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Show Nephi, Juab County, Utah G;Jjc NEPHI NEWS BRIEFS Mrs. Roy Grecnhalgh accompanied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter lleelis and daught-e- r June of Santnquin to Salt Lake City on Saturday where they visited with Mrs. Phil J. Bradley on her birthday anniversary. She is a sister of Mrs. Greenhalgh. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Goble were Saturday overnight guests Mr. and Mrs. Clarence oi Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen accompanied the Gobles back to Salt City where they with Ed. Hansen of Fountain Green at the Yeter-an- s Hospital. Clareace and Ed. Hansen are brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Long visited Orem visited on Sunday morning at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Hansen. of to Zions National Park, Las Vegas, Nevada and Sodonia, Arizona. They returned by way of Oak Creek Canyon and Grande Canyon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott visited In Provo with their daughter, Mrs. Keith Aston, on Monday. Dwane Tidwell and daughter Tammy visited In Mr. and Mrs. Milton T.Har-rrio- n Moroni on Monday with her of Salt Lake City were parents, Mr. and Mrs. Form week end guests of Mr. and Blackburn, and with her grand Mrs. M. L. Harmon. mother, Mrs. Neils Johansen. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Reid Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kelsey and recently returned from a trip two children of Deeth, Nevada spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Morgan. AT YOUR LOCAL MARKET WITH THE PEXCO LABEL Mr. and Mrs. Neldun Jolley of Payson were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Pris-bne- y. The family of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Gadd visited them on Sunday on the occasion of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Gadd. Those spending the day here Included Mi's. Ralph P. Frandsen (Marjorie) and three children and Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gadd and three children, all of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mi's. V. E. Gadd and Mr. and Mrs. J. Hal Gadd and son of Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Gadd, Mr. and Mrs. Demar Gadd and children of Nephi; Mr. and Mrs. James Allred and children of Fountain Green. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Raswere in Goshen on Saturday mussen and family of Salt I,ake evening to attend the wedding City visited with Mr. and Mrs. reception of their niece, Nancy Amos Rasmussen on Sunday. Morgan. Terrel Moore, who Is statRodney Schramm of Payson ioned at Fort Ord with the U. is spending this week with his S. Army, is visiting with- - his Mr. and Mrs. parents at Spring Lake while grandparents, Clark Morgan. on furlough. He visited Monday with his grandmother, Mi's. Mr. and Mrs. David Seat of Leonard Pay in Nephi. Tooele spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mi's. Wallace Mrs. Dan Kay and son Rex Park. of Goshen visited on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Week end guests of Mr. and with herA. parents, Warner. Mrs. Harold Warner were Mr. James and Mrs. Von Ray Warner and Mr. and Mrs. Ned WorthingMiss Carolyn Warner of Salt ton Of Gunnison visited with Mem-mott Lake City, Mrs. May P. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hen and Mr. and Mrs. Nord Memmott and two sons of Scip-i, o. - , r j ry Worthington on Sunday. They also attended Sacrament meeting to hear the mission report of Klder Don Worthington. Leaders Party Honors Several Veteran Club Leaders 4-- H Charles Van Wagner and three children of California The annual leaders arc visiting with Mr. and Mrs. was hold Monday, April Party J. A. Burton. 