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Show Universal. WcrofilaLng Corp. 141 fAerpont A virtue Saltt Lake cityi Utah Today is Single tx-- t that many H ho Nephi, Juab County, Utah, Thursday, April 19, 1962 10c Volume 53, Number 16 Jaycees Name Anderson by the editor We Copy uw the terlfflo light and heard the explosion laat evening began wondering about that fall-oahrlter that had been thought of many time but never done anything about. hat explodPossibility that fragments of ed .high in the air Wednesday evening, will ba found in the mid-Jua- b County area are seen in reports during Wednesday that night highway pat rot officials have determined that the Forrest Anderson, local disapproximate place of the explosion was south of Eureka and tributor for the Sinclair Refin- north-weof Nephi. The approximate location has been ing Company, will be installed as president of the Nephi Jun- arrived at from directional reports fom Nephi, Delta and ior Chamber of Commerce at Eureka areas. a special installation party to be held Saturday evening at The great light at about 8:20 p.m. rtint-Mlanight Rays Cafe, according to an attracted the majority of residents of East Juab County announcement made this week and the radio reHrts indicate that the light was so high by Douglas Christiansen, puband so intense that It had been seen over a four-stalicity chairman for he organIntermountain area, and also as far east as Kansas. ization. Mr. Anderson succeeds Boyd Howarth as president of Maurice Memmott and Dan Johnson were outside of the tlv? civic organization. Other officers to be Installed Johnson home at the time, and they report that the light was Norman Greenhalgh of a teriffic intenssity, and traveling in a south east to north include and Scott Wetherell, vice pres- west direction, and that it was straight over head. This was idents, Gordon Kelson, secre- verified Burnell was in the fields irrigating at Lunt who by tary and Delmar Howlett as the time. Salt Lake City reports placed it 25 degrees above treasurer. New directors for the coming year are Boyd How- the horizon to the south, and reports from St. George and arth, past president .Doug Delta placed it to the north all verifying its position as overChristiansen, Hal Liddiard and head of the Nephi area. Richard May. Observers stated that the noise of. the explosion was Two projects in connection two to three minutes after the last flash in the with the Ute Stampede are to be under the JSC direction air, giving the position as 60 to 70 miles in the air. booklet with the program The explosion was of such intensity that it rumbled buildBoyd Howarth as chairman, ings and homes and shook windows in the area, although no and the major parade of the has been damage reported. ChristianStampede with Doug Latest radio reports state that the object has been sen as chairman. described as a meteor, although the possibility that parts of a sattelite the earths atmosphere have not been Interest Lack May completly ruled out. As ut A local task force of men and women will be a part of a nationwide army of more than 2,0(X),0(X) volunteers who will launch the American Cancer Societys annual April Crusade. The Federated Womens Clubs of Nephi will make the canvas of Nephi A canvas of the business "Let Freedom Ring was the City. title of an impressive talk giv- district has been completed. en by Gary Jones, son of Mr. C Day stands for Conquer and Mrs. Alma Jones, at an Cancer said Mrs. Maurice Americanism Program at ProTolley, Chairman of the East vo last Friday, under the spon Juab County Cancer Crussorship of the Provo Nineade. Club. teenth Speaker at Provo Meet President door-to-do- st A aign In a hotel room saya: "Dont smoke In bed. The ashes that fall on the floor may bi your own. y Old Salt Creek sure Is on the rampage. On several days during the past week, a portion of the stream has been diverted to the Big Hollow' as the spring run off is running off madly! We know that every parent is justly concerned with the little tots and water at this It seems that time of year. water in the small irrigation ditches has an extra fascination for the two to three year olds, and with the ditches filled to the brim, they are in eftect death traps for the small fry. Please, Mr. and Mrs. Public, take a little extra precaution with the kiddies , . we just shudder when we think of the definite possibilities of drowning accidents! te The story is making the rounds that someone stole J7 from Lee Hongs cash register at his Chinese laundry in New Force Discontinuance Mr. Lee Haven, Conecticut. told police he had stepped out Of Little League Play Whered for a few minutes. he go? Next door, said