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Show DIIiECTO RY. CONCERNING UTAI I WOOL. BUSINESS FIRMS. can We rpcomnunul the following f irnts to our readers, and refer them to columns uf the Nurm ' the adveiti-unfor furj Exskin and the Home Sentinel if V ther particulars: Oul G. AGRICULTURAL A. of S. U headquarters at Nephi; Geo. A. Lowe, Salt Lake, and J. 1 MeiLrup & Co., Ephraim, San 1'ete county. Attornvs-aj-Law- . George Sutherland. Brovo and V. K. Reid, Manti. Banks. Fiist National Bank of Nephi. Butchers. Wright N: Co., Nephi; Tuttle & Co., Munti. Blacksmiths. S. - Adams, Reid & Pitt. Nephi; H. R. Sloan, S. R. Neilson, I- Manti. eastery Fiends, says a c i respondent of the Ogden .IA juai;., I want to give you a little plain American common sense talk. If you are a manufacturer let me present to you an unvarnished statement of tacts. Suppose your line is woolen goods and your location is in the Atlantic Region. You first invest an enormous capital in a plant; then another enormous amount in a stock of raw matetia!; then another enormous amount in the labor nt cessary to produce the finished goods all these expendiliues befoie you can hope for returns. You are subjectid constantly to the danger of stiikes and anarch Stic efforts to disorganize social and cunimeicial pruspeiity. 'lhe vast cornels accomplished tfien by men and speculative dealets keep your business in a constant state tit comparative uncertainty; and despite all ilie energy which you possess, you know that very often Vuti meet with disheartening reverses. At the best, tffe return upon your investment is nowhere adequate to the amount involved and the HUMOROUS. My Co-op- p. i.W.MilllltUOO. COTTAGE j Successors To Has excellence nita-ne- j Ella Wheeler Wilcox 9 that Highest price paid In cash. EXCEL. - ViS o Musicial Instruments. Co-o- Furni- p. A. C. Smyth, Manti; for theAlfna Marker, Eagle Rock, Idaho, G. E. Anderson. south a.PHOTOGRAPHic. Painter. Chas. Petersp.m Shoemaker. J Blackburn. & P. Agt Stages. Mo wefts, Fairview to Thistle; Jakets, Moroni to Manti and Richfield. Utah Central, D. & R. G. Salt LaketAii.ROBDS. . f Western, San Pete Valley, and Utah & Nevada. Iestau rants. John Greer, Provo; II. Lnd l! Hawkins, Nephi, and Palace Dining Room, Salt Lake City. tock. Mrs. Joel Grover. i'lJTlTpniJroNE Cutters. Robeit Roden and A. hull-ldi-l J. Anderson. TAtionery And Books. M. McCune ,& Co. Don and Larson AKXERY. Janies Brown, o be iLfltN Shops. E. N. Pyper and J. E. between .Carter. vdkrtaker. S L. Jackson. . n i atchmaker. C. Peteisen. gclen OtnlpQL Merchants. C. Andrews & Co. c. Association of Southern change ni &11(j teen Salt Utah oneAGON'S & Buggies. W. G. A. of S. IJ. and C. Andrews & Co. but PATENTS the East nigh Salt a ee for ;Dnd Model or drawing. We advise rg seconc patentability Iree of charge; and ts. ' make no charges unless patent is aired. RESS Ve refer, here, to the Postmaster, :43 n. in;- $upt. of Money Order I);v., and of the U. S. Patent Oliice. Eor vat. 11 .IJtcials advice terms, references to act- culars, "ue clients in is is your own Slate or Country, r Omaha, te to tin)- - - i 11 east. C. A. Snow & Co., Opposite Patent Office. Washigton D. C. RESS from the leaves fat iking onv Pacific SPocific fotdurrays A guaranteed cure for all nervous S diseases, such as Weak Memory, boss of Brain Power, Hysteria, pai,nn urigtiuui. Headache, Pain in the Back, sTer--r Ogden, at'FJvous Prostration, Wakefulness, p. ill. ior'ouhfca, Univcisal Lassitude, Semi- Weakness, Impotency and general . f,..,',1 Dwcr of the Generative Organs; Gliy iiou'Jier Sex, caused by indiscretion or p. in from exertion, and w hich ultimately lead etnature Old Age, Insanity and con-- i nniI,on Si.ooa box or six boxes for Sent by mail on teceipt of ,t the Depot. p particulars in pam-lieliite, sent free to every applicant E tRANTEf. Six Boxes Cit v. 3 i . V,-- 1 e, ! Post Office Box C. AT NEPIIT. -- tln-oi- JOHN COWAN Agnt. , e ESTABLISHED REPETATIOR. EXEQlALED I'AtTUTir.S, sitiuxii LEST wossnn, MATEiUAE combined, make this THE POPULAR OBGAH Instruction Books and Piano Stools. Catalogues and Prico Lists, on application, CHICAGO COTTAGE CF.6A9 rr.n-- i CO. Cor. Randolph and Ann Sts.. CHICAGO, lilt JOHN LOWRY &SON, K TELu3 2TA j UiMSE DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, FURNITURE, STOVES, STOVE FURNITURE, HOUsc TrIMMINGs GENERAL SUPPLY THE. MiasiEio MAIN MANTIo r: STREET, ilia DO WHAT IS RIGHT. concerning wool. I am surprised loved ones hand are more prized that they have not been recognized and than diamonds. 0, no ! diamonds ESGHiiSE taken advantage of long ago by eastern will always he brightest and fresh manutdctureis. wrru It is right to use home products in preThis same line of argument applies to est especially when of the first ference to imported articles. Anloaatic. you if you are a manufacturer of iron, water. It is right to furnish our owif people or leather almost othei glass, goods, any class of fabrics or machinery. Utah In the old city of Brunswick, employment It is right to patronize home institution Germany, is a statue of the man who invented the spinning-wheel- . exclusively. Cylinder CHINESE FARMERS AND CHINAS Spinning street yarns is so old that T II E R E it is impossible to ascertain who inPROGRESS. is It vented was it. It right to purchase the Boots and Shtils. '4 probabaly Eve. There aie reasons to believe that the J&.ti Shoes manufactured by Zions trade of this country with China w ill soon .No. 3. Have you got through cleaning Mercantile Institution: esgrow to majestic dimensions. Of the No. mum ; not intoirely. Ike ELBItEEGE B is sold with the seven million five hundred thousand dol- Bridget?pecially as they are moderate in price lars of exports to China in the last fiscal I've scoured the bouk-easand pi elegant in style ar.d superior in quality. guarantee of being the BEST year, neatly five million dollars worth anny, and Tm down stiller for just was of distinctively agricultural products, that can be MAEE. SOLD BY ALL HOME DEALERS. mure sand, to begin on the rist and to their manufactuie. Of the the largest share was mineral of thefumiture. oil. The Chinese Commission in the AGENTS WANTED. United States tins year is charged esDo you know' Mr. Duder? asked pecially with the promotion of "banks, one girl of another. I cant say that telegraph and telephone lines, behind I know which looms up the extension of canals, him, but I Lave met him ELOREDGE MANUFAOTURIhG CO. the introduction of railroads, of agricul- several limes. Well, you ought to tural machinery, and of such cf our pro- cultivate him. 303 and 333 WA3ACH AVE., Why, is he anything ducts as China needs, and site has need much? I don't know how he will of many. Her home products, aside from CHICAGO, I LI tea, are wheat millet, garden vegetables, lie in the future, hut he needs about as much as any man I rice, poor apples, peaches, grapes, etc. The food of China is mostly vegetables ever met. and lisli the extensive sea coast, rivers and canals supplying the latter. Beef is I wonder what has become of almost unknown, except in foreign settleHaven't heard from him for ments, and beriies are rare; mutton is said Jones. I thought, you had plentiful; potk, poultry and eggs aie yeai s, abundant. Domestic animals, except heard, said Brown. Bilkins went to Horses aie the bad months dogs, aie not common. ago. He went- - rapscarce, mules are numerous, cattle in Ah, small numbers, but (locks and herds are idly, too, alter lie got started. unknown. 'Die national habit is opposed by the fast express, as it were! to change, and so the nation of three No by the fast mail route, so to hundred million souls goes on in the good old way. The United States broke speak. the spell of centuries in Japan. It may They say that Ben Butler once yer do the same for China. We go for trade and progress, other nations for got a fee of 12.000 by simply lolling trade and conquest and colonies, and the a. man who came to him for advice Chinese ieadeis are beginning to under- to shut his mouth and keep still. stand this. and the timber A modernized agriculture, and the Just think of it general introduction of railroad and wag- fairly alive with men who never got on service, would rejuvenate the decay- a cant, but only made matters all ing Flowery Land, which is a bald mis- the worse, by giving the same adnomer for a land destitute of llowers and vice ! But they all made the misshrubs, treeless, and with a dull herbage take of that contrasts strongly with the cu.ltme giving it to their wives. that has made the American continent to blossom like the rose, and to be rich in Miss Cockett Yellow roses arc vaiious products that its enterprise bears Are Constantly Receiving New Sup- Five per cent Discount on all OTJZ1.33fE3 all to parts of the civilized world. Amer- supposed to indicate flirtatiousness ican Agriculturist. and moss-rose- s mean love, do they sales over $1 plies of Never-smil- e Mr. not, Mr. Neversmile So Tm told; and white Among the veterans of the Mexican roses mean silence. Miss Cockctt war who celebrated the anniversary of Palo Alto at San Francisco recently, was Well, what do these large cabbage-rose- s e and jacks mean Mr. N C. D. OKelly, who is So yeais old, and IIAWLS, also a veteran of the Texan w ar of indeMiss Crockett Bankruptcy, CASSIMERES, pendence. He was a comrade of Sam time. G-JEbankruptcy every Houston and Davy Crockett, and he CASHMERES, bore the news of the fall of the Alamo to fTHI3 GOOD OLD STAFiD-EFLANNELS, sg FORE - ailY case- - I or every $5. do we send six boxes, with received, k t Ag hv. tten guarantee to refuud the money 1. Manftgor, Specific does not effect a cure. dress all communication to the Sole New Oilcans. f.tcturers. E MURRAY MEDICINE CO., " Kansas Cit-- , Mo. Briu Icrley Poores family has held posIgy ,n Or address IIvde X: Whitmore. session of an estate much longer than often happens in this country. igents, NEEirr. The Poote homestead at. Indian Hill, Mass., where Mayor Poore was born in 1S20, OWE THEM A CHANCE! had been owned by his ancestors since , Utah. t is to say, your lungs. Also all 1650. The or ginal deed, signed by the treadling machinery. Very wonder-chiner- y Indians, is still in the possession of the it is. Not only larger air-fe- Poore family. Very few estates in New but. the thousand of little England cairy an unbroken ownership WE. lau cavities leading from them, back 237 years. en these are clogged and choked Liter which ought not to be there, CO., ti gs cannot halt do their work, and John Henry Werreman, of Tana, 111., y do, they cannot do well, of age, was an unwilling wit106 it Cold, cougu, croup, pneumonia, nessyears to an assault of one citizen upon anI. consumption or any other of the other in a billiard-room- , the use of a et thoat and nose and head and heavy billiard cue. Whenby the attention all are bad. All ought Ftrnctions, UONSu Dt rid of. There is just one sure of the other bystanders was directed to prostrate victim of the assault, the get rul of them. That is to take the old gentleman turned his attention to the 's German which any Syrup, St will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. assailant, a;id seizing him, when he atto escape, he held the man firmeverything else has failed you tempted an officer arrived and took the until ly pend upon this fur certain. would-b- e murderer in custody. ' Salt Lake City N Ni BRA. VCII HOUSE - e cuhi-vatio- itained, and all Patent Business atten-- d to Promply and for Moderate Fees. T .b tl:3ur office is opposite the U. S. Patent tfiiiiis. 