Yes; II. L. Kramer, the man who originated Cascarets, has found a sure, quick, relief for Indigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach," heart-bum- , formation of painful gases, bloating," etc., etc. - lie calls his stomach relief EA and , belching, and that wretched, TONIC, and It certainly Is making a puffed-up- , lumpy feeling, after record. Countless thous- - eating; there Is nothing to compare ands of people who formerly ap- - with EATONIC Tablets." All druggists sell EATONIC proacbed thelr meals with dread, now 50c eat their fill of their favorite foods for a large box. Watch out for Imlta- wlthrmt fear of the tlanJUIhe genuine, bears the name Mr. Kramer says; My EATONIC EATONIC on each tablet guaranteed tablets are the eolation of the age-ol- d to do all that Is claimed; or If your problem of Indigestion and all forma druggists dont carry EATONIC send of stomach misery. . to Eatonic Remedy Cm, ' Chicago, El over-wonderf- ul " after-effect- Planes. Hun 18. Kramer Says: Are Shooting Germans Down Like Rats. New York. The crucifixion of two American' soldiers bv the Germans Is one of the main realms why the American soldiers In France are fighting so hard, Herbert L. Iratt, vice president of the Standard Oil company, declared upoa his return to the United States Drop Twenty-Seve- n London. Twenty-seve- .!, bonoieble m taisu Assy a Result Sammie rat. I yowararite'-- HUNS CRUCIFY AMERICANS. down lik ir is Reject War Labor Board Plan. New York. The Western Union Telegraph company luis declined" to submit to the Jurisdiction of the national war labor hoard, which sought to adjust differences between the company and those of its employees who are members of the Commercial Telegraphers Union of America. man U.S. A- - worn Wanted aMrprtaA Tho path that lends to happiness laaiMlUr.aAuUAbk tondrunin o4 eltme nuua(uc4 ABAil&SWvel4,ai, often crosses a bridgdess stream of tears. W, N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 23-18- do-dare- Year Book of interesting and instructive facts sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, KinoU k N Hunt Forced Back. Rut the strength of General FtH-hreserves hasTjeen felt by the German crown prince In the "battle for Paris. Just below Solssons the crown Princes troops ware forced bnck on the Ctlse river, which runs on a north and south line through that town. . In the engagements on this front several hundred prisoners were taken by the French anil In the Solssons lighting especially the Germans suffered terrl lie punishment. Near the Marne, In the vicinity of Chateau Thierry, an Important railway potnt on the river, the situation U someM hn (obscure, but the French apparently have a protecting line flung northwest from the Marne at Char-tevethree and a half miles northeast of Chateau Thierry, and linking up with their north and south line above the latter town, which the Germans ' re strongly threatening. Safa. Rheima Still Itheima, on the left of the German advance. Is still in allied hands, and In general there Is little appareut ef fort on the part of the Germans to enlarge their salient In this direction except at Its narrow edge. On Sunday the French troops In a west of Neullly-St- . Counterattack hack drove the Germans and Front also In an attack recaptured Mill in this region, according to the French official communication. Issued Sunday evening. The village of Champlat also was recaptured and near some ground was gained by the French troops. Aa German airdown were by. the Brit-U- h " Charles' Warren Fairbanks, former brought planes on Saturday. One British machine of the United State, tons of bomba who Is phasing. Forty-nin- e died at his home in Indianapolis were dropped on various targets. Z on June 4. n s. vice-preside- nt I Sapolio HoingltsT work. Scouring T&rULS.MarineJjorps recruits. Join Now! Getting Taste of Own Medicine. XnttAir 'dir Yatdrf to' Washington German towns are demoralizing the Gena an people. Advices of Saturday said that the effect upon the population of dries bombed was far greater ban heretofore reported. ' ' Huna Goat APPLY AT ANY Mc WOSCMT SOW ( TOST OFFICE for CZnVICE I lAnliik) UNDER THIS EM3LEM 7 To Build Shipyard. ' Vancouver, Wash atlfiTiT