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Show PAGE ErGiiT aii!i JUtUiMHU itniAX t Z7"U'r.nTPT rlt Society i ! Aiiss Ann Hawkins and Aiiss EmmaYY'ilmor; spor.rtasrjcek end in Hair Lake. i Smith fpent the Airs, I. in Oglatter pait of den visiting with. Sir. and Mrs. (S. 0. Stevens. Air. and Mrs. John Christiansen and daughters, the Aiiss-- ! es Katharine end Camilii and son Jack arrived home Tuesday from a motor trip to Zions and Bryce canyon. Airs. Carrie C. Dozier left last Saturday for Oakland, Cal- ifornia, where She has accept-- : ed a position at Alills coliege. Alias Martha Thatcher will leave, the early part- - of next week for Fillmore, Utah where she will teach school the coining year. (SBSt il l, CaChE lACNftf, UiAfx. cianrraa.v, keptembor 10, (that has been studying under j direction of Miss YValborg Petersen during-- . the .summer will give a concert in the Second amusement hall on Thurs- ward Summer Tan September 15 a3 part of Not Becoming Noyv day, the program for the ward round-- ! up. You can get very Air. and Mrs. Clem Jensen of pleasing results with Ogden spent last week with this simple home treatMr. and Mrs. Heber Jensen. ment: Air, and Airs. C. J. ChristenFirst elegise. the skin sen entrtained for the follow- -' thoroughly with soap j ing over the week end : Thomas' and water or cold Bradley, Bernice Bradley, Aiiss cream. Apply Afarinello Lois Bierce, Ogden ; - Mr. and' bleach paste and Iet it . Airs. Leland Aleuter of Alameda! li)v. HELPFUL HINTS the-wee- Is Registration Bays at the University o Utah The marriage of AJl;s Ida Alr. and Airs. Irwin Allred. The Thatcher, daughter of Mr. and marriage will take place in Sirs. Moses Thatcher and Mr. October. Freshmen must register September 22, and must. Alma Victor Keese Jr. of Airs. Lale Goodwin and daughattend special classes September 23 and 21th. place Wednesday in ter Aiiss Annette Goodwin, enthe Salt Lake Temple. The par- tertained at dinner YY'ednesday Former students and transfer students from other ents of the young couple, Mr. in compliment to Aiiss - register September 2 6 tin universities-must and Mrs. Aloses 'J hatcher and evening J YYmnie Harris a bride of next Mr. and Mrs. A. V.' Keese Sr, week. A basket of pink roses CLASS YVORK STARTS SEPTEMBER 27th were in attendance at the formed the centerpiece for the 30 remain for FA M.' minutes; California, and Mrs. ceremony, which was followed fable. Covers were laid for Plan now to one of following; with a breakfast at the Hotel twelve preferably in the after- Shurtliff of Hood River, Ore. noon. YV.School of Arts and Sciences .Utah, The couple come to Logan Mrs. N. Keep the paste Christiansen of, Airs, Leah Blair and Airs. 1L moist by occasionally Friday. A bridal breakfast v,a.s B. Johnson entertained at a Logan was a Hyrum visitor School of Education' served for the immediate fampatting with water. Saturday. Miss Ruth Nielsen Schools of Mines and Engineering tea afternoon will Tuesday bridge ..Miss. .Thatcher , ilies at the home of Air. and in ' j accompanied her to Logan. to Miss Harris. DavRemove Alarinello with compliment leave time for at tame the School Law of Moses Covers Thatcher. Airs. A. John Lraerien attended1 ai. is county where she will teach Lettuce Cream and ap-were laid for twenty five. In The guests were entertained School of Medicine . the .postmasters convention!, with foul tables at small bridge school. ply Phanton powder. 