3ce, and we can obtaiiTTatents in less LakeCityie than those re:n ite from Washing- - s ETC Dealers in Coopers Dipping Powder? Ladds Tobacco dip ; Wool Backs, Twine and Sheep shears. 17 A' 19 W. South, Temple Street, Salt Lake City' a ! ft Theso Orvans are celebrated for volume, lone, quick reiponse, artistic denim, beauty in construction, innloiuj ttiem tlie most perieet organs for homes, scuools, chureues, lodges, societies, etc. 1 ture Co., Nephi; Dealers in YECI-V- : p. Citj CILfAWSIM a ! ake o A A There is more pleasure in giving This is particuthan lecciving. larly true in the matter of advice. p. p. Mo wbw'n a atandari of of no Always stranded on the same KitIf'.);19 t ns that inventive ontai every improvement rock. A Lahv who has Lilt one cra- ieni js, btiil an I a;on. y can pvoauce. dle. says F. Teasdale she loves the bustle in a large city. & Co., Nephi Bros. Cazier Clothing. It does look rather ridiculous in i and L. GuKlburg, Salt I.ake J. i the Patent Medicines. C. L. Johnson, country, thats a fact. . G. Coltrin, Salt Lake; llvde & Wlm-., Dr. M. Don, Dr. M. more, Nephi ladies can Nowadays only well-to-dCo-oMcCune, & Co. Nephi, and Manti to them maids afford to have help Adams Contractors and Builders. J. r.sk taken. hut in olden times every diess, N Sons, and Grace Bros. & Co., Nephi. 1 want to show you how you can avoid housewife had a dresser. Adams & Machinists. Carpenters & Sons, Thos. Schroder and Grace throwing money away for needless expenses in your business; and how you Bros. N: Co. Have you heard Sing to Me ; Coal. S. B. V. R. R.;Chailes I. Hyde, can save that money to yourself and the Once she asked Again? Only poor purchaser of yuir goods. George Winn, Nephi. be shall No I but is in immense Co-oUtah swot of centre an L. the S. and delightCo. Furniture tly. Coffins. region of supply of raw mateiial and de- ed, he said, with unnecessary fer Jackson. 1 1. Bird A. M. Swan. mand for finished goods. And yet we vor. Dentistry. Chas. the woolgrowets (if this legion, bale our F. C. Teasdale.' J.H. Queener hete in all its viigin diit, and ship Drugs. Dr. M. Don,X:M. McCune & Co. itwool A clergyman who married four to Boston at ail actual expense foi Co. : and A. C. Smith five of wool cents a carnage pound pay- couples m one hour remarked to a Doctors. H. and E. H. St. John, Fish Lake, Sevier Co; W. 1 1. Olsten, Ephraim; ing for dirt the same freight as lor woJl. friend that it was pretty fast W. 1L St John, Manti; H. Lindley, Mt You buy the wool from third hands, pay- wotk. the Not responded very, ing an advance upon the price in each Pleasant; C. W. Higgins, Salt Lake. hour. an knots four friend, only Co-ocase. manufucrtire Then it into such Furniture Co.Phos. you Furniture. .. goods as vve need in this region, Schroder. General Mr.RCtiANniSE.Hyde & Whit- where nearly all the clothes used by men tlc-rs-, Jones is one of the oldest set isn't he? retnaiked the newAssociation, G.Atkins, are of pure wool. You sell to jobbers more, Nephi Co-oNephi; Manti Co.'op., l. Tuttle & Co, J. who ship these goods to 11s, and vve buy comer to the corner grocery mar. Lowry & Svin, Manti; J. 1. Meilstrup, O. them fioin lliiid hands, at an enormous Yes indeed, lie is an old settler; freight, paying an item of advance upon n G. Olsen, Ephraim he in hasnt settled with me for twenty-fcase. the each Bale and price Chapman. Green Grocers. vve can foim a N: not combination to Ostler C. ive Why Harness and Saddles. J. years. enrich