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Show 'If,plMy--' ( , c-(- u L jM ' 7' & U S UN. ""y 4 c.e "RANT, 1 Vol. III. V M t - v- MarysVale, Piute County, Utah Saturday, November 18, 1905. No. 17. The Piute Courant. imnV Bouh 7i deg. B) min. west 600;eoror No. 1 of magnificent Cactus properties on a cf !d claims: min. W. 118.1. feet to corner No. 4 et to corner No. 2 of Annie Mine, large scale; to Mr. Cullen tnii his assoMinin Claim, south 8! deg. 18 the S.tmphon toi$; iht tn-- S. 0 . r, the; Published Every Saturday at ciates, who have det eloped the Mos- td.ice of beginning, containing a total ,m'n. east 66.8 feet; Rowe Miue, south min. 11. 752.1 fti curuur No. 5 ot cow, which is now looking better than red net aien of 79.757 acres, all of 4l deg. 21 min. east 2,072.6 An- - the N. 89 do;. Sampson lode; The Lccat Office of Publication for years; to the owners of tie Wa- rhlch is applied for, there being no uex Mining Clslm, south 47feet; Ut;g. 33 2 4 min. V. 314.7 feet to corner No. i The Pines Hotel. MARYSVALE. PIUTE COUNTY AND satch Klrg and adjoining groups, hut cun fit ts. min. exst J.797.0 feu; Summit Mln-lo- i of the Sampson No, 1 lode, of tins sursays that the crying need of the dis- , I he prosnroed gener.,1 course or dl Clilia. south 11 deg. 5) min. east vey; thence N. 8 SOUTHERN UTAH ITEMS. UTAH MARYSVALE ti2'rutn. tV: 7.74. 7 trict is more capital and sn extendi reckon of the veins or lodes are as 3.211.4 feat; IVv.rl Fraction, south 29 feet to Intersectiondeg. line o7 titwith Walter James of the Black Rock Mi- scale of operations on scores of othf shown upon the official pi it. dog. 48 min. east 3.470.C feet. Imperial Mine lode, of this surv j , SUBSCRIPTIONS. which : when id propetties. claims are in situated up ni. tg company reports very favortftly the Said i Rims are of record In tbe optntd wjil tl.eiiee S. 45 deg. 05 min. VV. 546.6 le-Or.e year, 75 cents. of section IS and the tin of the ltee'rder of Piute County to corner No. 3 of the Imperial Mia from the Beaver Lake djavrk-t- . Every- rank wiih any of the developed, mihes mlnheast Six Months, 40 cents. o, tbe region. is flourishing In that district. uheved pert of section 12. township .U Junction. Utah, as follows: laxst lode; them c N. 82 deg, 55 min. Y. fit Three months, S5 cents. thing o r acmth, ringe 5 west, and northwest Miolug I'M in and Annex Mining tcet to corner No. 4 of the impel nil J jl A CHEAP RATES TO EL PASO man and southwest Marys-valof section 7, town-fbf- Claim In Bxk mining page 427: Rnve Mine lode; thence N. 45 deg. nr, inu. V until hold These rates good January D. pate 127; Summit K. 5i9 feet to corner No. 1 of tbe If 4 west. Salt Lake Mice In Book 27 of Horse Gold Heaven and south, speaks range acAND CITY OF MEXICO, 1, 9eC, hut do not apply to back Mountain districts as having promise iWfridian. Th? southeast corner see-th- Mining Clnltn in Book E," Is identic:-420; pet i.d Mine lode, whk-l- i counts. of a great future perhaps the greatest J2, township 27 south, range 5 ie-- l Fraction in On Nov. 10th and 11th the Colorado page 253. with corner No. 4 of the Samps n N i The hdjjtaing claim is the Annie 2 lode and from said common corn, , in Utah. bears as follows from corner No, the time ip visit beautiful and antique V u Advertising rates on application to Midlatfi. Ky., will sell round trip tick- 1 of said claims: Annie Mine and Ge- Mine, Survey 5297, as shewn by the tlie aforesaid Vi section corner lie.. is our local or Salt Lnke office. Dr. George H. Fennemore took N. 38 deg. 28 min. V. C75 6 Re,; ets to El Paso for 15.03. Tickets good neva, south 29 deg. 2 min. east 