11 , a to 8 the evening from held at Helena, Montana, Sept. School of Business tea. following. The tea tables Aiiss Bessie law leaves OgThis treatment can be reception was held. Air. and Air. Isiaelsen represented Extension Division Airs. Thatcher and Air. and Airs. were decorated with pink roses, den, Sunday, Sept. 11th for successfully augmented the National League of Disby applying whitening Reese received Abe. guests as- pink cosmos were used in the YYashington D. C., where she trict Postmasters at the .conwas will spend the winter. AJis Eva cream at night. sisted by the following: Dr. rooms. A tohighAirs.score prizeJohnvention. awarded lie was scheduled to Farrel The will her. Casio accompany and Airs. J. YV. Hayward, Air. Aiiss girLTjJan on visiting with Air. talk to two at a son us and at the guest prize meetings. Airs. .John Christiansen, and Mr. and Airs. P. Al. Porter Beauty Shop, Dr. and Airs. N. E. Monk, Dr. Harris. Sixteen guests were in and Airs. AHert J, Lay in Salt Lake City and their children of Park City Company. Chicago while en mute, and Airs. G. L. Keese of South-fiel- attendance enAI. is Howell Airs. Luther spent YYednesday visiting relaand Dr. and Airs. W. B. A very prettify arranged tives here. house wedding of YY'ednesday was Preston. The couple stood under tertaining at a week-en- d Miss Anne Hawkins spent last Air. and Airs. Henry Daniel-se- n Hie guests that of Aiiss Lucy Early of week-ena canopy of asters and green- paity tins week-end in Salt Lake. and President follows: as and their family left Tuesare were flowers Lake Town, and Orson Thomas ery, the same NIBLEY PROVIDENCE Airs. F, P. Champ motored day for Los banked about the rooms. Alisa Mrs. C. YV. Nibley, Airs. H. B. of Paradise, the marriage took Angeles where they to Airs. Airs. Ogden to will Bullen, make a Monday A. Roy attend YYhitney, Airs. their home. Their Alartha Thatcher took charge place at the home of given by Miss Marjorie (property here was purchased bv Nibley, Sept. 10 Airs. Ed. in the dining room. Tho follow- Alargaret N. Aleldrura, Airs. A. Law, aunt of the groom. The tea PROVIDENCE, Sept 10. Jr. Airs. ceremony was performed by I rewer, at her home at Ogden. James Allen who' will move in The following program and daughter was Smith Verne ing ladies poured at the tea George AI. Cannon Aiiss Della Alorrell arrived in the table: Airs. G. I Keese, Airs. Eastman Hatch Airs. Joseph F. Bishop James K. Thomas. The rendered in our conjoint meet- have returned to their home at future, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Olsen ing last Sunday eyening: piano Alalad. II. fi. AlcGee, Airs. D. C. Budge, Nibley, Airs. Joel Nibley and home was' attractively decorat- home from Provo Monday Idaho, after a pleasant Airs. A. F. Stockton, Airs. G. V. Airs. Preston Nibley, all of ed with garden flowers. dvfSperin entertained vrt at dinner Sunday in solo, Helen Bullen, reading, visit here with u Mrs. Cah-afternoon This Y. relatives. Jake. Salt sister, t honor of Mr. and Airs. Henry Angela Larsen, talk, Orson Airs. Caroline AI. Thatcher, Airs. Laura Aiickelsen return-le- d luncha Air. at entertaiined and Howell Airs. Emil Maurer Dora Miss solo lOanielsAi Hendricks, and Mr. and Mrs. L Garff and another piano right from a months home "after an , r extended entertained at a visit and Airs. Bryon K. Folger of eon oin their honor. A hand- j visit yesterday Aiiss numBullen. a supwedding by she Quite in Star valley where here with her mother, Airs. on Saturday evening in per .Vancouver B. C, The following some Italian ha nd embroidered out ber were and the Airs. Alerrill with 83rd enjoyed Baxter her birthday spent real spent Morrell. compliment to their daughter girls assisted 'in serving; The linen cloth with insets of her daughter Mrs, YV. YV. Alargaret Airs. A.- II. Caine and child- the fore part of the week irf program Alarie who was married Misses Katharine and Camille lace was used on the luncheon e The Sait Lake. entertainCranriey. girls g ren, who have spent the sumbert Fresh Christiansen, Dantzel AlcGee, table.