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Show for dTIBBOItiaC C THE SENTINEL, - $2 50 PER YEAR ONLY ,' v. v iNewspeper, ; YOL. VI. MANTI CITY, SANPETE COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY. .JULY 1 1S90. 1, 9 FIELDING HOUSE, i. 3 From Temple. Bite MILFORDS DEPOTIN RUINS. Tnousands of Dollars Worth of Freight Consumed. Milford, July 7 About 2 15 to day the town was shaken by a sudden explosion FIRST-CLAS- S 111 the of giant freight depot. A stored there, ACCOMMODATION S and other powder wasquantity which suddenly, and without any cause that can be ascertained, exploded. The shock was terrific and the building was almost blown to pieces. In an instant the building was enveloped in tiames, and all elforts to save it weie fiuitless. The loss of goods in storage is very MANTI, heavy, amounting to many thousands uf dollars. The wind was blowing hard and it was only by E.D.R.Thoxpsox, from the south-wes- t, Geo. W. Parks, aw prolonged and vigorous eflorts that the AUomey hkUtcV.M.LiiOflc lound house and a long line of cats were saved. There were several narrow I & and except for the fact that the escapes, Office in cleiks and men J.and and Mining Attorneys. had just started to dinGeneral ner, several lives would undoubtedly V, S. Land Office Building. Men sitting on the have been lost. practice in all Courts. were thrown in all directions, platform SUIT LUKE Cm, UTAH. and it seems a miraoe that no one was injured, The railroad company lost all their hooks and records, and had it not been Onion for the heroic elforts of C. W. Sadine, chief cletk, and Fred Savage, ware MOUNTAIN DIVISION. housemen, the money and tickets w ould In making a second also. have ROUTE. effort gone to save the leeords Mr. Sadine was THE blown front the office window by a secThe Best Road to all Prinond blast and was slightly bruised. Zarffe Sample Room. J. Fielding Prop, i - j 4 UTAH; At-- Farks I ( ; j Thompson, Pacific System, I OYEEUND Points, East, West, North and South. Through Pullman- Sleeping And Dining Cars From Salt Lake City, To cipal TIMECARD Effect Nov. 17th, TRAINS LEAVE. In 1889. P. M. - 7. Tin Cup is in ot excitement over a rich dis- Tin Cup, Colo., July and Chicago St. Louis. t I CLAIMS THE RICHEST MINE IN THE WORLD. COLORADO - j A. M Train leave Sait Luke at 7:10 a m and 3 50 p a m anil i iOpm. to arriving at Provo at Trim, leave Sait Lake (or Ogden at 7:30 and 1:30 am and 4:00 and 6 p in. J.V. PARKER. C. F. Asst. Gen. Frt. b Pass. Agt RESSEGUJE, Gen. Manager. OF THE ; l Lotcrii de la Begeficeijcia Public 1 of The ; STATE OF ZACATECAS , MEXICO, i ' i . A syndicate of capitalists have se-tured the concession for operating this LOTTERY, ! J gold-bearin- GRAND DRAWING i nd have extended it bnninea throiurho t the United States and British America Below will be (oahd a list of the prices which will be drswn on JULY 27,1890. lit ZaMtssas Maxias, and oeatianed m.ntlily thereafter, ; six-fo- ot crr $150,000.00 Tamil Tlrtaet at tia.ww; Halve Asaarlwaa tarreuey. ,i,t LIST OF FRIZES a quiver covery that has been made here, and which was fully substantiated early this morning in what, to all appearances, The looks to be a mountain of gold. first reports were calculated to turn the county upside down, and were of the The fact, how ever rewildest nature. mains that the richest gold vein ever opened in the world lies just six miles from this place and il the dip holds out it will cause an excitement that will put the palmy days of Cahtorma and Pikes Peak to shame without a doubt. Messrs. McCormick & Lewis,- - the owners have so far, the richest thing on tne surlace ot the earth and if it holds out, the three months, will overshadow the famous Comstock lode of Virginia City, Nevada It is stated by Old and truthtul miners, that there is more gold discovered on Cross Mountain, provided the streak is continued on its dip to the usual extent ol contract veins, than in all the pay There is disclosed mines in Colorado. lying between the veins a vein mass ten feet in thichness the lower six feel befour ing iron maganese, and the upper g feet of quart. The quartz being light in color, porous and free, gold can be seen m the form of the roads crossing the spaces in the rock and Hakes of gold adhering to the exposed surfaces. This same quartz has been thrown over the dump m past times as worthless The lowest assay obtained thus lai ounces to the ton, has been twenty-tw- o and there are specimens that will pan, at by pulverizing mortar and washing,are Two men least $20,000 to the ton ol taking out right now $5000 worth metal each day, and they are sur-in the hill, only fifteen feet irom the face. From the best information obgold streak is tainable, the four-fee- t , worth 1000 a tor., If the streak extends the length of one claim, 1500 feet, on its trend, and one yard only on its dip, and eac.i cubic wnl be J5&3. yard weighs one ton, IIthere streak on the the 000 worth ol gold. 1000 mountian the into down goes dip feot it is worth ?i874790' Now, about the iron maganese. tne the quanz streak undetlying ' streak. It is worth $30 per ton in gold, It is fair to stale that besides the iron. was from present appeerances no nud ever made on earth that equals tins one. S A- - Tiibune. I CONDENSED NEWS. Mrs. Harrison thinks the newspapers lake too wide a range of freedom with She no the private matters of families. doubt begins to realize the remark of the English King. "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crow n. Tleket CLUB KATBHt ? 