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Show v- - ; 7 THE WEEKLY REFLEX Ir Epperson W. KAYSVILLE & SCENE ON TI)E Son, Losses UTAH , THE UTAH BUDGET T CONTROLLER. .jK BILLIONS '"AND A ff rload of provisions was shipped KINO OF FINANCIERS ANSWERS from Provo on Monday to tbe flood SUMMONS OF GRIM REAPER. sufferers In Ohio and Indiana. A y K4S MUST RAISE FUNDS TlO CARE F !. 4f.. y i f JU HOMELESS' PEOPLE ijNTlL TH CAN CARE FOR THEMSELV The output of the Utah beet sugar factories In 1912 was about 27,500,000 pounds of refined sugar, worth $5,- Organizer ef Big Business and Practic- 100,000, T ally Director of the Financial World, bill Governor .Spry has signed the Began Mia Career ae a Rich Man appropriating $30,000 fopUtahs parand' Added to Hie Wealth. ticipation In the CaHtotTiiapo8ltion - - Tentative Plan to Ask Governr Twenty to Forty Million DeHart to be V Utah debating The University-1- !! team won a unanimous decision la Its debate with tbe Brigham Young university team at Trovo. from Utah sugar plants last year brought the companies about Tbe pulp gold for $60,000 (100,000. aud the molasses for $40,000. Another pioneer has passed away, Topham Clark, who died at Provo, March 31. She was 84 years of age and came to Utali In 1852. It has been settled that FTovq will be the terminus of the Utah railway. The company will spend not less than (50,000 In securing a site, building shops, etc. Park City Is to have a modern hotel, built by the "progressive citizens at a cost pf (20,000,. sufficient, money Rome John Plerpont Morgan, !he American financier, died here Monday, March 31, a few minutes after noon For months his health hsd been'de dining. but the symptoms became ed about a 'week ago, and since March 2G he had been In a semi comatose rtmditlon. The official statement, prepared by .he attending' pbysl lansT Indicated hat a gradual general collapse a condition of nervous, prostration, which prevented tbe digestive from performing tlieTTTunctlonS and affected the jienlaLfacultles: Mr, Morgan's daughter, Mrs. Herbert t L fiatterlee, wno has been in attendance, was st the deathfol-oUe- 'Lr d I red Thla Is a of llvea scene on the re glng Mtaml have been lost In the floods. ir vlo-tlm- a closeduntll-Apr- tr y ' n d - the-m- - the-coun- ty , -- sell-throu- states with the exception the delimlnation of which si1 by the Follow HurrOwIng Week of Flood And Famine. The question of th1 lands shall be set tied bv th Three Shall abandon all claim Crete.- - gh -- n i N v , sec-tio- n for-acr- e- - e. ) J The jiowers cannot Four bht will admit the allies to particl- pate In internie' disUBSicqf of tional commission in Paris fop an equitible settlement of their particip- the the the Ottoman debt and in the charges of the districts to be handed over to them. Turkey is to be asked to take part in the labors ation in iiuamial y of ' the commission. 1 ll than $750, Q00 firom banks g, - The work of rehabil Dayton, Ohio. powers Two Although several carloads of pro- jJiuAi Graduates Give the Former Pesident Hearty Reception. visions were received T Tuesday, officials In charge of relief work stated New JHaven, Conn. Under graduate that the food situation was a matter Yale v(lcomed former President Wilof grave concern. More refugees have liam Ibward Taft back to his alma applied for assistance. mater Juesday In a manner no less hearty find enthusiastic than was the godspod given Woodrow Wilson by the Piaceton students when he lef & monk ago to take up the duties Wash! gtqn that Mr, Taft was a - r, Europe Five The powers shall also claim In that ai Boon as the bases are accepted, eastt has been received in hostilities shall cease. Cincinnati to replace damaged money In. local banks, which Twill 'remain TAFT WELCOMED BY STUDENTS. Since Sunday more HAS BEGUN. GreatesbDangsr Now Is FronLlmpura Water and Sickness Which May - in torles situated w'CBt o be ceded - by Turke; action on the part of con- WITH RECEDING OF WATERS AT gress." DAYTON THE WORK OF REHABILITATING extra-ordlnar- empire following the c river and then eoe, shall end at M pree-ldtvz- whfcfiTwouId justify emergency t and, e. brlcku-cotlage-l-a jl The the Eur the Balkan One Tbe fron I $60.-600,0- erection of the hostelry. su g gets ted. that In accordancewlth the new, fish and ii u p c op e It game laws, passed at the last session Mr Morgan's body should be taken to of the state legislature, the season for .he United States on board a warship. all fishing and hunting closed March J. Flerpont Morgan was born April 1 lart- 1L 1837, In a . 