- A. color scheme of pink ed Air. and Mrs. Hans Jorgensen the mothers on Tuesday J? M.r; Marcus Pederson left Wed- mer at Soda Springs arrived in all out carried was blue and Alice and Leldes Kathryn Preston, of last and e week. A their daughter Alay spent evening and will inri Alarie Pedersen, Eulalia Lee, the appointments. A blue crys- nesday for YVashington D. C. here last week-en- d in cov! occa-, gram with and the ! will law keeping where in he at Saturday Salt Sunday study id spend the winter. Alaud Alitchell, Helen Hulme, tal bowl holding pink asters ,fr sion was given and .refresh- A1; ? Lake. school. law which in YVashington Della Miss holders George of Wright Ilyrum Airs. J. Flesh of Afton Odell, Bessie Law, Har- and blue candle Fresh, ments wer Airs. AI. F Alar ion seryed. A. Santa Mrs. ieming of Alajors of Salt spent Yredfnesday here prior to riet Reese, Bonna Adamson, were pink candles formed Blackfoot, Air. and Airs. Joel On Edith Parkinson, Airs. LaPhene a charming centerpiecfr for the Monica, Calif is visiting here leaving for Alontpelier, Idaho, Lake spent Sunday with her ther Friday of last week Bro- Olson of Ogden, Air. and Airs. Ilyrum Skinner attained A. J. Alaughan, Air. and Airs. where she has charge of the parents Air. and Mrs. M. A. Peterson and Airs. Kulon John- table. Covers were laid for thir- .with friends. his 77th milestone in life. Some Air. and Airs. Plain Alexand- domestic science department in Gill. Reed Aisener of Logan. Miss son. An orchestra , furnished teen. Ari- the Dr. H. J. Moyes has opened of his children came home to er and children of high school at Alontpelier. Mr. YV. C. Robmusic, during the receiving Alary An. artistic recital was given zona left today forPhoenix, their home Joseph Carlisle and his bro- a new dental office in the help him celebrate the day. inson ofBodrero, hours. Airs. YV. S. Woodruff, Sunday evening at the home of Idaho. After Flanklm, were, Air. and Mrs. L. S. Aiiss Leora Thatcher and Alias Air. and Airs. G. YV. Thatcher after & few days t here, with ther Edwin Carlisle, who have rooms formerly occupied by Dr. They short visit with the brides AnrWsftn relatives. er iT spent the summer in the Dak- L. W. Brute. Norma Hansen took charge Die young couple left Parents which numbered the twenty-fift- h of thv SmithfieM Air. and . Mrs. Ai AI. Smith otas are expected home next . The families of P. T. Glass gift room. Two hundred Ogden. They returned to in a series of art recitals and sons Mercer and Will mo- week. Shrifman and L. L. Andrews of Corona, F L The called. ThatAirs. young couple given by Air. and guests Tuesday where they Aiiss LaAlar Lyman returned California were week end visi- daughters of Logan During will make their home. The will leave Alonday, September cher. Aiiss Faye Pederson, pu- tored to Salt Lake and spent week-enthe afternoon JenMrs. Niels home to Cedar City last week- tors of Mr.- and Mrs. AI, A. Gill. they were all young couple received many twelfth for St. Louis, where pil of Airs. Thatcher, was pre- last Air. Keese will continue his sented in a pianoforte recital. sen accompanied them on the end after spending a week here These people have ' just com- happily surprised when. Mr. and many beautiful presents. Their Airs. Alvin Monroe and child- visiting with friends. pleted a tour of twenty-si- x study of medicine. There were The programme consisted of trip. Duchren of Soda Springs dropped in many friends join in wishing AI. Murdock of G. Airs. Aiiss Damaris Sutton left last states. They travel in a a number of out of town guests numbers from Beethoven, Ilom. on them, and stayed for the them a happy married life. is visiting week-en- d for Vernal, Utah, in attendance .at the reception. er Grunn, Chopin, Qhaminade, esne, Uinta county, Mrs. Their vehicle is week The following young people end. A. very nice time Clyde where she will teach school. equipped with the most the per- - here with her sister modern spent Sunday evening at Alaur-- , Aiiss Dantzell AlcGee and Mr. E. McDowell which was had. Palmer. Miss Sutton has