1 SMBAL RATES J6UT$ MIAIBfS rer WTH A6ENTS- - IS WASTED WndButtih Amerioa. The payment of Prises is guaranteed a special deposit of five hundred a housand dollars ($500,000), with the ' State Government, and approved bv Jesus Arechiga, Governor. j Drawings under the personal supervision of Lie. Herminio Arteaga, who is r. f appointed by the Government as Inter-Venjo- ; . Certify that with the State Treas-rer all necessary guarantees are assuring full payment of all prizes of this drawing. Herminio Arteaga, Interventor. I d, 2 tnPOBT&NT. Remittances muft be either by New York Braft, Express or Registered Collections Letter, American money. van be made bv Express Companies or Banks. Ticket sent direct to management will be paid bv diatis on New Voik. Montreal, St. Paul, Chicago, San For fur- scoot City of Mexico. ..'formation address JUAN. PIE DAD. Manager .tax ecas,hcxio The Belgian Congo Company will send out. an expedition, consisting of seven whit men and 15O native soldiers, to explore the interior of the Congo State. They will endeavor to trace the rivers of that countiy, to their sources, and will add much to our knowledge of African geography. A heavy wind struck Fargo, North Dakota last Monday. A number of houses were blown down, seven children and two tramps killed, and a woman so seriously iryured that she is not expected to live. A passengi r train was blown from the track and several people injured but none of them seriously. Governor Nichols does not believe that it is necessary f r Louisiana to have a lottei y in order to help them pay the in state debts, neither docs he believe so liscencing corruption and profligacybill. he has vetoed the famous "Lottery The house has passed the bill over the governors veto, by a vote of 6S against it. as if a compromise be effected between tint advocates of free coinage and their will The agreement opposers. of 4.500, for the purchase It looks would provide ounces of silver per month, the bullion redemption oertifiates will be redeemable in coin and a full U00 legal tender. The Heated Termtremendous wind stonn from the La..v u, fitly ,S -- I he hut spell was, n mli west, swept over Cleveland and broken in this c.ty this destroyed $200,000 w oitii ol property. evening a ih'l.ghtful coff Lieee w!nh swept The natives t the Solid in are dying dov.. Imm the north. l'he s gnal ser-of starvation. 1 housauds aie entirely Vice officer savs tins is the effect of the without food and cases of cannibalism big stiitnt m the north-wes- t yesterday and that the excessive hot spe! aie tepotted. is en-deil for the present at least. Repuitsi From the Herald we learn that Enul all points iti Iowa, liimois, Missouri, Husserl a musician by profession and liom i' Astem, Kansas, Ohio, M.chigan, and living with the Wadelrsv company comKentucky report t xcessive heat mitted suicide in American on the an ma iv 8th. by taking Morphine. A letter was-atihties, lor I he maximum temmud on his person telling that hie was tmia'elv' ate lew. a failure and asking to be buried there perature ol tii season is repotted liom as he had no fuends or relatives m this Kansas city, Louisville, Cun lmia'i, and points. In Ohs, and Rennsvlvama country. Another, sealed, with a re- oilier this tbeie vvete several local quest to bury it with him written on the wind evening and electric stoims which did much envelope was found. at various points. The same is damage E. C. COFFIN A i; v 1 ! - t 'spoiled CLEVER CAPTURE OF THIEVES. J Irom New York and New l.ng-lau- 5 OF, 1iVucsw' VVk'e, d states as mentioned elsewhere in these dispatches, Boston, Syracuse, Albany, and other points report a tetnppia-Huul over c,S degrees It is thought by 1 hu isday the cool wave will have spread over the w hole tenitury east of the Mis sissippi river affording much needed re-- l ef. New York citv had a scorching day, as told m the dispatches above. A scoie f pro u rations and one death from excessive heat are reported here tonight. Richmond, Virginia, reported the hottest day of the year, with the mercury at lot In the shade Hnald. JOBBERS W CvfCWiuXc, ex v c, . e Early last Monday morning Officers Learn, Silvey, and Childs