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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utah NEPHI ITEMS Todd of Sandy. Gordon Lunt and Miss IXmis Ju Meson of Salt Lake City. Mrs. William Bassett u visMr, ami Mrs. H. E. White iting in Nephi with hop son in law and daughter, Mr, and of Ilickncll, Utah visited last Mrs IWtoy Larson this uook week with Mr. Bnd Mrs. H while Mr. Ilavsett Is in the Fay-so- n E. Black and Miss Alicia Read Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Rue Golden City on Jeff Lunt spent last wank vis, ted in Salt in Sandy with his unelo and Friday with her brother in law aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Pan! Lunt. and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hansen. Sunday d.nner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lunt were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lunt and son Patient List Hospital admitted patients at the Juab County Hospital at Nephi. according to the list Recently released Wednesday hos the by pital authorities, include following: Fred Painter, Nephi Dixie Stevens, Mammoth Arvel Clair Dalton, Fountain Gi eon Mrs. Morris Thorpe, Nephi (deceased) James Harold Simonson, Nina Jean Simonson, and James Harold Simonson Jr., all of Long Beach, California. Mre. Aden Johnson, Moroni Linda Jean Bailey, daughter of Mr. and Mr.s Ivan Bailey, Fountain Green. Mrs. Sylvia Peters, Nephi Ove Lund, Fountain Green Mrs. Maurice Chapman, Nephi. Samuel Nielsen, Nephi Todd Hore, son of Mr. and Mrs Jack Hore, Payson Kathy Marie Jensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Jensen, Spanish Fork. Ladd White, Nephi . (wtftfcOi6mi LIQUID SHAMPOO REGULAR $00 SIZE A Featured at Your Local Retailer with the -- PEXGO Label 14 daughter was bom April at the Juab County Hospit- al to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Peel of Mt. Pleasant. Grandparents are John H. Peel of ML Pleasant and Mr. and Mrs. I,pgtpr J. Hansen of Ephraim. elje Garden Club Members Enjoy Meeting McPherson Cimca-iV'clu- Thursday, April G Home The Nephi Garden Club met on April 16 at the home of Mrs. Roy McPherson. The garden prayer was read by Mrs. McPherson. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Lula Memmott. President Elizabeth Black Mrs. conducted the meeting. Mayme Pay led in a discussion of using cold frames and the early care of plants in spring. Mrs. Effie Scott talked on sprays for pests and noxious weeds, and also gave a report of her visit to Salt Lake City and to the flower festival. She took pictures of flower arrangements there and they were shown by Roy Bowles, who also showed pictures taken at Marine Land and Disney Land. Mra. Black presented each member with a book containing the club program for the year, which she had made and decorated. Light refreshments were served to 20 members by Mrs. McPherson, hostess. Elsie Sidwell and Mayme Pay. Fillmore Couple Tells Plans for Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Fillmore Peterson announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Glenda Mae to Morgan Warner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Warner of Nephi. The marriage ceremony will take place in the Manti LDS Temple on Saturday, April 28, 1962. Both young people are grad- - j Millard High School at Fillmore. Miss Pet erson is attending a beauty college in Shit- Lake City, and Mr. Warner is employed by Sperry Rand Company, also in Salt Lake City. The bride's parents will honor the newlyweds at a reception that evening in the Millard Stake House, at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson extend an invitation to everyone to Assistance at Garbage Area Cooperation of the general public in preventing an unsanitary condition at the Nephi City dumping area is asked by Mayor Dwane Tidwell as reports and investigation show that dumping of rubbish, and of dead animals has been made permiscuously throughout the area. The Lady Lions met Thursday evening, April 12 ti honor the g officers, Louise Taylor, Roba Mangel-so- u and Pauline Mangelson. A program was given in their behalf, Refreshments were serv-e- l and a gift was presented to each of the retiring officers by President Anna Shepherd. Those present were Mary Lou Edna Dalby, Verna Gardner, Hansen. Virginia Howard, Bessie Jackman, Irene Mangelson, Riba Mangelson, Vivian Mangelson, Bessie Paystrup, Anna Shepherd, Gertrude Shepherd, Florene