Lee A possibility that the Little Nong, to wash some clothes at a laundry. League In East Juab County will be discontinued is seen Of interest to every young in the lack of interest manifest in an organization meet- lady in Nephi between the ages LETTERS TO TM ing held last Monday. Only of 17 and 24, inclusive, should two prospective players and EDITOR their parents attended the be the announcement that on Times-New- 's according to Leo W. April 26 a Miss Nephi and two meeting, Editor, Christensen, 1961 president of attendants will be chosen to In preparation to make this the organization. represent the City throughout 'We're going to try again 1962. trip East and to line up threein The Mayor and the City Mr. Christensen said, and if other Glaucoma surveys April and May, I failed to send the parents dont want the Council have asked the Federyou a follow up letter to our league, there is a possibility ated Womens Clubs of Nephi Glaucoma that well chuck the whole to 'help with these selections. successful highly A conjoint meeting of all the survey in Nephi. thing. All 1961 players, and all womens clubs Is being arrangWe realized 627 examinees at the survey. There were six those interested in playing ed to which all the general Utah County Eye Physicians this year, with their parents, public and those interested are Of are invited to attend the meet- invited to attend. conducting the survey. these 627 examinees, we have ing Friday at 7:30 p.m. at the Tentative plans call for sent letters 'to 13 presumptive Blue Room of the City Equipto be held held at the this 19 borderment cases and building. positive Stake House on April line cases and have advised "Its up to you Mr. Chris Juab 26 at 8:00 p.m. them to have further evaluation tensen stated. by the Eye Physician of their At this time the contestants choice. will appear and display the I am East, in Indiana, to! July 1 Start Set for talents they possess. The tal give a paper on Glaucoma scheening, and to learn what, other officials and voluntary Flood Control organizations are doing to pre-- J vent blindness. Structures Near Nephi Will ypu extend thanks to your nurses, Lions and Lady Lions and School AdministratR. Elgin Gardner, chairman ors who helped very well on of the Miller-Biglo- w Watershed the project. Committee said today that Sincerely yours, present plans are for constructThe nations school board J. FRED WHITNEY, ion to start on the Miller and members have expressed their Constructflood Conservation Sight Bigelow retarding n Commiss-sio1. ures on July sultant, Utah for the Blind. The two dams will be built Porter Co. Employees with federal funds at an estimated cost of $185,000. Nephi Weve heard it said that and Juab County have the Slate Easter Party City of who are people parents of securing the responsibility childbrilliant handsome, ren are great believers in land where the structures are For Saturday Evening to be built, seeding the dams heredity. and the borrow area, and reThe Athletic and Entertainplacing the fences after the ment Committee of H. K. PorEvidence that It PAYS construction is completed. ter Thermoid DivisTO ADVERTISE At the present time Mr. ion, Company, Nephi Works, has announLast Thursday afternoon iGardner and Dwane Mayor ced that an Easter party for two fully uniformed CAP Tidwell are working on the all employees and their partCadets spent considerable time agreement, the opera- ners has been planned for Saton Nephis main street, trying project tion and maintenance agreeto find a hitch to California ment. They also are working urday, April 21 at the Nephi for further training. Several out details of purchasing the Elementary school. A buffet dinner will be servhundred cars, at least, passed necessary land and securing ed, beginning at 7:30 p.m., folthem by! construction permits. by a program featuring Finally one ventured into the According to Mr. Gardner, a lowing local and a sound-colT-talent, cardof a sheet shop for rather serious problem was film of the Indianapolis Speed board, and scrawled a large solved last week when Milton races. sign: California or Bust; ad- T. Harmon agreed to let a part Several door prizes will be ded a piece of string to makq; of his land be used as a borawarded, starting at 10:30 p.m. a neck band, and proudly dis- row" area for the Biglow pit the Nebo Knights with Dancing across and canyon structure. This probplayed the sign around himself . . like a walk- lem developed when Soil Con- orchestra, will complete the ing billboard. servation Service engineers dis- evening. Not more than three min- covered that the material in utes later, they were picked up Biglow Canyon was too rocky and were on their way