made a clever capture of pickpockets. The ofticets noticed the mysterious movements of three men on the Twenty-fourtstreet, in front ot the Royal Ex'1 was changehulking something wrong, Officer Childs went into the yard at the rear of trie saloon, anJ pietending to be very drunk, fell down, and feigned sleep. Officers Lea in and ijilvey had stationed themselves in the shadow of the building and soon saw two men stealthily approach the supposed drunk. The thieves bit at the bait which had been prepared for them and proceeded to go tnrough the officer. In the midst of their wotk they were pounced upon by the officers and were perfectly dumfounded to find they had been caught in a trap The pickpockets were marched to jail and a charge of robbery placed opposite their names. On the way to the City prison, one of the pnsoneis tried to bribe Officer Learn to let him escape, but the uffer only made Lean tighten his grip on the fellows collar. Both men were bound over in $2,000 10 await the action of the grand jury on the charge of robbery. Standard. h Earthq uake in Wyoming Washington, July 8 Secretary An Noble received late this afternoon the following dispatch from Superintendent Boutelle-a- Mammoth t Hot springs, Wyoming. The dispatch just received fioiit NorAt 4:15 p. in. there was a ris Basin; severe shock ol eaithquake followed b a terrible roar, and the geyser called New crater had an eruption. Ills lliiovv-uitip a column of steam, stones and g water about two bundled leet 111 cucum-lerenc- e to a height of about oire bundled and twenty five leet, and shaking the whole basin around that vicinity. limes. Th Cheyenne Indians Uneasy. St Raul, 8. from Rieiie.S. A Pioneer Press special says News liom ilie .... heveune Indian agency contiims the sunmses ol trouble at that point. About tour thousand Indians aie at the agency vvlien and cieated a distutbance they found no laltons could be issued until Wednesday. I tie delay is caused uy the tact that the cattle have net been driven in Irom the range, thus leaving the Indians almost starving liom MonTne Indians also day until tomorrow object to being counted 111 the census and the census will be taken with gieat difficulty. The condition ot the ind.ans ,s deplorable. Yesterday twelve died ol consumption and lung level and the physician liad many mute seuuus cases on h.s hands. tsicknesS pievails almost entuely among the senu civilized. 1. y CRUSHED UNDERTHEWHEELS. Tha Horrible Accident to Old By Vesterday. Ten-ye- A faint cry, a sickening crush and little Robert McLaughlin the son ol Robert C, McLaughl.u who near the corner of State road and Tilth South, was dead. It was a terrible affair ami happened about n.-3- yesterday. The city is grading State road between Fourth and South and employs a number ol teams. Among the men employed in driving was Lester Rundell, w ho was engaged yesterday in hauling oft the loose cobble stones. The McLaughlin boy has for sometime past been in the habit ofjump-tn- g on the wagon, although repeatedly warned not to do so. Yesterday he attempted to get on the forward end of the wagan while the vehicle was in motion and in so doing pulled the seat off' against tne horses' neels. The animals sprang forward suddenly and the little lellow was thrown under the wheels, which passed over his chest and head, killing him almost ten-ye- m-s- ta ntly. He was taken to his home Progress Buliaing. aaavi 2.&S3 3tnr, n'snn, Margetts Bros., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in THE KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. There are many interesting features in today's programme of the Knights of At 9 oclock the ofticets and Pythias. niembtis of the supreme lodge assembled at the Rlankington house, and were escorted by a division ot the uniform rank to the exposition building The auditoTium of this mammoth structure has a c ipacity of seating 15,000 pec pie, and every seat was occupied when the reception to the grand lodge began mt Addtesses ol welcome will I ) oclock. be delivered on the part of Wisconsin by Gov. W.D. Hoard; on the part of the city bv Mayor George W. Reck and on the part of the order in the state by Grand Chancellor Hoskins of These gentlemen who expressed the most kindly greetings to the delegates and visitots in the city, were responded to by Supreme Chancellor Ward of Newark. 