Stephensen, Taylor, Cora Wankir, Marie Wood, Louise Taylor and Pauline Mangelson. n out-goin- DISHWASHER tetter Cleans. Filter-Strea- m tenson. Sunday dmnor guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson wore Mr. and Mrs. Devon Stephenson and three daughters of Moroni. TO EVERY PRESCRIPTION WE ADD . . , Mrs. Edna Sherwmxl, Mrs. Nola Christensen, Mrs. Marlene Bowers and Mrs. Stanley Sherwood were in Goshen on Sunday evening, April 8, for the missionary farewell for Stephen Mellor, grandson of Mrs. Edna Sherwood. Elder Mellor has been called to the Great Lakes mission. They also Mi-s- . Ruth Ilodson and son of visited with other daughters Sandy spent Thursday and Fri- and sister: Mrs. Richard Spenday with her parents, Mr. and cer. Mrs. Paul Foote, Mrs. Ronald Brown and Mrs. Paul MelMs. Woodrow Board. lor N. Leon Larsen of Gunnison is visiting with his son in law Mr. and Mre. J. E. Bcndixen and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Ramona Hoyt and! LaMar Winter. family visited in Payson with Mr. and Mr.s Warren IJendix-e- n Mrs. Gerald Carter and son on Sunday. Karl and daughter Connie visited in Moab on Monday of last Mr. and Mrs. Erhardt Ben-dixweek. visited recently in Ogden with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mr. of home the at Visiting Wade. Mrs. Bcndixen remainand Mrs. H. Ray Francom ed for a weeks visit and was were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Franhome by Mr. and com and daughter of Spring-vill- e accompanied Mrs. Keith Bendixen on Satur-- , on Wednesday, Mr. and day, April 14. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Gary Norton and baby John Sorensen and family of on and Mr. of Provo Saturday, Pleasant Grove were Saturday and Mrs. Glen Francom and and Bon- visitors Sunday three children of Kaysville on dixen home here. at the and Saturday Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Kirgan of Salt Lake City visited on Monday and Tuesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Kendall. Please dump your trash in designated areas, the Mayor requests, so that employees can properly cover and burn all refuse from time to time to prevent an unsanitary condition from further developing. A large trench is being provided for the disposal of dead animals and fowls, and those so disposing of animals are asked to cover the carcass writh dirt. Weekly, on Fridays, City equipment will be used to push a greater amount of dirt over the carcasses to properly bury theb, Mr. Tidwell explained. Laws of the State of Utah make it a misdeameanor to dump rubbish or trash in any place except a designated area. You are expected to use this area in a manner which complies w'ith the State and City health regulations, according to a letter received this week from Harold I. Hansen, State Board of Health representative for this area. Your city needs your cooperation in order to properly maintain the city dumping Mayor Tidwell statgrounds Mrs. Edna Peterson spent More important, is to ed. prevent a serious sanitation the week end in Midvale with problem which could affect all Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Peterson and family. in the community", INTEGRITY .4D-- & You can depend on our pharmacists to give you the highest quality of "ust what the doctor ordered" Depend on us whenever you want the best medicines, drugs and Sunudrie. Buy where your health is the FIRST concern. in en PHONE 623-156- 48 South Main Street 8 FOOD VALUES WHOLE OR BUTT a L i r r Si1"'' , yt HALF v ' & V j JtJ Fort Wall Camp Meets B or rinsing, simply remove No tedious leftovers and bones, load the dishwasher, select the proper cycle and dishes are done automatically ! Rolls to the table for loading ; take it with Tmk. you if you move. No costly installation. pre-scrapi- JACK'S The Fort Wall Camp of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers held their regular meeting at STEEL IGLOO fallout shelter, more roomy than corrugated pipe the home of Mrs. Stella Olpin .type for about $175 from shelters of steel, could be Table Rile 13. The on April opening praysections available in department stores, building prefabricated er was given by Chaplin Alligee supply outlets and mail order firms. Details may be obtained from Grade A Anderson. Minutes of the precivil defense offices supplied with the "Family Shelter Designs" vious meeting were read by free booklet of the Defense Departments Office