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Show I T'RO VB TAYLOR, ROMNEY, ARMSTRONG kCO. Wholesale and Retail FATHERS FIBST OffE The pleasant looking young conductor jumped off the car with alacrity and helped the matronly woman with the baby and folding to a seat. The woman thanked him with effusion. Im afraid that carts going to be in your way, she said. Not at all, maam, replied the conductor, eying the cart with some Interest. Thems mighty handy. he remarked. I should say they was. said the woman, adjusting her infants hood and removing some traces of recent cooky from Its mouth with her handI dont knowr My land! Ind. Tel. 755. kerchief. how Id get along without this. DR. ALVAH LEWIS. SALT LAKE PRIVATE HOSPITAL. Im a family man myself, said the j conductor with some pride. x Then you ought to know how a O fV womans tied to a baby. Wherever she goes the babys got to go to. Thats what, said the conductor, i f V. Ft V the baby under the chin. ' touching : L; . - , , "But S - f - S' ' ' Jt , 4t' theyre great comfort as well f r yas a care. Ive raised four of 'em, an -t ; ij i Id be kind o lost without a baby. ; ' '!.' i.'.-.3i . . , I would myself, ':said the conduo i. fr I ' tor. It sounds good to hear em a . H) ) jellin out. Seems like home, dont A It? ,v,,. 4J.4 4 w ,w , it ) Youre different from most of the 'i men if you like it. said the woman. My husband likes his children, but he t S' - , x . i v , a . 7 ; w t , t, p4k j. ' LUMBER' go-ca- DEALERS Corner South Temple and 2d West St. SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Bell Tel. 755. , V 4 . " v i ,ur i I . - . r I.-:-- I ij 4 t w t Speclai Attention given SURGICAL and UoolEIHiCAL CASES. ONLY STRICTLY PIUVATE HOSPITAL IN THE STATE. No. 352 E. 1st South. Salt Lake City. Only $45.05 Round Trip j! .r.y.'rovjriwxixsirixjxf iXsxswAWswvsxsW DR. E. C. FAIRWEATHER, (Sltooms FROM Ing, OGDEN AND SALT LAKE CITY TO NATIONAL MINING CONGRESS, Swith A 5 and 6 Walker Bank Bulld-j- J Salt Lake City. ( Dr. Hector Griswold for th past three years. ( EL PASO, TEXAS. rrrrrrri'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrri! VIA k k k b k J k R. A. HASBROUCK, l Physician and Surgeon, 60 Commercial Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Phones 1412-and 1429-K- . Office, J k The Quick Line to the Southwest. rates from other Corresponding points. Dates of sale November 10th and 11th. Final return limit December 25th, 1905. For Information regarding train service and heap rates, for side trips to Old Mexico and other territories, see or write, k ,w k k' k k GEO. W. PARKS, M t Land Attorney, Auerbach Building, n C. F. WARREN. s i I road X M M X X X X Through Sleepers j Every day after Nov. 14th from Colorado to Florida without change. Let us figure on your trip. E. DRAKE, Dist Pass. Agent, N. L. DREW, General Agent, 800 17th Street, Denver, Colo. G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agfc.i, 100 West Second South SL, X or Salt Lake City, Utah. 'vvW fiii THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE POUTE mostly partial to apple pies. We had them on Monday, say, Sunday having been devoted to a rich brown Indian pudding. Ma, she inclined toward the seductive sourness of a cranberry tart, and if we had apple on Monday, cranberry was slated for Tuesday. Wednesday was Bills turn, and he voted regularly for custard. I got in an appeal for lemon pie in time to be satisfied on Thursday, and Susie ruled the table Friday morning with mince. Somehow or other ma never did get the knack of dividing anything into five pieces, pies especially. She preferred the easy regularity of the hexa gon, and as a consequence there was always one piece left over. On Saturday morning ma came to the table bearing aloft a triumph of art, consisting of the five extra pieces built into a new pie all frosted with powdered sugar. Out of that pie she drew a wedge of apple for pa, cranberry for herself and so on down the line. "That, gentlemen, was mosaic pie, and as long as I have lived I have never seen another variety better suited to satisfy the wants of the most pernickYouths Companion. ety appetite. FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN AND DENVER 3 CHOICE OF ROUTES. PULLMAN THROUGH AND TOURIST TO ST. LQUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS . Free Reclining Chair Oars. Dining Oar Service a la carte on all through trains. For Folder, Illustrated Booklets, etc., LA. BENTON, P. D. Q. A. BALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 4V4444-4-444444-44- :: TO CALIFORNIA H AND ITS FAMOUS . WINTER RESORTS. LOS ANGELES. CATALINA. ORANGE GROVES. jnral 4-- 44 44 44 44 PASADENA. SAN BERNARDINO. life In Londomol f SLEEPERS FROM OGDEN OR SALT LAKH SAN PEDRO. beloved machinery clearly visible; but ease and a firm belief in the Ella Rawls Reader, Pi n a n Wilbo Tompkins writes as follows in control pulled the young hostess The Atchison, Topaka & Santa Fe CYRUS G. GATRELL through and had her steadily in -- easing Everybodys: Railway Company. Business in London is done largely influence In Spragues favor. 