south. and to be used in the You bet, they tucked that sign dam. gravelly LTesent plans are to use in the car, too, for possible the finer, heavier material future usage. from Mr. Harmons land in the core oif the dam and Mrs. REG says: put the gravelly material on the outside. A man cant see the light if he Is blind to his own J ents could be vocal, reading, instrumental, piano, essays, or anything that dancing, would be entertaining and cultural. As Miss Nephi and her attendants will have many opportunities to appear before the public, all girls in this Elder Lynn E. Powell Dance, Sunday Testimonial to Honor Elder Farewell testimonLevan Elde rLynn E. ial honoring Powell will be held Sunday at 7 p.m. at the Levan Ward, in connection with Sacrament meeting, it was announced this week by Bishop J. Clair Col lard of the Levan Ward. Elder Powell has accepted the call of the First Presidency to serve in the Bavarian Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints. Clubs to Sponsor Selection Of Miss Nephi, Attendants self-servi- ce age area are urged to take advantage of this opporunity to perform. Judges from out of town will make the final choice. Application blanks to enter this contest are obtainable at the City Recorders office and because of the shortness of time, the committee in charge asks that all such applications A graduate of Juab High School at Nephi, Elder Powell also has graduated from the Central Utah Vocational school and has attended the Utah State University. He has served with the United States Army, and much of his service time was spent in Germany. He will enter the mission home next Monday and depart for his field of service a week Century The invitation to participate was a result of an assignment in the class of Dean Dalby, instructor in Social Studios at the Juab High School. Mr. Dalby urged the students to write an editorial, and Garys was of such merit, that he was Invited to come to Provo for the program. He was invited by Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Merriam. With the assistance of Mr. Dalby and Mrs. Claude R. Lomax, English teacher, Gary prepared his talk Let Freedom Ring. He told of the many blessings which are ours to enjoy and to appreciate, and the gratitude of the citizens of this great and wonderful country. He compared our way of living with that of the communistic way of life, and the peace of mind which we are privileged to enjoy. Gary related stories of young men in refugee camps who are looking forward to the day when they can become citizens of America and to enjoy the many rights and privileges for which we are thankful. Gary concluded his talk with "America for Me by Henry Van Dyke, which summed up his thoughts on the subject Let Freedom Ring. This was a great privilege for Gary in several ways. He was introduced to Major General Maxwell Rich, Adjutant General of Utah who was the guest speaker; and also others such as Mayor Verl Dixon. He was accompanied to Provo by his teacher, Mrs. Lomax, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Jones. later. Following the regular Sacra ment service, Bishop Collard Tax Commisison Calls will speak briefly, and principal speaker at the testimonial will be R. Roscoe Garrett, at Nephi for President of Juab Stake. Re- Meetings marks will be given by Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Powell, par- Three County Area be filed by 5:00 p.m. on April ents of the missionary, and re25 at the City office. sponse will be given by Elder The Utah State Department Light refreshments will be Powell. of Motor under the Musical selections will be by direction ofVehicles, served following the program. Commissioner ArChoir Ward under Levan the The original still life picture ias G. Belnap, and in cooperadonated by Mrs. J. Earl Reid the direction of Ben Stephen-sen- ; tion with local dealer and law Ven-ise and a vocal duet by to the Twentieth Century Club is associations, and Linda Taylor. Fern enforcement a series will be awarded that evening. of meetings Wankier will be accompanist scheduling the State to disthroughout for the choir and duet select- cuss enforceand compliance ions, and also give prelude and ment of the Utah Motor Vepostlude numbers. hicle Act. Those to Prayers at the meeting will be in attendance requested are law enbe by Don L Powell, brother forcement officers, motor veof the missionary, and Heber hicle wreckdealers, Taylor, president of the Fifth ers and theirsalesmen, key personnel Quorum of Elders. All members of the Levan responsible for handling vehicle opposition to extension of gen- Ward are urged to attend. Bish- registrations, dismantling permits, titles, etc., also State Tax