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Show TIIK La Grippe in ls37. It a remai hat,!: euinc deuce that ' i the year of (jnei-VictoriaBTTIIK 8KNTINH. l tliLlMlNti O ) : I inn England miliTeil from an . II. FELT, Mtuager. epidemic of influenza so v indent ami UTAH. vv MANTI, t' at it j.m' li-- c to a ine panic, and, for a while, ulmu-- t ,. e Katk Uikli is a ?tiMnLr' creatur? j threatene i a parulv-i- - of The i luira t ri-- li - of the luuludv he evidently wants o :r coam-smt-- ii to stand on their heads. for iu Lop j were inflammation of the throat ami lung-- , with violent siikt.c , II't.'.int(in pho ailmoui-h- - s tlic.n to ami iii.uht'i.e. ceaso 'sitting wn their -- an--. THE HOME SENTINEL ; In chi- -. l is hah w ip -- h itteretl, a window r a ini-.- il to i t he air. ft 3 f t he st et'p ft j - U .ip pe.lttt Ted llea.ts eui-p- i pm.; to er w ht le I.IUJe iieei lttr i m et..t.on. Ail hat I h t j pi t m tl oti ht tore ; t Mae of if ror and i Was that late lots deva-tutin- it- - ant! dn.-- s I tenth, influenza ep tleinie. said one careful li.ouirlcr, ind a high d.tv in the meiropol:.- - and n Imps in the memory of die habitant bitch a scene has t been v itne ed. T. line was scared mi urdet taker not einplttv ed, ami many were unable Ile.ii'-e- s to acroinplibu their orders. and mourning coai lies were to lie seen .It it tti.4 t!ioir,h the -- ti ei -. hurry ing from if exeiuit'iui i.f one funeral to I lie fomun m i incut of another. Tin' walking fu nera - were met at almost every conn r of the public s' reels, and many who hud unified carriages were unable to procure them, ami e impelled to wade through the dill atnl wet on foot. The elilll i hyitlds seemed to lie nil bustle ami confusion. Tin; principal interment- - took place in the parishes of M. 1aiiia--- , .Man lehone, St. File-- s, Clcrhonwcll, Whitechapel, Itellimd-gree.- i, St. .Margarets anil t. It is computed John's, Westminster. that not les than 100 burials must have taken place on Sunday, and when :t is coii'ideicd that the number of parishes in and round tin metropolis near UU , the cahulutioii does not wetn to he tin Fkitjihls the press country fchotdd he cautious. mid never hay diamonds except on e. clour day. The least mist or fog iu the iitmopjdiere will protean yo i from disi on ring too flaws in them, h.itup, luuixy neither practically kills ties di.tiuuu 1 itmi door. t lv junction Knew of in- - apjirn.it li and tie it it u Jointly w. is ill. it (in Ids re.'ie-h- , eurit In ail, A - w Hi la a; ire ind is dent J !e w mi i ttii Ml ihe ernssutg oer IV illi cteitl nature ah it ;t t iitlenl tl Kir! hi tv I. j- - :hc .itllt st in-l- .f ! If 1. 1, v K M inv. It was on Sunday, the 2'uh of Jaitl-a- t v, tli .t Ia.mloti n aiieil to the full !!u extent ami g nature of per-oide- gr-rip- anil a:nt. ah th. a-tii-, is well enough to remind the less ical that the tiviiuio-i- Fcnen - war tn- Itald- - that oil ret a It I the rniao Of -- ume litrl r ami expert! . :e:-- l f on to tn In hip i ilortp to po-- t ; o n-- t -o, u W us Hie ihl'e I o, la xt tl'tor! lui-in- i street, between Fir-- 1 -- L anil ri' is tftll the idd tiiti ame Ins vv ay , ti iili a me iinv rczn-itu'! mi aid .e h In i . ir, ttav ly day ; Jinn tin vv i d mi t line i ere mingled lira I v e, ( Iiiv ah i to-d.- iv ti -- v In Jit 1 hi- - vv n.t'ire'p my i,i 1 laiu.de-iw- -- ave- - a- g-- I VV : ami Second - 1 got oil of ihe me at 1 bro landed that ferryboat 1 started to go the.e. On Second at nine, near Thirty sixth street, I saw with my old employer it box factory liiggps name painted on the front for h in, wall. I .stepped in ami hut they toh! me that he was out. 1 w as anxious to get home, del not As I vv as coming out of tin facwait tory I saw my brother William walk-n- g up second avenue. 