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Show THE ' . THE OPERA ilOUSf. Our Washington JOURNAL, LOO AN, UTAH. MARCH TEI-TTEEK- Letter. (From Our Regular Correspondent .) ; Mr. McKinley has not gone to go place ThomasvUle, Ga., where he will be for - a fashionable the guest of Boss Hanna for sevhair cut, a good eral weeks, solely to get rest and bath, ora good, easy, clean shave with recreation. Not by a jugfull, there positive guarantee is political scheming, and a lot pf I" against... it, in the trip. While they are in Thomasville the leading, administration Senators and RepresentaClean towels, cup and razor for each tives will visit, them, and in adcustomer, and the easiest, smoothest to clinching Mr. McKinleys work. The fineel soaps, oils, essences, dition SHOP BftRBeK to Is the . l Barbers Itcli. cosmetics and perfumes arajtha ones jve renomination next yearr " ' the ques- tion of whether the administration will try to prevent Czar Reeds Opera Rouse Barber Shop. as Speaker ofIhtTIIbuee, UnderlbatdterBank, will be carefully gone over and. deOSCAR L. COUCII. cided. If it were only, a question -- of inclination, it might be considFAT,-JUIC- Y ered as already decided. Mr. McKinley and a number of his closest friends are Bore on Reed because of his attitude to ward all of the Adare the prime roast, boiling, broil- ministration measures that came ing or frying beef, mutton, pork before he late Congress, and would and other meats kept in such great gladly antagonize his reelection as assortment at the Speaker, if they thought they could use. , ami TENDER beat-hi- As the season market Jg.al its fish and best, and the m, city. MEAT MEAT -F- OR- GOod. Fat, juicy MEAT -- CO all Elndr, fifty-fift- TO- -r ac-ual- armor in Europe. This claim was a direct admission that the armor only cost $255 a ton; yet, the trust got the price fixed at $550 a ton in the bill as first passed by Congress. The reduction was made by the Senate. That is the,.SQili)fJbnsi--nes- s that makes rich .trusts and disgusts those who believe in old fashioned honest dealing with the government as well as with individuals. If the trust can make armor for $253, a ton, which its agents say jt can, it can certainly afford to sell it to the government for $300 a ton, but, of course, that is no reason that it will. It will probably prefer making the next Congress raise the pried, and next Congress, being Republican in bothbr anches , will probabl jr be easier to control than the last was. Washington, March 13, 1.91L . ly With pleasure I know write to let I the great have received from gloats over it as something to be proud of. Will the National your medicines and at Convention of his party dare to home, writes Mrs. A. Flackua. of Dairy. When assume the same attitude on this Klamath Co.', Oregon.advised meyoutokindly take The Union Meat Market. self-treatme- nt JOSEPH KNOWLES, Prop. uestion? your Golden Medical for my Discovery of General While the friends trouble, I followed Co, Miles do not go so far as to make your advice and received great benefit the direct charge that the canned I am over fifty years meat furnished our soldiers in of age, and for over a year I suffered with Cuba and Porto Rico was horse ains in stomach, Roast meat, although labeled eadache, irregular periods, constipation 3eef, they do not hesitate to say I and indigestion. that suspicion strongly points that tiad no appetite at all, and could not sleep. way. It is known that 350,000 So it went on for cans of the meat was bought in months, till one day all at once I got dizzy, Europe, where it had been shipped as fast as it could, to seemed beat heart my rom this country. The labels on and I felt like fainting. My heart beat xao he meat said it was packed in or 25 times a minute. I went to the doche gave me medicine, but it did no Chicago, but the firm alleged to tor I I had to die. Every good. live packed it The Prairie State night whenthought I went to bed 1 feared I would in Foui door, went of Postofflce, 3rd Street. Logs Thatcher Bros, Banking Capital $150,000.00 1 ; is said to be unin known either Chicago or to the wholesale trade of the country. That horse meat is being canned in Chicago and Bhipped to Europe is tuown, and persons who ought to know have declared that the meat iiu question was horse meat. If the Military Court of Inquiry really wishes to get at the bottom of this business, it ought not to be a difficult matter. The contractors who made supplied this meat could-b- e to tell who canned it and. where Jt was canned. The Court is already accused of failure to call witnesses known to have information tending oprove Gen. Miles contention, and if its members are not careful heir report will meet with the same reception the country gave to the report of the Alger Whitewashing Commission. Benator Chandler, who has a acking Co. Utah. Logan,' DIRECTOR: Mosks Thatcher, D. H. Peeks, - - G. W. Thatcher, L. S. Hills,. R. J. Taylor, W. D. Hendricks, L. R. Martiniac, James Mack, SW. A. Rossiter, W. Ritkr, II. E. Hatch. Prompt