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Show the most charming Japanese One of A Better Article for Less Money c- -e faster two-cour- Rons lighter Lasts longer More beautiful Less Vibration Easier to operate ; WILL SELL YOU ON LONG OR SHORT TERMS LET US FIGURE WITH YOU Perfect stitch We Ha take will your old Li) In JJo machines! se WANT ADS part payment on a new one Wads-worthwor- th, commission; permanent; good jndley, all of Ogden. The other for advancement Address guests included Mr. and Mrs. W. R. care of The Reflex Office. . Roberts, Mrs. Cora Rouche of Salt oppor-tunt- y - - City, Mrs. Parkinson, Misses tfyrtle Jones, Bessie, Vera anjLDot Day, Leona and Luella Layton, Chloe Harris, Zipporah Layton, Elizabeth Ellison, Pearl, Vera and Cora Layton, Arvilla Guendola, Bernice Roberts, Messrs. Myron Phillips, Joseph Johnson, Len Sandall, Bert Layton, Glen Day, Otha Green, Vird Cook, Parnell Green, Robert Green and Garence Lake A number of the friends of Miss Joseph Clive of Salt Lake and Ileber Coalville were of Taylor1' Kaysville Ttemma Blood gave a parcel shower ' visitors last Tuesday. The for her at her home last Tuesday evencity in north Darla county ; fine place for realdanca. Kayavilla Roller ing. The evening wta spent in games Mille, abatable and fruit Banning aatab Mrs. Lillie Howell and sons of Gif-to- followed Uahraant and grant brick plant add ataadily Those by refreshments. to tha wealth of the city. General farmIdaho, have been the guests of present were Misses Bessie Blood, ing, fruit and vegetable growing for nnd canning are Important tnduatrioa. Mr. and Mrk. James Criddle. Olive Barlow, Maggie Morgan, Minnie Baa tha Daria County Central High school, churcbaa and new opera bouaa. City water Miss Lettie Osmen of Rigby, Idaho, Burton, Josie Ware, Fern Whitesides, and electric lighta are Induaementa for litre, tment. Home of tha Inland Printing has been the guest of Miss Estella Vera Blood, Mary Whitesides, Millie company and its printing plant. Mrs. Richard Knowlton, Blood, Criddle for the past few days. Messrs. Robert Green, Harry Strong, Dr. and Mr. C. 3- - Gardner were Mrs. Thomas Bone returned last Vird Cook, Milton Pexton, Paul visitors in Murray on Tuesday. Saturday from a week's visit with her Whitesides, Byron Nalder, Frank Mrs. Ivan Sessions, of Adams,' George Morgan nnd Emil Mrs. Mary Wallace of Brigham daughter,' City Georgetown. Whitesides. .spent Sunday with Kaysville relatives. Mrs. Dolly Brown of Gearfield enDr. C, S. Gardner and his men are . Miss Maggie Layton has been visittertained a number of in Kaysville friends young Provo during the week. holding themselves in readiness for the ing people at a strawberry party laBt Red Cross ambulance call which is Mrs. J. J. Steed, of Farmington, is Monday evening. expected at an early date. Dr. Gardspending the week with Mrs. J. B. ' Masters John and Tom Martin, ner informs The Reflex that there Flint concernsons of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Martin, has been a misunderstanding Red of the Goss aming the status Mrs. S. M. Caddie of Salt Lake City are spending the summer with rela- bulance in war times, as it has been spent Sunday with Mrs. Alice San- tives in Spokane, WaBh. reported .that , the , organization would ders. C. Cecil Mullen of Omaha, Nebras- not be a part of the army of the Miss Marguerite Thomasaen is visit- ka, was the guest of Arnold Barnes United States but would work solely ing her brother, Paul R. Thomassen, over 'the weekend. He departed under the Red Cross organization. in Richmond. The instruction sent out by the war Monday for Ely, Nevada. clearly states that the ordepartment Miss Crystal Williams of Salt Lake MrB. A. W. Nance entertained the will become a part of the is spending the week with her cousin, Thimble club at her home last Thurs- ganization forces of the country as regular army Miss Lois Jarman. day afternoon. The afternoon .was soon as its members are mustered in sewing, followed by refreshMr. and Mrs. Clifford D. Strong spent into service. ments. 