1 called him I hurried to by name and he stopped. him ami grabbed both of his hands. How arc you, old hoy, I said, and liovv is mother ami sue lit looked at me iu surprise an seemed anxious to away. Then I asked him if lie didn't know me. He confessed lie didn't. I'in your Wliy! I exclaimed, brother Feorge. I jut arrived iu town William said, No, you aint, (icorge is dead and buried several momhs ago. Ti lls that hrumrht to nitml the ide-pre- h.-l- ! riuep, ami as soon j its gi tpr; with a Tuts country wie-ifrightful tenacity Iliti expect-It first tooK hold. In this coimci t.oa lOOIi IJOY NEXT i tor! That's ridiculous,' ii hiniiey tuigltd liov lit t door. retorted. I Fant you ee that Fm m alive'1 You'l e ali vc enough, lie an-- ei ed. but wlio di'iiie- - it? Mv brother Feorge is dead. We buried him over -- Too Hasty. There are some tilings which mm do from excellent motives, but tor tiie doing of which they afterward find it Much a hard to forgive them-clvparadoxical experience - rela'ed hy a e. i- Hli.iile I -- land Mihlicr iiuio 'g his reiiiin-i-eeueof the war. Tiie incident occurred at the l.attle of IVgrama Farm, when tiie Union Line broke, and it looked for a time as though tae e enemy would force a through. In company with other officers, 1 cndeavoied to tally the men fleeing to tho rear, and of eour-- e made of mv sabre when a man refu-e- d to : top. I hit one man a pretty heavy blow. lie -- topped immeilia.cly, and. thinking ht meant to d -- charge his piece at me, I wa- - preparing to -- trike again, when the expre. ion of lii- - face, upturned toward.- - me, me of my suspicions. lie said. I'm not a Colonel, eovv aid and I'm not mimin' because I will -- and as I ntnafrad. long as y: u or any oilier man, but I am badly es pa-sag- u-- e wounded. sti'iNed a tree with a pap r cHint hack trembling and the m lrdiT. 8udi feats done lien a- - wed as m el-e- i i. Ec W :IV,: i we know what - the ovv r pf 'rm Oll magnetiNer. It has hit!, ei to ( p of the fairy ta e- - of science. ,ut L Jlbi it is to have ad le a m vv ;ii , l ilde chapter to the record- - of cl, One waits for pno.lt hut definite enough. One m.tlefa,.;,,, libertine actually in tho t,,, mi of tiie police, is said to have wins, led t hi liis victims, choo-in- g tho-- e of !Ul tional temperament, and then to magnetized them and ordered tk, m ; commit -- uii'ide. One poor girl iti.l J. al.t so. Law and .science are equally ib.nq! te rested in the result of an inve-fl- .. lo.ti tiiiu vv liich it is s iid will very )lolj' ere be held. If the facts are j rovts! t! question will ari-- e whether the!ruil ,on! actually amounts to vv hat the recognizes as murder. If not we ceio s. taialy ought to have a new law, an we shall probably have a new won! To u pe son seems u y iqrj M wt diction in terms. ' 1 h -- 1.1 VI He ;u rued I. is bead atnl showed me 1011 a feat ful bullet vv omul acro.-- s he side Late-- t Intcllige: ce. ee Win a, at sunset, homeward walking. Hessian women who tecoiim doctors liis of neik. Once inis-ewas a reporter of a local no.u1"" t.:e chl'drcns noise, lie are eonipelled to submit to very strin1 M irteil tin ir 'jr.-ilemember the ex pre-- si n of hs paper. He came into the office in vv talking, two months of tl,,.1 ago, and on a Friday face as well a if I had seen it v ester-da- di-theaving all tin ir rom; ingjnys. Among other things gent regulations ri t postmastc , as was his ulJt tomb-tonSaw tile pmiivv vv kite rihaon- - sire. tilling e week the was : net as up. No put no no anythey may praotlo fear, regular animosity, if there was any news. From the house stoppi la fine 1 and thing but a look of indignation that he and Ie that lie was until they are 10, hut mu-- t, '1 ea llruiis mi my eaei ks vv ere gleaming No, much, nothing el-lie carelessly n ital that hail attended somebody should been have lit nur-cowardof in to he the ix this htt'e for ilmir! charitable next time, suspected up plie i one of the oflicia s. 1Iaum,i lie ice. funeral, hut it was of no e. institutions of various kinds, or in hosheard of the new order.' few saitl that in knew his own brother, 1 made I the best could upoogy Yf ANTED AH IDENTITY. and wa- new What pitals. order. Yc aske sati-lie- d eagerly that there under the circumstances, ami after that perfectly the reporter, making a move for l)i!K wasnt ttuv about the funeral. I d il not strike The most encouraging reports come I till had man pencil. I1' When I rot a little excited in walked made sure he was any from Freylown, the headquarters for My name is M running from fear. orgo hy, that the ,T il off. ami II row : i. something about the work oil the new Nicaragua canal. At least I iliii k it is, and at i not to issue Lie po-!