411 Dooly Block. To these dinners and lunches came Attorney & Counselor. over the dinner table. If It Is to4e tacit business, women are asked and engineers, M. P.s, peers of the realm, Salt Lake City, Utah. 419 D. F. Walker Building, the affair has apparently the brilliant heads of traction companies, wi.ters Salt Lake City. Miss Rawls talked irresponsibility of any other social for the press. event; for open discussion, only men electricity and multiple unit control are assembled. Champagne Is inevi- until she was popularly supposed to tably Ihe ether through which all be a leading authority and something business projects flow. The role of of an Inventor herself. Of course, her Mr. Spragues new partner was largely good advantage lay in the fact that I R. that of hostess. Every one who could the system she was pushing was, as be of service, direct or Indirect, to the has since been proved, the best thing Assayers and Chemlete. 169 B. W. Temple SL, Balt Lakeft Multiple Unit Control was given his of its kind yet invented. The facts chance and his dinner, and Miss were all on her side; her task was City. Rawls presided with a calm grace and to get these facts a proper hearing. Write for Mailing Backs. To be assured of a pleasant trip never deserted her, even when, as For this, her clear business head her 5XsxS)ffl(SXS often happened, she had to take the strong grasp on the salient nts, east, purchase your tickets via the WlXXsXsX!XiXsX!XlXsX 5 table a lone woman with ten or a doz- were the best weapons. Moreoi r, as en men. Asking brilliant companies to hostess and guest she had the gi of Railmeet an inventor is not always a sim- rousing friendliness, and direct, alF. M. ple matter; genius is as likely as not most selfish interest both of which ASSAYER. to arrive an hour or so late, with a mind inclined men to listen. It was, after 120 W. 2nd South, Salt Lake City. from Omaha to Chicago. above apology and the traces of tne all, fairly simple. S Opposite Postofflce. First-clas- s also between S service Mailing Sacks Furnished. Oiimha and Minneapolis and Chicago and St. Louis, as well as all points in Confirmation of the report received attempt at escape, believing that noth-inthe South and Southeast. THE KEELEY CURE. worse than robbery was to be some weeks ago by Rev. Father James Cured. Drunkenness feared. A. Walsh, diocesan director of the soFor full information call ou or write A positive and permanent cure fo ciety for the Propagation of the Faith, The chief of the troops ordered a nodrunkenness and the opium diseases. of this city, that one of the societys torious character to murder the misJ. A. FOLEY, sickness. There Is no publicity, no missionaries had been put to death in sionary. Commercial Agent. treated as privately as at thel Tibet, has been received, says the BosThe Tibetan shackled the feet of the own homes. The Keeley Institute. 834 No. 75 West Second South Street. but leaving his arms free. InGlobe. priest ton Utah. Lake Salt City, So. W. Temple. the victim was dealt a blow stantly The victim was Rev. Father Soulie, with a sword aimed for the bead but who originally came from Rodez, only grazing the side and scarcely QLAD8TONK HOTEL. France, and was just closing a score of service in Tibet, whither, he wounding Father Soulie. But then years with a jagged stone a severe wound M. Marshal, Prop. Mrs. went in 1885. was inflicted in the side of the body Ill 8outh Main Street. Salt Lake Clt) The details of his death come from a and from this the doomed priest sufRooms Neatly furnished by the Day, lama of Yaregong, who was a friend fered greatly until the end came. Week or Month. On the The mission was ransacked, properRates, 50 cents to 31.50 per day. of the deceased missionary. AND Special rates by the day, week or day of the massacre a troop of lamas ty and provisions, though meager, beof Bathong had been running amuck In ing taken. Father Soulie was then tamonth. the territory, and, among other out- ken outside the village proper a short rages had captured about sixty sol- way and in a lonely spot was tier to a w WINDSOR. diers who were stationed at three vil- tree. The end was not long de yed. EUROPEAN HOTEL. lages close together. The lamas ar- A rifle ball from behind passed rived at Father Soulies mission about through bis head and a moment later a Salt Lake City. sundown. second shot pierced his heart. Located In the heart of the city. The body was cut down and covered Rates Reasonable, Soulie deemed It the wiser Father QAILWAY light, airy, clean rooms. First-clas- s course to surrender rather than make with stone and branches of trees. in every respecL Steam heat. Bloctrio LJghta. puoH H. Officer & Co., X Daily November 1st to April 30th Final Limit June 1st, 1906 BUSINESS Iff LOffBOff cjj.