81, not to be reopened. untUlune15 T Herbert Plats, 18 years old, was in- tord. Conn. Mr. Mdrgan came from PAYTON NOW SUFFERING FROM stantly killed at the plant of the Utah m old Puritan New England family, .WATER FAMINE AFTER BEING Copper company at Garfield. While ahlch dates back In this country to SWEPT BY FLOOD. working as an oiler, his clothes became entangled In a line shafting and he was crushed to death. Logan ''quickly joined the nationRelief Committee Appealsfor Shlp wide movement to relieve the ments of Bottled Water, as It is Pracof the Ohio flood disasters. The tically Impossible to Boll the Water Boosters club telegraphed $500 to the for Drinking Purpoeee. American Red Cross society In Washlngton, to be used by that organise tlon In Ohio. Dayton, bhlo. After being swept by Trank RUey, 31 years of age, . a ne of tbe moBt disastrous floods in and one of the principal the history of the country, the streets witnesses In the trial of E. L. Dewey, thirty fept under being from three charged with the murder of Police the' past one water at time of Salt during Sergeant Henry Johnston, seek, causing & loss of 250 lives, it Lake, died of heart failure at Salt teems 'Btrange that the people of the Lake last week. , In laborer a the Sam Zcegich, :lty should be appealing to otner cities lor water, but such is the case. Tooele smelter, was shot and probably Members of the citizens relief comfatally wounded in a quarrel with mittee are apprehensive of a water latSteve Jhlnlch, a companion. The famine-wa- ter' for drinking and culln-trter was discovered later, hiding In purposes is being exhausted. the basement of a local hall, and was Is believed there is little chance It placed under arrest J PI E RPONT M ORGAN. that" the present supply can be made of the Ogdetr llapir Tbe engineers to last unfll the water mains are In Transit company, who were forcec the 0.Mnjo gn einv6HfTiiC&u sd o F j. IT at her, Junius Spencer, left him $10, use again. R. tl. Grant, head of issued has relief few weeks storms during the past supplies committee, 100,000 and he Inherited. Important are preparing to resume the survey tanking connections. isappeal to all cities in the country tng of the proposed routes' for th Mr. Morgan started his business ca- isking that as much bottled water as Ogden-Logaelectric line. reer on the board of directors of a possible be shipped to Dayton immeWithin a half hour after drinking i ,arge maritime Insurance company, diately. It is especially desired that small quantity of gasoline, tbe 18 .he president of which declared that this water be pure, as it Is practically months-qlson of Mr. and Mrs. Joht Morgan would never be a business Impossible to boll the water for drinkA. Junk ef Ogden, died. A sister w&t mm John purposes. Plerpont at the time was ingMedical supplies w ere- reported woecleaning gloves with gasoline, whet alng plans for his first railroad conthe babe seized the cup containing struction which, when accomplished, fully short by Maj. T. V. Dupuy, who Is the liquid and drank a large portion stablished his In charge of sanitary work. Drugs standing In Wall street John O. Carlson, a watchman foi is the only man who ever got the bet-.e- r here were largely destroyed and the medical chests of the militia, as well the Rif Grande railroad at Salt Lake of Jay Gould. who has been regarded for years as s The sobriquet of Sphinx of Wall is supplies sent by other cities, have In many instances been delayed by faithful employe and who has mads itreet" later was the appellation numerous arrests of box ear thieves, ap ether mtshapof the who at- - first was washouts-an- d has been charged with wholesale box Delleved to have been without busi- flood. However, a trainload of supcar robberies covering a period of ness acumen, hut later became the plies is expected soon from Washingsupreme head of American finances. ton. years. Morgan's control over men and While approximately 8.500 persons of Salt Lake Tbe commissioners was the dominant keynote of are money & thorough being cared for by the relief comcounty have decided upon were life. Others, perhaps, road of mittee, there are more 'than 5,000 program Improvement throughout the county calling for ex- manded his wealth and that of others homeless persons in Dayton who are caring for themselves as best they penditures ranging, from $30,000 to At the height of his power he can . None of the banks are open for in district $40,000. Practically