- ai 1 calmed down and told him going cu.ii.ec police. s I one time American at sure was, mo The work on of ii. At pre-rdigge-Thank-Ta- i. y ary longer. Then li.; said my-el- f. I li i cn'i I am not things about the ditch, and art) eon imwing all obany eonv iciioiis. Where did you get your in form;, ,anc Tin King of Aiintiin, a country of 1 mu-- t have that and known certain whether I am myself or someFeorge stacles. lresent indications uro that ,M a, sou! hen-ter- n now under the pro- lion? body el-- e vv limit 1 don't know any tiling heard him v talk. the gloomy Into of the lie we haven't any olTHal i,. a hoy nine years of tectorate Well, France, is What in is our to I object trying aboul, but can ti mill Lilly aert that Thank-Tu- i canal will not overtake lli is enterprise. lie is but a formation yet; lmt we know it is o.:'r hy name. it over cmuloitalde to fear that --make out that you are Feorge, he old, That will be a gieat hardship t In nominal with very little A WE LI. SI 'EM.- -. is I more sovereign, can than aid, understand. are a to whom have you stranger you Ip F. Hen-oNashville, Tennessee, bn the Anuamitet and the the poor, ventuied the power, he If were a to neir In St. laneras and St. (.He's got to apologize whenever there fortune you stub I don't see how it will," Is treasurer fi r the fund that is being of the eountry pay him replied lb the scenes were truly your toe or knock your elbow against might lit; some sense in it, hut there French ina-tcofficial. honors. raised to keep the Hermitage, (ieneral churchyards a royal isnt cent coming to him. to the a door po-- t. awful, and even ing I suppose it is done on account o Andrew Jackson's late home, in order, feeling-- . lie is saiil to be a rather melancholy I still insisted that 1 was The bunal-grouiin tin To i ho best of my belief my brief Feorge, the loss on the leiier postage?" much to anil to buy the relies and mementoes funner had more the appearance o. a career h is not been anil told youth, hint mother given would that recogd with This is not very strange, erhuins, -- inei No, that isn't the reason the pos now owned by (Vcm-- Andrew Jack-soploughed field; furrows from the incident, hut will not make this as a nize me, as there was i,o deceiving a lit; lives almost alone. decided not to make them an, jo e lie inster not mother's t So ho we to The sum needed is $S50.ihO, and graves were turned up all over the went 1 e cou-h; as said 1 , a one and when -I however, little, spoke up another official. I It house. longer," lately, was told and mother that 1 was her scene is between (lie Unit believed in ho it be! ore, tiiis can raised iu place; may lie some per-o- n of whose sou rea-ois his in of the what tutors to him Well, then? out of k she three and four o'eltii that no reading wouldnt believe I am entirely Feorge, but Olio dollar Kubscriplioris. bo-.ignorant. an the now desperate reporter. of p!ii!o-ophfa ter tgl be ween hat I am about to narrate concerns it, and began to cry, and said that it ed Oriental forty and fifty iiitermen's and stumbled in attempting to ex Why, simply bceau-- they arc Ion; Kitiibk Kansas will have to quit took place, tin ttmlci takers eat rely Feorge Washington lii'iiivn, whether vv: s a very wicked thing for me to try a child-- t ing said to enough now! The postmaster genm. J" grave to go to. (iroups lie is 1 or somi other person, and ou and make her believe that I was her plain passage, the raising