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Show THE A JOURNAL, LOG AIT, UTAH IIAECU 18 TRI-WEEK- LY IC59- - Profs. Fortier andv MacEwan, as especially solicitous and helpful. Dr. Brewer was away at the On Oct. 21, 1842, there came to East something more than two in most be cleaned often, else they become' dangerous germ cola of home Is the place, to go Southampthe family months, when he returned expect lectors. Hair brushes demand special attention from the for a fashionable . ton, Hamshire, England, an infan itife to go on with his work. He point of both health find cleanliness. They can be cleaned hair cut, a good was' wonderfully changed in ap quickly end thoroughly by washing in a weak suds made from boy. The name he received is bath, oragood,iasy, The plump and. active .While-hoearance, head this of article,. the clean - shave with had many of the traits that belong form of yore was now thin, emaci A positive guarantee to our common humanity he was ated and decrepit, giving every in against.... distinguished from most boys by a dication of a speedy dissolution. But be rallied. The return to, this quiet, studious and earnest tend climate In beneficial. seemed often caused remark. Clean towels, cap and razor, for each' ency that reso far had he three Gold Dust cleans everything quickly, cheaply, thoroughly months The mother was a religious wocustomer, arid the easiest, smoothest jjT ' end aaves both time and'Vorr. of work. The finest soaps, oils, essences, man, a communicant of the Ang covered that . he was hopeful V cosmetics and perfumes are the ones we lican church, and Francis William further .usefulness, when to his THE It. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, . use. asked for Board his amazement the the New York. on St. Louis. was brought up Chicago. prayer v" House hard He Barber Boston. submitted, Opera Shop resignation. Philadelphia." book, "Under Thatcher Bank, At the proper age young Brewer as it was to do so, and absolutely OSCAR X.CQUCIL was sent to school, and at tha time refused.. to make a statement to when ' he was ready to go he was representatives of the press. Urged , t sent to - colleger Completing - the to speak he was silent, though he course at Southampton college, he felt deeply wronged. When he was graduated with his class auc renewed his application he called The black mare which was stolen struck out to carve his way through the Boards attention to the fact and retiring. In he was from P. H. Margetts lastjweek wu religion was his dismissal that thought unlawful by the rough world into which he had some to be was this ridden but into town on Tuesday by a are the prime roast, boiling, broil- come. skeptical, under the Boards own rules; that a due in to his man mistake, probably living at Hyde Park. Re ing or frying beef, mutton, pork He first entered upon shipping he Could not be relieved of his and other meats kept in such great as a business and succeeded nicely. position later than early in April. qui'Sitive and critical state of mind, also had the saddle belonging to assortment at the But this was not his occupation. Whereas he was not. informed of which led him to examine truth Mr. Casperson and a briddle owned by Pres. Geo. C. Parkinson. The He was not cat out lor such a the intention and wish of the with such care as to leave the in M .wag-He" Board some hostility;" time in May; until propertyjyas taken by - a sheep, life. The fibre of his mind was truth and herder found who recently worked at hff deeply religious, As the season arrives'' this not designed for such a life. He that during the more than ambhth t his comfort vocation under the in these parts. Hetrtf. only'real market is als o noted for took naturally to study. He was after the Board could consistently of shadow ed the the Almighty. its fish and qutfit ior Hyde Park fou game. The at home with the great authors as call for his resignation he had he has We But us. from sold watch, the latter iq Logav been offVred gone refused and settlement and the best only is nowhere else. This was exempli best, see not face shall hired But a his horse from Mr. Thatcher inagain. the Board found there, was