every ;0 have controlled $9,000 000,000. is to be benefited by th Is as as to how known businesp and. for the most part; the Nothing yet Mr. Morgan in bis will disposed of his refugees had little or no money with Improvements. With the exclamation "it 1b sweet ! vast est'ate. J. 1 Morgan, Jr., has thenixWhen the flood came upon them. hla facer s understudy for years All the grocery stores and food supply to die," Frank Trunk, a'ged 42, shol b' classed high in flnanejaLllMiilL-- 2 Ml.him the breast w The extent of Mr. Morgan's philan- military and there are no fresh nieats, Lo with his back the Temple standing gifts probably never will be eggs op milk available at any price walKjn Salt Lake. Although the bul thropic know n. Members of the United States lifeProbablyhia greatest gift let passed through hts breast and was was $4,500,000 toward the building of crew of Louisville, who navisaving extracted from his back, It is believed ihe Cathedral of St. John the Dlwine sections of flooded Pay-toalong he will recoc gated In New York' City. heretofore unexplored, returned The directors'Of the' Utah Fruit exAs a patron of art, Mr. Morgan was at noon, Friday reporting conditions change have decide to make Ogden as famous as in the world of finance tbe7 headquarters of 'the organization His expenditures for Meets of vertu In North Dajton and Rtverdale quite as deplorable as the flrc-- estimates again this season. Notkvwhave been were boundless. The price nearly alindicated as far as the sufterlng or the to was consideration a ways secondary sent out calling for a meetlnscm Apnl possessing an art treasure. His col- people was concerned. The tour, how32, at which a manager will behclect-election in the Metropolitan Museum" of ever;" failed to venfTears that there and other important matters ta Art has been estimated by connois- had been a tremendous death tolt In for consideration. up seurs to be worth $50,000,000. that section, Suffering from temporary insanity In North Dajton privation among dame Trust from to have Money Inquiry. worry developed thought ac'the over a recent 'divorce suit, Mrs. Mary RcnieVDr M. Allen Starr of New tual marooned has been severe, but children, among suffering, except Austin, SO years of age,. tried to leap York, CjtRvtl Into consultation over J. wasjaeghbie.-Cruisin- g the' southern window-- in e Plerpont Morgan's illness attributed end of out of a second-stor- y where it was feared Riverdale, lodginghoue JiuSalt.L4kebutw as 4he breakdown UxCmotlon etuised by tliere, would be found a big death prevented and was placed In a pad- theinvestigation 4Ntgrted out by tbe listCaptain Gillooly, in charge of the ded cell at the city Jail. Pujo committee at Washington Into thq crew, reported conditions, paralleling .A mass meeting of 300 citizens was operations of the "money trust. those In other sections of the stricken held In the tabernacle at Pleasant city, but only two dead bodies were Tfom Vacation. Grove, Saturday night to decide what New York cheeks His ruddy and reported to him as having been recovInducement could be glvehthe Orem to the tanned by southern ered from that idstnet. The flooded exposure railroad to come through that city. san. former William Howard territory in Riverdale, which is a President. 'The citizens authorized the city govof substantial home owners, apernment to use every legal means to Taft armed here Monday night after seventeen blocks long proximately a s month at vacation Ga. secure a right of way for the road. Augusta, and seven blocks wide. ' What Is perhaps the highest rrtce Break Excavation Records. Dartng'Rohberxaptured. everrecelvedbythe state- Panama. The largest excavation age under a reclamation or Irrigation Dayton. A daring robbery was from a single slide in One, day since "Tprojeet was received last week when the commencement of the canal opera- thwarted when the police arrested a the state land board sold forty acre? tions was made when injiSi eaan who was escaping from the city ' under the Piute project for $106 per cubic v ards (were Friday, remoi ed from the with a satchel containing $50,006 In X acre. Cucaracha slide by five steam shovels. diamonds and jewelry which he had More snow has rallen this month In stolen from jewelry stores. Confirms Shippers Rights. Utah than la the corresponding month Drowned. When Wagon Upset. Of any year since llS5, 20 8 Inches Washington. The right of shippers Eight South DaytcD, O. Charles Fotter, having fallen up to March 26. The ta precool citrus fruits from California and were six children record for February shows that 23 7 fruits to the east, sustained by the in his wife-exceeds the. Feh ierstate Commerce fonnutssionr was irowned while attempting tq escape The wragoa Corn their wrecked-homeach year since confirmed on 'Monday by the supreme which i wejredrivlhg they " woodcourt. toplaco .I' s ,Te y eve: turn ed.