such enormous crops, bays knowing which anil the people are very well him, seriously, hut without sevei itv vv s vv illi eorp-e- -, son. dead Sue me of net told and inoui too, cried, in decide f for Atchison lie who ailing the your-clmay Companion, or trio radreally Had you not better, before under witlt the present lenjith." HI part for the clergy man to take -. If you conclude hat 1 tun Feorge emphatically that I was not her way companies of llm statu will have every to explain those books, look Ihe door slammed bird as tho re lii s turn in ir I brother. taking In W went the funeral away, I'.row performing can so and state to begin building more c irs. ii, To tins sei vice. Some f of the mourneis had living unbiased in your judgment and almost convinced that I was not Feorge them over and see whether you com porter went out. tho Emporia Republican makes curt Frow n. prebend them yourself? to wai. upwards of an hour iu no way influenced cr: nclually by sympathy, you Let the railrouds got down to before their relatives could bo inThe tutor, much at tiii reply, The World Without Friction The next day I called on William at w ill set tin anxious mind at rest ami mild rebuke, stammered out an apolo thoir knitting then. Kansas crops arc terred. his of and a after li.tia-shi- g place an to mi After doubts put that showing that f iciion rnufc not to be limited for the accommodahim that. I believed firmly that I gy, and, gutheiing up his books, went lhir'r g I'cli nary the epidemic rapai e gradually tut! motion impo. ihl.', lT'oft-si- F a once strong perpe Tbank-Tais tion of anybody. was his brother, asked him to tell me away to cany out The weekly account inteihet. stigges-t- i Hele Shaw retiee's idly declined. upon the slate of U. : r of burials publi-lie- d in the Med eal I wa- - born in New York City, and omething about the man whose funeral aliairs that would follow if f iefiuti In to order the There are important unilertakin he had attended, and who had tin; brighten (iazette put down the number for the hal well-to-d- o young king' were to cease to act. The wholcfum parents, who, when tin tomb-tonon tho programme in foreign lunds as week ending February 21 at twenty William said that lit; didn't existence, the French government re- of nature would be at once changed, proper tine arrived, had me christened well as iuour own America; among only, and the improvement cently sent to him from Paris a lnimbei-o- and much of the in the Feorge, Washington lhown, thinking mind, seeing that L wa so in earne-- t. dry land ami lim-ttoys of a very interesting und in our o them tho building of a railgeneral health of the metropolis was that no name could be more appropriate He didn't like much te.ling family would dis ippittr beneath buildings alt'airs to an entire stranger, but that tvs gen. oils sort. Thus ended than that of the f niter of hi- road across Liberia by the Uiirsian even more t lie sea. innabitar.ts as remained country. to I Previous their Kin the arrival. to know inlhienzi half of a century As a boy I carried the mime w ith pride, appeared something about Thank-Taa short time alive would not only b government The estimated cost is had no other way of a nuts, i ago. and otten in conversation with mv Feorge lie would give me the story. AuoihorU-thunable to piovidc them-e- l es with fire f'i.0,0(i0,0(Ki. bridging lf hi than by watching, hour or William then said that his brother ing mother -- a itl that it would lie a gt eat of tho I!os)horiis, eon nee'. ing Etiropo A warmth, but would find their ven ot after hour, the red gohlli-he- s swim ilothes Temperate bat Expensive tiling to have such a name in ea-- o I Feorge had left home for the West Ith Asia. Froneh enginoors hsivo falling back to the origiwl in a about smalt near his tiling pond about a month t ber from which The most notable entertainment should be elected lre-ideof the three years before, andItad tho lalter under plan. they were made; am! chamber. It is