eral federal assistance to ed- op Collard stated, and friends Commission branch office perucation. Their views were re- of the missionary also are insonnel and county assessors vealed at the 22nd annual con- vited. and treasurers who are provention of the National School cessing registrations for the Boards association in St. Louis, Dance Saturday Evening State Tax Commission. Missouri last week, when re- To Honor Missionary Under the sponsorship of the es Prosecuting attorneys, judgsults of board member attitudjustices of the peace Fifth Quorum of Elders of will and es was released. be invited. Juab Levan Stake, Ward, a Attending the convention Represented on the panel from the Juab School District dance will be held at the Le- with Commissioner Belnap will Board of Education were K. J. van Ward Hall Saturday even- be an assistant attorney generin honor of ing Theo. Elder and Spery, president, Lynn al; Arnold C. Randle, director E. Powell. Mrs. board member. Westring, of the Motor Vehicle Dealers Presdent Heber Taylor stat- Administration Sperry and Mrs. Westring also and members ed this week that the Oak City of his attended the convention. staff; and Hal Vinson, orchestra will furnish musFifty-fiv- e of the cent the per Agent, ....ational Auto Theft board members participating in ic. All residents of the area Bureau. are invited. the survey were opposed to Two separate sessions will be additional federal aid. The maheld in Nephi on April 23rd for representatives from the jority of the boardmen attending and voting approved of ex- Lions Inylte Kiddies counties of Juab, Sanpete and Millard. isting aid such as the National Defense education act, support To The session for law enforcein of vocational education and Participate ment officers, attorneys, judgthe school lunch program, and es and justices of the peace aid to federally impacted areas. faster will be at 2:00 p.m. at Kelsons Hunt Egg The trip to St. Louis was Cafe. The session for dealers, made by Union Pacific train, tax commission emThe annual Nephi Lions Club wreckers, and and the return home was by ployees county assessors Easter Egg Hunt will be held will be at 7:00 jet airliner. p.m. at Rays at the School foot, School Officials Atfend National Meet at St. Louis or N Juab High ball field Saturday, April 21 at 2 p.m., according to committees of the Nephi Lions Club, sponsors. All children under 12 years are invited to attend and participate in the annual Easter ob-tair- Interests. Meeting, Practice Dales Announced A meeting for all interested baseball players will be held tonight, Thursday April 19 at 8 pm. at Rays Cafe. Practice will begin Monday at 5 pm at the local ball diamond. All who are Interested in playing baseball should attend both the meeting and the practices. affair. Prizes being furnished by the Orthopedic Clinic Invite Larger Date Is Announced The Primary Childrens Group to Dance hos- clinic pital next Orthopedic will be held Friday. May 4, at 10 a m. at the Mt. Pleasant L D. S. Hospital. It is suggested that applications be limited to those who cannot afford private medical care. New applicants must bring a completed application with them to the clinic, signed by their family doctor. In Meohi Nephi Youth what-ever-it-- J. fcperry and iheo Westring at Scvhool Boards vention in St. Louis. K. con- A change in plans for the Young Marrieds dinner dance for Saturday, April 28 has been an noneed this week. Rather than limiting attendance to young marrieds 35 and now is under, the imitation bring extended to all who have children of elementary school age and under. April ii Paris is the theme outlined for the dance. (-D- Starting today, these volunteers of the American Cancer Society will call on friends d and neighbors with the objective of saving lives now as well as in the ay Area sooner we will arrive at a solution to the cancer problem. I urge every one of my fellow tow nsmen to give generously to the crusade and to help East Juab County exceed its goal. Working on the Cancer fight in East Juab County are the following: Crusade chairman, Mrs. Pee Kendall; Education, Mrs. Earl Spendlove; secretary, Mrs. Don Barton; treasurer, Mrs. Forrest Anderson; service. Miss Naomi Bailey; publicity, Mrs. Leo Boswell; Mona, Mrs. Wells Ellertson; Levan, Marion Wankier; Mills, Mrs. Dean Howard. double-barrelle- future." Every resident in Juab County can cooperate in this venture, said Mrs. Tolley, by heeding the advice in the lifesaving education literature the volunteers will distribute, and by making a generous contribution. Right now, half of all cancer patients who will get cancer this year could be cured if their cancers were detected and treated in