- book-keepe- lo th 1 o bas-lwH-- ;o i 'Ifca-l- AlltheRme--- " wspapers publish KS tributes to Mr. Morgan, expressing FAME-STALJie deep sense of Iosn felt by the Jtal . the jtomee-Damage- flood. -- bed. -- Restoring' Dayton, O. DaytiAi D facing one of the gravest problems that any city in tbe world ever faced anij we want we the people of tbd world bd fpod for oi- - stricken need monf JohniH. Pattc bon, people." of the relief coffimi; ee, Tues day night after he return In com1 pany with II. E. Talbot, chit Engineer, j from a tour of sections of I toaThatJ were swept by the flood t week. Spiking of the teutatn plan to askjhe federal government or "ta loan to $40,000jb, to be of $20,000,000 used wortj y Pat reconstruction in bua- tersqj said; At a meeting of banket and officials of the building assn latlon on Tuesday night H was decid l tojmake an appeal for federal aid. he hanks andbulldlng assocIationsThave worth of assets hich they will put up as collateral. t may be deemed advisable to askqhe government to give us some. financial asslst-JncWe feel that the disaster is an srA or-la- con-itan- In 7 er J. greatly-aggravat- h Uued by In 1915.' Mrs,-Hanna- - JAMtCl DAYTON AT MIAMI -- i itating has begun here. It Is believed that there is no danger of the terrible floods of last week being repeated. The greatest cause for worry for the future Is the lack of pure water for DEI TDLLLESS to lay lown. , drinking and culinary purposes, and Pracically the entire student b the feir of an epidemic of sickness 3,000 stang, reinforced oy a band, following the receding of the waters at the tation when Mr Taft and and the decomposition of animal mat An equally party j irrived. ter and refuse. f crowd citizens also wras pres The undertakers of the city now es- INVESTIGATION SHOWS LOSS OF AfterMngIescorteLto Memorial timate the number of dead at 250, LIFE IN RECENT FLOODS NOT Miv Tt addressed the students. while others place the number as low i AS GREAT AS EXPECTED. SENAT3R ACCUSED OF BRIBE as 150, reconstruction Denies Charge, Refutes to Resign will run Into months, according It Is Now Estimated That 424 Lives the from returned brnands an Investigation. engineers just Were Lost In Ohio, While In Inflood districts. Disposition of dead Albay, N. Y. A sensation sin diana There Were 4$ Victims in animals and the disinfecting of thouin man particulars to the Allds sands of submerged homes is the the Submerged District. ery cae of 1010 rocked the sei most pressing problem. Tuesdiy when Governor Sulzer c No attempt at tbe rebuilding of the Senate Stephen Stillwell into sewerage system will be made for sevDayton Ohio. Investigation tends executve chamber, advised him t eral days. Until this Is accomplished to confirm the estimates of fewer than he hat been accused of .uccep the menace of disease will not be en- 500 deaths in the floods that swept bribe md ordered him to resign tirely lopt sight of. over a score of cities in Ohio and seat a state senator. Great distress among the survivors Indiana last week. Stillwell Semtor denied the was caused by the separation of fam.As the waters receded from Dayton, charge, refused pointblank to resign ilies and the consequent dread that Columbus and other places, leaving a (nd aipealed to the senate for an the missing had been drowned. His request was granted. thick coating of mud, alarm wra3 Since the rescue work began, nearly rise-a Ohio of the and bees causeiLby rapid Melcan teaderslnl-farmony- , 100ebildrett-o- f born. The authorities have opened a the Mississippi rivers, Inundating Nev Orleans. Official denial of the of cities along their banka. maternity hospital 'where the new parts existeice of any political differences mothers with their babies are being There Is not much danger of loss of betwem President Huerta and Genlife In these places, however, as the cared for. eral Dllx Diaz was received Tuesday inhabitants have hills to flee to and were None of the public buildings by Di Ornelas, consul generaLot destroyed. -- Among these are the Day-to- ore used to floods. Mexico at New Orleans. The two Revised ' reports indicatet&at the leaded are inicomplete club, Victoria, National and Coloharmony, the nial theatres, city hall, courthouse, number of drow ned in Dayton may net dispach adds, and assertions of Beckel, Phillips, Algonquin and Atlas exceed 150, although there are those should be treated as hotels, Masonic temple, postoffice, Y. who say the number will be much directed to prejudice public M. C. A. and all churches gi eater. opiniffl." The fire loss is positively limited to The latest estimates show tbe foljemocrats Win in Chicago. the destruction of the Dayton Gas. low ingjieaths in the submetsed dis"De m Llstm- .rite . m trniaai's jiaqLi tae tricts; liago TfiiT row of two and three-storn Tuesdays municipal election, : buildings Ohio. Dayton, 150; Columbus, 56; city on both sides of Thind street from Hamilton, 50; Miai;bnrg,-50aldermen and 4 Tiffin retuiing twenty-tw; court judge, city ' cierk Jefferson street to St. Clair avenue, IS; Chilllcathe, 18; the sperior Middletown, 14; l the laundry plant and two Fremont, 14; Piqua, 13; Harrison, 12; nnd city treasurer. The proposed apartment houses on the west side Tjoy, 9; Valley Junction, 6; Zanesville, 'bondssue ef $2,880,000, urged "by the faction of the DemoThe Fourth National bank building 5; Massillon, 5; Cleies, 2; New Bethwhich was reported several times to here, carried bya small cratic party 2 Total 424. lehem, have been destroyed by fire was unelected eleven Republicans irargb 20T Indiana. Feru. Erookville, 16; touched by the flames, although a Progressives three and Fort Wayne, 6; Terre Haute) 4.- Total one. building immediately adjoining it was Indiana, 45; grand total, 470. burned. Moijsn Realized End Was Neap The newspaper offices, the News Supplies for Flood Sufferers. Bern. Dr. Wilhelm Bide, Herald and Journal buildings, are safe, Chicago. Contributons Chi direebf of the Royal Musg. to but are not Issuing papers. a an article publisbf fund flood for suf PrusSL the t is no use of in Money Dayton at lerers Tuesday aggregated $373,000 Tuesojr, say that the late J pj present. Evbry facility is free to The A&sccutlon of Con Chhago Morga expected his death and everyone without cost. merce- shipped thirty earloads of pro- him, hr. Bode, in 1912, to pay Refugees not living in Daj-toare visions and supplies to Ohio and In to N York In 1914 for the 0 leaving the city by the hundreds on diana cities. of th new Metropolitan m foot. statin; that he himself would t The city is without means of genProtectorate the Solution. to be present. eral transportation; there is not an Senator Wahicgton. Albert B, Fa' . electric light in the place except those Aged Couple Weds of the National Cash Register com- of New Mexico, said Tuesday that it The Rev. Albert Puerto, Colo pany, There is no adequate water his judgment the only solution t&'ex Kan.. 72 yea Salina, ge of ,d"lMS la supply, the sewer system is ruined, W. Carter ot l Alice the available fuel supply- - is limited Americaaprotectort- e- He aisoas Tlhere Ti and the supply of natural gas used for serted that the better class of Mexi Colo., home of a niece of the tbe were cans now at favorable to annexa cooking has .been shut off since Tuesr tlon. They A Ore sweethearts ' j day. ago.' Turks'Clairn Victory. Looters Driven Out of Town. pi,j king Against Xlood Wa5 Constantinople -- it is officially' lnd. BrookTille is Connersville, "taix. that a detachment of the ene-mpractically under martial law and the toll' back of Hkl which-ha- d taken an advanced while hundfer twenty men have been driven out of po minbers, cf Biyilk Chekmedye the city after they were discovered Oil the Uj ,est W7k has bei n driven back (th consider-ablOUT he t" looting damaged- houses and store jr loss and ' buildings. ippL . thejrDonrecaptured. Bulgarian LPe Heavy. Lstate Troops, to Aszia Sixty Drowned at Indianapolis. Sofia. According to the first w Va A j Indran&polisllnd-- - Sixty lives are mation from lrfoc 'V head uarters the Bulcar known tqf $yv6"been lost in Indiana's were called tc ,05s. ian losses in tse '.Toting on f bvTki.vernor Hstfirtd. flood, whlchas almost disappeared, Mir, 3 25 and 26, whiih ended 24, in centra? 'portions of the state bur la the cap sect to Pkrkersh-ir?,Hanhngl ture of Adriano! ere 31,000 klllei st PI i threatening Evansville Pleasant to assit la liej Point aa and' wounded. ' v 1 stnnlfw' cities. jrk. -i. s -- 1 the-flood- hve - n - - y o Troy-Pear- v Heart-Harriso- n lnde-peade- ts - i - - - JJS - were-mfUTie- d Ti-ft- tf - e - -- -- - v A, t V J -- |