16. Joyce Pay, president of the Council was In charge. The Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Butler t of the evening was and Paul M. Christ iron of Richfield attended funeral services carried out similar to the bemooting. Singrecently in Salt Lake City for ginning of a Mrs. Lydia Johnson, mother of ing was It'd by Helen Pay with Linda Powell at the piano. RusMrs. John P. Christ ison. sell Jackson, leader of a dairy club, gave the Emily MeOave, Carol Linda and beef Track and Iirraine Nez Tsos-i- e ojiening prayer. Pledge of alwere accompanied by Mr. legiance to the flag was led by and Mrs. Fred J. Chapman to Zella Lunt and the pledge Ml. Pleasant and Fairvlew on was led by Gayle Wilkey. A Sunday where they gave talks musical stunt was led by Pam in Sacrament meetings. Cotton, a member of the Council, and Nyra Stanley. Shpt. and Mi's. Clyde C. Two demonstrations were were in Child Salt Lake City presented. Stairway to Beton Sunday to attend a mission- ter Buying of Fabrics" was ary farewell testimonial for given by Linda Powell and Melvin J. Marcroft. Elder Cherry Orme. A fly tying dem-- 1 Marcroft is a nephew of Supt. onstration by five girls was Child. conducted by Othel Pay. Each Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith of girl tied a different typo of Pay explained the Orem gave a family dinner m fly asof Mr. used and how materials types honor of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd the flies were made. Nan Pay. Garrett on her birthday an- Ann Paula Garrett, Sparks, All of members the niversary. Glenna Sparks and Brenda Pay Garrett family were guests. participated. Mrs. Eva Hoyt and son KenCounty Agent Lynn F.splln neth attended the Golden Wedding open house for Dr. and talked on what it meant to leader. be a Mrs. Edward Thorpe on Sunday afternoon in Ephraim. Leaders, upon completion of five years of service are eligible to receive a silver clover pin. The four leaf clover Is the symbol. Leaders receiving pins this year are Lila Stanley and Mabel Kay of Mona; Ruth Chapman, Florence Kendall, Jessie Sudweeks, Zella Lunt Ruth Wetherell, and Ava Christensen of Nephi; and Mrs. David Bagley of CalMi'S. 4-- fort-par- 4-- 4-- H 4-- 4-- Track, Tennis, Baseball Take Spring Spotlight ASSORTED COOKIES - -- 19c Supreme -- lOozpkg 18c NEHI BEVERAGES 6 bottles 29 HERSHEY BARS -- GIANT -- 3 for 1.00 CLOVER CLUB POTATO CHIPS 39 1 lb tin 66c COFFEE - - HILLS or MJB IN OUR FROZEN DEPT. COD FISH FILLET- - - - 1 LB PKG - 43 2 cans 37c WELCH GRAPE JUICE 2 pkgs 29 PEAS & CARROTS SWIFTS ICE CREAM -- Square half gallon 83 and! PINT OF SHERBET FREE IN OUR MARKET ' Halves - -- per pound BAR S HAMS BAR S WEINIE- S- 1 LB PKGS-- 53 per pound 49c PURITAN BOLONEY --- 89 PH0HE 623-03- 50 -- COMPLETE PROCESSING OF BEEF PORK AND LAM3 - ct UTAH MINING ASSOCIATION "From the earth comes an abundant Ufa for all" Have Your Car Inspected How at PARK CONOCO Boyd Park, Manager Main & , Center t Nephi, Ufah Brake Service Qualified Mechandic on Duty - Washing Lubrication Overhauls Engine Tuneup CONOCO gasoline, oil, and other products Consistent performance with 6 KT Year after year, more farmers are planting Northrop Kings KT 6. And heres why : KT 6 is a phenomenal hybrid. It has a tremendously wide area of adaptation, and does particularly well in our area. It has long, fastdrying ears with excellent shellout. It is medium-tal- l, leafy and very strong-stalke- Grows on practi- d. cally all soils. KT 6 has proved to be one of NKs workhorse hybrids. Its a corn you can count on. Order some today. - 2 packages 55c FLUFFO SHORTENING - - - 3 LB 77c Standby COVE OYSTERS 3 cans 1.00 Garden Brand CORN, PEAS, BEANS 7cansi00 PIERCES PORK & BEANS 300 2cans 27 MARSHMALLOWS their serves and slicing those Liferary Club Enjoys balls so their opponents wont Review of Book Three weeks ago it looked be able to hit them. The members of the tennis like a change would be needed Ladies Club memin, either the season or the team are Mike Paxman, Steve bers met Literary with Mrs. Marvin AnHarsport. We were ready to sug- Ludlow, Alan Dalby John Gowderson at her home Monday gest that baseball, tennis and per, Dick Boswell, Clyde Paul evening, April 9. Mrs. James H. ers, Johnson, Tommy track be played in the winter, Bert McPherson, Eagar reviewed the book "Inand basketball and wrestling Paystrup, be changed to the spring. The David Platt, Mike Stewart and side Europe Today by John Gunther. weather finally caught on, Tom Garfield. This is the second book writOn Tuesday, April 10 a two weeks and after though, ten was held here. match by Mr. Gunther with pracOur boys baseball of track, tennis and the same title. His first skill tically the matched their against in the gym the boys were able From the JHS CLARION Each Byproduct boon For years, no gold mines have operated In Utah, The Treasury price, $35 per ounce, fixed in 1934, has made gold mining increasingly uneconomic. Yet Utah Is second In gold production. 1961 output was 138,655 ounces, valued at $11,853,000. Gold, of copper and lead-zin- c mining, is important in keeping these Utah mines operative. 4-- H Closing prayer was by Bishop Kenneth Nyman. Grace Sparks and Othel Pay were chairmen for the party. Decoration committee was composed of Ruth Gardner, Ruth Wetherell and Maa Nyman. The refreshment committee consisted of Ava Christensen, Erma Barton, - and Florence KendalL Cello wrapped SUBSCRIBE 4-- kl RADISHES AND GREEN ONIONS CAULIFLOWER - DON'T BORROW 4-- lao. B AM AKi Page Three Thursday, April 19, 1962 SimcG-iVclu- G Payson team. Since all members of the tennis team are new this year they had to fight won his pretty hard. No-on- e watch, but they all gained valuable experience. Juab met Wasatch Academy on Wednesday and were defeated again. Some of the matches were very close, and they should be able to do better apiinst Manti on April 18. to go outside. The baseball team has been practicing regularly and it paid off in their first game with Manti. The Wasps beat the Templers 16-- led by the pitching of Russell Morgan and Myron Shepherd. On Tuesday, April 3, Juab again ended on the top end of the bat when they beat North Sanpete 8 to 5. The members of the baseball team are: Russell Morgan, Max Molyneux, Myron ShepPaul herd, - Clifton Warner, Boswell, Steven Ostler, Van Gardner, Hario Newton, Lee Nez, Steve Nyman, Happy White, Carl Howard, Cliff Howard, Bruce Beal, Mike Morgan, and Craig Tidwell. Coach Shell is trying for a top baseball team this year. TENNIS The tennis team is being coached by Mr. Clayton. They, too, have been practicing The boys are perfecting 5, . . IrARMERS ASSOCIATION 285 West Center -- Phone 623-031- 1 - Nephi TRACK The track team began the season with the Divie Invitational in St. George. Bruce Howard, Ron Newell, Jim Jensen, Marvin Mackey, Dennis Steele,- - Yard White, Dennis Truscott, and Kent Jarrett attended. Bruce Howard took second place in the mile and fourth place' in the half mile. Dennis Steele placed fifth in the high jump. Ron Newell qualified for the 100 yard dash finals when he ran it in 10.8 seconds. He hurt his shoulder, however, and was notable to participate. reg-ularl- y. High school seniors book Inside Europe" Was published in 1936 while "Inside Europe Today was published in 1961. In this second book Mr. Gunther tells of the many changes which have taken place in Europe since 1936. See your Branch Manager, Ross Garrett, at . BDSIIIESS IS BEG6II1G FOR V00 if you have secretarial training Last year, our placement department received approximately 6 requests for trained secretaries for each one we could fill. Thi year the number of requests has been over 75 greater than last years. WIDE CHOICE OF POSITIONS With Stevens Henager training, you have a wide choice of preferred secretarial positions awaiting you, such as in public relations, television, law offices, government, or banks. We have placed many of our students as secretaries at $300 or more a month while still in their teens. INQUIRE NOW FOR SUMMER AND FALL TERMS CLASSES DAY OR EVENING Secretarial Career Business Management Accounting General Business IBM Automation . Special career subjects: Nancy Taylor finishing (poise, makeup, etc.), typing. Speedwriting, Gregg shorthand. Card Punch, others. Sorority housing. a Ojiea. ZV44 Wh Centralized Traffic Control and data processing assures you prompt, efficient handling of your freight. When you take a trip, travel the restful, comfortable way on a modern Union Pacific Domeliner or Streamliner. Fine food, fine accommodations, no traffic strain or highway hazards. May we be of service to you? Consult your local depot agent or ticket offict for details. junior college ol business Sait Lake. JV So 7ihL.M E.M i. W. Stcvoa, Prw If youre a shipper, Union Pacifics vast network of electronic communications, BlvA &ac(1907 LX . This year include the Pacific Norfhwatt la youf travel plaits and St Century 21, the Seattle World's fail,,. A ari 21 Is Dcte&erjlsl, |