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Show tfnt ijU,i ei?n i Nn - , i i- year. -i r r. V i'ii 1IH MAXTI CITY, SANPETE COUNTY, VOL. VI. UTAH, FRIDAY. .JULY YIELDING HOUSE, MR. DYER RESIGNS An Opening Made for Some Patrio- tic American. From Temple. 3 Biks An important document will be filed y with Clerk liache of the supieme court; one that will cauce considerable comment among the citizens of Salt Lake. 1 he paper aforesaid is tne resignation of Frank H. Der as receiver of the Church ol Jesus Christ ot Latter-da- y to-da- first-clas- s accommodations Large Sample Room . J. Fielding Prop. - MANTI, UTAH: Samtr Why it was done no one but Mr. Dxer and his attorney knows. But there is a whole lot of thinking done. Mr. Dver was seen yesterday after- noon regarding the matter, said he I have ALlaw I resigned, or at least my resignation Adornty tUKectmerV S.LaniOfia is in the hands of my attorney, Mr. Parley L. Williams who, if he has not & already hied it, will do so Office in My reasons lor this action are simple I and and Mining Attorneys. General and purely personal I have not tune U. S. Land Office Building. to devote to the duties of the position. practice in all Courts. My other business demands my constant SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. attention and this receivership matter is a constant drag. It does not pay me sufficiently to devote my entire attention to it, and I have other mattets which 1 Union cannot neglect without great pecuniary loss. It is a position not desireable by any means, and the person holding it MOUNTAIN DIVISION. is open to much adverse criticism. 1 have tried while holding it to do my conscient.ously and be fair with duty Printo all Road Best The all parties. 1 think I have made few A cipal Points, East, Vest, mistakes, and if any, they were of the head and not of the heart. I resign, as North and South. I have said, simply to rid niyseif of a Through Pullman Sleeping cumbersome burden, one which I do And Dining Cars From not wish to carry, and I hope my successor will labor, as earnestly as I have Salt Lake Citt, To tried, toJ.idjudicate every thing m a fair and honesi manner. That is all 1 have St. Louis. to say concerning the question and is 111 substairce what my written resigna-natio- n will contain. In Effect Nov. 17th, 1889. Inquiry at the office of the clerk of the supreme court at 6 oclock developed TRAINS LEAVE. the fact th Mr Williams who was undoubtedly excited over the election had not tiled the resignation. It will be placed on the record The position of receiver will thetefore Who will get the be waiting plum for it surely is one remains to be seen. During Mr. Dyers incumbency he has made about $30,000 out ot it and there are many more who will clutch at ko. W. Parks, Parks E.D.R.Thompson Thompson, Pacific System, theoyeeUaNdeoiite. Chicago and TIMECARD eggs because he took an active pirt in getting the women of the d strict out to vote on school alta rs on the nth. The printers 011 the .Ifnier struck work a short lime suite, because the managemement relused to d.scfiarge the foreman, proot reader and telegraph 'Hie men returned to work operator. on Tuesday, without gaining any concessions from the Miner. The last tequest of Mrs. Ernest Prentice of Indianapolis was that no funeral services should beheld over her remains but that a brass band should plav instead. At her funeral a brass band played Nearer My God to T hee,as the corpse was born Irom the house, headed the procession playing a dnge. and plaved a piece of sacred music wlule the body was being interred. The Salt Lake School Election resulted in another victory for tle Liber als. The city board of education will consist of eight Liberals and three members ol the People's party. 'I he Peoples party won two th the third and one in the forth precinct. '1 he total vote cast was 4 753 a decrease of 1.5S5 since last 'I he total Liberal vote was February. 2 Sfis, that of the Peoples party 1S56 Liberal .majority 1.039. It is claimed that the usual Libeial tactics weie em- Trains leaye Salt Luke at 7 10 a m and 3 50 p m arriving at Provo at 9 40 a m and 6 20 p m. Trams leave Salt Lake for Ogden at 7 30 and 20 & m and 4 0U and 6 p in. j.V. PARKER, Asst. Gen. Fr't. A C, F. RESSEGU1E, Pass. Agfi ployed. The House passed the silver bi'l FCJND jt C. COFFIN' i suit EXTRACT IJOBBEKS OF SXowc -- UwAWvvy WWvwe. awvUW VUvx-Avvmv- awv vc MWY.sxwVOiva' 8wvAv.cs. CWiW Took, Tix-xvvw- The importance of purifying the blood cannot be overeMm md, for without pure blood you canuot enjoy good health. At this season neai 'y eviry one needs a , good medicine to 1 m if;-- v italize, and enrich the blood, and we ask you to tiy Iiood Pprillinr I V lYvw-vxvowv- Tvo-YYHXV- av Nt Y' C., c--, E. C. COFFIN HARDWARE CO, Buuaine. Progress saa.-- j diauca nittaui, irsj,"'rtlla. It strengthens aj pmijs up the system, crates an appetite, and tones the digi xtion, while it eradicates disease. Tiie peculiar combination, proportion, and jrepaution of the vegetable remedies used give to Hood s Sarsaparilla pe nl- - -j-iar curative powers No other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures. If you have nndo up jour mmd to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other instead. It fs a Peculiar Medicine, and fs worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. bv a 4.eof vote of 122 yeas against 90 nays It has lliioll been signed by the President and has therefore become law. 1 he bill provides for the purchase of, not to exceed, forty-thiemillion ounces per month, two millions must be coined monthly till July 1st 1891, and as much thereafter as is necessary to redeem tieasury note", gives the treasuty the right to redeem notes 100 Doses One Dollar either in gold or silver at their option, 111 the United and estaclishes States. HENRY STANLEY The man who balances plows on his chin and does other interesting things I his person is an acis in hard luck. commodating Spaniard who makes open air exhibitions of feats of strength, to the tumultuous delight of the children. But Also yesterday he fell from grae from the second to the first floor ol the Wasatch building. He filled his person with an assortment of liquors and went rihe janitor, up to call on the maishal. w ho has no appreciation of the eccentricities of genius, threw him down stairs to a policeman who was. waiting it, for him. That is why the Spanish cava--he- r IN DARKEST AFRICA Oil Saturday last when Judge Rosbor-oug- h is digging gravel m the service of was deposed T. R. Jones was apThe above item 13 the pointed examiner of the receivers from city The complete story of Stanley s recent thrilling Salt Lake 7'imei of July 14 the Mr accounts. sUvooturea and the diacloaure of hi important Yesterday morning We wonder if any of crur readers know will appear for the fl ret timer in tie diacorerio and lark the with arose striding Jones work written hy himself entitUd in I) irke,fc down to the Wasatch building informed who the hero is. Jtfrra ' 1) not lie cl' oen I by any of the mk 1k w b tiiL off r as j v ks n sailed Btauley on the judges that he could not accept T ) no one of these ah a Ulientic B. W. Browns Case. account of his business engagements. Stanley contributed aline. ment he ng Iherei a no question about tins Herald. torreettn every p rtk tiUr 5Vt yuar mtee it, and The dispatches announce the commuwill yive patiouiara on apj In at to to le in sled, ee tation of the sentence of Bvron W. P AIITlfiM Jfi the not book beats vHUIIUtl that Brown, of Lehi, Utah County, to one Death of General Fremont. year and eight months actual imprisonSONS CHARLES SCRIBNER'S New York, July 13 General Charles ment. 'I his action was taken by Piesi-deAnd that the cmvaasln ajient carries a certificate Mr. Brown was coirv.cied u Hainson, refrom of candidate of first the agency the Fremoitf, of perjury because he said he did not bepublican party for President, died atwthe lieve A. L. BANCROFT & CO. in polygamy, and was senteiu ed to home of his adopted daughter, the lie 111 the Detroit three and 1 to W M yeais prison of Colonel H. Porter, 49 est x 132 POST STREET, I he line was re fifth Street, at 3 40 oclock this aiternoon. pay a hue ot $1000. SAN FRANMSC0. will Mr. Brown muted. release This on His death was due to inllanution of the for the Pacific Coast. General Agents 3id bowels. There were present at the bed- August side at the demise, his son, Lieutenant AN OPEN LETTER FROM HENRY J. C. Fremont of the navy, and Ins physiTwo Hundred People Drowned. M. STANLEY. v sickHis Moitou. Williams Dr. cian, ness was of comparatively short duration, Minneapolis, July 14. The steamer BY THK OMMl'ItUAI. CABLE TO HIE and dated its first stages from the excessbea Wing left Red Wing, Mum. this HI RAf D followOn the ive heat of lastTuesday. afternoon with 250 passengers on board, May lii.lV.io The follow mg London, and some bound for Lake City, wheie the notice was mailed laH night to Messis. pain, ing dav he experienced Tnursday, was worse but did not com- encampment ol the State militia was in Chailes Seiibneis Sons, aim I have plain. Matters assumed so muen worse progress At several small towns along been shown theonginal eopv: 011 Friday that he sent for a physician. the shore of Lake Pepin, enough moie The doctor advised the sick man to take people were taken on board to maze Notice io the Amfrican Public I beg distinctly to state that the While about 350. a sail and get a little fresh air. When the boat reached it he was out on the water he got a bad destination, a baige was in tow which only juiblisheis m America who have aiiv authonty to publish any thing chill. Friday night he sent for Dr. Mor- carried 100 of this number whatever of mine hi e Messrs. Su lOn the following morning ton again. Late this afternoon the party Sons and Messrs, lbtiper Brothels. lor home and was m the middle iner's (Saturday)the disease developed enough to show its true character, peritonitis, of the lake, ott Lake City, when a cy M new and shoitly fm theoming vvuik, In Dai kest At riea, is exclusivei" m but even then the case was not consid- clone struck them. The boat became ered dangerous, and a dispatch to that unmanageable at once. The barge was the hands of Mesms Cliai les Scnlmei 's The gen- cut loose and after an hour, drifted to Sots, and I cannot too emphatically etiect was sent to Seabright. eral was 77 yeais and 6 months old at shore with about twenty people on condemn the condiii t ot a In in calling the time of his death. -- I 'ewe. The others, two hundred or itself the HiHnneal Publishing Comboard. pany, who, in the name of truth and were drowned. more, put f oi t li an adv el t It is impossible at this tune to give justice, Look headed out! Do not be deceived A Car Burned. the names; but among the dead are d is made up of the most someiof the best known and most prom which falsehoods. U. on P. was the As the train nearing rnent people of Red Wing and vicinity The woik winch they announce as Milford on Wednesday morning, it was A number of bodies have already washed Continent, I discovered that one of the cars loaded ashore, and the citizens have formed a "Ifeios of theDaik entue! v. They say it contains with telegrahD poles was on fire. The voluntary police service to patrol the all my forthcoming work and a gieat 'Hie train was stopped, the car detached and shores and watch for others. mote. I emphatically denj this allowed to burn, for it was on the desert search will contmue through tne nignt. deal and no water at hand. As the heat got The storm did gieat damage to prop- statement. 1 have simply to say once for all that down to the rails, they are said to have erty in and about Lake City, but 110 people can by no possibility pubcurled and twisted 111 all shapes, and so lives were lost on the shore, as far as these lish am thing of mine hut what thev to had that the er. this did bad get, engine reported. Enquit have dishonestly appiopnated lrmn go on and ge help to lay a new track my previous woiksjond being an Ambefore distance the for a short journey citizen arid llieufoie holding my COAL! COAL!! erican one time At could be proceeded with. theie, I .shall m due fume copyright car it was feaied that the passenger take me.isuies to piotect mjself Coke & Coal Deseret The pioper Company would ignite from the heat, but the such on unprincipled iobhti). 'he been have against making improvements passengers all got out and run the car J am aware that seveial othei pubCanyon Road and at the down the track a short distance. Several Cottonwood are now prepaied to e lishers are announcing spunous works Beaver people were aboard. I toman. mine, and their customers in any quan-itcoal to purpoilmg to he mine. I theieioie A olatform is built and so ar- think it high lime that ail my good in Ammira should be put on CONDENSED NEWS. ranged that the wagons will be loaded friends in mind that mv through a shoot and the delay necessi- their guaid, and bear authorized woik will be called 'In The government of San Salvador has tated in loading, as formerly done, is ob- Dal kest and Afnea,n twovolu ncs, declared the country 111 a state ol seige. viated. . will act as will be published only by Messis. Fairview Store The A thousand houses and shops have our and Charles Sciilmei's sons in selling road passes been destroyed 111 Constantinople lately, coal,agents HENRY M. STANLEY. orders for coal can be oband their and the tire is still raging. tained for the same figures at which the Mr. Wallace D.llmgs is now canvassSaiah Althea ;oing east to lecU coal is sold at the mine, f$t,5o per ton.) named book, being ure on the case that nas ..i dz ner name cash or wheat; store orders will be ing for the abo All sole agent for Sanpite countv. taken at ten per cent, discount, notorious. 