land business men jhave announced their Intention to establish a shipyard here for- - the construction of concrete vessels. They plan to begin work on their first vessel within a few weeks. -- Mistook Battleship for Target. Washington. After several repulses, Washington. A warship engaged rethe German apparently have abancently In target practhe mistook the don. d, temporarily at least, Their efbattleship Louisiana for a target and fortto retake the ground captured ' exploded a sheU aboard her, killing by th' American at tantlgny, General one man. The accident was due to SGPfd-iyPershing hazy weather. anu-muop- j . hi ts i Villeen-Tar-deri-- ON THE DRESSER e Id The difference between farmers price and retail price represents the necessary Swift & Company, Im- Bridegroom to Trouble Camp Authorities to Provide the Girl. - -- . MAGICLHAVLH er e stretch of a dozen miles east freight he vicinity of Chateau Thierry, he seems to have made no serious attempt to force a crossing, the only efforts tu this direction that have been rojtorted These belnjf made In small force. were vigorously repulsed ly the Twoef-a'Ktnd- Wouldnt-Hav- e War-Wor- -- "The poet Haps In numbm. "Just tike the - telephone girl." Louisville Oecrler--a outtwU. Would-B- I Mace Host css house. Camp Dodge. Rhone Ringing; This Is tho' Hostess CORNS STOP HURTING' THEM bouse, Mrs, Dunsheo speaking. LIFT OFF WITH FINGERS. DESTROYERS FOR SEARCHING Voice frdm Dos Moines I nm. a SUBMARINESTHAT ATTACKED -- Corporal from . Cun youJooate a UNARMED VESSELS. Just drop a 'little Freezons on that chnplnl.i for me? Mrs. D. Yes, I am sure 1 can. what touchy corn. Instantly It stops aching then you II fU that corn right off. N shall I tell 1dm? French Steamer Attacked by Raider Voice Well. I want to get married; pain at all t Costa only a few cent ia Saved from Destruction by an could I out there? American Destroyer off the Mrs. D. Yes, I can arrange everyMaryland CoasL thing for you, but you must havon license, h mT of course the girl Voice (wearily over the phone) submarines Washington. Enemy till 'were operating off the American WoU, the girl ts ail 1 have sofur. coast on Juno 4. A French lank steam- Thank you ; good by. Y. M. C. A. Rulletln. er, the ltadloleine. first craft, to tie attacked by the raiders, Mas saved from destruction at Important to Mother Examine carefully every bottte of oclock Tuesday morning by an Amermiles off the CASTORIA, that famous old remedy ican destrojer. sixty-fivfor Infants and children, and see that It Maryland coast. Bears the. Tlio same destroyer found the coast Ing si In loner Edward U. Ratrd, Jr., Signature of Get a tiny bottle of Freezoae for a Sinking after having boeu bombed In In Use for Over 30 Years. the same vicinity, making seven Children Cry for Fletchers Castoria few cents from any drug store. Keep schooners and four steamers known It always handy to remove hard corns, soft corns, or corns between the toes, officially to have been sunk by the Tower. Hunger raldera. Food Controller Hoover said at u nnd the callouses, without soreness or Announcement by itu navy depart- meatless dinner tn Washington; Irritation. You Just try It! ment of these facts, disclosed that the Freezone Is the sensational discov "The German food altuallon forced raid in American waters had not ended on the great German offensive. The ery of a Cincinnati genius. Adv, with Mondays tale of destruction, uphungry German populace was sick of setting the theory that the raiders the war and starvation. The kaiser Majhe.the cheujvest way to live la to chew nothing but words. Rut wo probably were speeding homeward. had to attack or knuckle under. Coast patrol vessels bad not acted on "I heard a story the other day from confess its tiresome. theory. They ifow are closing tn from Germany. ah directions on the scene of the Possibly tho "iron cross" In the fuA cadaverous tourist was visiting raider's last exploit, scouring the sea an ancient seldom or castle. After ture limy prove ns glorious a badge as a 'tick on a sheep. for 'further trace of enemy wandering among the moats and donas they. come. jons and portcullises awhile, he said Secretary Daniels directed that tin to the cadaverous kcejver: brief