Free and fied in his intimate acquaintance elsewhere; that we shall remember be at and that , him, debted to him more than $1,600; place, rode to Brigham prompt deliv ery Jo all with the most remote authors of for better A known him. City, disposed of said horse for having the parts-o- f city. English history, as well as with that he yet believed the board man dies. cash never and left on the train. He has woald be just and restore him to good the great body of literature. N. not E. since Clemenson. , bppn heard from. Moral: Soon after he gave up his ex- his chair. He was mistaken. The WILLIAM READING, Prop. should not buy horses or People he received from came the and reply tensive shipping business Main Street. other from President the of property strangers who College. It was was appointed by the British 'Tisnt AH Poetry. cannot prove a clear title of owneras consul to Portugal and Bimply to the effect that funds Poets sing of wintertime ship. Preston Standard. o rhyme, Italy in which capacity he served would not allow the continuance of In the gladdest sort Talk o mountain diadems for some years. Because of faith his chair. Sparkling with the fro6ty gems . Brava Men Fall The of this effect action a on ful and conspicuous service iu this per Never hear 'em sing a strain son so and as Dr. sensitive -F- OBjust Victims to stomach, liver and 'Bout the seasonin o pain position he was knighted by the . Brewer no be better O! can In winter consul at While of the cake; imagined king Italy. kidney troubles as well as women, That action cost Packin coal an' shovlin snow. Rome he was able to devote con than written. and all feel the results in loss of .1 siderable time to literature, and him his life, said a friend re- Talk about the jinglin bells appetite, poisons in the blood, bills an. dells,. Ringin-ove- r frequentlyJectured with .acceptance cently. While that probably. is an Of backache, nervousness, headache songs we sing at the Athenaeum. exaggeration, there is no doubt in To the merry and tired, listless,- - run-dow- n feel the shiverin he those mind who of were near to to the But no England need theres Returning to feel ing. Never turn the picter and old Southampton home, his wife him and knew him best, but that Let their musey notes expand t Listen to J. W. Garddied. After recovering from the he end was materially hastened Teilin of tha clingin woe ner, Idaville, Ind. He says: ElecOf all Blade, shock he, with his daughter, came iy the summary action of the Packin coal an shovlin snow. tric Bitters are just the thing for to America, and located iu Michi- Board. Snow a clifigin to the trees, a man when 'he is all run down, Also Fish-i- n Season, 4 has Dr. Brewers in a Frost the Ann Arbor. here While at breeze, scholarship and dont care whether he Jives or sparklqi' gan, -- CO T- Ostreams the daughter married, and later never been and never can be ques- Ire a glisnin on the dreams. dies. It did more to give me new Wakens their poetic went to Japan to live. Here also tioned. He was competent and Never V5 cheer us up a bit strength and good appetite thaA Union Meat Market. Mr. Brewer met, loved and mar horough in all he undertook to do. Twitterin a tubeful twit - - -anything I could take. I can now ried Miss Augusta S. Mulford, his Ab a student he was most pains-akin- Bout the pains we undergo eat anything and have a new lease JOSEPH KNOWLES, Prop. , second wife, a penetrating and thorough. acn coal an shovlin snow. on life. graduate of the uni Only 50 cents, at Riter He uncoverand font floors west of Pontofflce, 8rd Street Lo and a teacher delving enjoyed profesof cheeks blushin Bros. Tear by em sing versity, , Drug Co. Every bottle foundations and seeing things Cissed by breezes in their freaks, sion. 3 ing guaranteed. i )f the healthy glow that lies i Thatcher Bros. Banking Co. At Ann Arbor Mr. Brewer devot rom their centre outward. d maidens eyes, He was a literary critic of no n the ed himself to study. He had long refrains dream their from fever Much pain and uneasiness is Capital $150,000.00. wished to acquaint himself with mean ability. His acquaintance Winter pleasures reek with pains, caused with by piles, sparing