after that the family hoped that tho playreceived a without exception ever given at the L nited Slates when I had grown up. not if in one of ho main destroyed At this time 1 had no doubts about letter from him. That was tin; last things will somewhat relieve his ten no longer dissipated b ways There is and always has been a most Executive Mansion when lefresh-iiient- s to heard deucy melancholy. from him. were served, was that to the being Feorge friction through the air, or hy Frown, they We dreadful horror on tho part of tnuny finally came to the conclusion in February, 1S81, at lcisuns called me Feorge and on sonic masses of wa er no longer retarded le diplomatic corps bo Jest buried alive. It the c!o-- e people they Chinese Superstition and Railroad of tin; Hayes Administration. oei'tt-iothe atmosphere und descending as mi and I that something had happened, lie conFeorge will be trnly a relief to such to know The irutli about Chinese railroads There hud passed before the President can i emember distinctly when I broke tinued, and mollie.' took on awful. would lie unable to obtain food, that BcJeneo is eomiiig to the, rescue ami Mrs. Haves 7000 persons by actual the parlor looking-glas- s hat my father Siie was alway- - very fond of Feorge. which has necn somewhat difficult to front inability to move themselves b with an infallible means of testing count. Of this number 4500 over two months ago get at, seems to he that for the present said; Feorge Frown, Well, something any ordinary method of locomotion, I whether or not tho vital spark has for- of the lavish refreshments partook Im going to give you" the biggest I read in a newspaper that a man who railroad construction is stopped, the or, what would be eqnallv sor.ot.s ts served. d in a Fomrv hotel as conservative ever left the mortal frame. Electric- There were two largj wine barrels of hiding you ever got in your life. The had and having once staited into motion, frou t to being unable to stop except when the, 6 ity Is the potent agency, aa I very soon ten-- , pin prepared and served. Over fact that ho kept his word to the letter Feorge Washington Frow n had died party, which is sirongly oppo-e- d I facilities for its application will bo 1500 loaves of bread ami 150 bams and that the sting of that hiding re- in lii- - bed. Tin paper gave a foreign loans and to the introduction came into co lision with other unhappy of him, and I wa- - sure that it of foreign methods, being temporarily were made into iehe.--. There mains with me yet, is one of the doubtless made available to all. beings or moving bodies. F fore long were nearly 1000 quarts of ice cream strongest arguments in favor of the was my broti.or (Icorge. wept to in the ascendant at Pekin. From ac- they, with all heavier substances, the lio'el ami him received count at once. from Fhina, it seems would recognized When it is learned Unit the colonel furnished. Nearly 4000 chickens were theory that I ant really Feorge forever beneath the A woman cauie in while I e. that this party lias taken advantage of waters disappear of tho e,ars body guard and several used in salads. Over 150 gallons of Frown and not somebody which now cover lb would .he -- aid that -- he knew him, th accidental destruction of the TVmplc face of a lifeless world. other oflieors in it have committed cotieo, and great tanks of lemonade el-1 was educated were There were cakes in a public school, too, and that lie had boarded at her of Ile.tven by tire staited by lightning, suicide on neeount of having been I hou-- e I'iftv-ec- on iu Wi- -t i street. to excite the suHi'-titio- ii 1 laid learned all that I ami of the Em-pe;confections widiout nud after stint. The in u plot against bis life, we The Match Is OflT. could, Slit! sai i that lie was u r, a. d his chief councillors, and 1 was taken and steward tho of household. W. I). away ami apprenticed to a can realize the reason for the shattered The details of a decidedly romauli had otten told her that this his that accidental mother lire has been interwho imumgoil the enormous boxmaker named Higgs, for whom I which culminat'd last season nerves of the imperial family that are Frump, brother lived in New York. preted as a viita ion of divine ven- aflair, campaign, had a smalt Worked faithfully for live years. At and In have jut leaked out through th from time to time alluded to its some- gastronomic mv-e- lf eon-eq- u on eonvine: to ter men that of the 'lit women ami geance, in I first kitchto the do odd upon army imperial friends of the young around the people therein thing surprising. If a man has to en. A supply of 2500 clean plates was place, but when 1 lett jobs there was noth- the man was mv brother," William older sanctioning tin liuil ing ot rail- concern ;d. The I lady is tb, young himself lii io went roads. on on, k.d Th: superstition inherent in left leg to puard continually against hit ke ,t eons an.ly on hand, ami required ing eliout the iioxmaking that I was of a wea'tliv official of th daughter w as a tr see there if the Chinese red ha scar character There were seven not familiar with. tints been body guard be may well wish himself ten angular Mr. Higgs said cooks in the kitchen and tt:ty waiters that I was as handy a workman as he there, heeau-- e Feorge had such a scar. utd bhr.vvdly by the conservative last administration during v.liich he, dead and dune with it. successively he'd two cabinet position, C leaders to further tin ir puipo-e- s. employed in serv.ng th guests. Tho had ever employed, if I were con- Tliete it was without any a d a handsome foreigner as genet- V 1 he had a mole on the back of liis abash rnilvvuy company has actual oo- -t of this single entertainment vinced that I were really The tin construction of for Feorge I myself, in the matter of a issued an order of a most positive was ;? 000, although in wines were would leave out Mr. Uigg- - rental k on neck and so id tiie dead man. Tiiis theraiiroad.it appears, has not yet ottsiy asendowed w ith good looks. Ia addition p- settled the so been had the body l tiling, formally revoked, but tho whole to his other served, which wax more than li. is ver the ground of modesty, but us I may until re which will draw intelligence, foe-the -- ent to tiie hou-attractions, n from where it was quo-iioi, voting is, for the pre-cu- t, iu abeyif not. experience into its service. U been expended by any 1rcsitlcut lor lie somelnxly els, it is only fair to pos-cssa magnituent voice j cgner buried. ance. There was The found in dinners Stale a iiiv hca make whole administhe statement, so Hint credit may.ed is that no boy or young m m shall bo party, during brother's valise nearly .250. The by tin: Vneruy Li, may Is; relied upon, on aeeoutr of jvliiclt lie wa courtaq tration. The jam was unparalleled, be given where it is due. etnployod in any of its shops or other ow and feted in a manner sufficient IF to senators and others abusing I earned good wages after 1 left Mr. funeral cost $17S and I gave mother however, to make every possible etf rt have departments for tin purpose of learn- the ing tinned the head of many an older; the other to re the exeiUtiv e .72. seiu of railthe hy bringing Higgs, and for three years worked wi-Notwith-laV.dinund g bN ing any tride or sidlled work tuiiess is many as ten ladies on tin; Then William bade me but ilav the for and road; prc-cit is verv manifold man. goo card de- steadily at boxnnikiiig, only losing two Le bring a eertiliaito from his inattractions and devotion K ' I have not seen him sin e. doubtful whether they will able to the signed only to include tin ladies of weeks, din ing which 1 was laid up structors staling tint lm has completed their l.unilies. That is the whole story. I eouldn t do anvtliirg. arys dang ter, liis Hiit ai in tin; Wudiington Mar. having accidentally cut com ince AVilliam the la-- t appear to have met with in'-- ; the studies of the second grammar I wathat (icorge, my left leg w ith a hatchet. After the favor, for when the young lady left V of school work. wound had healed there was lefts verv and my own faith as to whether L A Millionaire Anther. Ihe city with her p trouts nf tor the hd Sponge Trade of Cuba. was was really g Feorge considerably red sear, like an elonOne of the interesting developments uguration the diplomat suddenly spshaken. Afl'.ii. s haven't changed any 1 HE rite of can on i. 1 ion seems to bo Sponges are found both on the norgated triangle, which 1 still hear. ht!e - the of led 'millionaire plied for orders detailing him to dub thern since and southern eoti't of Fulm, hut my interview with William. a long nd diltieu't mitlr. It will The box factory in w hkh 1 was emhooks from a mercantile en- in Haris, where There is no doubt that Feorge Washaccording to the late-- t take about nine year-- , according to a the chief ports to w liich they are bro itglit ployed burned up one night and I was vironment. William Waldorf Astoi advices, lie is devoting heart lii lf sale y are at lor is llatabaiio on dead Frown, the and south throw n out of work. I boxmtker, Home lotter, to eanouiza Joan of Are. tried to get ington in Sforz't, a Story of Milan, published and soul to his musical studies. YVs-Jttul (aihtirieu on the n rth. coast and lie that looked like me, another job, but couldn't, so I con- buried, The popular inipresdoa of tho savior by Scribners, ha put out a mot ex- ington Letter. Fon-u- l Little, of Havana, says that cluded to go West. My father was and had a scar on his leg and a mole cellent of Tmneo is th it slip was an estimable piece of literary work. Sfora e clas'cs included are sheep wool. on his In neck. lie all fact, possessed dead, but lie hail left my mother with is an inlet esting story. anil proper young woman, hut popular It tells of the hard the civet, head, yellow, grass and an income large enough to -Penmanship at the Vatican. entitling hint to chivalrous days in Northern Pxn upport her burialqualifications and impressions are not sulVieicnt for the glova Verv huh' reef, if any, is with bv Italy or machines have jus! bo: his my Autotype family, and then my brother poiblv economy, the plot swings along between such mini in Fubn. On the south coast, ea-- e someof as jKipe. lie requires the froz m truth of tiie served is be. he useout for first It to time may iliiani, who was unmarried, was do- family, fascinating chapters as the School of the copving clerks at the Vatican; bu: bistory, and a learned advocate is dili- sheep wool and velvet are more abuning well and always helped her out. less for me to attempt to make William the Sword, lietvveen Fed Pillars, The dant on thin the north eoa-- t. Cuban So one line morning I kissed in tper and mother and Sue believe that their Hall of the gently looking oji rnusiy old docu(according to a Continental corn Signoriu, and Lngo Lario. ments to see if any flaws in hor char- sponges find a market chiefly in Eng-htn- and sister Susan good-b- v pondent) they are only to be used for t and started brother and son (icorge, isnt dead and It is of virtually the same atmosphere the roughest kind of proof-wor- k France, and Wa I'niied Stales. acter can be discovered. If I should as Valentino, a Frother for tin West with strong hope of buried in Frecnwood. of the IJor-gia- s, which has to be done in a .The island itself about burry. Th'1i nceimmhitiug wealth, and without the try it any more Im convinced they bv the -- ante author, published in of all the sponges brought in. and slightest doubt of would have me arrested nsai imjtostor A Missouri funner with a turn for lie innovation, for he my lieing F?ore 18.S0, and which reached a sale of over Iope these are for tin dampIf they did, and I should be placed or 8.000 anxious and rightly so not t) bresl r statistics bits furnished a communicaWashington Frown. r copies. Mr. As'or is tali, the stand, I could only testify as to my I was away from New York up the admirable school of penmantion to his country paper on the subject ing ot tobacco and -- for cleaning eentii-fugthree blue machines or ugar eyes, light ship which flourishes at the Vatican be t4 I wrote home several times identity by information and belief. years. of official salaries in which ite slates I He Tin sponge On the other hand, if I am no: hair, and heavy moustache. There is no such writing in the world employ about during the fir-- t year, but if tho letters t that an official who receives $t,CM0 per l.,l"D ham!