1,182.4 official pint. 1 direct that this notice he business and to until Nov. 25th, with final extended feet; Switzerland Mine, south 21 deg. Sal' Lfiiie Office Commercial 257 professionaf trip published thence N. 2 deg. 66 niin. V. 377 feet to Salt., Lake Saturday last. The Doctor is limit of Dec. 25th if desired. comer No. 1 of tbe Sampson No. 2 At El 55 min. east 2,764.2 feet; Kenney Min la tbe Piute Courant Club Bid. aud Poatofflce Box 17. the newspaper published near- lode, and being the ph.ee of beginn'ut largely interested in mining at Milford Paso round trip tickets to City of leg Claim, south 2 deg. 1 min. eat est said claims for s period of nine of description of exterior houiulari, s Mexico will be on sale for 28. Now is UP,. Local Editor and his business was on those lines. Mrs. 6. M. F. Decker Raid claims are of record In the of- weeks. FRANK H. HOBUS, of said consolidated claim. From cor-ne- r Old Mexico at greatly reduced rates. L. H. Outzen, manager of the Annie No. 1 of the Sampson lode th" Start right by seeing that your fice of the Recorder of Piute County, Register. This paper is kept on fire by THE . L. H. GRAY. aforesaid i section corner bears X. Vi AMERICAN. MINING. CONGRESS, Laurie Extension companys proper- tickets read oxer the Midland Route, st Junction, Utah, aa follows: Annie 1395.5 fei t, and from ijeg. 16 ntln. Chamber of Commerce Building, Den- ties, in the Gold Mountain district, thus assuring you a pleasant anl In- Mine, In Book D, page 163; Geneva. APPLICATION F"R PATENT. No. 1 of the Sampson No. corner ver, Colo., where our readers will be reports development steadily progress- teresting scenic trip. Excellent con- In Book "D, page 161, ond amended M. A. No. 4D51. lode said 4 section corner bears N. so Further particulars and in Bock 15, page 156; Fenney Minwelcome, to the use. of. the. leading ing, with no important changes at nections. Salt Lake J deg. 33 min. W. 964 feet. ne'niTtol In sec"12," Book 271; present. literature ing Claim, 77 at West page tne Ticket various from Office, mining papers l tail, October 2i, liit'5. J Sull consolidated claim being loen Switzerland, In Book D," page 169, Second South, Salt Lake City, Utah. d A tions of tr.e west, a scientific library Notice is hereby gKeti that James Upd jn tbe-S- . W. V4 of section ,T. Betties A. There are no as mill 2, Tp. o is the claims, exhibit. adjoining poundsays and mineral M. Morns of Salt Kike City, Utah, RSg v Salt Lake Base anl WHERE IS E. PLUM? ehijwn by the offlolal plat. ing away in fine style and making a Cl titou S. Cr.ap of T direct that this notice be published and better lecord than at any time since NOTICE. Meridian, and containing a total are-- i Aquiltr, Colorado, hive made applica- - Qf 23.342 acres, excluding however, In v.ent extndhe Piute it He was into commission. E. of Courant, editor and Plum, lhi3 publisher All persons receiving paper Mon for a I nlted States Patent for the addition to the exclusions between tli ceedingly pleased with both the mill the Boyd County Register, Butte, Ne- Nom.Jhe newspaper published nearwith thin article mrrkel with a red and Sampson, Sampson No. 1, Sampson lodes of this survey, the Senator (' n est a said for of mines performances. nine seven claims, for to period braska, years previous No. 2 and Imptllal tripe lodes consoli- non, Sur. 4115, and cross will understand that their subA Sni. 44J'i. A , FRANK D. HOBBS, July 1st, 1905, was Inst seen aud weeks. dated mining claim, situate in the Gold Such excluded areaGarfield, 6.1 i'i The Lena Mining company of Mil- heard fhom at Portland, Oregon, July containing t Register. scription