charge of the conveniences that are found in formt:r ers visiting with Airs. Fresh bePlaied Harold Grannis noasrnv of Tol- Aiiss Helen Thompson spent English department in the high an Air. and. Airs. A. E. Allen and showed and fore her departure far Black-foo- t. The grace bungalow. be will this in married on YYednesday to visit relatives. edo, umo, school at Vernal. five friends the early part of the week car large About Air. 6C00 and Airs. Ernest Loo forty pounds They also stopped at Brigham evening at the home of the were in attendance. Light re- - Salt Lake. Air. and Airs. Bertram Smith and in all weighs, Alisses their Rula Morgan, Verla ely, 12,000 miles of Airs. and brides parents, Dr. and Turner Airs. Marriner and Ogden. and two little sons of Salt Lake trael they did not rub served. Olson El'fie and Nielsen. fenders H ?U. McGee. The immediate freriiments were Lake of week-enSalt two children and lalxir with d Air. and Airs. Ivan Burton afe spent lari entertained Alitchell another Ida Aiiss vehicle. Air. Airs. and Jos. RasmusThey i, family and a few close friends here with Mrs. Smiths visiting here with Airs. Turnthe points of interest in and daughter Barbara of Park sen spent Sunday at Avon visitwill witness the ceremony informally at a table of bridge ers parents, Air. and Airs. II. day Airs. Ellen Barber the southern states, visited Yailey have been, spending a ing with relatives. which will be performed by with tea following Alonday P. Barber. Airis Elva Larsen spent la;; New York few days with her parents Mr, and New England, Rev. Harris lillsbury of Salt afternoon. LeOra ' Brow n, Jane Morrill, week-enAirs., FA T. Yeates is at Idaho irt Salt Lake vis"; og and Mrs. Font Zollinger. entertained YYashmgton. D. Lake City. Miss' Edith,. Smith C., the Black Aiiss Eulalia Lee Ann Merrill and Margaret with friends'. Mr. and Airs. E. A. Chugg Falls, spending a few weeks Hills of South Dakota, fvhere is maid of honor. The Misses at a bridge luncheon Tuesday Smart spent last week end in with her daughter, Airs. Alor-ga-n and the family motored to Hooper Piesiuent sjxmt his sum-meKatherine and Camille Chris- afternoon at her home at Hyde Salt Lake. Jleraldson who is the very lari Saturday afternoon and then to Hip Yellowstone tiansen will be the bridesmaids. Park in compliment to Aiiss Ida Alias Florence Davis spent HYRUM over night and went on proud mother of a fine baby wee laik and made Salt Lake Sat- stayed Aiiss Patricia AlcGee and Aiiss Thatcher a bride week end in Salt Lake visitlast to Lehi on Sunday spending girl which arrived Sept 2nd. Mildred Hayward are the llow-e- r A color scheme f orange and ing with friends. urday- to see "Lindy. ' There Airs. John Yeates entertainthe with her father. They day all the were eight people in the house girls. Jack AlcGee is best green was carried out in Aiiss Norma Cowley arrived ed on Tuesday afternoon in and Mr. 10 returned home luncheon. will on be Sept. Alonday. bride The of the Ilyrum, wheels and they all seemed man. given appointments home Alonday from Salt Lake to her daughter enter- to be Air. and Airs. Von Fuhriman compliment away by her father, Dr. AlcGee. Covers were laid for sixteen where she had spent last week- Airs. C. J. Christiansen happy and comfortable. Mrs. Claude Stanton of Ileber. honor t in and will score tained children evening' Smith came in from their Tuesday Aiiss. Marjorie play guosts The high prize end. Alls. Alalinda and ranch at Eidgedale, Idaho to Progressive games were a feathe wedding march. Airs. Cecil) ,ag BWarled to Miss Norma Aiiss ATae Reese, Aiiss Ruby of Air. and Mrs. Leland Aleuter her son Melvin Liljenquist ture of the spent the pari spend a few days. A deliciCooley will sing appropriate Hanson and a cut prize to Airs, Curtys, Favre Eaton and Clif- and Airs. F. AI. Shurtliff. More week in Pocatello They re- ous