and intelligent attention given to all the interests ofour customers. Land T,C. Bailey, next door to Office, Salt Lake City. tained for Agricultural, U.T3. Land Patents obDesert and Mineral Lands. J. H. Barker, notary public, and local agent, Newton, Utah, will answer correspondence and furnish information on application. for talking against .A. OUR 1899 MACKINTOSH reputation his supported things by party, but 8SMD MO MONEY, cut thU d. out uil wad to tin, .nu par kaMtU as4 always voting with the party, has Vtifkt, tart araura, Infrt a parMat aatiar rtawa tart to M llaa, an acute attack of (no aad aatat Uaa to tallia .at aklrt He talks against the Mata cater waatert and wr aril just now. and you tbta Baaklateak by . trusts C. as O. to K rubjroi prrte seriously as though he CAi action , oxamlnr and (ry a was aaaraat an at ,Mr k aayrate good Democrat or Populist, akrtand II fonndrxartly u but that is no reason to expect that by tor ita repmrnted aadrter aa ar rratat,alaa fan artnt he will vote against any measures baarrt at, nay your aii'-arbculirvut rauj.sA.ri, desired oi k rzvrraa e tharrrn and trusts' which may THU lUCIIM d Id teada BIAC1 ar BUB rurt BUIS. Come beforr the Senate, in the fuBIT daabla tomtare, ritecyrael BtBfiB C10TB, tnu I rtucy Jilald ture; he certainly has not done so llnlnf, arlaa collar, double drtovbakto cana, rxtra full in the past.' aarerp tayt and - Navy antrad latoatatyi Department officials sk to.w i i! f m. i. 'tallra that armot fiir out worships cannot or Kaablte tetto j mm, ten. . aAtfe'ua.r be bought for $3Q0 & ton, the limit a ROEBUCK A CO. (tote ta let by the last Congress J A! state Itoranj . anti-trustphob- -- p by-th- i ' f. !. I company -- Also Fish in Season, V Absolute- - Proof was lost on that order, for the purpose of introducing their that $40,000 Co-New- Of r 1839. our name And Addresi on & poithl c hr d will you Absolute proof that Or, William PlnK Pilli Pile for People will cure you if you Are afflicted Vith-an- y disease of the blood or ntrvea. Mentlc the disorder with which you are suffering and wij Vilipend evidence that will convince and oatltfy7 Or Willi aids. PinK Pills for Pale PeopU will , you that . ? (cure you.. These pills contain in a'condensed form, all the, elements necessary to dive new life and rlthneu to tie blood and restore shattered, nerves. They Are an un lirind -- fifty-sixt- WILLIAM READING, Prop. Main Street. : representative of that but theres the rub. to fight Reed, afraid are They reasonably certain oT to being able control enough votes to down him, because if they do so and fail, they know he would fight Rev. Wasson of Logan, who is h back during the life of' the Rev. Hartshorn in revival assisting Congress, which will be as work at Gorin ne, appears to be a long as that of the administration. mighty hunter as well as exhorter. Democrats will be glad if the Last Saturday he made one of a Republican party will endorse the party of sportsmen who sallied claim of Representative Cannon, of forth to make war on the elusive 111., one of Czar Reeds most obedwild goose. According to Ed ient henchmen, that real Nicara- Ryan and where is he who would gua Canal legislation, which has call in question the truthful Edbeen commended by National Con- wards statements? Mr. Wasson ventions, regardless of party, was was the only successful member of purposely prevented at the recent the party, bagging a trifle less session of Congress by the Repub- than a car load. According to the lican House. The blame for the same veracious authority failure failure of that legislation had been of the other hunters was due to placed upon Reed, but when Mr. defective shells: Boxelder " Gannon says Fortunately, Jhe House of Representatives resisted the enactment of the proposed legislation, in his labored commenda-tion of Republican accomplishh Conments during the you he the places gress, responsibility benefit un the Republican party, and Fulton Market. found there, prompt ddiv parts of the men t made before the House Naval Committee shows conclusively that it could be if there was not an armor trust, formed to bleed the government. ' One of the' members of this trust sold Russia three thousand tonR of the same armor for $240 a ton. It is claimed by & 21 if-"- ., , , ia the not be alive morning. I wrote to Dr. Pierce for advice. He prescribed rhis Golden Medical and Pleasant At- - first -- 1 Pelleta-thought the medicines did no food. bv I kept on taking them as advised, ana when I had taken five bottles I was so well that it seemed I did not need any more, but ntill I took, the sixth I was then bottle. perfectly welL The. headaches, pains in stomach, heart trouble and all left me. 1 have' had a good appetite ever since, and an sleep well ana do all my work. If you are not sure what ails you write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., stating your symptoms fully, and he will prescribe for you free of charge. J)is-cove- ry A . Go To OOBeauafiaot WSS5S-- a. gr.Si.riij tnaey yrarV Look for