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Robin- - 'Robert Kimberly, Spearman ,, The Deliverance, Glascöwe Singlier .,,, 'The Right Stuff, Hay The Green Patch, Von Houton.... .5, ' ... 1.50 1.80 1.60 1.30 1.20 1.50 - i- . - -- - Living..,.4.20.Theodorwstone's - - - f W i' - Kg 6a i. , , - ' -- M - e -- . - - - 'eDron- - -- , :rs. ..- - . 3ms, ' Ril - - - rr4 . ,,, - - 'e---,.- Li ....---,--- - ,,.. , - 4 i. u,rlt , t , reTn" dr4tt :dent e rticle. .: Sr. f . nor, d. - : It .' 4 e 1. i FtirT.i .....1.a0 - ''24 i r , 1 't Pk ---- . ' 'Wele ' e. 11...3255 -- ,., a e - ' ' ,, : ., - . e . . , ,, ,. , . , ktemssmenwount Iglielit'e21 Mee ItiorliV4 ,,,,.,,,,,.., ,,,.....,.., !11 . -- ' Vilye ,. .. - . lc1 Sale or . - 1 - . LEADING ' - Ill . . , , ' tatTa .......,.. , q m,,turre'rr-Inim- , s, ..,,,,,,,,, , PliVittaiii7iir,i, ,,,, , ,, 1, .. - - 10 - , - , . ,,..,..W4 ,.,. 4 .,,. 3,4, PI VII ,s, JANNIS, , , . ee-- elVel - , 144 m,.3 ,e're, 3 -- tt4i-- ST ei"1 I'l eete - , - ' ' ' , -- -- ee , M IP - ' ' ,ir ,', -- ,.re fteel ,I - 1 , , :e , e , tes tah .. 4 4, 4 S. Oe K-1- rise 4 4111.4 t ,..Ift 4' "4 , raltlelPetNe',VeVe3 P1:13 t'sfit.a4 Z1,4434 Itzz , Ng' ;:22:ZZ147:41 , . . - ,. A,.. - - i , . , - - Salt Lake City - IPOWOOk40 e -- , ' Trmininitrirrir;11 wri ,,,..,,,, 3 ' ' . -- I 1 T4,-5- . . Ter-- w . -.- s11 . ,,- 1613 I - . , . . . rqP: .. . 14 -- Order AT ONCE. Mail your Freight or Express is Much Cheaper on Quantify Orders.- 1 sale? - . . r" -- CONCERN- 1111,Mil , - iv,m.R1,74x,71Trk--717,Ls'kqr7,,TKIma.,,,- ,,,,... ,50 -- yarnommonommilow ,,,,,,,,....,,,,..,,,, Ho..... . .n. , , '' Pilgr, .6igh - , . 1 -1.- . . - , l, - ree - in-- -- 4Wat,gAtnini,-17v-,,t7t.rrtysviil- - - - .... . -- , e Ze r.. On -- , . - Tread:-Lancaste- , VeeN - - ' - ,. - ,.. ...... Include 12c Per Volume On, Books Sent by Mail. ' , Gifbou - .... 1.1..5260: ..,.. . 3 . - ......The k erre h. -' - lys Tthe . - 4 ..,,...-rm-,,,..- 1.60-01- ' lilt . ' , , ' . W3 - e.-- I Wonderful-Boo- k , - , ...O...." .... ta,,--- ', er - , . a Ilist- , elm 41 his and . ..132 s eIt-- ,.. --- - ' - , ;ty , 1 5;441 Melee Come in Choice as Stock is Limited. Select First second and-See-7-T- . .., RIA . --.- , 1 es 1.2.50605 .5. - il et . -- - d Z3e - Chroleielk:eliprAneoenaweveloderfn:MaphphistelpoutTpottsét,118.poio.t.ktse.r. . - .. trpoerberaela:g ' - WI ; , . i . , - i, 1 el, , - , Dirvis-....-.---;-- - ; . - 21-Th- 41: ' y - :...71$2506 I asAll Iblizs ill:6:050 Peers-Progre- ,. - - Ito..0.:d:.n,e,iy ev -- , ...,.. - ., ., -. , .. geoeb . - Sc, ", '.,, a , ';-.- - 11 ,I 11.:2500 - N , Chester.. ..... - - --- rs r--- ...- .60 Irive Thousand an Ileute 1.50 Francesca, Kingsley 1.20 Lonely Lovers, Neale 1.20 Wayfarers, Cuting 11..5500 rg I rice - - . , m, 1 . ..2255-- . 1, , c:47,ahlananrrioccriners Chalmers , - cMCr,1,1n,ii; , . ,. - .- sr4 fr'&1 - . i ' - I i.1. ' - .. - .. ......., i- - 1 McWattles Master, Bella.. The Open Door, Walcot Captain of Raleighe, Roberts In Search of Arcady, Putnam Rayton, Toberts Lord Alistavis Rebellion, Upward. Daphne, Street ,MY Actor Husband, Hoover 1.60 Willie Dronside 11:5205 - '' kis4 .. -- i t t P4 .1.50-Th- , 1 hi1,0:i::-Thoki...J.A.:L.4.:(.