luncheonafternoon. ' was served to the valley. w ill were on turned twenty-fivbridal The than couple guests Tuesday. songs: avon Karl, Air. and Mrs. IL F. Lilien- ford Saunders motored to Lava Air. and Airs. Alfred Crabtree following guests. Airs. Ed. Bailstand under an archway- cl) Mrs j,uther AI. Howell and Hot Springs last Sunday and present. ey, Airs. , Lou Bailey, Airs. of Benson The Camp Cynthia spent the day. Lawrence Bailey, Airs. Smith, John II. Bankhead and sons Daughters of Pioneers will meet Airs. Eugen 'Yeates of Logan, with lelver, Reed and Orson arrived Thursday, September 15, Airs. Jos Olson, Afrsr Leo Yeat'haw and Charles A. B. Crabtree. each side, the bride will weaf a from a few Airs, lutura Nielsen. home es of Hyrum and Airs. Esther Thursday Lnsworth, members of C. Budge the Trimmed D. Matin of white Mrs. The Third ward Relief city Airs. Julius Kraus' and two EliaaQJl. gown Dr. and davs vacation fishing trip. council spent Alonday in Smithwith real lace and bead.-,- . The went to Ogden Thursday even-ini will meet Tuesday at 3 p. children ofXogairspeTirTboF and Bankhead ciety letter Vvhore UleY attended the Air. and Mrs. Claude Stanton veil is caught under a cornet to attend tho wedding re- Clover Johnson spent last week m. with Mrs. Cynthia McBride. here with friends. Day dedjcntorial services held there and three little girls returned of beads and orange bki&soms. ception of Alias Blanch Brown- end at Provo as guests of Air. Mr. and Airs. Leland Meuter tor tlie Griffith Jones, Henry Brag-ge- to thei home JanukS Mack park. The maid of honor will wear a ing and Junior Ric. at Ileber after a Bankheads sister, Mrs. L. S. of Alameda, California left Fred Jensen and LaRee Aiiss Constance Peterson, acvisit here. pleasant gown of pink georgette, Airis liame after Aiiss Ruth Bell left Alonday Alorris. their for Jones Thursday motored here from Twin companied by her mother Airs. Katharine Christiansen will for Pittsburgh, Penn., where Airs. Peter Anderson enterAirs. Boy' Rudolph ,of Salt spending their vacation here. Falls last Saturday to visit with Millie Peterson and her wear a green tali, la gown, she will attend school at the Lake tained brother as the was here Airs. Clawson Beatrice Tuesday their girls of the sient they returned on Mutual at Senior Alisk-Camille Chririianscns Carnegie Institute of Technol- guest of her sister, Mrs. 1. S. named a flower girl for the Clyde motored to Salt Uke Labor families, her home on TuesDay. Saturday. Airs; J.aRue Romney The ogy in the Drama Dept. College Smith. gown is orchid taftetu. Lindliergh reception last Satur- ot that Mr. and Airs. Ed Larsen of day evening, games and music flower girls will wear pink and of fine arts. city aeconmanied them formed the evenings entertainAli-- s Johnson Aiiss spent was Bernice Clawson day. Millville n and Mrs. August home Sunday. green dresses. Latir in the Mrs. A. L. Cole arrived home Lake. week-en- d and dainty refreshments Sait in to Lake her Salt last by of Smithfield spent Sunday ment, Johanna Newman De Kol, and mother Airs. A. J. Clawson. were Evening a. reception will be held Monday from D Angeles, Cal. to twelve girls. an Reynolds Biot. Harry afternoon here with relatives. cd cow, and a Dr. and Airs. J. V. llaywaid whore she has spent two his brother Charles Reynolds, The regi.rieied bull who went to those social for the Among opening Air. and Airs. John Stauffer will assist Dr. and Airs. AlcP' Andersen to !iy Alutuals, of our ward will be - and Charles Updick of Bucy-ru- Salt Iaike to sec the flying motored to nankhoad Gee in receiving life guests. Freedom, Wyoming held on Utah, to shown at Ohio, Aiiss Annie Hawkins hero were Mrs. Hof Olsen, Mrs. a Tuesday evening at at riew last Saturday to visit Air. and the Girls Airs. John Christian-efair held there. will studying commerce arrived YVilliam