4 with Mr. and MrB, Paul spent Sunday R. Thomassen of Richmond. Miss Virginia Phillips entertained LAYTON the Industry swarm of Beehive girls Mr. and Mrs. Claude Q. Cannon and Located in tha tnldat of fertile field. a lawn party on Tuesday evening. Excels in production of milk, tome toes children of Salt Lake City, spent Sat- at beets. Baa tha factory of the Games and refreshments featured the and sufferSugar company, cannery, roller Layton urday and Sunday in Kaysville. mills, creamery and concrete section of evening. KAYSVILLE itt n, ahip-ma- nt i opportunities for those eeeklnff suburban acreajre for fruit growing, truck ffardoninff, chicken rsialnff nnd On lino of Balt Lake a Ogden dairyinff. and Oregon Short Lino. Baa alaotrie lights and waterworks. Write 'Layton Commercial club for information. tats road. Mrs. C. A. Epperson and small son Mrs. John W. Thornley entertained returned laBt Saturday from an exthe Bay View club at her home last tended visit in Minnesota, Iowa and Friday afternoon.' Dainty refreshI Colorado. ments were served by the hostess at the close of the meeting. July 4th Good E. P. Ellison, departed for Nevada Mrs. James Chipman was called to Taesday evening where he will spend J'arowan, Iron county, on account .of a few days in the interest of the Elthe serious illness of her mother. She lison Ranching company. . left yesterday. Vird Cook went to Salt Lake WedInspector Swartz, of the state board nesday and drove home one, of those of health, has been a Kaysville visitor swell Buick roadsters. Vird ''says a during the past few days. The in- car with room for two is all he re, spector is. looking after sanitary quires. conditions of the community and will Mr. and - Mrs. Robert 'Birkin atput the matter up to the property owik tended the annual convention of the ers of the city council at the next State Pharmacists association at Salt meeting of the council, Lake City on Wednesday and ThursMr. and Mrs. James Criddle enter- day of last. week. .They report a most tained at dinner Sunday at their Moun- interesting session. The convention tain road home. The ended with a banquet at the Hotel guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Utah. ! j UNE Union Pacific System Adams and daughter, of Brigham City; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ansel, Mr. and Mrs. Bert White, Miss Fanny Morgan, Miss Rose Richardson and George Pool, all of Salt Lake Gty, and Miss Minnie Lindsey of La Grande, Limit, July 6th See Agents for ..further details Sour-Stomac- fur-th- er n, J. soon. Alexander Dawson who has been afflicted by paralysis for. a long time is still able to go about his place with the aid of his cane, but does not feel equal to go far from home. On Sunday he was visited by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grieves and John Simpson, all of Salt Lake Gty, and Mr. and Mrs. Rott, of Ogden. Notary Public Office Bldg. at a lawn party last night at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Whitesides. Games and refresh ments were enjoyed. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Laudie, Misses Fern Whitesides, Bessie Ware, Martha Morgan, Ada Ware, Nora Mor gan, Lavon Green, Artell Adams, Winona Ramsey, Norma Sheffield, Orpha Holliday, Beatrice Ellison, Messrs. William Johnson, Gyde Walker, Glen NATIONAL i ASSOCIATION Vi Block West of Barnes J. E. WADDOUPS ATTORNEY-AT-LA- W Suite 610 Judge Building Salt Lake Gty, Utah Residence - - Woods Goss, Portland, Oregon July 7th to 14th N. J. Harris David Utah Jenaos HARRIS & JENSON Excursions via ATTORNEYS ilNE 405 4 Union Pacific System Ecdes Bldg. AT LAW Notaries Ogden, Utah a motor at Clinton for the Banner Canning comstalled pany. The machine will he used to run a pea thresher. The power com pany has also, installed a motor at South Weber where the Morgan Canning company have installed .a number of pea viners. We fc are informed that the Morgan com pany ( Anderson ) have, purchased a number of motor trucks to transport c the hulled peas from the toners to their cannery at Morgan. A motor will also be installed at Roy for the William Craig & Son can S nery. Bank Phone 41 KAYSVILLE - - UTAH CONVENTION in- r Utah Dentist Office OREGON SHORT - Dr. W. . WHITAKER EDUCATIONAL White-side- s. The Utah Power and Light has ... F.CiX. FARMINGTON Mrs. Richard Knowlton entertained ' OVIfSOJH Liacenced Abstractor and Public Phone 33 Clarence E. Wright Howell & Wright - - 514-51- Phone 603 If You Are Contemplating a - J. A. Howell Ask Agents for rates, selling. dates and further details : 6 LAWYERS Eccles Building OGDEN. UTAH Silo This Year Investigate the j VOOLSTAVE JILO " It It Is the BEST Will Give the Best Results Price of Silo and Ensilage Considered h See the New This is a mild form of indigestion. It is usually brought on by eaung too rapidly or too much, or of food not suited to your digestive organs. If you will eat slowly, masticate yoor food and thoroughly, .eat but' little-mea- tnone at all