-.i.i....... -- , , t',..0e , , . Fr1. '. -- I. eteel ,,, . Avicaareos,1-- 1 tr , , 1.20 1.20 1.20 1 gi, . 0 1.25 'Reel Symbol, 17.1 - , , . Isi -,- - .. PER VOLUME . Heart of the Master, Wright Jno. Sherwood, Iroranaster, Mitchell Boss' of Wind River. Chrisholm. Richmond .... Gorda;vabreernryts, , N.. Greatest L1st, of .Books We Ever ,Offered At This . ,., - - . . Kr tt tit,A . - t . ',-- :-- ai rris , . - : ' . , - - . Illox , , , 71 . , , Am- - . , Davis . 1.10 1.1015 1.50 prRotanceessto.Providence, The Vermilion .., . 1 1.00 Ldnd of the Living, Warren ..... Richardson ....a... 1.60 Pot, 1.50 Venture. in Identity. Houghton.... Honey 1.50 'The Dillema of Angell Rayner..... 1.20 A Dixie Rose, Kortrecht nn:,:B..::Uetrieli.oece,lict....1111..:se Kell), to Avalon, Dawson . Road - ' --- . - eteeratreThe Fronteersonate, cody ,.......a...eeee, 1.20 Dcrubile teeotte 'of Wee Pagee.7-11.50 'Conte1one' Quible, weee'1..2205 "Kern.;'Horn'hlow 1.50 John Marvel Ksaistant, Cullum ;Tarr; Hole. DIrke The Sheriff of 1.75 . 'tier Burnham -TrainFlame, ' . Squaw. Peg, morria.. ..' Our lady of Darkness, Stephans..1.50 Teskree.........e........1.00eteriknewn ................................. 711, - eeeeemye-mieree- e Captain of Baleighs.,Roberts,-1.2- 0 , .. tea Zulleks.- Dobeenta Lady, Foreman ,..,,....,.. ri TotoeswiteiAmblea ...e.,... s anenr 125-A.Skidmore "150 Chalmersthe Ordains, Tenderfoot. 1.50 a of Trail Aree Hague ' , While Stratz.. Bawas Gro;Ing. Carolyn Is sovereign. Show 1:25 Beerbohm where . .; Arm of the Dagger, 1.3el Interrupted Friendship, Voynic- h- 1.50 The Sword of Bossy, Stevens COn . Worth, ... - - 1.50 Red Saunders's-pee'. Mre 1 . 20 --- ' EnglesideeeLucasa- -- ,,,,.7..-.1.60 ;1.50 Adam's Clay, Hamilton ... Philips........ Better Man, Brady.. t Dominant 1.50 ..... Dollar, Lillibridge Marriot Now,. 1.50 J.ittle King, Major , in 00froound.IWineatswonelin 1.00 1.00 virgin Harben Judgment, Dixie Phillpottl...., Ii The Hart, Whitaker 160 Planter, DOWn the Sea. Grenfell . -h 1.25 New York octet), on Parade, Pul1.50 Are You My Wife, lidarcin The Deserters, Jenks .. 1.25 Three Brother., Phillpotts 4.....,,. Cleu'reGeese, Wyman ....... . .. ' imweelaft,aWhila 1.'20 Man, Phillpotts 1 itzer 1.50 Brintz of Heademarters, Barber.... - 1.50 Barry Gordon-Pays- on Illustrioua.Pritieee-Ormenhielee ..rr Dt:elia'L Whawtagniutiea-n. Doti1.25 . .... 1.2.5 Down Home With Jen. Allen, Young Idea, Philmore - Priest and Pagan. Hopkins ...128.i6611:251 W3 Man with the Honest FetcaWells 1.50 1.50 The Composer. 'Castle 1.20 Loves Young Dream, Crocket worth ' the Living, Warren ................. S Carleton Case. park 150 Thome Queen Browns, Kingley 1.50 Road to ,Damascus, Yeays Ix 1.20 Call to the Field. Thurston Wright .1.30 The Fourth Watch, 'Cody 1.54) , 1.50 Winning Chance. DeJeans Michael Thwait's Wife, Michelson 1.60 1.50 Angelos Quest, Bill Pleasuring of Susan Smith', Win-Th- e The BetterMan-BraclY 1.20 .. 