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Show ..... the Weekly reflex, kaysville, utah i ( ' -V Ggdcn wants you at her Second Annual Fashion Show. For two days we expect to. throw care to the winds and enteftan our friends. The greatest crowds ever to visit Ogden came to the Fashion Show of last year. season we are sure you'd come again. EAD THE FEATURES . The Baby Parade Five Hundred Eabies in hftndsointly decorated carriages parade on the principal streets.- - Cash' prizes and , silver cups will be awarded to nearly a hundred of them. This promises to be one of the greatest sights ever beheld in -- Utah. 0 , ; ; . . especially attire feature. The cofljtmittee in charge .promises some startling features which wilj make this event worth going miles to v behold. , The Night Carnival Unique Window Displays The Great Auto Parade Four hundred automobiles-handsomel- ydecorated - will form the parade which promises to be the great feature of the show. These machines-wi- ll be decorated in competition for splendid prizes and will form a parade along brilliantly lighted and decorated streets. frf parade ; j . . more than a thousand school children all for the occasion will be a 'very pleasing The carnival of Satpday night wiil be a With masks and costume with conf etti and features,-on-e of the main streets, especially will decorated, present a scte never before Utah. A monster street dance will form a part -- . whirl of fun. other carnival lighted and attempted in of this event The Parade of Floats The Street Decorations For weeks .manufacturers and wholesalers, as well as retailers, have been preparing floats for the great industrial parade. From all. present indications this promises to be one of the most spectacular events ever attempted in the state. i Eight blocks of the business district brilliantly illuminated with a new lighting system will be profusely decorated with the official colors of the bhrnival. All along-thesstreets the parade will pass. The qjnival spirit and the best bands in the state wi'U make the Hqv ' and night lively. " : : : '; s - e , ' and Friday Saturday, 26 September PHOSPHATE PRODUCTION er than in 1911, excepting in Smith Carolina. In Florida the LARGE. i i!iUease. was 4i per een t,--in -- Tennessee it was over 12 per cent, Nearly 3,000,600 Tons Mined ami in the western phosphate Florida Produced Nearly field it was over, 10 per Worth. x of phosphate rock on is the .which hand also increased in the main Phosphate rock, ; oiie the of of source Southern . producing States, Tenprincipal necesnessee On the and elements Florida. three fertilizing marwhole was maih in the 'the industry sary for plant growth, last southern was States field United keted in the phosphate 1132 active. extent 2,973, to the of year The production x of phosphate long tons, valued at $11,675,774. in in Florida was 81 per cent decrease rock was a slight This entire output of the United of. value the both quantity and. eompar: Th.e output. of this .State, the States. for proed with the figures of which the present time leads amount at the but ceeding year, was in mined the rock great present time leads in the phosphate -- $10,-000,0- cent.-Stock- s . phosphate and industry, Was CUEARPIEkD ar-:;riv- all Railroads Known Eue ry w here As : VERY BEST I Made- - of GhoicestUtah Wheat ' , Milled in the most modern Mill1 d Packed in the Neatest Manner. g the wholMuntryffgures on vtass with one exception, that of 1911, the greatest in the history of the A lively tri lling tMMch and point In Htate. The quantity marketed i.tstrii't in tlw norib nd of dapple for the year was 2,406,899 long iDttvia ruiiniy Una I'mimoy and Inrg crop tw ara jtxiwn for canning. mi tons,, valued at $9,461, 2y7 a .OrowinIIhhcotnniHiiitymiand imnb tmtldlng undr Club live sliglit decline both in tonnage varuy. uud value compared with 1911. Tennessee furnished 14.2 per cent Mrs. Grand Massengalc of the phosphate marketed in the Vary sick Sunday; United States in 1912, the total Payne visited friends production of the State being inJoseph alt Wednesday. Lake, 423,331 long tons, valued at In South Carolina. $1,640,476, Mrs. Jacob K. Layt(n was a ' r 131,490 long tons wasmarketed, to .OgdcmthifTAveekl valued at $524,760 a considerable decliue eo.mpaerd with 1911. : Twenty-- f ive young ladies from In tl le Western States the pro- Ephriam, San Pcti county, are in town Wednesday and duction of phosphate came from and working at the cannary here. Idaho, x Utah amounted to 11,612 long tons, ' a Mias Fannie Brown, of Afton, gain of 10.5 per cent compared TVyomhyr, who has been visit-- ) withe' 1911. The value of the ing relatives here for sometime product increascdx considerably, pi ast, deft for Ogden Monday the average price .perton being w here ihe. will attend school at til te Weber Stake academy. greater in 1912 than in 1911 The United States 7 Geological Surrey has just published an advance chapter .from, Mineral A rlCb and Resources, 1912, by W. C. Phalen, vwpaMiii furmlng and tliilrr MBiimnity Hi tba mmlMirtHuirn portion of rub giving, besides statistics of pro1?U Connty. Fia farM jpnd ai Irnirtant field and high