-the a of prime , chosen xelu.-ivel-v healthy life, perfectly as that which is seen on the document liom were received I cannot say. Feorge Washington Frown, who ain I; lie is intere-tiii- g After One in and animated conyear salary absorbs the price of 2fl.ti id among the matrieulado-- , or oilmen that I did not w rite sent out by the Curia. All the copthing is positive, I am not buried much. A man is busheds of corn at 15 cents per bu-hwho have served on Spanish iiieu-of- in Frecnwood Cemetrey, although or versation, lias a smiling and expresive ying clerks of the first rank are pried to he neglectful about apt writing face, and unlike tiie average New York and monks, and manv af them rca1 or of 6.6(56 bushels of w boat at 60 cents j war, and are still bound to serv e vv lien home. I did well, and opened a box reflection it isn't so certain after all, millionaire, is companionable and al- artists in cal of oats at j called upon. I nm for per bushel, or ;!3,fl;5,i buried maybe there and the into fut'ol'v, graphy. They are allowed partnership with narrator of this ways approachable. 12 cents, or tho price of fifty good farm f)n He south coast are employed vex- - Henry F.going to exercise their fancy in the tracinf is some one else. story Cole, who had several ,hons. iionses. He also estimates tli.it a farm sels ranging from about live tn twentv and dollar- - capital. of illuminated capitals and ornament! We met with Hypnotizing. rubrics or margins; but there nri buml at 13 per month would htve to toil-- ', raining front four to eight moil, siiccc-- s. and when I was ready to conic Small, colored silk Science not only accounts for a great nut be a work the year round for a quarter of and e.nt h vessel is provided ilh froia luck to New nrk I -- od out mvinter-c-- l single erasure on a page whit' are now folded tinea ix small hulls. On the t.oilh th'id, but has a groat deal to account has to be issued in the Pope's nank tr to Foie to earn for tho fC.060. same and and wont about the neck, the for. The other century amount, eoa-- l, iiaen bouts with one or having who! M, Charcot men two A thou-aiid a day comma causes another I pubwhich : bout misplaceu Aind adds that in l 5 (, had saved. ends tied at Hie back, and tiie front 5,uo). each me used. Tin licly hypnotized a gendarme, and then page to be of I returned to New York with $7,060 corner to SjtKJO bu heb of corn wind i have the sponges brought inannualthesevalue in hangi g font, tilling the told him to ves-e- l, M. Grevy, wiiom in clear ea-l- t. footed tbo bid. or i'.'Jvb bushel? o! h beta ecu 160,000 tuidby opening rf the dress iu a most becom- he would find in the corner of a gar180,000. Mv folks lived in Thirty-sevent- h Few high-heelboots appoar " ing fashion. wheat. den. The pjor constable went out aud the 4i promo; tle. phy-lieia- Lo.-se- that il't.e fy 1 w t! n- I y. 1 iu-i-t- ed mi-tak- en -- es u-- nii-ta- " ki 5 -a postinA.-ter-gcm";- ut A-i- -- n, rs di-g- u- day-drea- over-locke- n. 1 po-it- iv les-th- e, n, an ry y, Y e -- b;;ti-iiivo- fs I de-pa- bu-iue- I g -- e. f 1,,iOO-niil- y. m-e- lla-qti- ut po-.-ib- le Wa-l.ingi- ns u, I Wa-hingt- regi-tere- ' 1 ua-ther- Wa-hiiigte. eon-ume- d. or box-make- u-- mi-tak- e, - j j ed prog-res-iv- n er 1 nl ex-see- lio-pit- r queer-lookin- so-c- ut m-e- b d, con-umc- oue-teii- th di.-lik- es 1 li-- broad-shouldere- al d, tmi-eul- in -- el. bu.-did- s j pnckct-liandkcr-chi- -- tliree-eoruer-wi- l'StC-7-(l- ed |