for supper, you will more than likely avoid the sour stomach without taking any medicine whatever. When you have sour stomach take one of Chamberlains Tablets to aid digestion. HOTEL FOR RENT The old Kaysville hotel at the comer of State road and Locust street is for rent. Owner will repair building to conform with the wishes of a suitable tenant. Experienced hotel people' would do well with this property. For information apply to W. P. Kaysville. Adv. J. R. GAILEY Oregon. Sale, July 3 and 4 B" Arthur K. Green has returned 'to Leithbridge, Canada, after a visit with Bone. relatives and friends in Layton. Mr. Green is an employee of the Ellison Whooping Cough Milling company of Canada. In this disease it is important that NOTARY PUBLIC the cough be kept loose and expectoraOKeith Adams, of Layton, and Miss tion easy, which can be done by giving With Barnes Banking Co, KaysYilb Hattie Watt, of Tremountain, were Chamberlains Cough Remedy. Mrs. P. married in the Salt Lake temple yes- H. Martin, Peru, Ind, writes, My two daughters had whooping cough. I gave terday. The groom has been called them Chamberlains Cough .Remedy E. R and expects to go on a church mission and it worked liek a charm. Adv. Warren, Bert Ingeraan, Joseph Dun- out-of-to- Via OREGON SHORT Robert and Margery, children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Birkin, had their tonsils and adinoids removed Monday. The little people are also nursing well defined cases of vaccination. can, Gyde Reed and Louis te Excursions" D j-- g THE FRE- ESews WHITESIDES-BLOO- . took Married today, in the Salt pirties ever given in Layton RobPhebe Miss home-of the at place temple, L. Paul Whitesides of La erts last Friday evening. The decora- and Miss Septemma L. Blood of & tions which were suggestive of the Far ville. The newlyweds will he at The dining East were very artistic. to in Layton after friends their room and living room were lighted by S of basket tember 1st. The contract Japanese candles. A large panits center-piec- e two of the prominent f English buttercups formed the represent for the dining table. A color ilies of Davis county and scheme of pink and brown was carwith a larp Clrcle ried out in the living room. The lawn, ally popular which was lighted by lanterns, was friends who shower them with con. Both parties have made comfortable by hammocks and gratulations. th, fea- record of having honorably fiu swings. Music and games were tures of the evening ,the music being church mission, which i? rather u furnished by the Ogden guests. Punch usual at their time of life. and candies were served from the .THE WEEKLY rtEFLEX porch during the evening by little maids in Japanese costumes. A Prints the news of Davis County. ju luncheon was served at the subscription list contains the names of close of the evening. Those present Davis Countys best citizens. were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker, Mrs. larcine P. Mortens on, Glorias ML Iard,;Myra Scrieves, Alley; Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright, Messrs. Stevens, West, Greenwell, Frower, WANTED Slater, Misses Nora and Lena Salesman and Collector; saUry and Hattie Bone and Miss Adv. Do Something Quick! JOHN DEERE--BINDE- R and Swat the Bugs! of cause Various kinds small vermin lots .of worry to the careful housewife, r Bedbugs, cockroaches, spiders, worms, flies, rats, mice all these pests Menace Your- Health - and you should exterminate them at once wch Yhen Your HorseGets the Colic :saf:and.rpor-i::::r;:r::- R you give him a bottle of Dr. David Roberts Tel : : us your bug troubles and something to eradicate them we will JOHNSTON HEADER Before You Buy a Grain Harvesting Machine 1 GENUINE PLYMOUTH V: - RED TAG j TWINE Place Your Orders NOW as Price Is Raising and We Have J Limited Supply - - .. r , - v We Have a Fine Line of Medium Priced -- Colic Drench you wul be able to save his life. Keep it on hand. We can supply this and all other Dr. Roberts Horse Medicines Fever Jou with for distemper, Horae Tonic, Physic Ball to keep the bowels open, etc. One Physic Ball equals a month of grass-gr- eat for horses kept on dry feed. There is a Roberts medicine for every ailment of horses, cattle, hogs and chickens. KAYSVILLE PHARMACY Come and See Us and We Will Treat You Right THE LAYTON DRUG CO. THE REXALL .STORE CONSOLIDATED WAGON & MACHINE CO. Phone 22 Sard give you Kaysville, Utah STEEL AND RUBBER TIRED BUGGIES LAYTON, UTAH AAAAAAAAAAAAftAAAAftAAAAftrftfrfrfrfrAAA&&ftA-&&fr&T!tA&&AAAAfrfrfrf- r |