grad duction of phosphate rock for and-Wyomin- - Rates Excursion 27 ' Welcome Ogdens vs Last, and not least, will be the abundance of that hearty, wholesome glad hand of welcome for which Ogden is famous. We do not attempt many affairs of this kind, but when we do, the most noteworthy feature of the event is the pleasure of Ogden 's genuine welcome. Are you going ttf be with Us? will-preva- ' do their utmost to make the most attractive window displays will of their history. In many of the stores Hying-modelin merchant Fashions. Every display Authoritative Fall and artistic his in neighbor the city will attempt to outdo hovel displays. t . everystore, every place of business will 4 - " V In contracting for music for the Fashion Show the or der lias been : Begin early, continue a long time and play all the while. Not a moment of the day will grow dull." First one feature after the other and an abundance of fes-- rtive music all the while. A '. you will come this Plenty of The Childrens Parade .will, form a If "Y EVERY DEILER m gj.. 1. HT 1 HorfibNl),, blgh arbriot and bveuttful tirrbarde frahfi f O. ft ! rH-- way. from main It aw 4o AHkab.ra fuinkhm whipping far till lee. Vw w p . UmIno wt-lf- ing the production of the individual States for the last five years. TaLdcashowing - imfmrtsandex-port- s '.Mr. and Mrs. Aaron CaiT'yisit-cof . fertilizer materials are relatives in Bountiful, Sunday. also given, as well as the 0 , of phosphate rock in the fine son was born to Mr. principal countries of the world. anil Mrs. Jack Kerr, last week, The phoiiphap - industry in the1 Will Call was an Ogden visitor different States is briefly dis- , cussed, and the author gives gen-- Sunday. eral information of interest t J W rs. Ester Sessions and- - daughthose engaged in the phosphat ter - Retta were- visitors -- to Ogden d J)ro-ductio- F had never suffered from drought, how much fatter would your bank account be now? Think of the dry. weeks when, the soil hard-baked and cracking, you watched the grain wilt and die when a little water would have saved it. Why be satisfied with half harvests and stunted crops when you can make yourself independent of natural conditions, and practicrops and full harcally certain of in an plant of your irrigating vests, by putting own? Run it with an you . . . best-growi- ng ri . k - trade. The report, may be procur ?d Friday. of BountiMrs. J. R. without cost by addressing t he in Syraweek the is ful spending Director, U. S. Geological S relatives. cuse with her many Washington, D. C. 1 .. Mr; and Mrs. II. P. Hansen visited relatives in Kaysville on . .. , Sunday,;; Stevcn-Hoof Peter and Mr. lira.' Shupei Mr.; and Mrs. Richard of Layton,.viait.ed relatives in Ogden, spent Sunday in biwrn Mr. the gUMts of and Mrs. Jtis Syracuse Sunday. Patterson. j Dr. A, J. Webb, of Ogden has j i. j Mr. and Mrs. George Pi Irk inY discontinued his visits to SyrMr, acuse." of Bountiful, visited with ' on and Mrs. Roland Tburg-oodMr. and Mrs. Ileber Whitesides v Jj Wednesday. of New Castle, are herr for a f ew and C. Mr. Mrs. J.' Lee, of days visiting relatives. Woods Cross, have been vi ting Mrs: Peter Christenwith their daughter Mrs. J, E. Mr. and -sen spent Wednesday in Salt Thurgood, for a few (days. -- E ARE NOW READY ar-ve- y, POINT n -- . in with all the Best Styles and Childrens and 1 . and yon will have positive assurance of steady power, dependable and sure for many years to come and at the lowest possible cost. I H C engines are correctly built, of finest material, thoroughly tested and capable, always of delivering more. than their rated horse power. Then your engine will serve you in a variety of other uses. It wili saw wood, grind feed, run separator, repair shop machines, hay press, etc, .In fact it will free you from farm yard drudgery. ' You will find them in every style and size 1 to power; horizontal, stad; hopper-cooleand vertical; air, water, to on mounted skids; and tionary, portable or naphtha kerosene, gasoline, on run gas, alcohoLl; :IH C oil tractors ninge froui 12 to.,, power, for plowing, threshing, etc. You can take no wiser step than to examine the the I H C line of engines and tractors atcata-logues Get business. of local dealers place .from-theor from him, -- . 50-bor- . - I ! (incoriiofateUi Salt Lake City mrawi m - Utah ? :i Lake. Miss Ethel Page entertains d a Mrs. David McFerson enterfew friends at a birthday of 'the Davis of tained the directors Sunday-eveninin honmr to diimer at the Miss MandJu..oLJ8yriWlJliM6 County cannery on Tuesday. After dinner the; evening: ' was Dormitory Misses Ruby J esson and Marspents iiumnsic and eonvenutl ion. tha Carlson have returned to The farewell party given. T ues-da- y their homes in Manti after spendevening, In honor of H Ider ing a few days inSyraeuse left Delbert R. Bgnnett, who Mutual conference of tHe hw resnme to be held labors in the Eaa tern North Davis Stakewill A numnext Sunday. at- in Syracuse States mission was largely; members ol the- gen of the X ber both success. and wax a tended will b present. eral board socially and Eajuieially. :": din-neT- g mis-siona- ! vite You to call. ry 1V11LLTMEKY t |