1.50 Down Home with Jennie Allen, Brown Duke's Price, Warner. Eindloss elow Themselves, ..1.50 Prairie Courtship, 1.00 : At the Villa Rose. Mason 1.50 1.50 Tage, Patriarchs Donworth JusmtanBetween Mac- of Red Butte Wentern, When Love Calla Men to Arms. . Stephen's Kaufl- . Taming atei Mountains, the in Sword The t 1.25 - The Disciples of a Saint, Scudder. 1.50 Tarantella, McVane 1.50 500 ? ..... . ... 1:25 JaneY0agdlaander, ee11n 'tennis., gowan The Triming of Goosie, Hopper.... 1.10 Esther Daman. Alder st.:1,5Strait eliven.. 1 , Downdes 1.25 The Island of Providence. of Eltanor, The Strange. - Case ... 1.25 1.50 Freeman Race Chariot 1.sfi Vanishing Man, From Ben litir, W- el- Jane Dawson, Harben The Situ; of the Father, Dixon 1.80 The Demagogue,- Hereforde.--e-- e. 11:920 . e ' Crosby 1.50 SebastiamDonbv 1.50 lace 1.50 The 1.25 . 1.5a Interplay, Harraden . Fulfilmen..Raphael The Bomb, Harris The High Road, Futrelle . . 1.20 Harland 1.25 Willi.arns.... .......... Irwin Girl End, The & 1.50 Royal the Ets. 1.50 The Coloniel's Story, Pryor Game, 1.50 'Readjustment,. Lutz Main-Roa-d, White-Churcand 1.20 for -P-heobe.Deane, The Second 4.20 1 . 1.20 ..,.. Chance, -McClurg Rosemary Remembreoce, 4.20 ea... Box, Stuyvesant a 1.60 Manager of the Z & A. Kester.. 1.25 oianity Griffith ' , . 1,50 Cyrabals Chaufeur, Tracy 1.50 One Fair Daughter. Unknown Lade, Forman ' More than Kin. Wentworth 1.00 Young Idea, Fillmore ... 'iti.'am. rrCidan .... I...2275 Bechdolt The Man. 1.50 Hard . . .. ... Rqgit .. e ar Makers, Hayes. .... 150 The Sanctuary e Peterson 'Miss e leneeend Mack...,..... L50 A Husband by Proxy. Steele lion 1,20 Rainier orTflUtaffclIohl 1.25 Furnace of Gold, Mighels . ' Deane The Camera Fiend, Horning ' ,ay .... ..... ......'1.25 1.50 Lady of the Spur, Potte- r-. . . ..... Buxton, Mighels..., .....-- 1.20 ' Thorley Door. Walcott Open 1.30 The Cave Woman. Burhanes 11..0 Quest Eternal. tillibriage 1..z5 The Price, Lynde .... 125 .. ... .. .. tZil , .. :The Jones. McCardell .... '... .. Sellnaraasttres'a144.Boa:9C'Sitrlittliel:r'IttTgaellaCte: .. Dudor The of Case Paul Breen, ..c..k:..ie..y:.:. 1.50 OsStatue, Btnnet 1.50 Wrong Woman, Stewart '''Bu12355 The Cave Woman. Burhann- ...... 1,50 A person of Some Importance, 1.26 Blue Stocking in India. Heston... 1.ro Ezekiel. pratt .. bourne lire l''telicie JLausatei'ceDoairtbe The Girl Who Won, Ellis Delilah of the Snows, Bindloss .... 1.50 - , Drones of. the Whit SkippedO, Day1.50 The Master, Wylla,rde Dancing 1.20 Kingeelarumond Golden Web, Partridge 1.00 1 1.60 Star Gazers, Goodloe of Chance. Dean ..... ..... 1.50 The Skipper and the 1.00 Geo Old No. Porsiund.... 1.211 25 - Disciple - - 1 The Binding of the Strong. Mason. 1.20 Fated Pive, Bios 190 The Yoke of Silence. McLaren Ship of Coral, Stacpoole .,..... Travelers StuJohnstoneAuat Silver 1.26Five, Wedding, AmItya Jr.. of Lyle Transformation Krag, t Diary of a Daly Debutante. The Prodigal Pro Tem., Bartle.tt:.. 1,.ell. Stacpoole ... ..... ..... 1.25 1.00 The Visioningereespel ....... .e.... 1.35 Garrupwem. art 1.00 The 1.50 . .... --a- ... ...... 1.25 e Anonymous t .... ..... .1.20 Gold Bag.Wells ',..