has been paid for six months Mountain Mining District. Piute conn-- ' acres, is ford 400 feet, at 22nd, 1905. As Mr. Plum was in rather a shaft a sinking with L'H. If GRAY, market from that Attorney. ty, I tali, consisting of 1113.6 hne.tri Net area claimed and applied for t which depth a cross-cu- t of 400 feet poor health at that time, It Is feared of the Sampson lode, 1117.8 linear black cross their subscription will ex- wiir 17.206 acres, fo intersect the great he may have become temporarily deg APPLICATION FOR PATENT. feet of Hie Sampson No. 1 lode, 693 j , Each of said lodes embraced in sail old tern tfiat is Known to exitad-jcinin- g ranged, ns no possible cause can be pire in one month. linear feet of the Sampson No. 2 lode Consolidated 0-' PUBLISHERS. claim he'ng : THE the porphyry dike on the south. learned for his disappearance. and 619.6 linear feet of the Imperial record in the mining , , M. A. No. 4023. office of the County The shaft is in ore, carrying 10 gold Mr. Plum was 6 feet high, weighed mine lode and surface ground each (ns to the ton. at J unci ion, Piute count-.- , ,sf .United State Land Office, about 170 pounds, dark brown hair P.EAD THIS. located), COO feet wide, being mineral Utah. BUt 1995. Babe 22, Utah, Aug. City, had blue Jt slightly gray, deep eyes; ffthice Is- - hereby given that the surxey No. 5411 and dencrilied in the All new subscribers pajrng 75 cents locations or The nearest The Columbus Consolidated epm'pariy broad shroulders and stood erect; had six for 40 cents or Gold Mining company, by field notes and plat of the official sur- ning claims being the aforesaid com one Providence is for year, to increase the capacity two small dark moles on left cheek; a preparing months, the American Farmer will be of its power plant by the addition of small blue scar in forehead; quite its tpesldent and Authorized agent, vey on file in tills office with magnetic fiicting claims and Rolling Hills No. 2. variation at 16 deg. 15 min. east as Sur. 4401 ; Rolling IliPs No. 3, Ro-This offer another turbine water wheel and still smut free for one year. heavy brown, slightly sandy mustache John! Meyerhoffer of Suit Lake City, holds good lintil January 1, 1906. another generator. This, it is under- when last seen, and would have heavy Utah has made application for a follows, 4142; Gold Bird No. 2. Sur. 115 5, mi Commencing at corner No. 1 of th-- Gold Bird No. 3, Snip 4455. TUB PUBLISHERS. stood, is being done, to meet the. de- beard if let grow. Much dark hair ou Unltd States paik.it for the Lost Min1 direct that this notice be ing fclnim, Rowe Mine, Annex Mining Sampson No. 2 lode, from which the mands of its neighbors at Alta for wrists, arms and body; age 36. publiMu I and !4 section corner on west boundary ot In the Courant at Mur mule, emtit'v Mr. Plum was a practical mechanic ClucrUt, . Summit Mining Claim power with which to operate their METAL MARKET. section 2, township 27 south, range 5 of Piute. State of Utah, fov the p s Peirt Fraction lode mining claim, In all lines of newspaper work. properties. .Of 1,500, 1,500, 1,312.3, 1,312.13 west. Salt Lake Base and Meridian riod of nine consecutive wet Its. At At A will be for reward suitable copper, paid Tuesday, 7. Silver, Ct bears N. 69 H inln. V. 428.9 Judge William J. Cox died in Beaver any information which will locate hla ,ii'd 1200 .linear feet, respectively, of thence S. 89 dog. 21 min. E. ln5.5 fool; FRANK D. IlORBL Regis' er 13 lead, 3.50. feel deg. theJodes ahd as surface shown on Cth End was buried on the whereabouts. the ground r App'i-cantVV. Inst,, O. 8. copper, 63; PARKS, Attorney Silver, Wednesday, by ye official plat, being Survey No. to corner No. 2 of the Sampson 8th. Judge Cox was a very honorable Adress 15 lead, 3.50, of S. 5 this lode, thence 52!'C survey; deg. situated In the Gold Mountain 03 FRANK MOTHEDSEAD, copper, man and loved and respected by all. First publication dated Oct. 28, 19 5. min. E. 345 feet to corner No, 3 of Thnrsday, 9. Silver, 62 He was 91 years of age and was born 1943 Euclid ave., Lincoln, Nebraska. Mbyrf! District, Piute County, Utah, 15 lead, 3.50. 