-Juli- 1 us $2.00 J Round Trip -- VOIJVG Of the business General Agent. Illinois Central orida One Fare OCEAN BEACHES. Salt Lake City. k k old, They were all bearded men. Chance had brought them together in the bustling heart of the new south, white Arkansan forests are transformed into veneer and carriage materials. They sat before a table laden with butter beans and fried ratfish and other southwestern delicacies, and sighed for the more familiy1 food of their eastern home. What I want most of all, said Timmins, is some of mas olu mosaic pie." Mosaic pie? chorused the othetf. What in the name of New Engltd 1 Is mosaic pie? Mosaic pie, explained Timmins, s to other pies what America is to Arwhole kansas. It is (he of which the other kind of pie ls4 J r mere offshoot. While apple pie cranberry is for your man of narrow and prejudiced taste, mosaic is the orand which appeals to true catholic) ity of taste. But what is mosaic pie? Well, gentlemen, mosaic pie Is this way. In the Timmins household tlwe were just five members pa and raa and Bill and me and Susie. Pa was !own-easter- HIE I ing." This fellow dont talk yet, does he? asked the conductor presently. He aint but 14 My land, no! months old yet. O, he says some things, but not real plain, as you may say, to talk. His sister, she talked at 14 months, though little gells generally talk sooner'n boy$, they say. Mines a little girl,7 said the conductor. Ive got three boys and a gell, said the woman. Tve sure got to get one o them little carts, the conductor declared. Fick em up, take em anywhere, cant you? Ive seen lots of em, but never paid no particular attention tc em before. Put em on a street car anywhere. It aint so easy as it might be, All o the conducsaid the woman. tors aint as clever an accommodat In as yon are. Theres many of em wnt never offer to help. "I know how it Is myself, you see being a family man. Have you got any? Jest the one, but shes a corker. "How old is she? The conductor ptillpd out his watch and consulted it carefully. Well, he said, shes just 8 hours and 36 minutes old right now, Chicago News. TIE SVITET) WHOLE FAMILY . 4 X cant stand for it to hear em bawl 7 j?1 ' x x RIVERSIDE. FINEST DINING CAR SERVICE IN 44 44 THE WEST. 44palatial Vestlbuled Trains leave Salt Lake City 8:30 p. m. dally. 4-Ob-4-- 4 servatlon. Drawing Room and Standard Pullman Sleeper, Tourist and 44 44 Dining Car. 44- 44 4 4 FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR. Ask nearest agent for Information on Pacific Coast Excursions, or write to J. L. Moore, Dist. Pas. Agent, San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake R. R Salt Lake City. 4 444444t4t t4 - 44 4-- tttt BISHOP, I MET MA'RTy'R'DOM Iff TIBET g Lk-dle- ir k Xbrough Servlo GnTiLOLis 11 CiflcAST iiiuj taul sccmo BECAME ALA'RMEB (C21AEIO rnviLi A few weeks ago a lady living in To our Fine Selection of the vicinity of Copley square was approached by a particular young man Mrs. H., If you ledger, who said: could find just the right kind of a fel;we have added the Chase A Bakery low, one who would appreciate a good a low price, it would be J Piano Player, Victor Talking home at to me to have a room-matagreeable J selec-a choice Machines, with so as to reduce my expenses. A lady friend suggested that Mrs. J tion of the make the want known at the Y H. Lates and Best Rolls and Records. x M. C. A., where one would be sure of 1 just the right person. This getting J was done, and the face of the young 5 The Popular Music House, 46 So. 5 man at the desk lighted up right away as he said: I think I have just the man for you: a stranger of good adX dress has been arourd here for sev rrrijqiiBscra PIANOS. CARS. IT. ctrio Far. rraLnwj vtchaid cam niiir,wwi oar e CoawMk t 6.T9WMk Beesley Music'Co. rrvrvrvrrrvrvrviri'i'rvrrrrvs; TOO SOOff eral days looking for just such a place as you represent. Now, you will find him at (giving the address). Just saj" to him that I sent you. Mrs. H. found the place all right, also two young men, each about 25 years of age, in the doorway. To one of them she said: I am looking for & Mr. X. at this number. Tha that's my name. was the reply. continued Mrs. H., jrour Well, name was given me by the clerk at the Y. M. C. A., who said you were looking for a roommate; now, I Ye ye yes, broke in the blushing young man, I I was; but 1 want a gentleman Boston Herald. j I f 444444-4-444-4-4-4-T- 4 4 44444444444441 Name Your Route East j j On your next trip East tell your local ticket agent that your ticket to Chicago must read via the 4 Chicago, Mil waukee&St. Pau!;i I Railway ou will do j ourself a kindness, securing the maxi- mum amount of comfort at the minimum cost. Dou- - 4 ble daily train service from Ogden to Chicago and 4 from Denver to Chicago. Rate in through sleeping 1 ars, Ogden to Chicago, standard, $9.50; tourist 4 $4.75. Folders and complete information free. Any ticket agent can ticket you East via this line. Ask him to do so. C 4 4 4-- 4 S- - Williams, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City. 44444444 444 44 444444-- 4 4 4. 4. 4. 44 |