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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utah JjC NEPHI Nephi Lady Lions Enjoy Meeting SOCIAL ITEMS at Kelson Cafe Recently The Nephi Lady Lions met Thursday night at Kel son Cate. Mrs. Richard Wet here!!, club president conducted. Mrs. Dean Winn and Mrs. K. C. Sherwood were hostesses and the tables were decorated with Easter decorations. The program was given by students of the Juab Highi School who had participated in the recent speech meets at Richfield and Provo. Numbers consisted of a humorous reading by Earl Andrews; a pantomime by Ranae ELlertson, Christine W'inn and Kathy Broadhead; a humorous reading by Cherry Orme, and a dramatic reading by Patricia Orme. Fourteen club members were present. V' Mrs. Ikm Gadd visited in Fountain Green with her mother, Mrs. Lugene Allred, on Thursday. Marcus Garrett of Iiyton and Michael Garrett of Ogden spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Garrett. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Goble of Magna were week end guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ) A V Lloyd CJoble. ) rVj. SimCO'&fiUG Thursday, April 19, 1992 Eradication of White Top Is Goal Set For Twentieth Century Club Meeting By Weed Control Group The Twentieth Century Club met Wednesday, April 11 at the Juab High School Library at 8 pun. 'Die program was given by the Juab High School Model U. N. delegation under the direction of James M. Anderson, faculty instructor. The advisor of the group was Jam- - The cooieration of everyone Is requested by the County Weed Committee in eradicatAt the last ing white top, meeting of the weed committee ail of the area in Juab Valley from the Salt Creek drainage south was designated for a concentrated eradication program All farmers and this year. home owners within this area are urged to participate. p areas Whitetop on should be sprayed with four pounds Amitrol (actual) per acre during the bud to early bloom stage. The goal of the weed com ( mittee is to have all white-li- p in the designated area I sprayed this year The State Agricultural Inspector will as gist the weed committee by an forcement if necessary. One of the big jobs of this project will be to locate and plot all whitetop in this area. Everyones cooperation Is solicited in reporting to a member of the weed committee any known whitetop patches. This includes, whitetop on roadsides, along fences and ditches, In vacant lots, back lots, fields i, etc. With cooperation, whitetop can be eliminated from the area. in them during high school days. W'hen his diploma was handed him, he could hardly wait for fall and the Y. Here again sports became his first love, and he carried the ball many times for his school. Following graduation from the "Y he coached at Vernal, Utah. This was followed by service to his country via the army. Uncle Sam found him to be a fine example of manhood in sportsmanship to, and leadership of his fellow men. September 8, 1948, found his thoughts were elsewhere than sports, for it was on that day he married Marjorie Musig of St. George in the Manti Temple. They are the parents of four sons and one daughter. Basketball and track have always been close to him and his success as a coach and as a teacher can easily be measured by the love and admiration that the boys and girls of Juab have for him. He always has stood for good clean and achievesportsmanship ment; and because he wants to help outstanding boys go forward, he has joined with his family in the yearly presentation of the Greenhalgh Award to worthy athletes. For four years he was senior class advisor and under his guidance many fine projects were accomplished toy graduating classes. Currently he is serving In the capacity as advisor to the student council of Juab High SchooL Again, his leadership ability is felt. Student-body officers working under his direction have accomplished much. Hats off to a superior teacher and coach Mr. R. Clark Greenhalgh. non-cro- NEWS NOTES . LEGAL NOTICES all-da- ts BOWLING RESULTS es Jensen and various countries were represented as U. S. S. R., Roland Neb-ekeU. S., Michael Paxman and