82 the thence S. Sampson lode; deg. l In the plat aud . field Iist publication, Dec. 23, PJ'-5copper, n Nashville, Tenn. The writer reFriday, 10 Silver, on file in this office, f'of survey members the deceased forty years ago, 13 lead, 3.50. .... t Magnetic variation at 16 deg. copper, when a child, and has known him and Saturday, 11 Silver, t: . A follows, JOHN 4 egsVi 4 A teshis HAWES, ever can and since bear family 1 3.50. 7;S ; lead, 1 of LoBt No. corner at sterof the and character timony ' good copper, CyktJping Utah. Monday, 13 Silver, r Marysvale, fcCh.Wi, and running tbencij i, Cox. in New ling qualities of Patriarch 15 lead, 3.50 i 1 min. kest POO ieet to 4M v.- c ' Dealer in-- i 'Yor'k.Ho.iS. Bx'o.- 2 of said claim; thence p At At GENERAL MERCHANDISE. I t A deg. 50 min. west 1,500 foet The Trapners Pride property on LOCAL STOCKS IN THE MARKET. tt smer No. 3 of said claim, ldentl-CiHkltGeld Mountain has ore shift of men at 44-corner No. 2 of Rowe Mine; work pushing on the recent strike. The D. BERTLE3EN, tlince north 13 deg. 42 min. west Horn Silver at Home. 44 4 vein is now nine feet wide and from 4!RJi feet to corner No. 1 of Annex 44V Dealer In 8. Bid, asked, nine samples the latest test shows 1.25; C, dnesday, Dr. F, J. Lyon, 44 4 kUtlcg Claim; thence N. 89 deg 54 m A-- f values of from 6 to 26 per ton. The 1.85. General Merchandise, st 1,312.9 feet to corner No. 2 of 44 4 richest streak is about eighteen Inches AND PHYSICIAN bursday, 9. Bid, $1.25 and fl.oO; wide, but the whole vein 8URGEON, sliJ claim; thence north 13 deg. 42 is declared 4 4A Marysvale. 5o asked, 1.85. to be a good milling proposition, and 4 njlil. west 597.6 feet to corner No. 3 M-4 44 1.85 a asked, 1.30; 10 S Bid, iday, Marysvale, Utah. of aid claim, Identical with corner 44-it is reported that the management con72 of Summit Mining CLtfair thence if this winters 4 will, developments 1.80. 44 oturday, 11 Bid. 1.30; asked, tinue to show such ore, equip the mine t tswwuiwwri.wawxi (Ttsxtxixsxwsyixsy? nrth 13 deg. 42 min. west 508.7 feet 4 44 londav, 13 Bid, 1.25 to 1.30; asked, with a mill. Summit Mining , porner No. 3 of 44 4 1.85. Al A aim; thence north 86 deg. 4 min. 44 4 4 cat No. corner of to feet 1,293.7 J, D. REDFOP.D, New York. The Beaver city election, held on the v4 4 aid claim, identical with comer No. 4 44 4 4 44 was a spirited one from the time 44 th, 1.70. 9. Quoted at of Pearl Fraction; thence north 75 GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. the polls were opened until the close. at 1.70. fid ay, og7 1 min. east 600 feet to corner No. A large vote was cast, being much cf of Pe.irl Fraction; thence south 13 Mtirdsy, il Quoted at 1.70. Marysvale, Utah. larger than at any former city election. 