each other? I would ke of course Harness shop. Sons and Co-o1 for my wool; but Hotels. Palace Hotel, Salt Lake, and to get a better price Church committee (to successful assert boldly and I speak for my class Nephi House. would What salary Inuskance. Anglo Nevada Assurance when I say it that we would prefer to candidate) he Candidate content with? sell to located favorites without you here, Corporation, and Firemans Fund Insurgaining a cent on present puces, than to Without donation parties, $1,()(J0; ance Co., C. S. Tingey Agt. sell to dealers who would ship the wool with Lime. D. Salisbury, them, $1,C00. t alt LaktLUMBER, Lath, lire. Grace Bros. & Co abroad, to the eventual dett intent of our the ' and John Adams & Sons. with connliy. We read that llowei'3 from a it8 a. nfilrLUNERY. Misses Schi oder & McCune, These are some of the very simple-fact-s Bakdf.r. A ? LA BTu When is iron the most ironical? When it is railing. A ci qu.etie is like a war veteran She goes through n.any engagements. FT T UNTS. s, Bil-kin- s. Ml ysfaiii mm cash ! HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES ! RUBBERS, ever-smil- L Y NEWS FROM THE PLANET rcomplUhes for everybody exactly what is claimed forit. On e of the reasons for the great popularity of Mustang Liniment la found in it3 uuiver&nl nptdionbWity Everybody needs such a medUdno. The Lumberman needs it in case of aecidon. The Hounewife needs it for ponaralfamlly use. The Cannier needs it for his teams and 1 Is man. The Mechanic needs R always oa his vrrU bench. TUo Milner needs it In case of emergency. The Pioneer necdsit cant get along without it. The Farmer needs It la h house, Uls gtabta, and Ills stock yard. The Steamboat man or the liontman needs it ia liberal supIy afloat and ashore. lhe IIorefancicr needs it i t is hli best friend and safc&t reliance. The Stock grower needs It It will save him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Railroad man needs It and will need it so long as his life is around of accidents and dangers. The Mack wood sinrni needs it. There is noth ingllke it as an antidote for the dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround the idonecr. MARS. the The Edinburgh Rciiexv thinks that the planet Mars may justly be considered a kind of duplicate eaith, it being endowed with land, water, clouds, and air, and snow accumulating around its poles in their respect ive seasons cf winter. If this be so, the atmosphere of the planet is, however, obviously much more rare than that of the earth, so that it only exerts a the planet's sm face a pressure of about two pounds and a quarter tothe square inch. The climate of Mars is concieved from the small amount of snow that accumulates at the poles of the planet, to be comparatively, mild, and the water is distributed into a very curious serious of long parallel canals which run out from the ocean basins to an extent, in some places, of three and four thousand miles As is well known, astronomers have succeeded in discovering since 1S77 two moons, these being found to present a diameter of not more than six or seven and one cf them completing a miles, revolution round the planet in n little more than seven hours. & OOEJH.I12S, Notions, mr - es- - 9 WHITER SUITS 3?OIL IiiEU &ND BOYS Mens Ssuit, Childrens Suits, STOVES!! COOKING, MATING, $6 to $18 265 to 3.75 The Merchant needs it about his sioro among nr c Wm. T. Keep n Bottle In the Factory, Its immediate use in case of accident saves pain and loss of wages. J. II. Wodskow, Secretary. . & PARLOR g his employees. Accidents will happen, and when these coma the Mustang Linimen t is wanted at once. Keep n Mottle In the IIohsc, TU tho beet of economy. Keep a Bottle Always In the Stable for when wanted, BLANKETS, Reid President. |