- -,..... The Lost Ambassador, Oppenhiem 1.25 zanoni, Lytton Web of the Golden Spider. , 0 Top of the Morning. Tompkin- s-. 1.50 I .Sir John- - Havenwood, l,,c Deep Rea Warriors, Lubbock , Hand in the Gain Hunting ,. Bartlett . tfie 1.20 Mothers and Fathers, Tomkins... 1.50 1.25 1.50 Beckley. Lewis 1.50 New York, Stevens Askew Apaches A Soldier of Valley Forge. 1.20 1.00 Patch Work Papers, Thurston Cupid, Surgeon, Meader in Search of a Wife, Cour- 1.00 Half Moon. Hueffer Hem,' .1,35 Leopard & Lillie, Bowen 1.20 Gana. A Comedy of Circumstance, 1.50 Magic of Dress, Gould .....1....... 1.08 Work of Our Hands, Iteays a...... 1.50 lender T461 1.25 & Egglese 1.20 ' ' ' UnforeseeaCuting 1.50 When the Red Gods Call, Grimshay Lei Juggernaut, Marbouhg 1.25 10 to 17. BaCOn 1.35 One Way Trail, Cullum . 150 As ' . 130 The City of Light. George Wife. Gerry , Caesar's ton Wales Members of the Family, Wister ... 1.25 In the Service, of the - Princess, Thornton. Harry 1.30 Gilson Ember 1.50 ..... 1.50 Light. Bronson of the Rabble, Handcock ' -SO 50 I .. heGirLf.rOm Dixie, Rodney...... - ,1.50eMeeaa:itteeer of Warlock, Egglests! RowlandL 5--.2 1,L5 Tnreee(rt a. Iclatl. and Maid, Itarketee......,.T1.2- Soul of a Tenor. Henderson . Black Pearl, Woedrowe- 1.80 The Demagogue Hereford ..e.... 160 The Doomed City, Oarling a .. Lee Sheriff of Dyke Hole, ; Cullum 1.50 white Blackbird, Douglati ..... ..... 1,25 Travelers Five,. Johnstone ', elle' 4 Wife. Dorset The! Cats Paw, Oabourne' ..1 1.25 The,Trarks We Successful A 1.58 . 060. McHugh Officer 1.25 Ohl Christna, Bell ' 1.50 ,se Duncanmeasure ' of a Potter-Lee,Mail, I fasten a bracelet, ... The 1.25 The Gloms House, Kingsly .......... 150 Phoebe and Ernest, Gilmore . ss, . . 115 .. The .. on 150 150 the DeY Marshal 0ouston.. 120 Wall, n of ... Writing The QualltY, ..... .... 1.25 Band Box, Vance .e . 1.50 Jim Hands. Child Partridge N 1.20 The Prodigal Pro Tem,, Bartlett... 1.50 e The Green Cloak, Davlor".;1-- ..... . 1.50 Dominant Chord, Kimbal 1.50 Panthers Cub, 'Castle. 1.'25 sreistritm, a- -, tee --Ilagna, .Censtantine ,,,,,,,............. 1.25 ...... 1. Madame Bose ' , Het comfort. 1.50 House, .... . 25-The Revolt -.Caine Robe, .., 'armless The Carter...; Bomb. Song of the Wolf, Mayer ......... 1.20 1.00 Routledge Rides Alone, Comfort,. 150 Justice at.Rosketing, a Night, Janus ter on 1.20 DeeleseeViereWentworth Rowan Street,. the of Drummond... .......... House Red 1.S5eeaStar King, ... Cicely, Kenedy 1.00 Mystery of Itavenspurs, White. 126 Maids in a Garden, Dehan ... .. . ....., 1.50 1.00 Doebeedae .- ., Isrlann, Lee Bashford a, .,....6 0 People of Poi:Alain, WenYss........1.20 1.20 150 Tale of Richard-MaynelDurham the South. l, ' seieze Case of Ward... 1.35 Gentle ' Island of rimnger,erLyle ttersone.- -of Old Brandenburg, Land of the Living, Warren..-..- ... 1.25 By Right of Purchase, Bindlos- s- 1.50 Plain .. . ..1.25 Old Dance . 1.50 , Mary Smith. Philips ......- - 1.50 Majorknight goole , Kingsmead, Von Hutton . 1.25 A Royal Ward, of Vernede Dick. Quietness 1,50 On 1.25 the Iron 1.20 at Packard .. Cloud. Big , Brehner..;...,. -S- overeign Power, Luther a...e a...J.30 Sojourner, Elder . 