42 min. east 200 feet to corner lor,day, 13 Quoted at 1.70. ug There were but two tickets in the field, S li.U of said claim, ldeutical with cor-n- taXidSXxXii t ' jii lev fT fxNif fS jt5X lilnY t'i'i tc li tS cvs.'l . JyYv yYY'yttySV9) and The Democratic. the Republican 4 of Rowe Mine; thence south THE DRAMA, No. folas are cast of $ the ballots results deg. 43 min. east 621.9 feet to cor-- r ast Week, This Week, and What Is lows: Mayor, John H. Barton, Dem.; t'o. 5 of Rowe Mine; thence south recorder, Alice Beaumont, Dem.; mar1 dbg. 50 min. east 878.1 feet to cor-No- . Bertelsen Bros., Coming. shal, N. EU Notlsbil, Dttn.; treasurer, 1 of aai-claim, identical with W. G. Bickley, Dem.; justice of the JUNCTION 4 of I,ost Mining Claim: A novelty in every respect and alrnor BLACKSMITHS No. councilE. E. Cowdell, Dem.; peace, most fascinating of the one 50 15 min. east south together 1,500 eea r (four-yeadg. man CASH term), Frank Harris, f all modern comic operas, The Sho Utah, t to corner No. 1 of Lost Mining Marysvale, cottncilmen (two-yea- r term), S. STORt. ;Un has proven itself, and when itr Rep.; of the Ckim, beginning, place F. Howd, Dem.; John F. Jones, Rep.; thea-e3 offered here at the Salt Lake of 77.243 net area and a total and General Travelers Merfhendise H. Dem. A. White, aerrti, all of which is applied for, there Saturday night and matinee, under Jt jt Supplies.' he direction of Henry W.' Savage, it NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR wing no conflicts. The Laurie Mountain Gold repu-atioof Annie to its live up i ill unquestionably PATENT. The presumed general course or J. II. STONIIY, Prop.' is most with in excellent shape being placed earned last season In a M. A. No. 4022. of tbe veins or lodes are as tour through the principal the expectation of its becoming one of United States Land Office, Blown upon the official plat. ities of the country, following upon the best and greatest producers of the Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 22, 1905. paid claims are situated In the the lowest matter vein state. in at Wallacks The six months engagement Notice Is hereby given that the Pro- nitheast Vi and northwest Vi section enNo. into which has 5, tunnel, pushed vidence Gold Miiing company, by its la township 27 south, range 5 west, heater, New York, and lengthy 3L'2i gagements in Boston, Philadelphia and the mountain a distance of 4,000 feet, president and4 authorized agent, John mil partly in the unsurveyed portion The Sho Gun is an opera has exceeded the judgment and opin- Meyerhoffer of Salt Lake City, Utah, The southeast cer-nt- r hicago. township. orjsald ,f Korean life, with an enterprising ion of most men familiar with the has made application for a United section 12, township 27 south, imerican as the central figure, and it property. In this tunnel Is a ledge of States patent for the Annie Mine, Ge- riige 5 wost, bears as follows from e prin-ipa- l in twenty-ninore V feet 4 4 of the width, work V4 tv carrying narks the first joint Fenney Mining Claim, anl values which average 12.50 per ton neva, autHofand composer cf Amero Switzerland Mine lode mining claims, entire width. The poorest portion 4 ieorpe Ade, and Gustav Luders. These the consisting of 1,500, 1,500, 1,600 and nen have evolved something so vastly of this is 4 rock, while some of it 1.290.4 linear feet of the lodes, respec4 lifferent from all other musical works goes up to 30 and 40 per ton. It is tively, with surface as shown by the 4 hat the critics last season hailed it as a fine milling proposition. Everything official plat, being Survey No. 5297, 4 A most of to of realization the full points true return to the original place 4 situated in the Gold Mountain Mining A V omic operas and placed it in a class sanguine expectations. Flute and District, Utah, County, d o 4 if its own. Beautifully staged and in the plat and field notes of 4 and interpreted by one of tbe NO TRUER WORDS SPOKEN. 