Clifton Warner; Cuba, Earl Andrews; Peru, Marjorie Memmott; India, Nyra Stanley; Japan, Carolyn Paystrup. Resolutions were proposed by Cuba and amendments proposed by Japan. Following the demonstration by the delegation, club business was taken up, and the club treasurers report was given. Fourteen club members were in attendance. s: PAINT r; WATCH BAND? WALLET? CLOCK? NEED A COLORS that go with anything in your home ; (including your budget) TRY NEPHI JEWELRY FIRST!! BE II NETTS Ccfouzei' LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED PAINTS The season's newest, freshest We have a complete stock of lawn mower parts and tires. BICYCLES REPAIRED! colors to brighten any room In your home. Come in and see this year's lovely pastels ... bright accent colors . . . muted tones ... in our Colorizer album of 1,322 paint colors We also have a complete stock of bicycle tires and parts including 2 and 3 speed gear parts, and parts for the new automatic trans- they're budget priced! missionSMALL ENGINE SERVICE We are the factory auth- orized service outlet for Briggs and Stratton, Clinton and Lawn Boy engines. SEE YOUR NEAREST For pickup and delivery, call Hardware in Nephi or Vems Store in Levan. BENNETTS SAMS SHOP DEALER 4-- D Utah Gunnison, m Look for the Bennett's Sign -- er HELP US FIND HOUSING FOR NEW NEPHITES you have a houe for rent or for sale, please complete the form below and mail it to the Nephi Chamber of Commerce Housing Committee, 96 South Main, Nephi. We will transfer the information to a file card, and also make a list available for prospective occupants. WITH THE NEW mortgage money available to residents of our area, requests also are being received for buildings lot and farming lands. Material at the bottom of the form can be used for these purposes. Potent Pickup job-decid- Phone No. of rooms Room Basement: grain HEAT: Coal furnace with stoker Give alfalfa a chanoel heaters SPRAT WITH Kitchen: 4 ... Save olean hay I olean seeds, tool cultivating. ; Dining Room ; Rooms finished in Finished ; ; Air conditioning Wired for electric range ; Garden space: O; ; Water softener If not, owner will Use AHCEEHs DICK'S SERVICE, INC. 875 South Main EES TOUR LOCAL DEALER &ICHEH PRODUCTS AR2 DISTRIBUTED BT WASATCH CHEMICAL CX'PAST Gas furnace x .... , ft. Phone 623-010- 2 Nephi, Utah INTERNA TIONAL' TRUCKS worlds most complete line Key is available Water heated by wire for range if desired by enter. Draperies furnished . Appliances Corral space fo livestock andor furniture, andor floor . front ft. by Located between FARMING LAND General location yy J, ; .'. t BUILDING LOT FOR SALE ; Room circulating ; coverings funished with house BUTYRAC ESTER ft. Carport Garage Baths. Bedrooms; ft.; irrigation water with propety x ; Living basement Owner will provide necessary installations for gas appliances. LIVING ROOM x. ; ft; Carpeted -- approximately $ ; Oil furnace.... ; Monthly second floor; Kitchen on main floor; ; Utility Room your alfalfa underseeded with small PROTECT Have includes . FOR RENT FOR SALE Mr. Farmer . . . Foot Model U. N. Delegation Gives Program Mrs. Gilbert Bailey returned home Sunday after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Jorgensen and In Ogden with Mr. and Mrs. Mont Bailey. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Jorgensen and they attended the Linda Powell Floyd Brienholt Art Showing In Provo. Linda Powell Mamed Mr. and Mrs. Dean Jensen Clarion Staff's of Moroni and Mrs. Luella Mlkkelson of Fountain Green Student for April visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ned Barnes on Sunday. Sunday visitors of Mrs. Flor 1 once Real were her sister, Mrs From the J1IS CLARION Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Larsen Mrs. Roy Blackett and Mr. and The Clarion staff has select and David Larsen of Boise, Mrs. Phillo Searle and child week end guests of ren of Kearns, and Mrs. Shir-len- e ed a Sophomore as outstanding Idaho were 1 Ervin and daughter of student for April Linda Marie Mr. and Mrs. Keith Worthing-ton. They were enroute home Powell. Cheyenne. Wyoming. When she was four years of from the East Central States w Mr. and