rejuirt from the destroyer be Informs me that My guidebook i tfew made public. The destroyer herself, an ancient theres hunger tower here with two survivors from the Ralrd, a Reduce Strained, Puffy Anklea a tower where, they used to starve 270 ton craft hailing from WilmingPoll EvU, Fktul. Lymphtngiiia, their prisoners to death. t ton, Del., was still hunting for the Stop Lameness Boil, Swelling; "Yes, sir; thats right, sir, said the and allay pain, llealt Sore, Cat, enemy. This way for the hunger keeper. Brake, Boot Chile. It i a In for time bo nnd Just tower, youll AITISEPT1G ISO 6ER&!IC!EE FAIRBANKS ANSWERS CALL. luncheou. You see, sir. Its been made Doe not blitter or remove th Into a restaurant now. " hatrandhor can be worked. PleaianttouM. 8uccumb Former $2. SO a bottle, delivered. Detcrib your cm Attack of Chronic Ailment. fortperial lint mot ion and Book Rl SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Indianapolis. Charles Warren Fair ADSOKBINK, JR., mhmk Mt It Mllt, bo to the of Allen the roouKM, antiseptic powder banks, former tew -ttrtliM, fttaM, Xwiwt, (n,ltai VrtM. C In the footaha nnd Into M prlnklod ixwthekrn the N w raatf l? lkUa. frit int United States ami former United States bath. It rollOTos painful, swollen, martin font 1.11 r uto u tMltn m Mlfmi senator from Indiana, died at his nnd takaa the etluirontof e.irne nnd bunlone. W. F.tOUNQ, P. D. F.. MTtwILtHaeal4, Mat. by thn Amertenn, Brltleb nnd French home here June 4. Dentil was due to Ceed I oertnln relief troop. Allen FoolaEtM Intestltial nephritis, which had been a for tired, nchln (not. Bold everywhere. Ad?. chronic aliment with him, but was not Act of Bravery. Stoker regarded as particularly serious until A Clear Skin In of gnderaea warfare, these the All of days former members recently. vice presidents fumlly, except Mujor when the blow Is often atruck without Cared for By Richard Fairbanks, who Is In France, warning, a new danger I added to the were at his bedside. already hazardous tusks of the ship's Mr. Fairbanks vyas 00 years old, and firemen. Speed Is an essential In and this requires Reon the the nominated twice had been beating the bottom The work. constant of ticket Recently for publican he Untied States. After his first limn-bu- t blow vaTveorHhoilef was carried nway Wyoming Sg&EZ was de- on a vessel of the United States navy. (nation he was elected, Registered One of the crew was Aloysios Fawcett, feated In bit second nice In WIG. Hereford fflvclnatyoly The distinction of birth in a log a fireman, first class. WUh two others TS good, regtuterrd steam-fillea be made bis of Americans way through cabin, which Illustrious bull a for Mi. WJUTS U& an enrfier day emmmaily Iwd, was also lire room and fought a passage through Fair- a hot cloud la Ihe engine room. Here that of former WHEN YOU THINK FLAGS banks. It Is probable that be was the he helped haul the fires at a critical Think of FfoliTry PrlQ last of American statesmen to have moment. The nerve and qulckuess of Nm prlee m before xbeYrer, Thee writ toe lorMtolope been borne In one of these cabin. the qct saved the boiler and the ves MFU. CO., ImIm, Fe, The one where be was born, on. May sel from serious accident. Fawcett en- AUEKICAM fUU 11, 18.72, wa at Unlonville Outer. listed lnthenavy Jn 101 lv at I Vast to Heir From Owner of a Ftra ' er aaiaprorod lead for MUe. Bn. Ohio ,! Jrans-Atlanti- three-quarter- ElllllinnilZasnniniiiiiiiliaisiiiilsisiiiiiiii LEAST HAD ONE REQUISITE -- their new Ormans are hammering the allied line apparently with the hope of crushing In the1 Soissona salient and openlug up the wuy to Parts by May of the Marne and the ON,., They are reported to be s uln well on toward of a million men In this effort. Although the enemy occupies the northern bank of the 'Marne for a Dn(lon.-T- Order Libby's Veal Loaf today. You will want it always on your shelves-- - for quick luncheons for unexpected guests. t AT Carters little liver Fills Y6Cdiffl'OTbFiJ Constipated and Happy Smnpri frmaUPnM touU IVER FIUS. Genuine benr ciirfuftire 1 Orica of Iron In the the reason for many colories faces but Liaises Lif Worth Living A BSENCE Blood is Wfal ER3 IP.OIJ PILLS gxcztiy v 1 caoatile-- f jeed pec; j ! - |