time, Mrs, Tolley asserted. Our immediate objective is to help save these an estimated 260,000 lives men, women and children The long range objective she added, "is to save the other 260,000 cancer victims who will get cancer this year. Hope for them rests with scientists who are searching for the breakthroughs that will cure all types of cancer or perhaps prevent them. The more money that we can earmark for cancer educa- !stee Ockey Named Snow President the tion" she pointed out, more people we can reach with Steve Ockey, son of Mr. and the Mrs. James H. Ockey of Nephi Information; more money that can be in- has been elected president of vested in cancer research, the the S'now College student body life-savi- Services Held Tuesday for Nephi Lady Funeral services were held at the Nephi Third Ward chap- el Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. Wanda Hansen Garrett Thorpe, 44, who died last Thursday at the Juab County Hospital following surgery. Bishop J. Barres Jenkins conducted the services. Mrs. Thorpe was bom Nov- 11, 1917 at Fountain a daughter of Andrew Franklin and Vera Sorensen She was married to Hansen. Roger Garrett Nov. 24, 1937 be-at Provo, the marriage later ing solemnized at the Manti Mr. Garrett LDS Temple. ember died in 1961. She was married to Morris for 1962-6- 3 school year, in the elections conducted last week. A graduate of Juab high school, Steve served as president of the student body in his senior year. He has been active irr various Snow College functions during the current year, including tennis and as master of ceremonies for Snow College programs. Other officers named include Debra Blackham, Moroni, first vice president; Neil Johnson of Springville, second vice president; Janet Bray, Spanish Fork, secretary; Linda Allred of Ephraim, associated women students president and Cliff Whitehead, Magna, associated men students president Mr. Ockey is the second Nephi young man to be elected to this position, John Morgan having served in this position school year. during the 1960-6- 1 - Marriage of Former Nephites Announced Mrs. Lola C. Binney announces her marriage to Paul E. Booth at Los Angeles, California on Wednesday, April 18, Mrs. James H. Eagar, 1962. and Mrs. Clarence H. Warner and Mrs. Lee Wankof and Gordon ier Nephi, (Gayle) Steele Vernal attended the wedof Garrett, all of Nephi. Also ding. surviving is a sister, Mrs. Vee Bailey of Nephi. YOUR Interment at a Nephi cemetery was directed by Anderson Funeral home of Nephi Thorpe January 15, 1962. Survivors are her husband of Nephi; her mother, also of of Nephi; two daughters and a son: Miss Phyllis Garrett of Mrs. Jerry Salt Lake City; BEST CANCER INSURANCE Water Ample Says City Official; Low Pressure Causes Alarm "There is no reason for alarm is the way Nephi City offieals explained the pressure drop in the water system on Tuesday afternoon. The unusually hot days, with giving everyone (practically) lawns a good spring sprinkling Cafe. lowered the water level in the storage tanks to the point that the pressure dropped, especialRecord Hop Planned ly in the higher eelvations of the community. The huge spring in Bradley For Saturday Canyon is running normally for this time of the year, and Juab Stake House with the restriction on lawrn sprinkling, the tank water level has returned to norEaster la coming! To start the event, there mal, officials stated. will be an "Easter Parade The spring flow normally Is Record Hop on April 21 at down during the early spring the Juab Stake House. months, and under a long-tim- e A1I over 14 years of age pattern, the flow increases in art-- invited. Admission will July and August when water he 35c, and the affair is usage is at its greatest. Even last year, in the face of the being sponsored by the Nephi Third Ward. drought over the entire area, Come and have a good th" spring flow was ample to time refreshments will be allow the city to remove all on sale. late in the summer. "There is no cause for alarm, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott and if residents of the area visited In Provo with their will be reasonable in water daurhfer, Mrs Keith Aston, on usare, there should be no problem one city official Monday. at 36-ho- tael See your doctor every year for a health checkup. See your doctor immediately if any one of Cancer's Seven Danger Signals lasts more than two weeks: 1 2 3 4 Unusual bleeding or discharge A lump or thickening in the breast or elsewhere A sore that docs not heal Change in bowel or bladder habits 5 6 Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing I Change in a wart or mole Hoarseness or cough AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY |