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Show Thursday, September 22, 1921. THEY CET base I E STAKE 0 ' LARSONS j I Peony Bulbs now ready. Tulips, Narcissus, Hyacinths and Bulba and (By Associated Press) PITTSBURGH, Sept. 22. of the greatest difficulties confronting the church lies in the fact that there are 175 varieties of churches in Amer ca Dr. Baxter P. Fullerton, of St. Louis, told the Worlds Alliance of Reformed Presbyterian and churches here today. Dr. Fullerton is secretary of te Presbyterian Board of Home Missions and was telling of the difficulties of home mission work in the United States.. he said, was one of the greatest most serious of these. Each of the 175 kinds of church was endeavoring to promote its own work both in the city and country, amdng native and immigrant alike, and consequently there was not only overlapping but also overlooking since there had been no cooperation in the location and development of these various local churches. Continuing he said that the greatest problem before the agencies of the Christian church is to Christianize the church itHe declared that there self. are communities in America where four or five different denominations are at work, each church receiving home mission aid, when one or two churches and could be both At 9 a. m. Stake Office Building joint meeting of Stake1 Boards. Effective Administration in Stakes, General Board Member. Three Qualifications of Stake Officers, General Board Member Discussion. At 10:00 a. m. Stake Office Building separate Y. M. and Y. L. M. 1. A. meetings. Y. M. M. 1. A. ' The Senior and Junior Program. Finance, Ward, Stake and Church, How and When? Two, reports of most successful wards in obtaining yearly subscriptions to the Era. The new effeciency report. General Board Member. New Edition of the Y. M,. Mi I. A. Handbook. s three-minu- te Statement by stake superin- tendent giving complete attendance in each ward and naming the Wards having the largest regular attendance, as a recognition of labors. Y. L. M. I. A. Ward efficiency, Round table discussion led by General Board Member. Bee Hive Girls, Stake Bee-Keep- New Plans in Class Work, General Board Member. Prayer, A Safeguard to Membership in the Church, General Board Member. At 2 p m. Fourth Ward Chapel. Joint M. I. A. Stake and Ward Officers,. New Division of Time in the Regular Ward M. I. A. Meetings General Board Member. Factors of Leadership, General Board Member. General Special Activities, ' Efforts had been made, he Board Member,. The Basis of M. I. A. said, to change this shameful Work. Spiritual General Board Member situation but up to the present it existed to the embarrassment both money and men. of the work and a scorn of the Dr. said it was Fullerton An attempt had been ungodly. to know that this made to unite denominations heartening was being condition of haVing similar doctrine and gov- considered things by churches seriously ernment into one larger unit and and missionary agencies and in this way unite the local out that the organization churches into one for better ser- pointed of Home Missions Council of a vice for the community, but Dr. Women For Home Missions 14 Fullerton said that extreme had become an outprevents any years agoevidence of a standing spirit covery large application of this operation in the prevailing reprinciple and strong peoples churches. unsome of because main apart He pointed to the condition in important or subsidiary ques- Utah as an illustration of what tion on which the salvation of had been accomplished by the no soul or community depends. Home Missions wuuncil and said It is apparent, therefore," he that it were no there today went on, that this larger union where two state that es, will never be accomplished until or more Gentile churches were the kingdom of God bulks larger at work in the cities of in the minds of people than the Salt Lakeexcept Similar and Ogden. church, vntil the salvation and cbganizations for interdenoma becomes mankind service of inational home mission work had greater concern than the estab- been made in Colorado, Montana lishment of a specific church. Porto Cuba, Alaska and This duplication of churches Santo Rico, Domingo. is not only harmful to the cause the hindrance of but is also a useless waste of Despite Fullerself-sustaini- g. r 1921 Pro-I- d Adv. 1 V felt. LOCAL NEWS rom Paris, from London, A line son was welcomed at the home of President and Mrs. W. M. Everton yesterday, where it joined nine healthy brothers and sisters ; constituting one of the typical Mormon families that were so numerous in the early days of the state, when Utah built up its own population. r Call 354 for the social editor. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Allen are now located in the home they are going to occupy on West Third North. - Mr. Island The Journal is pleased to state that authentic reports today indicate substantial improvement in the condition of President II. A. Pedersen, for whom much anxiety has been v to WINTER AND Agent Me Niel of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. accompanied the companys adjuster to' Preston today to adjust . several claims pending there. CUT FLOWERS AND DESIGN WORK A SPECIALITY 212 EAST THIRD SOUTH WANTED Woman family washing. Phone FALL CLOTHES KIRSCHBAUM Bran and shorts mixed $1.25 jpt?r cwt. delivered. uce. Phone 174. plants of all ' kinds for Fall planting. Plums, Prunes and Apples, Celery and Vegetables ' Phone 497 Mr. Frank S. McAlister, sup- -' department manager of the Amalgamated Sugar company, 4s upon a business trip from head-- , quarters in Ogden and is visiting the factories north today. ply For Sale at OLA Dr. Baxter P. Fullerton Says That Multiplicity of Churches Is Hindering The Cause of Christ and Is Ready to Apply Remedy. PAG3THSE3 THE JOURNAL, LOGAN CITY, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH. , from New York! the worlds fashion centers come these new style ideas in Kirschbaum (Clothes. Have you seen the latest Fall designs? At a dance and entertainment given last evening by the Scan dianavian committee in the Sixth ward amusement hall for the benefit of an immigrant family, a good old t me party with the old time dances was enjoyed, and thirty dollars clear was the sum derived, which will prove a real help to the beneficiaries. do 920-- J Adv. Bart. Jeppesen has arriv- ed from Los Angeles, Cal., where he is employed,- - for the purpose of driving his mother back to California. 30 to ?45 JTiatcher Clothing Co. First class wheat $1.65 per We carry a complete stock of cwt. delivered. Island Produce. BRUNSWICK RECORDS at all Adv. Phone 174. Adv. times at Lundstroms. Two hours and thirty-si- x The Logan Stake Relief officers vll meet at 3 p. minutes from the Thatcher Bank going m. at the Stake house, Saturday to the Hotel Utah is some; and that is exactly the Sept. 24th. time acchedule made yesterday as Member P. A. Thatcher and when Arthur Bjorkman Clerk Spry of the State Util ties chauffeur, drove to Salt 'Lake, acCommission and Agent Crelev companied by Miss Blanche Bork-ma- n of the Continental Casualty Co. Stark and Messrs. Cyril and Osmond. Harvard They eviare in Logan today to hear dence in two indemnity claims spent a pleasurable day taking in the and arrived home the against Amalgamated at one sights, oclock this morning. Co. Sugar From LOGAN So-vie- ty Is Silage Belter Kept ia Cczcrde : Blankets cr Underwear Wocdea L Garments D. S. Is silage aa better when pot W A N T E D Experienced Provo Pears, best quality 723-$3.50 delivered. Phone up in stave silos this wheat it is lady clerks. Apply in writing Dale Adv saved in concrete a3o Jenkins. Stive giving experience and reference. silos are probably, tbs aoore , n j Co. Ad Funeral services for the late common kind; they are usually Orin W. Allen, the young soldier less costly. Many people, hdwev-eAnother attraction for the whose remains arrived yesterat Cache the prefer the more permanent midway County Fair Sept. 27, 28, and 29, will be day from France, will be held on concrete on account of the 2 Cow'boy Elliott who presents, Sunday at oclock p. m. in the greater durability and Die fact Ninth ward chapel. He died in that the building material may Don Fulano, the worlds be found near home in many smartest horse. This horse is action in the Argonne, Sept. instead of irr December, as cases; but there is an impres18 years old and entertained one The sion on the part of some people yesterday. president of the United States. announced He has one gold tooth and can American Legion will take a that the concrete silo does not laugh. He performs 100 novel promnent part in the funeral give such good results in the features among which are these ; arrangements and ceremonies. preservation of the silage from IN FULL ASSORTMENTS NOW shine3 his masters shoes, helps spoiling and from freezing. ExW. W. him on with his coat, writes on Engineer McLaughlin periments made by the Dairy j AND PRICES AWAY DOWN. a desk with a pencil, raises win- went to Brigham yesterday to Division, United States Departto the ALL OF THESE ITEMS ARE Logan ment of Agriculture, do not dows, Iowers curtains, shows supervise moving the ladies how to keep house and up the canyon of a drilling bear out this notion. FROM answers questions .and is a real machine, which will be used to In experiments conducted on mathematician. Elliott also has find bedrock at the site of the the Dairy Division, farm, at two other shows, for the mid- dam proposed to be built by the Bdtsville, Md two silos were Logan Water Users Association. used, one concrete and one stave way. Several men had previously been standing side by side. The stave Men who are wili ng to work, sent up to clear the road around silo was directly south of the and in need of a job at which the Horse Shoe bend and make concrete one, and , hence got THAN THEY WERE IN 1920. Dr. they can earn good money, can it passable for the teams taking more sunshine and lesa north ton, reported that the spirit of find it BUY NOW by calling at the Cache up the drill and supplies. The wind. Otherwise they had exevangelism, prevailing in Amer- Valley Electric Co. at 4 :30 can be forded by teams, river in. Temconditions. same p. the actly ica was one of the most hopeful Ask REMEMBER, IT IS YOUR UNfor Mr. Loofbourow., Adv. but not by automobiles. peratures in the two silos were signs of the time. DERWEAR THAT KEEPS YOU taken by means of electrical Never in the course of years Mr. George Lionel Farrell, WANTED; A limited number thermometers burled in the silinterest an such been had there WARM. will known pioneer of Cache of good beet toppers at once. age, which made a record which in bringing men into the church, evenhis to either at or reward Apply county morning passed could be read on the outside. he said. his home in Smithfield yester- ing to W. G. Raymond, 37 East The thermometer were placed He recounted the difficulties Adv at 3 inches and 18 inches from day. Mr. Farrell was the son of 3rd North. in attempting to christianize William Farrell and Alice Sadthe wall and also in the middle and Americanize the polyglot ler Bird, and was bom at In addition to the string of of each sile. Three sacks