Mrs. Jack Green age she was in Provo with mission where David Larsen two the the served years past her mother and grandmother. has halgh of Cedar City spent R. Clark Greenhalgh week end with Mr. and Mrs She followed another woman as a missionary. Ronald Greenhalgh. (who she thought was her Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Bowers Outstanding Guidance mother) out of a store. When and daughter Brenda of Payson she discovered that the woman Mr. and Mr. Mrs. Burnell Gowers with was not her mother, she had visited onA. Sunday spent Saturday in Salt Lake Brings Honor to J. Bowers. wandered about one block. A and Mrs. City visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bowers friendly man saw her crying Burns. and took her to the police stati- and daughter Kathy of Engle- Gary Mr. Greenhalgh on. Her mother, discovering wood, California are visiting Mrs. Leroy Larsen and childthat Linda was not with her with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bow- ren spent two days of last From the JHS CLARION week in Delta with her pargrandmother, started for the ers this week, are many nice towns There Linda found and ents. Mr. and Mrs. William IN THE DISTRICT COCKT police station, in Utah. Mrs. Catherin Bowles at- Bassett. Any one of them y OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL there calmly eating an could have been the birth place tended the recent general conDISTRICT IN AND FOR sucker. of the Clarions April teacher One of the high-lighof her ference in Salt Lake City and JUAB COUNTY, STATE OF Mr. of the month. But he chose to with Bountiful in visited 12 w'hen was life was she UTAH years be bom in Nephi. On the 7th old. She and two of her friends, and Mrs. Robert Barker and of December, 1925, Mr. and Jensen and Linda In- in Provo with Mr. and Mrs. J. Marjorie Mrs. Joseph H. Greenhalgh A DUANE SPERRY and GAE gram were in Salt Lake City J. Keeler. were blessed with a lively D. SPERRY, as joint tenants during April conference and Dr. and Mrs. H. Dean Bowlwith the right of survivorship, they had the opportunity of young son. were recent guests es of Plaintiffs, Young R. Clark as he was shaking hands with President of Mr.Logan A. Roy BowlMrs. and vs. David O. McKay and several es. named, grew to manhood right Team standings in the Tri They were enroute to DON R. CORAY and JANE other general authorities. Their here in Nephi. Very early in to make California City league Bowling following Compton, DOE CORAY, whose true picture appeared in the Salt the games of Wednesday even life the love of sports was name is unknown, his wife, and Lake Tribune. Linda was shak- their home. manifested and he participated ing, April 11th W. M. EDMISTON and JANE ing hands with President McMr. and Mrs. James Golden Team Won true whose DOE EDMISTON, Kay in the picture. of Provo were Sunday guests Sherms 22 name is unknown, his wife, if She has have five years of of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Brough Pexton Wholesale ....15 II work and served as nat- In Nephi. living, and their unknown perAnderson Sinclair ..15 sonal representatives, heirs, ure study director last year. 15 How-ai- d Rays Cafe Mrs. week Last Earl creditors atLinda and Cherry Orme devisees, legatees, 11 ..13 Service Jacks Mrs. and visited with Mr. and if and assigns, deceased; tended. the State Fair last sufn-b11 13 Dist Daves in and all other persons unknown, Boyd Coombs Granger, and gave a demonstration. 11 13 Texaco claiming any right, title, estate They were awarded a blue rib- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Park in Rays 14 .10 Lawton. She was accompanied Nephi Pack or interest in or lien upon the bon. 14 Greenwood Service.. 