011 behalf of the Knights of At u oclock, when the rePythias. ception closed, the members of the supreme lodge were escorted to the West Side Turner hall, and began their first session. The business to he transacted by the lodge is mainly the election of officers, the adoption of legislation in t he interests of the order, and the consideration of the reports ol supreme ofT he moveficials for the past year ments, exercises and perfoimances of the Pythias arniv under General CarnaThe han, will (begin this afternoon. company will move foiwaid on a grand paiade over a line of march exlenduig llnee nnles through the principal sneets of the city. The column will he reviewed by the supreme chancellor and T here will be fully major general. kmghts in line, lully equipped in their attractive imifoims. Including the officers ol the divisions and half a dozen or more mounted divisions, there will he nearly 2.000 men on horseback in This will be one ol the most the line. magnificent military displays ever witnessed in America. Following the parade of the uniform knights will come a long procession of lodge members without uniforms Times. Office. School and Architectural Sunnlies, Base Ball Goodsi Blank Banks.Toys and Fancy Goods, STATIONERY and BOOKS, Note and InkStands Books, Tablets, IPapetries AiatogsayS i & A:j 2::k Allsimg, Published can hs hi ft, thruSh 76 S. MAIN ST. Foud-du-La- SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Moses Thatcher, Brest, Barnard White, F.R.Skow, Ge.A.Snw, Vice Prest. Secj Treas. & GuuT Mgr. 12,-00- WXTAT IJ3 SCROFULA is that Impurity in tiro blood, xvhiAa in the glands of tho neck, produces unsightly lumps or swellings; which causes painful running sores on the arms, legs, or feet; which devclopes ulcers In the eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or deafness; which is the origin of pimples, cancerous growths, or the many other manifesta-tton- s usually ascribed to humors;" which, fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption and death. Being the most ancient, It ts the most general of all diseases or affections, for few persons ar entirely free from It. It ar E. C. COFFIN HARDWARE CO, directors: Moses Thatcher. Barnard White, W. W. Burton F. It. Snow, M. Snow, W. B. Rreston, G. A. Snow. SOlo Agonts for the following well known goods. The Old Reliable Cooper VVagcfn, Moline four spring mountain wagons, Porter road carts. The above are made especially for the Utah trade. McCormick Nichols & Shepard Co.s mowers, reapers and binders. "New Vbrator" threshing machinery. Scott all steel hay presses. "Jay Eye Sec sulkey plovvS. Case steel beem centre draft plows. "Canton Clipper steel hand and tricycle plows, harrows apd Ajax cultivators. Fountain city grain drills. Hoosier press drills. Gorham Combined and independent seeders. full-circ- Branch Houses at S.L.CITY, OGDEN, LOG AN, MILFORD, UTAH JH.CLINGER;Traveling Agt, for Sanpete Sevier Counties. (dOOP' THE 'OLD RELIABLE rery How Can It Be CURED By taxing Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by .be remarkable cures It bas accomplished, often when other medicines have failed, has proven itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. Some of these cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from scrofula, be sure to try ibiod's Sarsaparilla. My daughter Mary was afflicted with ser sore rice k from the time she was 22 months old till Stic became six years of ape. Lumps formed In her neck, and one of them after became growing to the size of a pigeons egg, a running sore for over three years. R e gave ber Hood's Sarsaparilla, when the lump and entirely disall indications ot scrofula a appeared, and now she seems to be healthy child. J. S. Cab Lit z, Nauright, N J. K. 15. Be stir to get only and the coroner notified, but no inquest was The driver was deemed necessary. exonerated frani all blame, but nevertheless feels very sad over the occurence. for $5. Jreparedontf S. The mother of the little fellow is prosf SoldtyallU-erfi.trated over the tesult of the accident and by C. I. liOC L) x t , Apothecaries, Lowell, Ma it was With difficulty that she was con 1GO CotLJ Ono Dollar troled yesterday, she being nearlycrazed by the event. The funeral of the lad will b held from the home of the parents at No. 527 at p. m. Street road Ferdinand Erickson Miss Agnes McLaughlin, a domestic at the Metropolitan hotel, is a sister of the unfortunate lad, and the guests at the hotel, with nice consideration, raisAtty. and Counselor at Law, ed money to pay the funeral expenses, winen Title k nduess will never be forgotten by tbe fiiends and relatives Utah. Mt. Pleasant, Herald , July 8th. Hoods Sarsaparilla ; le (tv I Lw- - -- ? COOF1CB WAGON took the prize at the trial Fir- 1019 In 1889 there sold in Utah alone. - re SALTLAK.E CITY -- DEALER 'Farm and Freight Wagons, Spring IX-Sch- uttler Wagons of best quality. Buggies, Road Carts and Buckboards. Buckeye Mowers and Reapers; Crown Mowers; Buckeye Elevator Binders; Suckeye Low Down Binders; Light Draft anrf Best Machines ia the Market; Bradley and Daisy Sulky Rakes: Advance and Minnesota Chief Threshers latest Improved and Best made ;Steam Engines ;Saw Mills and Leffel Turbine Wheels. to-da-y Salt Lake City, Utah. Rbpsuemted bt GEO. SNOW, MANTI, TJ.MORLEY, MORv'NI. J.P.ANDERS0N, KPHRa . |