4 on In fie this with magoffice, 4 survey d organ-zeever ust balanced companies netic variation at 16 degrees east, as 4 for a comic opera production, it In an interview with the Salt Lake follows, 4 success rented to merit well the AnTribune. Hon. William Hurst, one of Commencing at corner No. 2 of 4 t enjoyed. In the cast will be found, men and a great mining operator made nie Mine and running thence north 15 4 .s last season. John E. Henshaw, Reaver countys 4 intelligent business deg. 50 min. eet 1,500 feet to corner Weed-m- , fgnes Cain Brown, William C. these statements. The gentleman was No. 3 of Annie Mime; thence north 74 Douglas Ruthven, May Ten Broeck, very enthusiastic, but spoke as one deg. 10 min. east 600 feet to corner 4 Genevieve Day, E. P. who has carefully and Intelligently No. 4 of Annie Mine, identical with s'. G. Leary, A '4 Mrsons, Isabelle DArmond, Ditman studied the proposition. No. 2 of Geneva and with corcorner I. Poppin. Lawrence Coever and one He said that Beaver county will, ner No. 1 of Switzerland Mine; thence 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4- 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 if the best looking and most perfect within ten years, rank high among the north 15 deg. 60 min. west 1,290.4 feet inging choruses on tour. to corner No. 2 of Switzerland Mine; the leading producers of coppeTr Jt J 4X While not attempting to disparage thence north 74 deg. 10 min. east 600 81VIBiBlt.Vi4it4t!itv!a8lUUIUtit44liU44Ua(iia44aaj4SA,. YOUNG MAN The Wash-nto- n the wonderful future that is now as- feet to corner No. 2 of Switzerland Next week at tbe Lyric sured to Bingham as a copper camp, Mine; thence south 15 deg. 50 min. If jour taste for good clothing leads Tk Society Girls. A there Is this difference in favor of east 1,290.4 feet to corner No. 4 of yon to be critical of Style, Fit and 4k 44 at the Beaver county: Thfe ore bodies of Switzerland Mine, Identical with cor- Finish of your garments, you will 4.4 The Knobs o Tennessee S no almost end of trouble by 44 of Geneva and with corner save yourself immeasurable, but ner No. Irmsd the last half of the week, with Bingham are 4 A marked depre- No. 2 of Penney Mining Claim; thence lodtfug int6 our store and examining are very matinee. 44 :atvrday ciation in the pfice of Copbef will cut north 74 deg. 10 min. east 600 feet to tha class of workmanship - and tva- - S"I 44 the margin of profit down greatly. Thd corner No. 3 of Fenney Mining Claim; tenals we thrn Out: 44 ores of Beaver county are, in point of thence south 15 deg. 50 min. east l,50o S4 4 fact, although as yet little developed, feet to Cbm eh No. 4 of Fenney Min0D BUSINESS SUITS FROM $18 54 S H. WHITLOCK, just as extensive as those of Bingham ing Claim; thence south 74 deg. 10 UP. and are of a much higher grade, min. west 6C0 foet to corner No. 1 of Dealer In believe that within ten years Beavei1 Fenney Mining Claim, identical HORSE FUR- AND kith cotnef No. 4 of Geneva; county will lead Bingham as a pro44 NI3HING6. thence south 74 deg. 10 min. wet 600 ducer of copper. 44 149 W. Second South, Utah;? Samto Marysvale Mr. Hurst gives great credit feet to comer No .1 of Geneva, idenLAKE CITY. SALf uel Newhouse, who Is developing the tical with corner No, 1 of Annie Mlhe; JJ ,4 4Mriiirtrik,ttifWbP5k.lr.4,6r;jr,i.'fer'ri5.,wiwk444klvkiv dt-g- B-- it 1 3 , of-fi"- ' well-know- n e a AtL-ruey- V - - . be,-mad- . to-wl-t: con-sfslU- 1-- 7-- 7-- 7-- 7-- . 7-- 44 to-wi- . . e. v-i- 4444 X--r Ty. t h 4 4-- -- 44444 hut-sda- 44444 ifjf4j;i4MVVVVVVVM4MM4IVlM ted - n ( cou-taffjs- g n . FH4444t4tt41444 INE TAILORING. d -- cos-ome- to-wl-t: - low-grad- torenson & Larson, w f H t |