7 of Conquest 1.5 e 1,25 Well-i- n .... 1.50 the Desert, Living Mummy, Pratt 1.50 Patience of John Moreland, Dillon. 1.50 Janey, Olirmre Storm Birde. Davis '; ' ' ... 1.50 1.50 Rom Birds, Davie Knapp Westover fChart. a 1.50..Terry,'Jueior, Webster MO Man In the Case. Phelps, ..... ..... 1.00, 1.50 The Bourgeon', Stacpoole 'The Whirl 1.50 emate. Sinclair .. ........ 1.20 1.50 Heart and Lady in White Veil, O'Neil . . . . . -I- SO Soldier at Valley Forge, Stevens. 1.50 Richardson.... 1.56 The Red' Foxe's Son, Daley The Lead of Rion Road, .... 100 The and Cat Cameron 1,00 1 50 . ..... Caleb ... Canary. Smng French The 1.50 Taylor Crossways,'Martin ea - --- ...- - Tiede? the Harrow. Meredith ... .... 1.50 'Mee Nobody's. Demarest ....... ......... 1.20 Scottie and His Lady, Morse- .-1.25 Strange Case of Eleanor - Cuyler, Out of Russia, Marriot Experiences of a Ladies' Maid, ". .00 Adventures of John johns, Carrel. L50 Glamourie, Johnson 1.20 Spanish Jade. Hewlett .. Crosby 1.25 Hassan. 1:5020 1.00 Mirbeau Elliot...,... 1.25 -7, in Scott a 7-Disappearing Eye, Hume ...... ... 1.25 Right 10 Reign. Knight...a...a- .- 1.25- - Womantha.Ouleksa-n...-..- ...... 1,00 Castle Builders. Munn .,..7,,; 1 .50 Mey Wing, Houston '' .' I eel-Maugham i.50 Ex over De - Bercy Affair, Holme.. s Cavalier or VirginiaRoberts ...,,,1.50 Wayward Peet. Thomas' ,..---iril'im-...-, ,.,,.,... The DOctera Lass. Booth Ray ,,, t;ps61,,71411b.p.:., -- 1.80 I ., 1.50 eee e 1.20' Tag, Patriarehe ::' 1.50 The Ramsoders, Day ....... ........-1;5- 0 1.86 Ellzitheth Davenait. De Prate .. Glamourte, Johnsone....... -a- -'Relentless Current Worth.' .., eee I : . . ror- Jacirtta, 13indlotts ....... a . '; . 1.60. n His Hight, stott . . ... -- .. 1.20 ' 1.20 Further Advent 9. Adams, eawyer, 1,20 Her Soul sind Her Enchanted Ground. Smith . Rainbow Springs, Mitchell 1.35 Amethyst Cross. Hune, e..e.....- .- 3.50 Knight Errant, Waaon ..e. 1.60 Joan of Pidgin k Davis a .1,50 Towne 1.25 1.20 , of the Yver Tales Law, 1.50 The Red Hot Dollar, Umbstaeter. 1.00 Nathan Burke. Watts Cynthias Chaufeur, Tracy Yellow. Letter. Johntrn . L25 1.21 :1.30 , Soldier prom Bowen" s Watana ElizabetleDaegnaereee-PeatVirginia, eee..... 1.50 PrIchantedfiroundrVmith-2,i--,.......,---1,2ftr----Wooing of Wistaria, 1.35 Trail of the Axe, Cullem 1.25 Unknown Quality, Hall ........e.e. !5,P, Unlucky Family. De La Pasture..-1.- 50 TheDevilz Wind, Wentworth, Miss Livingston's Companion, Dill. a .......Coming Harvest. Basin .... ...... 150 Robinette, WIggin 1.50 Accidental Honeymoon, Potter 1.25 Price of 1.10 Mr. Justice Raffles. .Hornung 1.30 Potash and Perlmutter, Glass . . . lion' a 1.50 a ZNI ; - ,' -- . '' - 4 - , . E. IN JO '. - , itt.... -- . , . ' ' et. r . , - ... .4., . in' , . , - , , . ' ,, ; 4.3 IT! tok NS , . , ' : 4 III' ,t . . For---- 1 ra e , , . , , . , . ., Ale ' . - vrt ,, , . , . OIL , '.. - , rg rg , - , 0 N toill E 1 . . . , . T. , , . . . , '7ig . ,;. . , ad , . 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