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Show 4 Nephi, Juab Counfy, Utah Th'jitday, April CIjc GimtO'JCctxhj Jamee Gaining in Arthritis Fight Parent-Teche- r- - f i , ; Date for important Meeting I I . vw i ; v 1 r; . k NtT r i j i ! ' WY' V ' - l I j ' , t 0 i A i ; , 'iW Y i A ' A ' t Weather f ; M '. r. H V j fart - L ii m J-- - Jamee Schmoll, 9 years, of Rochester, N. Y. (left), as she looked about a year ago. Note 'moon face" effect. Jamee is home today (right) after treatment at the March of Dimes supported Arthritis Study Center, University of Rochester Medical School. For nearly two years, the which had so distressed the despair. childs doctors were compelled child, began to diminish. Her These were down from an inJrmee Srhmolls feelings for to administer cortisone, one of weight came 118 pounds to a norso many of the long months of the steroid hormones, to re- credible 54 mal pounds. Muscle strength her battle with ailhritis. She duce the intolerable pain In and joint motion increased. was at least 60 pounds over- Jamee was undergoing. meant more weight bearcases of rheumatoid This weight and could scarcely rec- many to serves cortisone thus, occasionand, ing arthritis, ability the mirror. reduce inflammation. It often al ognize heiself in escape from bed and wheel Once a gay and carefree restores at least some mobility chair. litile girl, Jamee. unoearable in the joints which, in turn Jamee Returns Home pains and changed appearance means that the indispensable had turned her into a surly exercises of physical therapy Jamees hospitalization ended. and hostile child. can begin. But continuing home therapy But, as the accompanying was Defore-and-a- f indispensable. The Monroe tei photos Drug Ilad Side Effects County (N. Y.) chapter of The suggest, Jamees progress so in National Foundation-Marc- h Unfortunately, cortisone far makes her future look y the large doses Jamee required of Dimes provided for quite encouraging. visits by a physical therMuch of the transformation for relief sometimes has its of Jamee took place at the drawbacks. Side effects in her apist and also supplied a hot case included a moon face" pack machine. Since both of of March Jamees parents have been ill, Arthritis Clinical Study Center, appearance. University of Rochester MedSpecialists at the March of a homemaker was recruited ical School, where the blueclinic treated to help with the domestic eyed child was first hospital- Jamee with intensive physical chores. ized in January, 1959. Her and hydrotherapy (exercise Today, Jamee looks into heif pains from rheumatoid arth- baths in swirling water), and mirror without terror, loath ritis, felt in almost every part carefully regulated her diet. ing or pain. She no longer of her body were of such Gradually the little girls cruel sees a frightening reflection. severity that Jamee spent most pains decreased, permitting a She sees a pretty and winning of her time crying even reduction in the cortisone dos- child, home at last with those age. The swollen moon face, she loves. screaming with pain. NEPHI Gloom-heartb- reak nine-year-o- ld twice-a-da- Dimes-supporte- d ITEMS Dimes-support- UTAH PRINCESS VISITS SENATOR MOSS HARDWARE AND ARMY-NAV- Y STORE Vespes Club Plans Several Spring Activities, Initiation t j w " h f pwits .It'll s it' ' - f ' v i I" 'ss.F V , - . v 1 s ' V ' - k " V. k Senator Frank E. Moss shows Penny Rae Hafen, Utah's Cherry Blossom Princess, the new folder, The Different World of Utah!," which has attracted wide attention in Washington. NEPHI LOCAL, SOCIAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Reid recently returned from a trip to Zions National Park, Las Vegas, Nevada and Sodonia, Arizona. They returned by way of Oak Creek Canyon and Grande Canyon Emily MoCave, Carol Linda Track and Lorraine Nez Tsos-i- e Were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Chapman to Ml. Pleasant and Fairview on Sunday where they gave talks in Sacrament meetings. Mr. and Mrs. David Seat of Tooele spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Park. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Warner were Mr. and Mrs. Von Ray Warner and Miss Carolyn Warner of Salt Lake City, Mrs. May P. Memmott and Mr. and Mrs. Nord Memmott and two sons of Scip-i- PREPARE NOW FOR EASTER AND GRADUATION JUST IN - GOOD LOOING for the men of the family! Priced af 8.95 fol6.95 NEW SPORT COATS & SUITS 29.50-39.50-- 49.50 o. NEPHI NORTH MAIN STREET SCOUT PACKS From the JUS CLARION The lettermen club has several activities planned for the near future. The Pro Vita -Ltterman banquet will be held at Rays Cafe on Wednesday, April 17. This is their annual banquet sponsored by the Pro Vita. It is expected to be a big success this year. Within the next few weeks the Vespes Club and its new members will go bowling at Ephraim. This promises to be an enjoyable evening. A committee has been selected to plan for the initiation activitis whioh will be held on Canyon day. This is a carry over from last year, and the boys hope it will become an annual affair. The boys who lettered this year and want to become members of the Vespes Club must contact Coach Shell. It TROUSERS 48 Used - Good 494 condition Values to 2.50 WATHAM WATCHES Ladies and men's - Lifetime guarantee Just in time for graduation gifts! New stock just in from New York going at wholesale prices! Beautiful selection Meetings Sun. 1962 N. Pag hood meeting to be held Sunin an elfort for world day, April 22nd, at 2 pm. 'at ing peace. the Juab Stake House. Utah high schools arc nsisgn-e- d to represent these member All holders of the priesthood, Aaronic and Melchizedek, are nations with delegates from expected to be in attendance. their school to meet in the The stake priesthood meeting Model U. N. assembly. The delegation from Juab will be followed at 3p m. by quorum meetings of the High High School will meet in this Priests, and Seventies quor- assembly and represent the ums. country of Peru. The delegation has been Relief Society Monthly leadership meeting for the Relief Society also will eb held on Sunday, at 2 pur. in the Relief Society room of the Juab Stake House. Ail Stake and Ward Relief Society Board members are requested to be present, according to Mrs. Blanche B. Brough, stake Relief Society President. 5-F- T. Assembly MlfisPECIALS STEP LADDER 4 WHEEL BARROWS priced af Only 9.93 Simplicity GARDEN TILLER Genealogy A convention under the direction of the Genealogical Society of Utah will be held on Sunday, April 29, at the Elementary School auditorium, it was announced this week bv Dr. F. H. Beckstead, Juab Stake Genealogical chairman. Sessions are to be held during the morning and during the afternoon, Dr. Beckstead stated. Additional information will be printed in next weeks edition. II, MaiTiage with 3 H.P. Motor and - - 169.95 LAWN MOWERS -- Reel type and rotary type - - priced from 49.95 to 109.95 Reverse! I LlCCnSeS . . Marriage licenses issued by the Juab County Clerks office during the past week were: Neil Burton Kendall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Kendall, and Diapna Haycock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Alma Haycock, all of Nephi, on April 13, 1962. Ralph Neil McPherson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merle McPherson of Nephi and Jeanne Lamoureux of Long Beach, California, on April 14, 1962. A Labor Saver! FREE as can with every mower and tiller r MORGRO grass killer. lawn fertilizer and crab We have a spreder you can use fee. OrnaJUST ARRIVED mental Fancy Velvet Throw Beautiful styles at pillows Furniture Co., 61 Chapman TARGET ARROW -2- 5c FIBERGLASS BOW 795 ALL KINDS OF GARDEN TOOLS PLUMBING AND BUILDERS' SUPPLY South Main, Nephi. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bowles and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stanley were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowles in The Springville on Sunday. occasion was the birthday anniversary of Christine Bowles. Kenneth Sperry, Mrs. Fonda Earl, and Mrs. Eva Smith of Salt Lake City were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stanley on Wednesday of last week. They were here for the funeral services for Mrs. W. G. GOGGLES - Variable density -Gov. cost 4.50. While they last I 98$ eac SHOES -- 5.95 up! Mens and boys OXFORDS Mens Black, Import item 3.49 Par PAINT - lnferr flat wall 1 .98 9a Dutch Boy outside white - Regular 6.95 gallon. High quality! 