neither age the medical science and here he history and literature was Worst of which is, men folks know, nor sex. TABLERS BUCKEYE coal anew. an shovlin found the opportunity of doing so. such as to make his opinion most Packin PILE class-rooOINTMENT, cures the most he Ofn think when readin' rhyme Graduating from the institution he valuable. In the obstinate cases. Price 50 cts. in received the M. D. by which he was always informing and helpful. Bout the lovely wintertime bottle, tubes 75 cts. Riter Bros. In society he was genial and That Id like to see the men . was ever after designated as Docmisleadin Puskin the pen Drug Co. Peasant, but somewhat reticent tor Brewer. In a wintry region drear Shortly after graduation Dr. Where it snowed for half the year, Catarrh Cnred. A clear head and Brewer was given the department An each mornin have to go sweet breath secured with Shilohs of hygiene and chemistry in his Women Wrecks. Every once in a while Packin coal an shovlin snow. Catarrh Remedy. We sell six bottles for the newspapers $3, and guarantee an absolute cure. Alma Mater,, and served tjiree tell of some once But it does no good to cusb, Sold V- by Co-o- p Grocery A Drug Store, f beautiful woman That wont lift the cross from ns, years in this capacity with entire who has been Jest a waste of voice to scream satisfaction. consigned to an At the poets ; let em dream. In 1893 he was appointed Supasylum, because Aint no use to raise a row, S?.45 GOLD PLATED erintendent of Hygiene and Sanitaphysical weak- Aint no potry, anyhow, ness drove her ad. out and send to u. tion in the department of Liberal to seek tempo- In our benedictine woe MUD NO SONET and w. will Kn4 -- on this watch bf axpress, C. 0. 0. coal an enow. Packin shovlin Arts at the Worlds Columbian rary strength in You caa M abject to examination. Denver Post. the alcholic mixexamine it at your xrm .a. at Exposition Chicago. Utah. ut Jite tures that are It found Logan, 1 d ry, exactly u From Chicago he came to Utah found on many DIRECTORS: aal Unirta la .wry way Chamberlains women's adwtiiwCN Cough Remedy. toilet kaiarabriac Monks Thatcher, to filL the chair of Biology in the under Mirk G. W. Thatchee, ft. IN 1. 18.51description tables. misleading LoState D. H. Ieery, L. S. Hills, This remedy is intended especThe story is an Agricultural College at aa Style, Amrrtri. R. J. Taylor, W. D. IIendricka, vie, bold l illeii or lant old, but ever-neThree busy and happy years for I gan. colds, O. OI. coughs, Ilk. croup, one. A ially L. R. Martinkac, were James Mack, Idled xtckei, eta II and here, and influenza. spent everybody woman finds whooping cough tou llnd it the eqoI W. A. Rossiteb, h. W. Kites, herself suffering It has become famous for its cures better thanany ui tbew had learned to look upon the quiet, II. E. Hatch. tttci.es. pT the rtfWN from weakness, arrr U.11 I'UU E. S.4N a of these over dediseases," ex pi a' and Prompt and intelligent attention given genial, distinguished And scholarly nervousness,' chary. largepart ' to all the interests of our customers. Dont bo Deceived" gentleman with the white face and. spondency and of the "civilized world. "The most by walchy flowing beard as a valued and pro- Irritability. hhk would lead ou W and her family physician seems equally at flattering testimonials have been believe yod could iM minent member of society, when his loss. A friend who suffers in the same way received, giving . accounts of its 9J.M) ar 956.0 wirt tH th tells her that a wee drop of cologne, brandy far 99. It U 99. 15, whea wtielior $24$i wife crushdied. blow a was The of and the aggravating feorV full OUR f2 d5 WATCH or other good works; T,0. Bailey, next door to U. S. Land drops, ale, beer, CasworHcrr Lark tad Be.el 4 and stimulant will give temporary relief. And persistent coughs it has cured; of The high-strun- g Office, Salt Lake City. Patents ob- ing one. etam wind and Bet, gulj plateMunlm If IrMfOpeafsse, IHa is Ui a that the kala poitahed, tained for Agricultural, Desert and sensitive nature suffered intensely. beginning that ends in a madl ka vrraltra4if wairb, movcninnt ia nickel house. The woman who suffers from the severe colds