of silheld it peoples of the cities and Gloucestershire- - Engl- thoroughbred running horses at were carefully weighed snd to be the mission of the church and- Feb. hence was the Fair Grounds, White and age buried in each eHo at various to solve state as well as of the ninety two years old. He was Wilson of Idaho and Knifong depths, closa t the thermometthe problems of sanitation and baptised March In 1860 are bring ing two more strings and when the silage was housing.. residence a in of real fast ones. Knifong should ers; after years to wfcdr e the sacks down fed He said that, according to best he moved to Logan-wher- arrive today with eight head and 0 Farmington, contents erert Ukwt their were, information- there are now he resided for a number White and Wilson will arrive out and men and women engaged-ianalyzed. of years. While a resident here about Sunday making a total of The some form of missionary work he filled quality of tha silage was many responsible ec- nearly twenty head of thoroughin this country and more than clesiastical judged by its anpearanee and positions, filled a bred gallopers, all fast ones from cither one, if In regions where volcanic $26,000,000 invested in the bus- two years mission to his native ready to start on the opening odor and its palatabillty to the good, silage action is powerful. Islands appear silage is put up right, . iness of making and keeping land, baptizing during his next Tuesday, School Day,. cows. If mueh difference had the day re the is It assumed, of course, that and- disappear most unexpected- America Christian for one hundred persons. Most of the harness horses have been apparent a feeding trial came to the and See to mankind would made been have of the silo in either case will be ly. Not long ago one cofist demption his stay here, he was arrived but there are still more During , of Arakan off the bitn-rworld. friendly service of the with light county recorder for fourteen to come which will make a total which lot of silage was Inconstructed, properly was officially Burma. It alios in two the but results the o of more than twenty head of years, Lieut. Colonel in the it was smooth walls, straight up and spected and surveyed, but by the Strangely enough, the venom Legion, postmaster for sev- fast harness horses. In the were so nearly alike that from time the report had been preto down, so as to be free while not worth the and of snakes acts upon man thought en years and was a prominent harness race on the first day, had disappeared lower animals only when it is figure in the upbuilding of the there will be 12 head,. This is make the feeding test. pockets and bulges, and proper- pared the island again. con inside In the temper- ly coated tar or with introduced into the circulation, city. In he was called the largest number ever entered short, neither Suspected of having swallowed as by a bite or an injection into to preside as Bishop of Smith-fiel- in one race at, the Fair and the atures nor the chemical analysis some similar preparation; and two stolen riqge before, she was re could shat the silage will be proporiy the veins. Snake poisons and held that position for horses will have to be started in of the two kinds of silage a woman arraigned in be swallowed with impunity. ten years. Probably his great- two sections. The White and Wil vealed any marked difference packed, so that all air will be aarrested,court in Rochester, Engpolice the to excluded. Silage will not keep in est fame rests upon his achieve- son string of thoroughbred run- that could be ascribed was subjected to an One of the castes in Delhi, ments as Utahs first successful ning horses consist of Ostenta- material used in the construe any. kind of silo unless packed land, examination, with the result that , India, has decreed that any dry farmer. He was really the tion, a brown mare, EmaR. a tion of either silo. Cowg ate the down and kept airtight. the rings were seen in . her member using intoxicating father of dry farming and the brown mare, Gila, a bay gelding silage from boh silos with the and recovered. stomach T Is concluded,' Th the island of Jersey it is liquor ia to be beaten fifty times discoverer by experiment of Redman a.-- chestnut gelding. same aVidityr with his shoes. his moustache is making it a success. Full of Tempo Standard, a chestnut therefore, that fanners may unlawful for a married woman to be shaved off on one side, and Sears and honors, he has gone to gelding, and Inez, a chestnut ibuild stave silos or concrete to start a bank account without Additional Want Ads. a fine of five cowries ia to " be his reward. - Funeral services mare. These horses raced at jsilos, whichever they prefer, obtaining her husbands permis- FOR SALK Prune, greengage and Elarkfoot and made good time. without any fear of not getting sion in writing. wil le announced later. blu plums. Phone 715-imposed. . W , -- Shamhart-Christianse- V,,;, '..Hosiery, Ladies Tuxedo Sweaters r, , 27-191- Boys Mackinaws 8, Boys Sweaters com-mun- He'd be glad to get a 33 Hew-elsfiel- 16-182- No. 1A Autographic Kodak Jr. . Anyone would a camera that is good to loot at, easy to work and convenient to carry makes a gift that is bound to please. Thormihly competent shutter wkh snd Moo of speeds of tis, s second as well s time and bulb actios carefully tested lent and the Autoa distinctive feature of graphic feature the Eastman line. ' Price, $18.30 ftetarct, 2 4 foci Brwnie Cmerms $.86 nf Ktdtks, $9 49 .CAR DON Jewelry Co. lower FONNESB I d, 9; KNITTING WORKS e 18,-50- - to 50 . stay-nearl- y Na-vo- May-188- 8 d; . 4- X-r- ' If 1 . J. s. |