of Civil Defense.! Secretary Pearl Belliston. The history of John Green-lea- f Holman was read by Mrs. Olpin, and the lesson Pioneer Markers and Monuments was given by Kate Ingram. Light refreshments were served to 18 members by the hostesses, Mrs. Olpin, Vivian Paxman, Mrs. Belliston and Hazel Bosh. Yellow crip quilt on FOR SALE LOST Brick home 2 bedrooms. Mary Scott won the attend- Thursday evening. Please call Full , basement ance prize; Reward for return. partly finished. Excellent locSmall child has attachment for ation at 53 South First East 1 See by appointment. Call quilt. or for information call or write Art Jensen, 110 South Rexall lc 3rd West, Spanish Fork. Tel ITS COMING Sale Starts April 26. Watch 3tich CANNED for handbills. TURKEYS FTP REFRIGERATION APPLIANCE EWS UALKERS FRANKS2 623-037- 6. 623-133- m$ 798-677- 1. - -- Easter Buy! 3 yards 1 .00 HEALTHKNIT PLAYCLOTHES Shirts - Shorts - Cardigans - Sizes to 6 - Values to 1.98 NOW ONLY 99c 1 New Shipment of 70 RODEO JEANS More Wear 2 for 5.00 STRING O POPS - flavor Lollipops 0g NEW LIGHTWEIGHT FLANNELS Delightful Prints 4 yards for 1 ,Q0 PLAYPET PLAY CLOTHES Color Coordinated and CINDERELLA DRESSES Bright! Springy! HI 1.00 10 GOLDEN RIPE C DRINKS 89c NEW 3 E NAPKINS 429 RED 10s POTATOES 754-391- 3. 623-082- 4. IGA OVEN FRESH IGA TABLERITE 623-027- STRAWBERRIES I YOUR PURCHASE MONEY BACK! mi pwetww b fy lry mmm 4 ti m4 FOR SALE Home in Le2 bedrooms, full basevan. ment. Furnace $4500.00. Contact Mrs. Clyde Kay after 5 p.m. Phone 1 AM aw by Mid dm kf IGA f b pmnm a mm Ned Johnson, Johnsons GA, 56 F.aat Center St Vephi. Utah 14 0 COCA COLA BUTTER LB 69c 6 e! - or SPRITE sra 43c 39c EACH IGA FANCY FRUIT 5f303 cansC)gc EASTER CANDY -- FRESH NEW GREEN PEAS - - - CUCUMBERS Prices Effective Thursday, Friday and Saturday! FREE GOLD STRIKE Quantities Limited! NEW LOW PRICES! ...for the JLlody who pushes Y NOW for graduation. Watches! Transistor Radios! Hair Dryers at Nephi LAY-A-WA- OZ COCKTAIL 623-184- 0. f the cartl Y Jewelry. rtf - 623-037- 5. 465-233- 8. e pk9 DILL it WASHCLOTHS - - Beautiful Colors for 66C JUST IN - BEAUTIFUL COTTONS 894 lb bag Oven Fresh Burger cr Dog' O LI VESP,ED 4:11.00 IGA FROZEN FOODS -OPICKLES 3 qh 1.00 RANGE JUICE 7 1.00 2 for 99c POP 12 1.00 T.V. DINNERS STRAWBERRIES 5 for 95e PORK & BEANS 623-028- 5. SPECIAL EASTER BUYS Regular to 49c yard IGA FOR SALE Lumber house SALE 14 x 20 ft.; Pasture for rent; convenient location to schools, old hens for Sale at churches and business area 50c. Phone for 300 cans C. modern throughout. Elden Sherwood. WHITE EGGS for Easter 3 dozen for $1.00. LaMont 6c2ns FOR SALE Pansies, Vio- McPherson, 98 West 8th North Doronium, las, Delphinium, FRUIT PUNCH Nephi. Phone ORANGE for Perennial Asters, Creeping PINEAPPLE-ORANGof Basket Phlox, Aubretia, HELP WANTED Gold. Roses All No. 1 and Yqung patented. Roy V. Olsen Nur- man with some book keeping Zee PAPER pkg sery, 212 South Center, Santa experience, to work as parts man and book, Phone Permankeeper. quin. ent employment. Contact Elmo Wilson, 456 South Main St. AVOID PAINFUL SUN- Payson. Phone 3tip BURN. We have a large seLotions!!! lection of Sun Tan Robert Hall Pharmacy. SUMMER PASTURE FOR CATTLE to lease See C. H. or Kenner phone Carpets come clean quickly when Blue Lustre is applied with FREE USE Shampooer, Take your wife to a nice dinner-dancChapman Furniture Co. Reserve April 28 for an outstanding affair! SOLID APARTMENT FOR RENT PACK S rooms, heated. Ray D. DO YOU HAVE GAS?? 87 West 6th North, Tolley, Then see your doctor! 7 Phone DO YOU NEED GAS? Shop Early for Best Selections of Then try DINO and get Russell Stover Easter Can- perfect power plus Gold Strike dies, 75c and up at Robert Stamps. Jenkins Sales and CORN-ON-THE-CHall Pharmacy. OB Service, 805 North Main, MY HOME FOR t ! KENS 87c lb I EAR S HAMS TOMS 35c lb I Whole or Half CHUCK WAGON & Nephi, Utah MORRELL PRIDE washing Model Page Five SUBSCRIBE Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Christenson and family of Salt Lake City were week end guests of h.s mother, Mrs. Grace Chris- uates of the PORTABLE 1962 DON'T BORROW City Requests Levan Local, Social News at 19, Your old watch may not be much good, but its always worth something as a trade-i- n on a new Bulova! $5.00 to $20 00 trade in value on a new watch at Nephi Jewelry. 13 t urmitnssa 56 EAST CENTER STREET NEPHI CUSTOM CUTTING Phone WRAPPING 623-113- 1 FREEZING |