that have yielded aad Mineral Lands. it lUn wind American, warranted, ar.d a good , appearance was that he would symptoms described may safely infer that promptly to its soothing effects, ed keeper. Par fstrkH frase 09 eeais J. H. Barker, notary public, and local Thedown there aadais wrlta faefrae Hateb oadieanlry CaUlaa or exists 99.95 disease at least weakness of and of the dangerous attacks of under the4JordeaL Many the delicate agent, Newton, Utah, will answer cor- go SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. ( Inc.), Chicago that constitute organs her a .hack A Co. ar tkma,H, I! has cured, often saving respondence and furnish information believed he would not survive the woman. Dr. Pierces it croup .on application. shock. But he did. He was brave, Favorite Prescription, the life of the child. The extensive contains no collected and patient. He decided which use of it for whooping congh has alcohol or other stimuof his dear Gussie lant to inebriate, will shown that it robs that disease of COR 1899 MACKIHTOSH that the body put things back . to the old promptly be carried must all dapgerous .consequences.. Sold SANR NO MONEY, cut thi. ad right, and make her out and vend to ua, Mai. bMM 4 hoqae at East Orange New Jersey, and in j strong f healthy teat mmmiw, lfU et rnml by Riter Bros. Drug Co. is h was car- a womanly way. It Nawa hack te walM Uaa, Hi aw for N eMr sepulchre. tM lie t akin does away with necesLlveu & Feed ud out aaiar a mated iii, and wa will ried out, and he, his little son maud you this rntHamt by am. sity for obnoxious exTo Cnro a Cold in One Day. aminations and local treatment. It cures prea ft, 0. a., vublect to am. Frankie, and his wifes sister, Miss J block west of Z. 0. M. L auiinationi examine and try in the the of home. privacy It gives vigor Bromo Take' Laxative It aa el aeer aaaraet eimtate Isabel Mulford, accompanied the Quinine and virility to the organs upon which deA, and II found exactly - CarFEAHCIS WILLIAM B2EWEE. TBE OPERA HOUSE Brooms and Brushes BftRBeR SHOP - . e . Barbers Xtcli. - - FAT, JUICY and TENDER Fulton. arket - , . -g- v overnment . MEAT MEAT Cood. Fat, Juicy MEAT ting-a-lin- g. like-th&t- ,' Be g, r froet-mppe- m - in rcyr-wa- ud . Ml w -- N W -- e- -i Land Attorney. , lt-i- malt-extract- b'b-yrad- . , nUahl-Jtdl- ) NIELSENS " tables. v mm remains. . pends the perpetuation of the human race, - his his absence "Mti H. A. Alsbfook, of Austin, Lonoke Co., In InniruulAnM imiaian. Ml department Ark., write : After five months of great suf (h a axuraav was chareca. and kept up by the kindness and fering i write this for the benefit of other sufI mada THU BNCtlxiu-ferer from the same affliction. I doctored with, RIACt In- our bU raal. bxUU. energy of brother professors. family physician without any good result, beetle trttace, wal.i IHaomadT. witt fancy plaid deed his friends at the college were my husband urged me to try Dr. Pierce1! medi I cines which I did, with wonderful results. I c. cadre aeUar, demtle meawcaatia rape, aitn fell unusually thoughtful and kind am completely cured. I took four bottles of sweep. eapb Itd lUJ gMj Pierces Prescription, four of kin all anteed the may dark days of watch- Dr. int during Golden Medical Discovery and two vials of his ing and waiting, as well as after Pleasant Pellets.' .- ;Constipation kills slowly. Dr. Piercss A the bereavment came.' It- is pot Pleasant y . VNbe.dwaatmPklm.tlR.. Pellets curt quickly. t k. tytA invidious at this point to name I i. .. .i sicn,A r- - eiucarnted mad by Mr tha gr.ata.1 tmUa yaa acre aao ae at, nay aaur avnree - ml H me BO J kL t aametal-M- A, mm. 1 , - Tablets. AUdruggists, refund, the money if 'it fails to cqre. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. For sale by Riter Bros. ; 8 Drug Co. - Have n price. All trains are met by my transfer Hack AJ1 Clover Root Tea, for Constipation the Beat and if after using it will you dont aay to, return the package and get your , money. ' Bold by i Co-o- p -e , Grocery A Drag Store. it 6ut 'T finest- riages the best horses, ana the most reasonable Karls M the, orders left at Stable bo attended to wip : Fail. . . H. Nikuss, f 1 L . , |