10 Mr. home Mrs. and Park real property described in the by Linda enjoys music and plays Famlee Bread 15 ..9 and remained for the to the adverse they complaint the piano and sings. She had 16 Meadow Gold 8 plaintiffs ownership, or cloud- a leading part in the sixth week end. 19 5 Motor Painter ing plaintiffs title thereto, grade operetta. This year she Mr. and Mrs. Max Howard Defendants. had the leading part as Tam- of Provo visited at the home High Team Series: 2949 Anderson Sinclair my" in the high school oper of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. etta. She also served as stud Theodore Howard on SUMMONS Team game; High Sunday. . ent director in the high school Civil No. 4099 1042 Rays Cafe Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Haake play. and four children and Mrs. High Individual series: She is very enthusiastic and Paul Johnson and five childTHE STATE OF UTAH TO Joseph H. Skip Bedson 546 lively and has a friendly smile ren of Salt Lake City were ABOVE NAMED DEFEN(Rays Texaco) for everyone. She is working Sunday dinner DANTS: of Mr. High individual game: guests Chamber of Commerce You are hereby summoned on the Clarion staff as copy and Mrs. George Howarth. Joseph H. Skip Bedson 202 Nephi editor. In addition to all of this and required to serve upon Mrs. Walt Sund (Edna James P. McCune, attorney for activity, she does outstanding says: the plaintiffs, whose address school work and maintains a Smith) of Butte, Montana was CARD OF THANKS Is 53 North Main Street, Ne- grade point average of about a guest of Mrs. Leo Ingram for We are grateful for the many three days of last week. phi, Utah, an aflswer to the 3.50. acts of kindness and words of We salute Linda as Powell complaint within twenty days Mrs. Marsha Hone and sympathy in our behalf followafter service of this summons the outstanding student for ing the death of our mother. of Lake Salt Shelly daughter upon you. If you fail so to do, April. were week end guests of Especially are we appreciative City judgment by default will be her parents, Mr. and Mrs. of the Bishopric and Relief taken against you for the re Society of the Nephi Second Jenkins. Floyd lief demanded in said com- Dance Band Organizes; Ward for their services, and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Foote for all who in any way assisted plaint which has been filed with the clerk of said court, visited at Dugway with Mr. in the services. Includes Repertoire and a copy of which is hereto and Mrs. Chester L. Foote on The Family of Mrs. annexed and herewith served "Waltzes to Twist" Francis Orme Saturday and Sunday. upon you. Thi sis an action to quiet the From the JHS CLARION title of the plaintiffs to the A new dance band called the new note of NEW JOBS in Nephi are sounding decribed real following propSix has been orWaspette the . . rew situate in Juab County ganized under the direction of agreement at the Nephi erty prosperity State of Utah, to wit: K. H. Porter of Inc., is giving new Company, Mr. Royden Hill. They have plant stabilization to our community and area . . . and folks set a price of $34.00 and up All of Lot 3, Block 10, The Nephi for an evening of good music. are looking for new and better homes. Plat D" of the Nephi Powered by the only truck V-- 8 in the The members of this orch Townsite Survey. Chamber of Commerce will endeavor to locate suitable light-dut- y estra are Steven Ludlow, trumclass, these new pickups housing for those desiring to make Nephi their home DATED this 26th day of pet; Mr. Hill, trombone; Bradthose desiring to move to a better home than and from 1962. International are the only ones March, ley Brough, alto saxaphone now occupy . . but WE NEED YOUR HELP. If JAMES P. McGUNE, Clyde Gowers, tenor saxathey ed frames and front ends. offering Attorney for Plaintiffs phone; Michael Morgan, drums 53 North Main Street and Carolee Pay or Nyra StanBox section frame and independent Nephi, Utah ley at the piano. torsion-ba- r Address of Plaintiffs: The "Waspette Six have front suspension for light loads. 802 East 1st South been practicing regularly and Owner'! Name A channel frame with front axle have learned Nephi, Utah dance tunes from waltz rhythms to the and leaf springs for heavier duty. Get all Owner's Address Dates of publication: March 29, "twist. Now they are ready 12 In and The 5, to play for the school dances 19, 1962, April the facts from us. House Location Times-New- s, at a very reasonable price. Nephi, Utah. V Pag Approximate purchase price, per ecre : ft-- feeing Street and Streets. Sale price Acres; Amountof Irrigation water with land shares. |