4.90 9on RAKES - SHOVELS -1 .49 HOES - 2.50 value U. S. Air Force type SUN GLASSES FISH HOOKS -- card of 6 with leader 9$ card 2 for 15c FISH LINE -- Monafiiament spinning line -- 100 yard spools - 29$ an FLIES AND FISH HOOKS 49$ doz. good Selection WHEEL BARROW -- 1095 ---1- .79 SADDLES ---39.- 95 and up "l" t" l i ass&sssM U & ' . A V" - j s LOOMED BY LEES FOR BEAUTY, USTING WEAR, EASY CARE... v 46 Wtawfiel a new one of .. those heavenly carpets by LEES' PILE OF DUPONT 501 NYLON 15 luscious, duotone colors amazingly long wearing f)nw highly soil resistant easy to clean most stains wipe away in seconds COQR r Sis meeting with school and civic groujis to gain confidence and experience necessary for a good representation of Juab High School at the Model U. N. assembly. Members and delegates from Juab High School to attend the Model U. N. at the University are: delegates, Roland Nebek-e- r, Carolyn Paystrup, Mike Paxman, Earl Andrews and Linda Taylor. Photographer for the assembly will be Leon Winters. Secretary and reporter will be Nyra Stanley. Observers to the proceedings, Margie Memmott, Cathy Kendall, Janet Brough and Rex Anderson. Jim Jensen will attend the Colliquim the day before to discuss the business of the next two days to be taken up. o.i April 27 and 28 to participate in the Model United Nations Assembly. This assembly Announcement has been made by the Juab Stake Presi- is patterned after the United de ncy of the quarterly priest- Nations held in New Yotk with 104 member nations participat- Orme. UP ARROW and PLEASURE KING o 3.95 SPORT SHIRTS-2.- 95 From the JUS CLARION Uniter the duection of James M. Anderson, sxual science teacher, a group of students from Juab High School will meet at the University of Utah . A meeting of real importwill be held at 8 p m. on Wedance to parents and teacherse nesday. May 2nd in the Juub It High School auditorium. wdl culminate an effort of the Juab Junior and Senior High School Parent-Teacher- s organREPORTS ization to gather parent opirv Ion on several questions per taming to students, parents, and teachers. The purpose of this effort is to provide a way to clear away between parents differences and teachers; to stimulate parents to become better Informed concerning school affairs; and to offer parent cooperation and suggestions for the benefit of students. Committees have been appointed to carry on a parent opinion poll based on questions in the six different areas of study. The six subjects being considered, and the respective chairman of each, are: Junior high activities, Mrs Harold Jones; honesty, Mrs. abunexcused Ostler; Ferry sences, Mrs. Vaughn Paxman; parent - teacher conferences, Mrs. Dick Wetherell; individuMrs. Dwane Tidwell and al recognition, Mrs. Wallace daughter Tammy visited in Garrett: guidance counseling, Moroni on Monday with her Mrs. Lee Boswell. Anyone interested in disparents, Mr. and Mrs. Forris or expresing an opincussing Blackburn, and with her grand or all of these submother, Mrs. Neils Johansen. ion on any jects is invited to contact the Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kelsey and chairmen noted above. tv.o children of Deeth, Nevada M. Clark Newell, Principal, spent the week end with her states that the school officials parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burt appreciate the support of the P. T. A. and have relied heavMorgan. ily upon their cooperation and Mr. and Mrs. Burt Morgan suggestion. Schools progress were in Goshen on Saturday best, he says, when parents evening to attend the wedding have a healthy interest in them, reception of their niece, Nancy and a just concern for the needs of their children Morgan. , Juab High Group Awaits Model U. tyake Heads Announce Announce rs 19, sq. yd PAY BY THE MONTH |