Fallows, Airs. Emma YYillmore Emma and Following the camp in Logan canspendAirs. after Luthi. Fred fair take charge of the dining room York University t at Richfield the animals They returned yon. A from a motor Haggart, Miss Ruby Jensen, Alhome recently splendid entertainment vacation home on Alonday. Aiiss Geneva is The following Lilies- will pour ing his summer in to Yellowstone park. San Fete lan ?'nvn ft planned, Clawson, La trip f dancing, George Stanton, Air. consisting at the tea table: Alls. George G. with his parents Zollinger accompanied them andMrS; Miss Bhoette Harding of county fairs. games and refreshments, Peterson, Ernest Elia-so- n home after weeks two spending Smith, Airs. Aloses Thatcher, j. II. Bankhead left yerdav ard, arrived here the early pkrt Harvey f and every body of Alutual age and Levi Anderson. there. . Airs. G. L. Keese and Airis Elsa to resume his work at are invited to come and help I!!(i FANDY buyer of the week prior to resuming Aiiss Francis Cleveland and Our district school starts on make it one Thompson. Assisting in serving f Cubu is Uncle Sams best her teaching m the City schools. Airs. Alvin Bruce of Pocatello of the best socials -- Aiiss Helen Thompson, Airs. A. e feel quite lucky in the customer Alonday. for chocolate- - candy, Aiiss 1ovcta Wallace of Brig- were guests riunday of Air. and of the Mutuals. history V. Reese Jr., Aiiss Helen llu'me, and family ,of Salt Lake the island republic having a splendid corps of to Log- Mrs. A. J. Clawson. Air. and Mrs. J. S. Cantwell returned has ham City week-enconsuming d and Aiiss Alartha Thatcher. the teachers and all from our com- Jr. Airs. Walter Reed resume her work as supAir. and Mrs. E. A. Boyd and yearly more than 10 times as and Mrs. The following ladies will lie in Sith Airs. Woodruffs Pent s. an to of the but one. YYe wish them Eliza Cantwell of much as munity ervisor any other country. The primary grades their diilcre-- ; Frank, Helen and were Ogden, success in charge of the gift room.- - Airs. Mr. and Mrs. Moms TJatch w. thefr best allround buyer of endeavors. schools. with relatives here on visiting Anna Gene home candy to C. K. Olsen of Pocatello, and returned YYilson lai Aiiss FMna Air. Jacob Rinderknect re- Tuesday. generally is the United KingAir. and Mrs. Ira AL Hay- Salt Lake Airs. 0. C. Stocker of Pocatello. ricia Parker and Miss Helen Monday after spend- dom, which turned 'home last week end left ward Tuesday and some imports family four Air. anil Airs. Olof Olson and end at ing two weeks with Mr. and1 th five million About eighty guests will call. Hulme spent last week from an Cedar City where Air. ! for enjoyable trip through Airs, Elen Dutson spent Weda pounds year. Airs. IL II. Petersen. Dr. and Airs. L LSmiih- - an- - Bear The next best is . haslacccpted a position at' Alartin-an- d tiny Porto Souther Utah. -- Matilda nesday at Brigham City.' Nielsen Rico, Bounce the, engagement of their Air. and Mrs. F. college Branch 75 Air. about Airs. YYilL the Agricultural whiclrbuys and Pedersen Salt Airs. Jesse Kent and Airs. end in last returned , week week from a to six R. L. d spent last daughter, Virginia, as much. Cubia is third and four children of Salt Lake at Cedar City. weeks tour of California. Rapheal Eliason, attended the of American Falls, son of Bake. on the list, Alaska fourth and are visiting relatives here for Mis Emma YYillmore and demonstration oh coat making The Junior class in music Canada fifth. . the week. given in Logan Thursday. . - enter ! Y the Ix-tti-e -- 5-- 6. Consult Stockton-Chiistians- University of Utah en d, d. ! . m-a- r - ! Y tr.-u- - Bee-hiV- - pro-!th- LI vi-ti- in-th- - LMrl! d. - house-on-wheel- LSraim s. te -- en-jo.v- mo-the- d - r, - e, - 1 ,, . r, t- Alon-so- s, i- rTrl1 il - "trnd-Mr.C.W.lV,drur- . , lay-wa- amp P.-Ch- rd -- per-ce- All-re- Y -- 4 nt , v |