'I he coal will be extracted no feet who wish to gt t a hist r lass book givot end lescairhs in Through the bursting of a bottle ol from the surface, and will be entirely ing the soda water in a tram near Austin, i ex , free from slate and slack. The road Afnea fiotn the p'm of Hem y M. Stau-le- v , should not fa.i to gn e Mi. Bdimgs little girl was fatally lujuied a short time will be kept 111 good condition. ago. Bypiomptness and attention to the their oidei. we hope to merit the good will A Method st preacher named Daniel business ot the coal consuming and patronage removed Avondale. Ala., B. Martin, at tins in county. public his (the a rival in a loye afta.r by splitting We .r.nte all to come and see the im- Bi.A KSVlTH li WaGO.X MAKFitdetS rivals) head open with an axe on the provements and to give us their orders first class work in blacksmithing of the nth. evening which will receive our est attention. Ac. ork done on short noiic-Tw- o De e et Coal Ar Coke Co , 'I he people of Butternut, Wisconsin, ., block4- - east of Moroni H Carisiiv. do not seen t favor Womans Sutirage. Sd-l-- Sroad. on Supt county 1 he county Supt. was pelted with rot'en e i,) Margetts Bros., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Office, School and Architectural Supplies, BasoBall Goods: Blank BooksYoys and Fancy Goods, H. STATIONERY and BOOKS, Note Books, Tablets, and InkStands AniogT&glx S IPapetries Albums, Put!i:hi ti2 h hi thh tj 76 S. MAIN ST. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Sosl: ' Moses Thatciiek, Brest. Hi. Isaknard White, F.lt.Sxow, Vice li est. Secy & Treas. GieASxovv, GnuT Mgr. 1 Uj-- j Gen. Manager. ( nt GRAND DRAWING OF THE we-nt- iotcria de ia Beijeficeijcia Public! OF THE STATE - I ; NO. 27. E-- to-da- y. !li , (;i IS, 1890 to-da- r ; UI pu 7'A s p , OF ZACATECAS , MEXICO, A ivndicate of capitalists have cured the concession for operating se- - this LOTTERY, have extended ita businea thronhot the tinted States and British. America elow wilt be found a list of the prices which wiil be drawn on d JULY 27,1890. nr At Zacatecas Mexico, and continued mtntUly thereafter. CaDi,,l $150,000.00 j at tlt.m; Halves (3 oa; TenthsTiPkpt. fel.4M; American Currency 0,000 . MR Ef Moses tors: Barnard White, F. It. Snow, W, W. Burton M. Snow, W. B. Preston, G. A. Snow. Thatcher, SOlo Agents for the following well known goods. The Old Reliable Cooper Wagon, Moline four spring mountain wagons, Porter road carts. The above are made especially for the Utah trade. McCormick Nichols & Shepard Co.s mowers, reapers and binders. New Vbrator threshing machinery. Scott all steel hay presses. Jay Ivye Sec sulkey plows. Case Canton Clipper steel steel beem centre draft plows. hand and tricycle plows, harrows and Ajax cultivators. I'ountain city grain drills. I Joosier press drills. Gorham Combined and independent seeders. full-circ- le tiM-men- nl baie-face- ULCB MTE: Tickets For 850:00 8PICA1 KATES ARRANGES ASSUIS S I l1! I 1' r ' i'f Slid WASTED I." British America WTH AGENTS XrVmtVltaete f I I I t Certify that with the State Treas-fe- r all necessary guarantees are de-- 1 dosited, assuring full payment of all prizes of this drawing. Herminio Arteaga, Interventor. IMPORT , i 4T. Remittances must be either by New fk Draft, Express or Registered J Collections her, American money. win be made bv Express Companies or Banks Ticket sent direct to manage-- i went will be paid bv drafts on New k. Montreal, St- - Paul. Chicago, San For coorCity of Mexico. address JUAN PI ED AD, Manager, -- v mi - JH S L.CIT Y.OGDEX, LOGAN, MILFORD, UTAH CLINGER, Traveling Agt, for Sanpete Sevier Counties. i(o00P OLD RELIABLE ZHAlECAS.XEAICtt Co-op- 1 iy T. J. iYlorlev, Co-op- 9 COOrUK WAGON the prize at the Terri-toriFair. In 1889 tin re war 1,019 sold in Utah alone. jtook ' al city de-iiv- The payment of Prizes is guaranteed as a special deposit of five hundred hausand dollars ($500,000), with the State Government, and approx ed bv Jesus Arechiga, Governor. Drawing under the personal supervision of Lie. Herminio Arteaga, who is appointed by the Government as Inter-venio- r. f Branch House? at if EIM01 r r? DEALER I'arm and Freight Wagons, Spring Wagons of Buckeye best quality. lupgic-- , Road Carts and Buckboard-.Llevator Mowers and Jieapers; Crown Mowers; Buckeye Be t anJ Draft Binders; Euckeye I.ow Down Binders; Light and Rakes, ; Sulky in Market Daisy the Machines Bradley Advance and Minnesota Chief Threshers latent Improved anu Best made; Steam Engines ;Sav Mills and Lelfcl 1 urbine Wheels ttlcry . Salt Lake City, Utah. ItEPRLaiXJ E3 hT GEO, SNOAV , MAN 1 I, MOB LT. TJ.YORIEY, J.P.ANDBKOX, HJIP..' |