r n no return of gBimral health better than I WM oa thaaekage. At druggist 11 to or rct Cow ftbfarctady, N.Y, 50c. per box. 6 box Clarkston Callings. Editor Journal: The farmers are anxiously awaiting the advent of Spring, a hay is getting scarce. While the health of the people is generallygood- ,whooping cough among our child' Missionary Matters. Editor Journal :It becomes m duty once more to inform you of the fact that I have changed my field jof labor. So hereafter please , 8endJTnE Journal-toMaust- on Wis , where I shall be located perren in a mild form. haps for several months. At our last water meeting we 1 wish to before my labors had lively times. I guess we will have drawn say to an end, that I have be able to settle thedifficultv in appreciated your paper time, as we have some good law- to such an extent interesting that had I an yers on both sides living in this inexhaustible vocabulary of adprecinct. jectives, I would still be unable to On March 10th there was a e express the depth of my apprecia- party at the residence of Mr. tion. William rfparks, in . honor of his I have labored upwards of eight-ee- n eldest son, William Jr. Mrs. months in this glorious cause, Sparks and her aids had performed my success has not only been good, wonders in a gastronomic way, but far better than my angrand; and the feast they had prepared ticipations ever leached. I have was fit for a king. After supper led several into the waters of bapan interesting progamme'was ren- tism, for which I thank my Heavdered and games were played until Father, and trust that I may enly midnight, when a second supper always be led by the Spirit of God was served. William Jr. leaves! Our regular conference was held shortly on a mission! Upon this1 in Portage, Wis., and there the day he was twenty-eigh- t years of Elders were all delightfully pleasage. ed to have the opportunity of havThere was- - another birthday, ing with them Apostle Heber J. aleo upon that date; that of Mr. Grant, who spoke to the unbelievJohn E. Godfrey. Mr. and Mrs. ers with powtr and with words Joseph Stuart planned a very that melted their bitter hearts inpleasant surprise on him. to esteem and friendship. On Tuesday evening, March 14, Pardon my lengthy letter, as 1 1899, the Clarkston Dramatic Co. bud no intention of writing mort appeared before the public in that' than a few words. beautiful play, the Amongst Yours respectfully, room only, i Breakers, Preston C. Lewis. The characters were well sustained, Mauston, Wis., March 14, 1S99. and the we-have- thff sur-pric- I ! j playing was excellent. On March 17th, the married people only will have a lengthy programme rendered in the meeting house in honor of the founding of the first Relief Society by the ProphetJosepIfSmith. All will take picnic and "temain together until midnight. Each person in attendance will have to sing, recite, e step-dancor tell a big bear story. Respectfully, Sanko. Clarkston, Maroh 16, 1899. Chamberlains Cough Remedy. This remedy i intended respec; tally for coughs, colds, croup, NOTBRy PUBLIC whooping cough and influenza. become famous for its cures has It to get your deeds, mortgages, mo., of these diseases, over a large part made out and Notary work attended to civilized world. - The most of the JOURNAL Office, LOGAN. Haltering testimonials have been received, giving, accounts of its ' good works; of the aggravating and Unclaimed Letters. coughs it has cured; of persistent Mr. Chriitian Hanson , - colds that severe . have yielded Miaa Ursial Jonsson, " to ils T. effects, promptly soothing lr, J. Kure, Mr! J. M. Lamm, and ofvtHe dangerous attacks of MUs Kate Perry, croup it has cured, often saving Mr. Geo. Thomas. the life of. the child. The extensive If the above are not called lor within use o! it fbr whooping cough has two week from date they will bo sent to the Dead Letter Office at Wash' shown that it robs that disease of all dangerous consequence. Sold in Eton. , , Orson Smith, P. M. Charles S England I have been afflicted with rheu matism for fourteen years and no thing seemed to give any relief. waBjable lO be around all the time but constantly .suffering. I ha tried everything I could hear c and at last was told to try Chan berlains Pain Balm, which I di and was immediately relieved an in a short time cured. I.am happ to say that it has not since ri turned. Josh. Edgar, Germai For sale by Rit town, Cal. Bros. Drug Co. f -- - Much pain and uneisiuess is called by piles, sparing neither age nor sex. TABLERS BUCKEYE PILE OINTMENT cures the most obstinate cases. Price 50 cts. in bottle, tubes 75 cts. Riter Bros. Drug Co. 1 - r . , , Loour, Utah. Mai'. 20, 1899. Drug Co.-- - Dreadfully Nervous. Gent I wag dreadfully nervouMnd for relief took' your Karl Clover Root Tea. ' It quieted my nerve and strengthened my whole Nervon System. ' I was . : troubled with .Constipation, Kidney and, Bowel trouble. . Your. Tea . oon cleansed my ystem so thoroughly tb I rapidly regained health and strength. Mr. 8. A.'Bweeti Bartford. Conn: SoM |